HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-17, Page 21Tria _
!IaA�sE TWO..
2,04101 A51t
r w.. funeral or
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� i S' tf : itrn; "" SP®Y Town" - O'tha Hurren•Brueel �oundar'y REID LITaDLE
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Second Class Masi Registration lvtmber 0847 Funeral service for Lorne Robe]
Reid Liddle, 22 , of Huron Town
Established 1873 — Published Wednesday
ship was held on Wednesday, Jul;
-McCreath FurMember of 1MM C C.N A• 0.:W.NoAo lU from McLennan
eral Home in Ripley.
Subscription Rate, $8.0t? s year
in advance
extra to U.S.A.and Foreign Reid and 22 -year-old .Jean Sco
s YF PE of Ripley were killed in a single
lr Donald C. Thompson,,Publisher cad accident on Highway 21 near.
�' I` NN►N�NI�����NN�e�e�♦eeNeeNei�e♦ee®ee• Pine River on Sunday, July 7,
A graduate from Ripley High.
attended church services and was a School Reid received his Bachel
,i ,
KpIn bridge Area faithful reader. Grade 7 and 8of Arts de tee at University of
t r t
ii school chums and teachers formedWestern Ontario on June 5, 1973,
Gri Ded At a Guard of Honor. Teacher Miss
Nancy Anderson accompanied by He worked at Conklin Lumber
AgeYears12 music teacher Mrs. Lillian Simp- in Kitchener until September anc
son on the church organ sang was employed at Conklin LuMbei
Beyond the Sunset. Organist for in GoderiYch' at the time of his
a . n • ,, SHANNON FORGETT the mass was, Miss Marianne death.
�FThis community was, saddened Fra Yne
A member of Pine River Unite(
.,r}; to learn of th'e .death of 12 -year• Pallbearers were John Austin, Church, he was active in the. Sur
, ��, Y; old Shannon. Forgett , daughter of . Terry Dalton , ,Joseph Hackett , `day School there
r� Armand' and Erma Forge of Ash-,
William Hackett, Harold pallbearers at the funeral were
ka+ l�° # Hins er er and Donald,Currie,
field Township. Shannon was born P $
t y, Burial was in the Kingsbridge Cem= Bob Norman, Gordon Farrell,
kFt ry,,, in Kitchener on,Nov'em.ber 24.,
1961 and had attended .classes in etery, Glenn Boyd, Brian MacDonald.,
y ',,;; "• St. Mary's Roman. Catholic school Miss Nancy Anderson, accom- Peter Walden and Donald Martin
F { there. In 1969 her. parents moved panied by Miss Flora Simpson on . Flower bearers were Robert
Val -
to Ashfield Township and Shannon the guitar sang Peace in the Val- Gregg, Donald Liddle-, .David
,�f,' was,. transferred to the St. Joseph's ley at the graveside.' Thomas, Murray Hunter aril Stev
Separate School in Kingsbridge. Following the, burial, neighbours en Smith.
She was a Grade 7 student: and friends served in the parish
hall to the relatives and friends. Reid was predeceased by his
At' the end of February, 1974
Shanpon became seriously' ill and father John Liddle • He is survive
�Y. by his parents Marion and J. S.
z was transferred to the intensive
care unit of the University Hospit-
Plans Progress' -Robb 'of Huron Township; sister .
al in London where she remained • Olive and
brothers Charles and'
For Reu-nlOn 75Dale,unconscious for over 4 months.
! She�was transferred- to the
Wingham and District General - The. Old Time Fiddlers Jambor-
Hospital on Thursday, July 4 ee on August 5 1974., sponsored
here she contacted pneumonia b the Ripley Huron Reunion 75 Carman Stothers
w p Y P Y
cornmittee promises to be a hu e
and died on Tuesday morning, P
Was'Noted:. July. 9. success. Chairman Ab Tout an -
nounced to the regular Reunion ,
She is survived by her parents; meeting that 34 fiddlers and step Education Fiel&
` R'I '41t
her brothers, Ray, Louie and dancers hadentered .the program.
