HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-17, Page 1°
88,00 A. Year.ln Advance — $2.00 Extra io U.S.A. WE.DNES®AY, JULY 17, 1974I'
Single Copy .20c 16 Pages
h Is Finds Paintin''Of L�o�s C►ub ��Earns'' stall' •Officers For 1974-75
Scholar 'Relief of Luckhow
�•4 i� R i � tai' 3 { x r. r
In Eno
lish Cellar_
s _ 'rr f r 4, th� •3��'�'�D aa'k= 3� s 4
On a recent visit to England,
Bob Syrnes.of Lucknow'found a
'.s `s k 3• a c
y large painting at the homOf his
e •
unc i'e •
While the painting had'no realr"
significance to them, and was�xx' _ ;' 3 `
stored in'the basement of theirs
` YAC home, it had real meaning to
Bob from Lucknowin Canada, J&+
. t>a; ys`,�py' ar = _`ftp r Yw s ,t•P'.iE'w uG, i,
The painting „
was entitled TheAV
Relief of Lucknow and p;* r s '
Triumphant Meeting of Havelock�� '
�.��• 1• r `• f i.e.. r r a f r Ylly,
Outram and Sir Colin Campbell,
November 1857" ` p ` °r
Bob took.some pictures of the r •, r 3 q
° " N
painting and; hopes at some time r5 <' �' ,, :r
in the future to bring the painting
to Lucknow, Ontario where its
true meaning, no doubt, will -be g 1; M.5",�F J `` �
appreciated by' local residents.
th Fairish,
son of Mr . and +
x y,2•„ sf
scan Famish of Lochalsh , ti
nnamed an Ontario Schol-a
Father Son Dox y� Fw. F�kt
received an average of / ,..
his grade 13 graduating' rict`Governor of Region 3,
,completed at -Stratford W6111n'' BowlingLucknow District Lions Club in-, g
Standing, left to right, are Joe
p stalled officers at the last club The 19'4-75 slate of officers is: Agnew . 3rd vice president; Stu
meeting., seated left to ri ht• past resid- g P '
Competing in provincial lawn meeting.,. Installing officer was ' right,,, P p art Reavie, 2nd vice; Art He,lnr,
Grant Chisholm a "past resident ent Gordon Brooks;- president Barry
attended grades 9 to 12 at howling .competition, Hugh `Cum- � P P 1st vice; Bill Nelson, secretary ,
of Lucknow Club and Deputy Dist- McDonagh; Grant Chisholm, in -
E, Madill Secondary ming of London and his son Bill P. Y and Allan. Johnson, treasurer.
in Wingham and then took won the pairs competition for stalling officer,
at_Stratford where he was district- 2 •d'efeating.the' pair who
were artici ants ;in the Common-Die
e • ield,
Junior B hockey with Strat P P
iors, wealth games'.played in New Zea- p wland. I V ■� IMM'al Ashf Be,aCLh
Fall he wil'1 attend Har- The London Free Press had this The body of William Elmer arrived, where the MacKenzie Funeral
iversity in the United to say:
MacKay of Ripley was recovered Mj•, •MaeKa was removed to Horne now stands. The•business
there he has been awarded "There are. not too many father Y
from the waters of Lake Huron at� Kincardine Hospital b' ambulance block which formerly housed the
6ation, athletic=academic and. son combinations in Lawn P Y Ythe Ashfield Park Beach, at the' and resuscitation was continued in shoestore was destro ed b fire,
ip. � Bowling competition and it is re- Y Y
z foot of the 12th concession.; in the ambulance. He was ronounc
freshing to seethe P Mr, MacKay is survived b his
early evening on Wednesday of ed dead on arrival at hospital. Y y
combination playing as champions, P wife. Pearl; seven 'dau 7hters , Mrs.
last week. An autos was erformed at b
Hopefully they will advance to the autopsy P Ronnie Donna Clayfield of Flat
Ontario sham ionshi s to be la Elmer had been swimming with Owen Sound General and Marine (Donna) Y
In 81 st Year P p p y some com anions. His,body was Lake, Ontario; Mrs. Richard
ed on August 3rd'at the Hamilton P • Y Hospital, The autopsy revealed,.
an Stewart Thom son' Roselawn club," noticed floating in the water, that Mr, MacKay died of asphyx-_ (Joan)
Norman, Mrs. Arthur Caro
P close to shore., and following dis- i:ation. It also revealed a high lyn) Stevens, Mrs, George
I; passed away in Wingha•m' cover attempts were made (Barbara) Gilbcy , all of Kitchener;
Hugh and Bill formerly resided Y P degree of coronary disease but.did'
Strict Hospital on Sunday, at artificial.zes cation b Ernie Linda,• Mary and Susan at home; •
inhis 81st year. in Lucknow. Mrs.' Hugh' Cumming P Y not definitely indicate he had suf-
y Carter of Lucknow who was at the one son Bryan of Flat Lake; four
is the• former Stella Steward of fered a seizure prior to death. brothers', Wilmer of Kincardine ,
scene, Lucknow Fixe Department .
