HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-02-28, Page 6nava. i". l{ ] kilU .RN: 2$e 11190. Lrstilwel. , (iatesese roI Last issue.) tiiaatewel seems to be having its tilg aharo of siilklless this • Winter. lo 1st week, the people of this, town la large nulnhere witnessed thee carry - "rug for their last testing piaoe the re= *thine of lir. K. B', Sutberlaud, who l;as. not yet uf. to " the watershed of Wel, after a very short illness, of ee11'tnonia.•-- And again this week, Sava more, both old men, Mr, John 'i'atdpbell, an old twiny veteran, who lad been sick for a long time, and 11:1.r il•earge Fleet, sr., with a cancer in. the S}eok4 This makes about nine deaths, all married men, ti is winter, besides number of Children.—The principal's deport of the public school shows that only about 50 per cent. of the pupils have been attending school on account, of La Grippe.— Several eases of diplikheria were reported last week glut we are thaukful that the des. ease is not spreading.—Last week, a couple of professionals gave whirr thep called a sparring exhibition in the town hall, But to the credit of our to sin be it !raid, only about two dozen turned out to witness them, and these were most - ]y boys.—Messrs Kidd Bros have sold their old thoroughbred stallion, Baron Rothschild, to Wm. Bishop, of New 1-lamburg.—Mr. D. D. Hay, of Stratford, gave a review of Mr. Watts'; the secularist's, lecture on. Secular stn, in the Oougregational church, on Sunday night, to a packed house. -Quite a number in . Listowel and vicinity are making preparations for moving to Manitoba about the .widdle of next month, among them are Mr. Jas. Green and family, Mr. S+tmuel Whitely and family, Mr. ,Melville Hayden and family, Mr. William Dunham and family, Mr. Andrew Huston and family, Mr. Jas. i.luston and family. All these gentle- men, except Mr. A. Huston, where out to Manitoba last year and came back in the fall to winter and make preparations for taking out their familiesthis spring. ow*. .wwwww41Www* (INr NI= WGA 4A.dT 144V1,) :13e xe►nitina of old Mr Piper were $amber "44M Physleluna tltld laidiu their lest resting place. last---tatano!iorCountyo Saturday, He had beet supported by Ofiico at "T11n x"IinsaiAcr " - Jamestown. Another of those interesting events for which our locality is becoming .fatuous, occurred last Wednesday at the residence of Mr. H. Robb. We refer to the marriage of his daughter Maggie to Mr. John Peacock, of this place. The ceremony was witnessed by over eighty of the friends of the contracting ' parties, The bride looked charming in garnet satin trimmed with white satin boughs and snow drops, , The knot was tied by Itev. Mr. Wallwio, of Bluevale, atter which the happy couple received. the hearty congratulations of those present and all sat down.to a sump- tuous repast, preptred by Mrs. .Robb After tea, the evening was spent in music and social games, all enjoying themse:ves to the uttermost, and when the clock began to show signs of another day all retired, after wishing the young couple all the happiness arid jay that can fall to the lot of any Milman being. The following • is a list of the presents received by the Lridb : Table spread, Maggie Gibson ;:. lamp, Frank A. Wood ; silver pickle cruet, Mss A. Johnston; sofa pillow, Mrs. L. Button ;. pair vases, Miss Oweeis; silver pickle cruet, G. and H Oalbick; ramp, J. Fell; crystal' butter dish, bliss Lizzie Moffat ; half dozen spoons and two dessert spoons, Miss -11'ugbes; silver teapot, Miss McKel. wain ; cheese dish, Wm Fraser; silver pickle cruet, Miss Forrest ; one dozen trait dishes, Miss Nellie Collie ; silver card receiver, Mrs• Wm Peacoek;. sil- ver butter cooler,. Mrs Matthews;. whisk and holder, J Ii Sellars; water pitcher, Win blesser; silver pickle cruet, Miss Sarah Peacock; half a dozen napkins, Miss J Gibson; sideboard drape and half dozen goblets, Miss S Johnston; crystal batter dish, Mies: S .Ereckeu ridge ; silver napkin ring, D Breeken- ridge ; copy of "Pilgrith's Progress," Mr Id. L Stewart; tab e spread and wire hair brush, ;airs Lizzie Ramsay ; half dozen napkins, Miss M1icVety ; pair towels,, Airs iVm. Robb; table spread, Mrs Peacock; cream pitcher, Miss Curtis; pair blankets, Mr and Mrs Bunsen; dust cloth bag, Hiss 1°.0!00 1',)yce; preserve dish, bliss Me - Kinney; mat lamp, Miss Maggie Itsyee; hiscgit barrel and two cups and salters, Alum Evers lir, Pater llatarens the millionaire tninb'r u.1t of earth, has been appoint-. Lite :Senate in 1)ltteo of the Ice 4,et *tor Turtsel~., the Turanberry () ulaeil for a good many years an 1 had, suffered a good deal from different diseases and was blind aa well.