HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-17, Page 67 N�i V 'A Ai N It CLIRAWN AUCTION SALE All c Of Farm Mat pinery, "OpsehOld. Effects and Antiques ,,­ 11 will be held for The �Estate �Of The Late 14 91 HUGH MACKAY t '114": Concei car Nj 01. ssion 8, Kincardine dine Townshlp, 21/2 miles south of _--olammis, 6 miles north of Kinloss 'on Kinc.ardipe - Greenock Twp. Boundary Bounda ­ t4J, On SATURDAY JULY 20 At 1:00, Mf-'1 r hinery W.F. Allis 'Chalmers -tractor; -furrow, Cockshutt plow- 28 plate Fleury Bissel disc; .6 mower; wagon and rack; 13 run MH -seed drill; 4 section diamond harrows; cattle clippers;. 1/4 H. - electric motor. Household Effects and Antiques freezer; 10 cu. ft. Imperial deep Kelvinator refrigerator; Q.E. toaster; Proctor electric toaster; electric tea kettle; wood stove; chrome table and 4 chairs; ches- terfield; davenport; back to wall cupboard (pine);. Dominion piano, piano bench; coffee table; anti- que china cabinet with 2 double glass 'doors in front and glass -on both ends; antique What Not buf- il fet;- -antique . rocker; gunstock . chair; 4. antique chair§;,rabbit ear chair wicker' rocker; 4 chairs; flower stand;, small anti- que table; antique chest, of draw - i 5 - antique washa. - ers (walnut J;, stands;- bedroom suite;., bed; chest . of drawers and diesse, (like new); .4 antique. dressers, antique sideboard,; wardrobe; 2 single be&; 1 wooden bed. blan- ket box; spool bed; bookcase and • quantity, of old books; 2. trunks; antique Victr0 la and quantity :of records; 2 crokinole boards; T.N. and T.V. tables; dishes and kit- chen utensils; oil lamps; Alad- din lamp; crocks; part of dif- ferent the ferent washstand or' . art- icles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Owners or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or e injuries connected with the sale Executors: W. G.'Mackay, Jim Parker Auctioneers: -Grant McDonald, Ripley,. Phone, 39S-5'353 Wallace Ballagh, Tepswator, Phone 30-6170 COMMENTS: Don't Miss This Sale I'— Oustanding Line of Antiqiie - Furniture, Dishes and Silverware S 41 THE LI WANTED general carpentry, cabinets, formica and arborite tops. Elmer Culbert. Phone' 395-.- 5298 or 395-5516. WANTEDwoman to live in with lady who, requkes some as- sistance ih comfortable home in . Kincardine, `phone 395-5088. HELP WANTED FOURTH CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER for shift work at Huronview Apply in writing to Administfator Huronview Box 219, Clinton, 'Ontario 7— WANTED — student wishes baby- sitting sitting or'light housework. Dor- othy Clark, phone 528-2073. WANTED —, scrap an ' d scrap metals. M. and A. Salvage, phone, .529-7519 after 1:00 p.m. WANTED — person to live in with elderly couple light. house, keeping. All , c6nvemencesin, country home.. Please estate ex- pected -wage. Apply Box D % Lucknow Sentinel. HELP WANTED' HEAD CUSTODIAN G. C. Huston Public School, Southampton '— 40 hours per week 'Monday through' Friday in- clusive. Duties to, commence August 1, 1974. Applicants must be willing to do shift work if required and be able to provide medical certifi- cate and proof. of satisfactory chest ,x-ray or tuberculid test. , . Apply on or before July 25, 1974 using application form. which can be obtained by writing or tele- phoning. the employer below. - THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Box '190, Chesley,' Ontario Telephone: 36:�-2014 Attention: Mel F. Wedow Supervisor ,of Buildings ani Maintenance LANGSIDE Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald Young, Kevin and Brian of Toronto visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Young on . the week end. ' On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young,; Marty, Jamie, -Karen and .Liaise, Mrs. May Richardson of Wingham, &k. and Mrs. Wesley Young, Greg a TO THE , ELECTORS, IN BRUCE John Loney DEAN OF ADMINISTRATION' Georgian College seeks a person of broad experience to assume this senior position a . s soon as possible. Reporting to the President, the suclqessful applicant will have full, staff respons- ibility for the �o-ordination of management systems and proced- ures, operational planning, the staff relations and personnel function and general administrative duties. The applicant should -have experience in the areas of bus- iness . and. industrial management, educational administration and personnel relations. Persons' interested are invited to reply by July 26 in writ- ing to: The President, re"nUer, 0 t_ . eet, V Barrie, Ontario L4m 3xg JCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, WISHES OF IT WEIMESDAY WCKNOW TO ANNOUNCE ',THE APPOINTMENT, WO SALES REPRESENTATIVES TOSERVE THIS AREA.. A PETER, BREMNER ROBERT CAMPBELL R. 3 LUCKNOW, R. 2 LUCKNOW, PHONE S29-7686 S294417 PETE AND BOB. WOULD. BE PLEASED TO DISCUSS ANY OF YOUR REAL 'ESTATE ,,NEEDS Gardner, Mrs. George Young, Cheryl, and Bradey visited at the same home. Karen and Liane Young of Kin- loss are -.spending a..week with their on Sunday in Toronto and pic uncle and aunt Don- up their - children who had bt( ' Mr,. and �&s. I ald Young and family . holida in Toronto. holidaying with Mr; and Its; Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Young vis . ited. Donald Young. Farm; Equipment Dealer Opportunity .. Major complete line dealerships available for Lucknow Area Financial Assistance Available APPLY BOX F, THE SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO