HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-17, Page 11JU.`T 1,7,1974
PHONE 357-3862
'973 CHEV � ton
PLYMOUTH SATELITE, 6 cylinder automatic
LHORNET; 4 door, . 6 automatic''and radio .
y70 DODGE M0NAC0, 4 door
969 FORD FAIRLANE, sedan "
s, Joe Mazure spent the week
lith Mr: and Mrs. Art Smelt-
�9' and Heather Mills of Tor'-
�re spending 2 we holidays
j eSmeltzer families.
sabeth Smeltzer had a birth-
6r0ecently, celebrating
tb birthday.
uid Courtney, who has been
qg at the home of Don Court -
'inWingham, has returned to
me in Halifax.
mere sympathy is extended
Scott and Blue families and
eid, Liddle, and Robb famil-
the loss of Miss Jean Scott
tid fiddle.
and Mrs. Jack. Blue and
Sam Geddes of Ripley were
Yvisitors with Mr. and Mrs
M, Pace.
and Mrs, Bill Hutton of
in spent the weekend with
ind Mrs,Cecil Humphrey.
Mrs. Jean Carruthers, .Julie
and Andrew .of Goderich visited
recently with Mr, and Mrs. Ray
Hamilton and family and Mrs.
W. R. Hamilton.
Sympathy is extended to the
families of Miss Jean Scott and
Reid Liddle who were, killed in an
automobile accident.
Mr, and Mrs.' Robert Osborne
and family, and Mrs. Elmer Os-
borne attended a .family, reunion .
on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan McCallum of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Million of
St. Thomas visited on Sunday with
Mrs. W. R. Hamilton.
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar White visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Bert White and family of Birr..
Cindy and, Melvin returned home
with them for a weeks holidays
Visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Rob-
ert Osborne and. family and, Mrs.
Elmer Osborne on Monday were
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas 'Foster and
Heather of Richmond, B. C... Mrs.
Foster is a first cousin of Robert
st Wowanosh Township Council Met
Their July Meeting At Township Fall.
stWawanosh Township Coun-,
Durnin and, Rutherford ,
e,tlregular session on Tues-
: The following- general accounts
July 2 at the Hall with all
were passed for,payment 'on mo-
bers.in attendance and Reeve
tion of .Councillors Foran and
eminutes of the, June meet-
Lucknow Sentinel, printing,
!ere read and .adapted on mo-
envelopes , 88,.68; Monteith,
of Councillors Hickey and
Monteith & Co'. , 1973 audit ,
flaw # 5,1974
1150•.00; Village of Lucknow,
was given
1973-74 hockey program, Rec .
rteadingand finally passed
Committee,. 954.25; Village of
;tion of Councillors Ruther-
Lucknow, 1016share "Ice Scraper
This by=law
saspecial rate on Lot N
repairs, 86.25; Huh Todd Stain.,-'
ton Hdwe Rec.
acct. , Committde,
19.88;, 'sale
422,coneession to cover
drain loan, An application
Ken'Leddy, of trailer;
300.00• Joan Armstrong, partial
11edrain loan for Lots parts
t7concession 13 was ac=
salary,300.00• James Devereaux
by'Council on motion
salar y , 158.31; Receiver General
illors. Foran and Rutherford,.
of Canada, CPP, IT, Ul , '
'tion that outstanding 1970
xes in the amount of $10.00
ytlro arrears of $153.10 on
H. Culbert, salary, 414.10;. G.
Humphrey, B.P.
from the '
collector's rolls was
by Councillors
Oil , fuel and tax , 494.34; B, P.
Oil, 239.47;,
Foran and
-motor oil, B.P.
esolution from
Oil, furnace oil, 83 • IG; Pollard
the Township
burgh regarding a higher
Bros. , liquid chloride, 4092.26;
Pollard Bros. liquid
+ + + + +
, chloride
grate on overdue taxes,
(Auburn) 372.35; Colborne Twp. ,
tion by Councillors
boundary account, 2103,13; Art
oI Hickey, authorized
Young, backhoe, 21.00; Howatt
Bros. , backhoe, 32.50; Reg Ham-
ers to haul
ilton, Dig and install pipe (Aub-
pit -run .gravel
urn), 40. 00; Wilfred Collinson,
of Sideroad
concession 7, pending .56.50;
Street Maintenance (Auburn),
James Wright Co. Ltd. ,
,alof said construction by • ,
tools and shop supplies, 111.07;
uYOfTransportation and
George Smyth; welding and re-
t0ad accounts
pairs, 21.50; R. Machan. Hdwe. ;
were ordered
shop equipment, 12.17; Haugh
motion of Councillors
Tire Supply;, tractor and, tube and
116ws , r111IUCI ICy.
Back home last week end from
Toronto was Lloyd Wylds and able
to be down town to meet friends.
St. Pauls Anglican Church, Rip -First
Lloyd underwent extensive therapy
and $eCO[Id Mor'fQages
on his back which has caused him
ley was decoratedwith pink and
red roses in 'bud vases for the wed -
ed -ding
to suffer much pain despite under-
going surgery twice in
dingof Ruth Ellen Rock and James
Available for:
Albert MacKenzie on Saturday,
July 6th, The -Rev. George
Garratt of Lucknow officiated at
the double ring ceremony.
The bride is the younger daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Oraen Rock of
VAR -Mon
Ripley and, the groom is the soh
of Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and the
was held by a gold tierra and she
Financial COf1SU�ttlntS llfrll>1@d
late Mr, Henry MacKenzie of 47 Eloro'Stre.et Harriston, Ont.