- il9rs �Vnl Garness, con. 2, Morrie, WAS buried the same day, She had the weasels sone time ago ec and never got free from their effects. Death put an end to her sufferings last Thursday night. She was 09 years old. )<lr Garness has the .sympathy of the entire neighborhood in his sad affliction. He is left with seven children, one of whom is less than it year old.—The yotO on the organ question was taken last Sunday in the Presbyterian church, and re, stated in a large majority for the organ. 88 votes were cast, for and 22 against. Those who wero not present Sunday lst Suncan cast their ballots ifext y Sunday. -- Mr James Timmins has arrived home from West Winchester, near Ottawa. He reports good sleigh- ing ail winter as fs.r west as Belleville. Kitty NOV' Addresses the Salvation army who have on every occasion, censured the use of tobacco by chrisfians, Hold, my comrades, Kitty is coming, Yon will see it in the Trans. Ana for your cause my heart is burning, You can read it iu those lines. So hold. the fort, for I am coming, And I will help you with a Will, s1 Every heart I know will eclio, Yes, we will; yes, we will 1 ''fon have fought so long and brave Against our oomtOO1 fob, You have tried to help the slave, And bring the monster low. Hold the fart, etc. You have toolt a noble stand, And taught our churoll a lesson, As acne ot our noble baud Lent a helping liana, but Bro. Mason. Hold the fort, etc. Oh, see those dirty habits uow advancing, While Satan leads thein ou, And ,nighty men from each are falling, With common sense and courage gout. Hold the fort, etc. But see the word of God is showing. How those habits uow must fall, There is no such thing as failing, So come ou, comrades, oue and all. Hold the fort, eta.. And while the'chureh looks from sheaf Upon the Omit foe. Let us ge.ferth like David Aud bring this monster low. Kir Kor. Sir John Thompson, Minister of .Justice, was ors Friday swore in by the judges at OsgoodeRall as a mem- ber of the bar of . )ntario: He was afterwards banquettsd by the members, 'The Ottawa Pres Press understands that this -step has been4taken with the view to his entering upon the practice of his profession in this Proviuce securing an Ontario constituency and becoming leader of the Conservative party. When Royalty Disseniblecl. "Little Tattler" in The Pall Mall Ga- zette says: "The Pier hotel, Hastings, where the Empress Eugenie and the prince imperial took refuge after their flight from France, lived for a long time on the reputation it had thus acquired, and quite lately 1 saw over the porte cochere of an•old provincial French inn the words pompously inscribed, "Here royalty sojourned one night:" the royal- ties in.question being Louis Philippe and his queen: When they arrived, "got up/' as. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, tate king, hearing that there was at that time an English my lord and his family staying there, called out gruffly to Marie Amelie, "Trot along, old woman, bring up Mrs. Smith," a feat which only a Frenchman who had taught English for a living would%have been capable of performing. Means with the Dag. Open. HG was a large Iran and wore a gray ulster. A pair of glasses added to his intellectual appearance. Ile walked se- dately up the stairs of the elevated sta. tion at Chambers strait. kte had several packages. One of them, a bag contain- ing beans, was held under his arm. Sud- denly a bean escaped and rolled down- ward, bouncing from step to step. It was. followed by another and another. and directly there was a stream of beans cascadingdown the stairs behind the un- conscious man. Several people called to him, but lie did not grasp the situation until he had reached the top. There, after a critreatoxanlination of ,the empty bag, the turned to• the smiling crowd, anti, with, the air of. one imparting a great truth, said: "There's a hole in ill"—New York Sun. A Little 'Too I'rotioas„ A good story is going the rowels about a certain married man on Plet;:atnt street, Ile got up one morning in a terrible burry, rushed around frantically, built a are, decided that he wouldn't have line tr. wait for breakfast, had his wife Make him a cup of eoifec--ill he could take tine for—swallowed t.he' coffee, put on his Ovt (coat, said "gond Womble to Ills wife, loL)ked at the clock, found° It was half past 2 a. in,, and went back to bed. g- l;eern: !lass i Stage urgeone, Antariu, }Wren— Winghive, Ont. tall Ytut & D1011IN$ON, 11. W. C. MEYER. A. 0.1 E. L. DIONIN&QN, 13.A. BAlitilSTl;ls