HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-17, Page 5ULI/ 17, 1974 THE V IN MEMOR"'1W�u w WANTED TENotRS WEST WAWA BUNTER �-- in lovin Tatem of a dear. husband, of father and TOWNSHIP as to `ders, grandfather Jacob Hunter, who clearly ;anarked the be rscetm., August passed "away on July. 9, 1959. nts Weil signed, Otil5 p• '' loading and hauling A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, g14, for 15,000 cubic yards A lace is vacant in our home p , ornately rue gravel. State flat rate from Cranston and Which never can be filled. Lovingly remembered by his g y bic yard pits irnum 700 cubic ` wife, family and grandchildren. er per day. Lowest or, an large or small acreage, and are not necessarily accepted. thinking of selling, we would be Assist. We have waiting • clients r ed cheque for 10% of con -accompany each tender. Harvey Culbert, quiries confidential. Rod Superintendent, R.R.,6 Goderich NIA 3Y3 Agent BUSINESS Jean Whitby SERVE .. .YOU BY G(VING Lucknow r. CHIROPRACTIC 'S ALUMINUM ASSOCIATES ES and SERVICE HEALTH„ CENTRE `OWS, DOORS, CANOPIES, R. BRAY, D.C. ING$, SHUTTERS, ETC. List M.L.S. •-- Over 60 Salesmen a the value of your home D. IEE, D.C. t or cottage by 197.Josephine'St.,' Wingham Phoning 392.6063 Phone 357-1224 for free estimates FRED LAWRENCE ES A. PETERSON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR HOME, FARM AND ARTERED ACCOUNTANT INDUSTRIAL WIRING Street Lucknow PHONE AUBURN 526-7SOS r Phone 528-2016 ADMIRAL TV C AND s INVESTMENT ANTENNA 'THE STERLING SALES AND. SERVICE TRUST CORP. DON THOMPSON ;kevailing Interest Rates TV letirement S4vings Plan Your Representative R.R. 3 R1 PL E Y ALEX .MaCNAY TELEPHONE 395-2393 LUCKNOW INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY. ,TED COLLYER AUTOMOBILE A ICTRICAL CONTRACTOR INVESTMENTS Specializing In To Protect Your Jack, 'ELECTRIC HEATING Insure With Jack Today. WIRIN `EPAIRS_ �"'1 J. A. McDONAGH and All, ELECTRICAL Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 t APPLIANCES Wo Financing Available R. W. ANDREW, MMOW — Phone 528-5802. Barrister. and Solicitor WINGHAM LISTOWEL, ONTARIO MEMORIALS IN LucKNOW UARANTEED GRANITES Every Wednesday Afternoon tMETERY LETTERING. 4ASONABLE PRICES OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFI`CE MacKenzie Funeral Home Ph. 357..1910 Res. Ph. 357.101E R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH �oacKENZIE SIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF The Square VECTORS SERVICE (Phone 524.7661) FUNERAL SERVICE conducted according to t>shes aty A. M. HARPER our Home, our or atour Memorial at no additional charge. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 "-.401 The Square, Goderich paY 0 Night . Wingham Memorials Telephone 5247552 • ONT North of Goderich, highway farm. 150 afi�re dairy farm, 9 room house, large barn, silo with unloader, stable cleaner, bulk cooler. 200 acres of bush 'in HuHett Township. . 100 acres, in Hullett Township. 55 acres workable land, 45 acre .bush with river running through the property. Benmiller area. 80 acres river property with low river banks. '35 acres workable land. Belgrave area. 200 acre beef .,farm. 1 mile from Clinton on paved road. 9 room house and barn on 12Y2 acres of land. Londesboro area. House and barn on 2 acres of land. 300 acres beef farm west of Lucknow. In Clinton. well established bus- ness for sale in farm hardware, seed and plants, pet supplies:, animal health products, store area 24 x 90. Good income. Own- er wishes to retire. ' Walton ,area. 100 acres. lei storey brick house. New imple- ment shed. 4 storey barn, 26,000 square feet . floor space: 12,000 breeders on 'contract with hatch- ery. r Feed mill in Clinton. Well 'es- taolished business, diesel power equipment for chopping, rolling, j mixing and bulk. C. BURU,MA, R.R. 2 Clinton - 482-3287 Q SALESMAN FOR K. W. COLQUHOUN LIMITED Clinton 482-974.7 Garde ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Drugs, Minerals, Fly Sprays for House and Barn, 11 Foggers, Etc. In Stock At the � Farm Compare our prices We can save you money Catalogues Available Showing Our Complete Line ALLAN R. MILLER R.R. 5 Lucknow 528-6096 Notice To Creditors' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the.Etate -of PERRY NELSON HODGINS deceased All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of Perry Nel- son Hodgins, late �of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, retired farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 1st day of May, 1974, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 3rd day of August, 1974, after which date, the Es- tate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto having re- gard only to the claims ofwhich the Executrix shall then have notice.,. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 9th day of July, 1974. R. W. Andrew, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor- for the Executrix 5 I wish to thank all my friends and relatives?for the many cards, letters, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital. All were 'greatly appreci- ated. Shirley Hackett We wish to express thanks for the .reception held in our honour in the Lucknow Arena on Friday, June 21st. _Mr. and Mrs. Dave MacKinnon PAGE PI CHISHOLM FUELS SUNG I .HEATING OILS SUNGCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 5247681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farah, Home and. industry COURTNEY — we wish to thank our friends and neighbours for the reception given to us in Rip- ley ' High, School Auditorium on July 6. This kindness to us will always be remembered. David and Linda Courtney I wish to thank all those people who were so thoughtful in send- ing me cards, gifts and visits while in Wingham Hospital. Its. nice to have' good friends. Thank you Buster Whitby We wish to sincerely thank friends, neighbours and relatives for. the kind expressions of sym- pathy, during the recent bereave- ment of our daughter and grand- daughter, Jean. Your thoughtful- ness will always be remembered. The Scott and Blue Families Bern Alton wishes to' thank his friends for cards, gifts and visits while in Wingham Hospital. All was greatly appreciated. I would like to thank all those who remembered me in various ways while I was a patient in Wingham and, District Hospital. Tom Anderson. To our friends, neighbours and relatives a special thank you for their kindnesses and assistance during our recent bereavement. 'Marion & J. S. Robb & Family We wish to say thanks to those who visited us and sent cards and gifts while we were patients in Wingham Hospital. Thanks also to nursing staff on 2nd floor. Special thanks to Doctors Corrin and McKim and nurses Mary MacIntyre and Marg Black..'" Lorene and Christine Conley A sincere thank you to all our relatives, friends and neighbours who helped make our Wedding Day and the days before, such a wonderful time for us. The show- ers, gifts and other kindnesses were greatly appreciated. Wendy and Mike Murphy PEAL ESTATE FOR SALE, AMBERLEY AREA — lovely front row bi-level 3 bedroom cot- tage with electric heat, 200 amp. service; fire -place; 4 piece bath, and carport. Fora beautiful view of Lake Huron, plus 90 feet of treed and sand beach, this pro- perty would be hard to duplicate. TWO ACRES of lovely treed grounds surround this unique country home, situated 12 miles from Lake Huron. 16 rooms with 2 living rooms, dining'room, 2 four piece baths, oil and electric heating, makes this a property worth looking into for quiet country living. 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE ,located at Lurgan Beach, treed lot 70 by 132, fully insulated for year round living with furnace, 3 piece bath and furnished. Possession August 1st. Priced right at $18,000. GENERAL GARAGE and service station, located on3 lots in Luck - now. Established for approxim- ately 24 years, this is an excel- lent business serving the town and rural area. This business is for sale with stock and equip- ment. Possession can be arrang- ed to suit the purchaser. For further information make an ap- pointment. —'�u•e.. 80 ACRE FARM located on High- way 21 Ashfield Township; 8 LISTINGS WANTED room brick home with every con- venience; barn 45 by 55 stabled Don Holst Real Estate for hogs with liquid manure pit. Excellent corn and bean cash has buyers wanting crop land. Possession in Fall with acreages, farms and term's available. .homes If. you have agricultural property, Don Holst Real Estate are mem- large or small acreage, and are bers of the .Canada Wide Real thinking of selling, we would be Assist. We have waiting • clients Pleased to talk to you. All en - and can offer — quiries confidential. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE REAL ESTATE WARREN. ZINN BUSINESS Phone 529.7350 A WIDE ADVERTISIIVG PROGRAM INCLUDING AN Wilfred Mcintee • ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE & Ca., Lld CALL THE WINGHAM OFFICE 357-3840 WALKERTON OR Member of the Grey and Bruce REPRESENTATIVE - Multiple Listings Service WILLIAM ADAMSON AT List M.L.S. •-- Over 60 Salesmen L U C K N O W 528-2113 Working For You 11 ll 11