R R 3 Lucknow 338-3A37
-Mrs;. John Shantz of. R. R,.4
crimpoline dress of two shades of
Back home last week end from
Ripley played the wedding music.
Toronto was Lloyd Wylds and able
to be down town to meet friends.
The bride made her own floor
Lloyd underwent extensive therapy
reside on the groom's farm on
on his back which has caused him
length gown of white swiss dot
to suffer much pain despite under-
going surgery twice in
over taffeta. it was princess style.
with short .puff sleeves and was
trimmed. with mauve and white
lace to match the matron of
honor. Her waist length veil
was held by a gold tierra and she
carried a bouquet of. yellow roses
place, Mrs, Elaine Pollock, in the
with white• streamers',
She also chose to wear a gold
bracelet belonging to her great
+ + + + +
The bride chose her sister, Mrs,
Torry Broome of. R. R. 2 Auburn to
be her matron. of honor.: "
there were at least two real hot
Meetings were, the order of the
week end . On Sunday evening the
The bridesmaids were Miss..
ones this past week is good for
haying and beekeeping even if
Ripley Huron Reunion committees
Trantet, Ripley and Miss
Ina Veldhorst , R. R. 7 Lucknow ,
one had 'to "sweat buckets" as the
met and on' Monday evening (alec-
tion night) the Ripley -Huron Agri=
friends of the'bride,
saying goes. the late mid-
dle of last Thursday afternoon a
cultural Society held their July,
. The matron, of honor wore.a
long gown of mauve swiss dot , ' the
sudden windstorm swept the area .
same style as the bride's, gown,
with a threatening dark sky bring -
She had mauve -flowers for her
hair and carried artificial white
in an end to the sunn da Num -
g Y Y
emus tree branches were broken
St Augustine C W L
daisies and mauve flowers with a
from trees in the village and some
bi mauve bow
g ,
wondered if a.tornado was coming.
The St, Augustine Catholic
The bridesmaids wore similar
Women's League -held their meet-
gownsk of pale yellow swiss dot
+ + + + +
ing in the Parish Hall,'Tuesday
and carried white and yellow
evening,,July2nd with a good
daisies with big yellow bows,
-The folks of the Ripley area are
attendance, with the president
They wore yellow rose buds in
glad to learn that Miss Sharon
Mrs. Kinahan presiding. - Father
their hair.
Colling.of London is on the way
Dentinger opened the .meeting
Neil MacKenzie of R. R. 3
to recovery. Sharon now.gets "
with the League prayer,
Lucknow was best man for his
around with the use of cane's.in -
Each convener in, turn, gave their
brother. The ushers were Allan
stead, of crutches which she had to
report. Visits were reported to
MacKenzie, brother of the groom,
use during the past several weeks,
Marian Villa, London and at
and Tom Broome of, R. R. 2 Aub-
Sharon suffered both heels fractur-
Huronview, , Clinton. Mrs. Joe
in jumping from the upstairs
Hickey gave the treasurer's report.
For receiving guests at the. Ripley
to escape from their burning ,
Mrs, Cyril Boyle read the corres-
Legion Hall, the bride's mother
house in south London early this
pondenc and thank you cards and
gave -an interesting report of
chose a long gown of powder
the Grade 8 Graduation in
blue polyester with a matching
Kingsbridge, The president
jacket, She wore a powder blue
thanked all the ladies for the
velvet bow in her hair and wore a
cleaning' of the church and for.cat-
corsage of white carnations with
a blue bow.
Mrs, Adeline Hackett is on
ering of the K.C. breakfast.
• .The g room's mother chose a
vacation from her position as lib-
rarian at the Ripley, Library. Her
Father Dentin ave a readin
er g g g
from St. Paul and Timothy which
long gown of rose -pink •chi.ffon
assistant, Mrs. Joe (Annie) Scott,
was very interesting., The next
over taffeta trimmed with.silver
" n
is on the job. 'A forPner neighbour
meeting will be August 6th,
g g
beads.' She had white accessories
Mrs. Grace Keane from. Hamilton
Father Dentinger closed the
and a corsage of'white carnations
visited with Adeline last week.,
rrte-eting with prayer and lunch was
with a pink .bow,
served, °
For travelling to Eastern
o a o a a
Canada the bride chose a short
crimpoline dress of two shades of
Back home last week end from
green with short,puff sleeves and
Toronto was Lloyd Wylds and able
matching white sandals,
to be down town to meet friends.
On their return the couple will .
Lloyd underwent extensive therapy
reside on the groom's farm on
on his back which has caused him
Highway -86, near Amberley,
to suffer much pain despite under-
going surgery twice in
Ira and Douglas Dickie returned
on Saturday from a trip to Corner
13rook, Newfoundland. Douglas
began work on Monday for the
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food with office at Marltdale,
repairs, 33.58; Harvey Culbert ,
mower parts, 72.10,; . Receiver Gen-
eral., CPP, UI, IT, 241.10,
Council adjourned to August 6 ,
at 8.30 at the Hall, on motion
of Councillor Rutherford,
' Congratulations go to Wes
Smith who farms on. the fifteenth
south of Ripley,. Wes recently won
fust prize in one of the classes
at a tractor pulling contest.
O 4 a b O
The Knox Church congregation
are meeting ea h Sunday morn-
ing during July with the St. And-
rews people in the latter church,
Rev. Cecil Car nochan of St.
Andrews is in charge of the ser-
vices. Last Sunday Miss Sherry
Pollock of Toronto,
student nurse, took her mother's
Crafts An'tques
12 NOON TO 6 P.M.
on beautiful Clam Lake Is
now booking for seasonal