AND S01.101TUR$, Etc„ Eta, tso- lleltors for !lank of Sweeten, Cunlruissiuuers for takins,. aineavit$ fgr Manitoba. Tarin, Tow aid Village property bought and void• ,tronuy (private lauds) louicd ori morsaago security at 14 per Cent, Money ml l sled for plivato portions, qui lila 4u4t nlOrega5O secu ittes without any espulesu to 6ha ioider. Lands for sale in blauftoba auu the .north• west, QIUce—lient'o Meek, Wil>gham. lCyPt's Fortner 1 bedive. It rends like a passage from condo opera when we and that in the beginning of 1800 "business was practioallY sus- pended in nearly all the government offices in order that those of their staffs Who kno^, French might be employed in translating the 'fEil Crete,' the 'Belle Helene,' the'Marfee de Mardi -Gras' and other chefs d'oeuvres of Offenbach into Arabic for the use of the harem ladies." In May the khedive gave a grand hall to celebrate his accession. One of the items of expenditure on this occasion was the throwing of a temporary bridge over the Nile, at a cost of £8,000. And then in November came the Crowning splendors of the opening of the canal, The empress of France, the em• peror of Austria and the crown prince of Prussia were the most notable of the guests; but there was a niulti'tude— amounting, it is said, to thousands—of less distinguished persons, who *ere en. tertained in a most extravagant style, £4 per head being paid for tile hotel bills of each guest at the canal and £2 12s. at Cairo. The whole expenditure of the fetes came to considerably More than £1,000,000, Even literature got some pickings out of this gorl;eous outlay, the author of an official history of the cere t mony being paid £1,000 for "copy." Doubtless Ismail fancied that by this costly outlay he was building ftp an ab- solute independent throne. % .f so, it must have been a grievous disappoint- ment when he had to sell to the parte his new ironclads, especially precious' sym- bols of independent power, Year after year things went on, the financial situa- ftion growing steadily worse and worse. The great Disraeli coup of purchasing the khedive's canal shares set him on legs for a time, but the end was ap- sproaching.—London Spectator. Origin of Names of Fabrics. Everything connected with one's busi- ness is of importance. Very few dry goods men know the origin of the names of many of the goods they handle. They may seem trivial points, but they are of interest to the man who seeks to bethor- ongMy familiar with the mer'chandiseirt which lie deals. For the information of 'such we give the derivation of the names of the following goads: Damask is from the city of . Damascus; satins from Zap, town, in China; calico from Calicut, A .town in India, formerly celebrated for Its cotton cloth and where calico was also printed. Muslin is named from Mosul, in Asia. Alpaca from 'an animal izi Peru, of the llama species, fromwhose Wool the fabric is woven. Buckram takes its name from. Fostat, a city of the Middle Ages, from which the modern Cairo is descended. Taffeta and tabby from a street in Bagdad. Cambric from Cambrai. Gauze has its name from Gaza; baize for Bajac; dim- ity from Damietta, and jeans from Jean. Drugget is derived frour a city in Ire- land, Drogheda. Duck comes from Torque, in Normandy. Blanket is called after Thomas Blanket, ,a famous clothier connected with.the introduction of wool- ens into England about 1840. Serge de- rives its name from-Xerga; a Spanish name for a peculiar woolen blanket. Diaper is not from D'Ypres, as it is sometimes stated,. but from the Greek diaspron, figured. Velvet is from the Italian vellute. woolly (Latin: vellus—a hide or pelt). Shawl is the Sansetit sale, floor, for shawls were first used as car- pets and tapestry. Bandanna is from the Indian word to bind or tie, because it is tied in knots before dyeing. Chintz from the Indian chott. L'elaino is the French "of wool."—Trade Journal. Frenchmen Surprised alt Suoevbailil. The first show of the season reminded an artist friend of a snow storm which he experienced at Avignon, in the south. of France, a year or two ago. No snow had been seen at Avignon for twenty years previous, and the surprised French- man knew not what to.make of it. An amusing sight it was to see them try to make snowballs and -.pelt one another. Experience had never taught them the art Which every New England boy learns - as soon as he leaves 11ia cradle, and they handled the snow as daintily as does : cat when :1110 lifts her paws olio by once in n, surprised manner, and slid!:os them... before she puts them down again, Two American artists found . great deli slat ix . ni king snowballs an.] engaging in the fray, and they soon put the; entire village of .I'rencllnlen hors du combat, "You putt stones in then!:" they tried when they felt the power of en especially hard snowball. They wero shown that this was not true, but they could not under- stand how the Amerizans Could make their missiles so hard or throw then; with such force and accuracy. The vil- lagers of Avignon will no doubt long re- member their 'Waterloo at the !rands of tine" two American artista,—Zioston 44 P Tr teOlt, • gamier of Elallrn Damns COVET, Umtata or MAU. klAOR LIONIISES. 