HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-24, Page 1T e. LUCKNO.
h W
ig,pp p Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra 7o U.S,A: WEDNESDAY, JULY Z4, 1974 Single Copy 20c 20 Pages
lechurch Couple Mark' 50th Wedding
utd Mrs. Victor Emerson of
ouch celebrated the occa-
�e 50th wedding anniver
kch was July 2nd, when
kves W. and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Charles Tiffin, :Mr',
Eldon Emerson and fam-
W. and Mrs. Douglas
okthem out to dinner -at
Emerson is the former Val -
ED of Langside, daughter -
ate Reuben Tiffin and Mary
Fison, She taught school
dde, Rapid City, -Zion and
leld, Since her marriage,
has, been active in
com►nunity activities as
church•and Women's Inti'
hnerson is the son of the
IWs Appr(Kich,
htime is fast approach -
111e Lucknow Sentinel.
!wrllbe no issues of The
4ublished on August 14
Ildvertisers ,wishing to use
rt for events in that, period
consider the issues of July "
•' u i
Committee Call Tenders On, Prop
M edk Cen
tre For.$.econd Time.,
Plans for 'the,Lucknow and, Dist-,
rict Medical Centre building, in
the discussion•stages for manyb
months, were rediscussed at the Returns To. Birthplace In Jersey Channel"
Lucknow Town Hall on Wednesday
night of last week At a` meeting
Islands, Miss Bomb,Blastly.20 Minutes
of, the full councils of. the 'Village -
ofLucknow and,the Townships of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Garniss. of France and the Guernsey and
Ashfield, West Wawxnosh and Ki -n- Lucknow, accompanied by her Herm Islands.
loss. sister and brother-in-law, Mr: and On their tour in London, the ".
The main stumbling" block inMrs. Lloyd'Hill of Huntsville, foursome missed the bombing of
reaching a'decision is the fact, have just returned -from an enjoy- the Tower of London by, just twee -
that when tenders were called in able 23• -da holida t En land t minutes. The tours are sched-
the latter months of 1973 the s y o g y . `
.and the Jersey Channel Islands, tiled for every half hour and: it ''was
tenders received .were away be- where Mrs., Garniss and Mrs. Hill while the tour group just ahead of
yond what the local committee were born. They'came io Canada them was at the tower that the
expected or were prepared to pay, when children and this was Mrs, bombing took•place and many
Initial examination of existing Garniss' first trip back, were severely injured, � Their tour
medical centies in the area by bus was -stopped before reaching
committee members was .followed They also visited at St: •Malo, the area'.
up by architect's drawings and
estimated costs of about $90 , 000
to build the structure. LocalVinhe'rfln Judith Ferguson
Discussions were- held with Peter
Johnston concerning property on
Havelock Street north. in the vil- Olym'pic Lottery/o
Registers 95.8
lage and Mr. Johnston agreed, to
make this available for the newAs Ont.Scholar
While no one in this area was a
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 big money. winner, several people.
Judith Ferguson, age 18, dough-
in the community, of which we ter of Donald Ferguson, a native
Are aware, were winners or shared of this area and granddaughter of
winners in the Olympic Lottery Mrs, Elizabeth Ferguson of Luck -
Died ,Sunday . $100 prizes.
now , registered 95.810 in grade
Stuart Jamieson of Lucknow won 13 standing at Thistletown CoI -
Cameron MacDonald of Luck- le fate in the Toronto area,
now passed away in Wingham and $100. Members of the Royal' g
District Hospital on Sunday , July Bank staff , Shirley Hawthorne, She and another, youth from
21st in his 70th year. Janice Rutherford., Bev Hodgins, Etobicoke share the honour of hav
The funeral service will be held; Lillian Abbott, Ray Nelson and Al ing.the highest grade 13 standing
on Wednesday July 24th' at 2 Pacey split $100, Brian Johnston of Ontario Scholars in
p.m. at MacKenzie Memorial of Lucknow was one of ten winners Etobieoke,
late Alex Emerson and Mary Jane, , on a shared $1:00 winner with fel- Judith laps to enter University
Chapel, Lucknowp y
Small. Victor bought the farm" ' Interment will "be in Greenhill low workers at Douglas Point, of Toronto in the' Fall. She has
at LAngside in 1922 and. batched ' Cemetery, Cliff Roulston of Lucknow, a cus-, been awarded an admission °
until July 2, 1924 when he and tgiarr at F. 5,Madill Second- scholarshipbf $1200 per year for
Valetta' were married at ary. School, sh d a $100 win four years providing her grades re -
Moorefield at the Presbyterian with nine other fellow workers at main high. This was one of three.