Armand all at' home; William and So keep August 5 and Ripley Dist- C. E, STQTHERS B. Pa ed.
Joseph of Kitchener and Robert of rict School in mind.
the Royal Canadian Air Force In other business, Cliff Emmer- Well known" nationally and int(
stationed in Medley, Alberta; her ton reported that "The nationally for his work in educa=
sister Helen, Mrs. Harold Chapparals" have been engaged tion, Dr. Carman Stothers died
Hinsperger and her grandmother for the, windup concert and dance Sunday, July 7 at,the age of 78
Mrs. Fannie Christoff both of on Monday evening of the Re after a ;long illnesq.
Kitchener and 3., nieces Joanne, ion 75
Karen and Margaret Hinsperger • He was born in Ashfield Town -
It was also decided. that movies
would ,be shown in the, Public
of Kitchener, ship in Huron County attending
-The body lay at'rest at the Mac- S. S. No, 9 school. He receive(
School for ,the youngsters on Satur -
Kenzie Funeral Home in Lucknow his secondary education in Luck -
until Thursday morning, Requiem attended Back to School at the'
Ma d Re d 'hth ?5hB 1'
ss was sai by. veren Fath- Ripley District School. wit e t arta ion overseas,
er Ed Dentinger ' C. R,. in St' he graduated from Queens Univer
The next meeting will be held
Joseph's Roman Catholic Church sity and later obtained his doctor
in the Public School on Septem- ate in aedo a
in Kingsbridge, where Shannon ber 8.. p g gY from the Univei
sity of Toronto.
His career spanned all phasis
of teaching but it was in the fielc
of 'special education, working wil
When. the going gets rough exceptional children, that he...
/ made his greatest contribution. F
was Inspector of Public Schools it
the Clay Silo Un�oader Prince Edward County for 12 year;
. Rugged dual auger unit with front from 1927 to 1959 before:becomin
gets' going", cuts through the toughest silage. Chief Inspector and then Director
Delivers high capacity of practically of Auxiliary Services in .the Ont -
any type of silage in hot or cold ,weather. Available in ario Department of Education,
single or dual auger models, up to 30 ft, diameter silos.
Optional automatic letdown, tool . ry
Author of many books and pam
phiets , guest lecturer, consultant
and above all teacher, Dr, Stoth•
_ ? ers was a major figure in Ontario
Education. He was awarded the
Greer Memorial award in 1955
Following his retirement in
1956, he.continued to work with
-handicapped children and to
cdunsel teachers, manyof whom
received their early training and
LOWRY' interest from, his courses.
FARM SYSTEMS Dr. Stothers leaves his wife,
' Eileen of Islington , his daughter
R.R. 1 KINCARDINE, PHONE 395.5286 ® Mary Frances (Mrs, Keith Hend-
MM M - ®-• ®� rick) and four grandchildren.
Carman was a son of the late
William Stothers and Mary And-
rew and he is the last surviving
member of the'Siothers family.
They consisted of the late Rae
Horton , . Stephen, Isaac, John,
Baillie and Jessie Crispin.
The service was,held at A. W,
Miles Funeral Chapel, 30, St.
Clair Avenue West Toronto and
was conducted by the Reverend,
Milton Sanderson of Kingsway-
Lambton United Church, Inter-
ment was in Paik Lawn Cemetery.,
CONLEY '-'Mac and Lorene Co
of Lucknow are happy to anno
the birth of their, daughter, C
tine Ruth, on Tuesday, July
in Wingham and District Hospi
a sister. for Charlene and We
AA LDERS ,-, to Ralph and PatAl
ders of Waterloo, Indiana, a
girl Patricia Crystal, 81b, Ilo
on June 14th, 1974,
Fov`rth Annual
Craft_ Festival
in the Lucknow Arena
Friday, Auustg2nd
12 noon til 10 P.M.
Saturday, Aq9ust 3rd
9 a.m. til 6 p.m.