11 i1QO1 alt, - ONT, 11 1', CI}APHAN, Lit . ISSUER or srAItRIAGE 'LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, Ere. OFr1vs-•."*Dig" iiookstore, RIPLEY, ONr. Money to Loan on lrarm. Security at Low Rates of intere.,t• NoeC ieii1 sloncharged. FRED, WRIGHT, Contractor and Builder, WINGHAM, • Agent for Downey's (Belgrave) lifn ONT, $500,000 TO LOAN. On Farin and Town Ptoporty at v cry Lowest Rates and on Terms to suit borrower's. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. NO COMMISSION CHARGED. borroufers Call Obtain money in 5 days if satiefaotory,. R. VANSTONE, Beaver Bloat, W1rglram. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REi',SONABLE RATFIS. Money Wearier(' on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with privilege of paying at the and ot any year, Notes and accounts collected. ROBT. MoINDOO. Orrlus,—Beaver Block. Wingham, Ont. Sam'1 Youhi.11's REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR' ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE : KEIr'S BLOCK. WINGHAM. Private funds tirloan, A number of Building Lots and Residenne proper tieeteulSaIe- Those desiring to makea homein Wingham should oonmmnicate with, or apply ih person at my Office, where all necessary inforfuation can bebtaoinod. BINK OI H MrnTOX', N.r7 N '23 .A. M . Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President—JouN STUMM Vice-President—A. G. RassAY. DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY. GEO ROACII, A. T Woolf, A.13- LRE (Toronto). Cashier—J.'f URNBULL. Savings Bank hours, 10 to 8 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold -B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER * DICKINSON, _ SOLXOITORS. 11. .V A V - I S IS OFFERING it 0 INT Y ON F:A. M 1:21a.011:2711-2- AT ROPRTYAT VERY LOW RATES. S=CE I3:=7S I OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET WINOU1614 OCTOBER 4TH, 1888 WINGHAM VLOURING MLLS! The:undersigned wish to tender their best thnnks for the libera} patronage given to our firm during. sevealyears prior to the burning of our mill by in- cendiarism, During the last season we have re- moddolled the tow.. mill to the latestapproved eys. tens of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We bo Rove tvecan now give better accommodetion than. ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair returns, QUALITY SECOND '10 T ONE 1N Ilil',s SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again faveredAvith a trial' by all blp, friends and many new ones. Yours most respect!ully„ MUTTON & CARR Wingham Bill, Oct.1..9,1hS0. Oat Ideal I�rii11 Opened, STSs undersigned desire to inform farm ere and the people:generally that they hat reopened their( .Ont edI; I'1 in Wil] hon "1 And are now prepared to purchase ()atr in unlimited quantities and at the Mena ai k t Pete. They will supply. customers with the Dun GRADES in Oat Meal, ELDER & CLEGG, 4tanigp, 1uts —IS PU11L1v111."0— EVERT 'ItkDAYMOItN/NPas• r '--•AT T!(k TiMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE,BT1R•EO"f',n WINGHAM, 0149.i, AIi.1 O.t ..tet, ubscriptionprice,, :tpei'yottr,inallva8tn S $ y ADYERTISINO RATES:. • Space, l yr, 1 O me, I t mo. 1 I Ina. One Ci',lmn 11'00 00$30 00 I $20. 00 $8 Of' half "" sal 00 50 0012 00 1100, Quarter u 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 Ono Inch 5,00 8 00 I 2 00 1 00. Local anti ot ler ensue ads erttel'lnente, fie. per line !or first Monism, mei Ne.per Rueter ettell subsequent • lusertion. Local notices, in nonpareil t)pe, 10o for Stet 101' section, and 5o, per line for etteb subsequent insertion, No local notice w,i11 be charged has than .21e, Adve,tisouaoeie of Lust Found, Strayed, Situationsz. and BuslnesfFChauces a1 autcd, not exceeding S lines nonpareil, Si per month. Houses and•Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, $1 for fust In¢lith, GOc. per snbocq}!alt mouth. These terinu will be strictly adhered to, Special rifted for longer advert1$efl1eits, or foie longer periods. Adi'ortlsemeets without spetllle directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged eccordhegly. Tran- sitory advertisements must be }laid in advance, Changes or contract ad%ertieulnellts must be id the offiee by Wednesday neon, in ender to appelri' that week R. ELi.IOTT Paoi'lliSToa AND PustIeill;le R+ MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WINaf1AN,. - ONTARIO,• ,D't, J. A. MELDRUAf, Ll Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Officio and Residence—The old stand 'formerly 01'4». pied by Or, Bethune, at the corner of Centra. Hud Patrick streets, WINouAii, - ONT.