Manse by Rev. W. J. Taylor, Donald MacKay Is Wingham: scholarships she was offered,
after which they went to Acton on• These are the winners we know Judith's top subject wa•s mathem-
their honeymoon to visit'relatives. Elected To District about and we would be pleased to atics. Three math courses in
They returned to the groom'shear of any others. a Grade 13 brought her marks of 98,
farm where they resided until Lodge' Office 98 and 99. Following undergrad- -
1946 when they sold and moved to uate studies, she plans to enter
Whitechurch where they have re- Donald MacKay, who resides on Injured In Fall.medicine.
sided in different houses. Victor the 10th concession of Huron Town- Her principal, Michael Lafratta
worked at carpenter work until his ship, has been elected as District of Thistletown Collegiate says;
retirement. They have no family. Deputy Grand Master of North From Cherry Tree. "Judith is a clever girl who can
Victor is the,sole survivor of Huron District of the Masonic write her own ticket in life".
a family of. Lodge. Donnie Dorscht, twin son of Mr._.
Valetta and her brother Fred Donald's duties, will include the and Mrs. Gerald Dorscht of St.
Tiffin are the sole survivors of a direction of 12 lodges from Palmer Helens. was injured in a fall from sell Cayuga Home,
family of 5. ston to Tiverton and he will hold a cherry tree on Monday night of Nation OnTriday, July'19, their rela- office for a year. The election last week at the farm of LloydOYe To
tives staged a community social took place at Grand Lodge in Tor- Humphrey.
evening for them in Wlitechurch onto on Wednesday, July 17th. 11 -year-old Donnie40-11 25 to 'Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ross of
Hall for relatives and friends with Three others nominated .for the 30 feet to the ground "fracturing Cayuga have sold their home there
His shoulder and severel gashing
music by Tiffin's Orchestra, Pres position withdrew in favour of Mr. Y g g and have moved to Wiarton.
ent for the occasion was the minim MacKay. Donald was installed on his side, as 'well as suffering 'Mr. Ross was for. many years
ister and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Thursday, July 18, at Grand Lodge. other cuts and bruises. His com- principal of Lucknow Public
W.). Taylor of Dorchester, the' Mr,' MacKay is a member of panions, brother Doug Dorscht School and later held the same
officiating clergy at their - Northern Light Masonic Lodge No. and Bonnie and Bradley Humphrey position in Cayuga where he retired
marriage in'1924. Present from a 93, Kincardine and was Master of summoned help and he was remov, from the teaching profession.
distance were friends from Detroit, the Lodge in 1966 and 1967. He ed to Wingham Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Ross are residing
Livonia, London, Acton,, Galt./ has named Bert Urquhart of Kin- He was able to return home in an apartment which is part of
Mrs. Emerson serves as Sentinel cardine as his secretary during the from hospital on Friday of last the home of their oldest daughter
correspondent for Whitechurch term of office, week. Elva and her husband in Wiarton.
4tchie of a Listowel,
silent of the city.
Teeswater ,
)utfh in therecent Miss Lorie placed first in the region-
nof Canada Contest at al contest at Lucknow "Fall Fair
Falls, last September and was named
ORttheweek rior to the Miss Midwestern Ontario. She be -
Qday in Niagara Falls came eligible to enter the Miss
other 18 contestants from Dominion contest because of the
aiada, The Lucknow win.
c ftstival commitieeoand
An 'interesting, fact is that San-.
n issDolfl
1-h 1o'010n of ana a ,Con,te-st
dra Campbell, the girl who won, inion award, lay of Lucknow, Mr. Webster is
the Miss Dominion of Canada con- Present at Niagara Falls for the the organizer of the Lucknow com-
test, was also a Contestant at Luck• final event were Lorie's moiher, petition.
now. She was- entered at Luck- Mrs, Marie Ritchie of Teeswater;
now. as Miss Zurich Bean Festival her aunt, Mrs. Jean Goodfellow
but did not place in the winners of Teeswater;.her sister and hus-
in The Sepoy Town. band, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kocher of
She later won a contest in .the ' Kitchener; Jim Snyder of Wing -
Windsor area of Southern Ontario ham; Mr. and Mr's. Charles Web -
and went on to win the Miss, Dom- ster and Mr. and Mgrs: Robert
Charlie Webster stated that
there was. a very high audience re;-
e=sponse to Miss Ritchie as a" contest-
ant . lie felt she had done an ex-
cellent job in representing this