0 service was held .at, this community. Calvin of • Windsor Allister and
etsonFugeral Home, Tees- was summoned andbthe resuscitator Elmer, a native of'Huron Town-
onTuesday, July 16 at was used for some time after fire ship had recently returned to the Grant. of Huron Township.
Bucialwas in Teeswater chief George Whitby and fireman Ripley area to reside.. He was The pallbearers were Gordon
�y' Dred Suddenly Barry Mc Donagh'arrived, Fire living in an apartment in Ripley. Martin, John Smith, Alex Smith,
Chief Whitby had high praise for 1Ie will be recalled by Lucknow John MacKay, Wilbert Sturgeon s
In Lucknow the efforts of Ernie Carter in residents as having operaied a Murray McDonald,
applying mouth to mouth resusci- shoe repair shop about. 25 years Burial was in Ripley Cemetery
IY`soVe.r 20 tation until the fire department ago, on the bridge on main stree1.
t, on Saturday,
Stephen. Rouse of Goderich , age
PIFS-As Sentinel 58, died suddenly last Thursday •
afternoon, July 11 in Lucknow Rates InKinloss Townshipwhile doing some repair• and repo- S,et. Tax
respondent vation work at the former Mullin
Bakeshop building.in.the village, Kinloss Township Council held IF$IDENTIAL i Total public, residential 11.881
'ItaDickie of the 4th ofa special meeting on June 19th General 3.662 (5.801); County 1 (13.938); commercial 13.401 r,
p It is assumed that Mr. Rouse with ever one resent exec t 2,'333 (2,252); Elementary School,; (15.295).
correspondent for The Y P P
IforOvertwenty years, suffered'a heart attack. He was councillor Duncan Campbell. Public 3.308 (3.354); Separate Total Separate - Bruce -Grey,
en up the Position. She has noticed by children having col- Court of Revision was held on School - Bruce -Grey 2,862
p Y I residential 11.435 (14.339).
At these duties faithfully lapsed, between the post office ,
Itendereda the Pollard Ext," -1974 Drain and (3.755); Separate School Huron -
n important and the Mullin building. He was as there were no appeals, the Perth 5,360 (3.157); Secondary ! Total,Separate - Huron -Perth,
!Ntyservice to the South dead upon arrival of medical court was closed and By-law 5- School 2.578 (2,531). ;residential 13.933 (13.741).
assistance. 1974 was given 3rd and final read' -
I In 1974 on a total assessment of
The bodyrested at the Stiles ing COMMERCIAL
$9,016,160. one mill will raise
;Dickie has been succeeded Funeral Horrl'e, Goderich.; from By-law 6-1974 was passed sett- I General 4.528 (6.504); County $9,016.
;Gilbert Hamilton -of the 2 o'clock Saturday for service ing the various mill rates for the 12.333 (2,252); Elementary School,
live Inks, Hamilton a call
and committal on Sunda at 2 municipality for 1974 -as follows: Public 3,G75 (3.727); Secondary CONTINUED ONPAGE 16
titems Ofnews,p,m, Interment was in Blyth, Last year rates are' in brackets - �School'2.865 (2. 812).
ills FGeneratinIn'':'Hurou Station Have Keen De
40 N dro has announcedon I
6s+ for the es
Present sus- officials coupled with the find - transmission line ,rout Hydro indicatwere l� spring meetings earl unumer based on si&er`ed by
h and oneHydro,
th of Coder
s ins of a'surve of attitudes and discussed, Ontario Hy I p b
,plans to establish a g y
is site for other conditions in the ed that it was makint, an aP}xais- a survey of attitudes and technical ich in the Sheppardtan area,
g station Goderich
'decision Co near area" said George Gathercole, al of the possibility 'of loci tiny a I con'sidcrati�ri. These meetings While expansion on Lake Huron
suspend the T station will now nut be held, shoreline has not .been ruled out,
ovesaresult of talks chairman of the. board of Ontario nuclear power generating, .
s. a�s Hydro, along the'liuron County shoreline. The >entinel earlier had indicat it now appears to have been set.
nd municii al of- In February, at the time the It was planned to.have puh,lic ! ed t}:at r=free sites .had been con- back several years,