* E. GODFREY, • First-class honor man and general proficiency nledal,- ist Toronto University. Member College Physicians' and Surgeons of Ontario. BELORAYE, Ofila'e—AtMethodist Parsonage. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &e., Wingha>n • 'Ontario. R VANSToic. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIO. CfeIlVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES—Beaver Block,. WINOHAN, ONT., GORaIaand BLEU, ONT. Private and Company funds to loan at low rates interest. Mortgages, town and farm proptnty. bought and sold. Idereantile collections a speeiiult,);, J DENTISTRY•..-. J. S. JEROME, %INGRAM, 'ai Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the bestmateria 4;411 Domil cheap as theAll work 'a scan be ranted.in the Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless= extraction of teeth; the only safe anesthetic known. TAKE NOTICE. -1 will extract teeth for 10 ceute - eat:h. • OFFICE: In the Beaver ;Block, opposite the - Brunewick hotel, DENTISTRY.-- W. H. 9IACDNALD, N')NOnan, Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alley„ a, . •!t`'' 'a7" Silve. Gold, etc., ete.,PUates, raigb.g incrown ng rices audlbridge0 work1tlTeer,L er er treated without the least pain by the use of Viten- 'feed Air.. Head Office, 11 Ingham side entrance op., poste the Queen's hotel, open doily (Sundays except. ,ed) from 9 am to 5 p m. Will he at Blyth every Ind and 4th Saturday of eachmonth-•OfflccatMlines• i hotel; Gerrie; est and Ord 1'loudays of each nionth-= Office at Albion hotel. -extractive 25 cents. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT INOIIAat, ONTARIO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, DEAN. Ja., Wnlln8s, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OP HURON. Sales attended Iri any part of the Co. Chargce( hfederate. JOHN CURRIE, Witatuaic, Oar., LICENSED AUOTIONEER ]font 'r1111 COUNTY Or. HU1105, All orders left at the 5I5IEs office. promptly at rad ., ed to. Tams reasonable. JAMES HENDERsob, Ltnnnssn AUCTIONEER POR COUNTIES HURON ANE,. Baum Ail sales attended to promptly and on the Shorten Notice.. Charges. Moderateand Satisfaction guaranteed.. All necessary arrangements eau, be !lade at th . Tales' CIHco WINOnA1S. ONr BOLTON & HAWi2ti4S P. L. & D. L.-Suavnvoeis AND Ctvu. ENdr8EY3 LISTOWEL AN0 WINGHAM. A11 orders left at the offiee of the . Tame wf41 ro Wee prompt attention Vii? ELSON:?l„ RITCHIE, P. L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer and 'branghtmare.. Particular attention paid to (livision -of properties • into building lots, settling disputed. non:Maries, preparing complete plans of towns and villages, as per Registry, Act, cud descriptions of propmtiee for insertion in deeds. Cross•Scctions of tivees made and estimates of cost of !;ridges Culverts, &c. Pro- files and. cattmates for grading frills, drainage, road and street improvements, 1305059 and other inpi neeriug veils. Correspondence soilcited, statiog place anti character of work, OFF1Cb:-•-At.i. tURTot.'>s law ofbeu, %Anglian), Ont, as MISS NELLU Mcf3ARD' `.. OLASSRs Fon Xh$TItUCTiON 0' 1'htrl0 morgan, 10 Voice titian's recd flannelly,. 3l* 1s hoots IN 112404.liwotfi . r, I. wi s•b.. who . esti k take, nine the duty .and, ther alurge ext their enA of tale CI fanners ,clutios ar sunned 1). ,ed Here 1 abe (01(501 number Beed by are men therefore p that the pay one 44 Using tl iVord "d •r to pi4�' 1 t Word '" which g'4 country. payF an artinle t proteetie flscturer asountry 11; is Isere la not pa, Now,S my aid welt ku iisabo ,ahity party loanbw Ante coo .years, nixedn lie is a ,oppose uecupie ,tlouncf ;years, the Q' iitn is o'IT, arbi lokm100 he'o mann tioO three gen tl .41111117..‘r1 nr1 lton. h'iIn' 5 Alone and nixed ,conic bring !lis o Alez. t is set ,adds man aorti whic burd not but .finer Rhas as gr trier glow Sir, darn prie the see lens, oral �tiou me the] the but by ref is of ins slot to bN tin 6 th th 1351 ,of ;Sf ti b