HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-10, Page 6III'IS M n 4 't �A I s,�� � •fl �i za,„�,� a � �3,����p �t j; sD3 lit a dw�"h'�ia$fs, �tako ti+l`�� Lr, 6 PtN } i {�q 7 ! t•�,t�r ff . z r �� +, ter )t r p4t{I'., r �•.Y�,aYs 6 , 1 IM p kti�� �f5 'S P � I I i , A a q u , �a E 6 ` b {{ 19 � I , tit t� v r , I { kF 1'1"'1y 11 a Yet;; .J t ; ks , t IV ► 11 ami WANE generai carpentry, cabinets, formica .and-arborite tops, Elmer Cialbort. Phone N5 - WANTED - standing bay in Lurlsno�l► z to tti ey area: Mark tRohr� , jt;. R... 3 Teeswater,; phone 392-60N.'. ll CUSTOX, SWATHING and bay conditioning. Phone 529.7619. WANTED motorcycle. 'Phone 529-7125. TEENAPER -- wants baby sitting on week -days. Phone 395.5351. WANTEDNew Perfection oil stove, (for cooking).. John D: Shetler, R.R.. 3 Wingham. WANTED person, to live to with elderly , couple, light house keeping. All conveniences in country r home. Please state ex- pected. wage. .Apply. Box D Lueknow Sentinel. WAFTED TO BUY -- 1500 bales, of hay in the stook. Phone 529- 7287. HELP. WANTED SCHOOL CUSTODIANS, Kincardine District High School - 40 hours' per week Kincardine District High School - 30 hours per' week; Kincardine - Tiverton Central' School, - 10' .hours per week or the above may be com-' bind into one full-time position for 40 hours per week. Applicants must' be. willing to do shift work if required and be able to provide medical cert- ificate and, proof of satisfactory chest .x-ray or tuberculin. test. Apply. on or before July 22, 19,74 using application form which caro be obtained by writing or tele- phoning the employer below. . Indicate on application prefer. ence for full-time or part-time work. THE . BRUCE COUNTY. BOARD OF EDUCATION ' . Box 190 CheAey, Ontario Telephone: 363-2014 Attention: Mel F. Wedow. Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. July 16th, 1974 for caretaker for 'the .Ashfield Waste Disposal Site lot 10, concession ,6, eastern division. Every, Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applicant to 'state wages expect ed. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. 'Donald M. Simpson, Clerk R.R.' 3 Goderich THE HURON COUNTY BOARD- OF EDUCATION requires a CUSTODIAN at F. E, Madill Secondary School, Wingham Written applications stating age; . ' experience and telephone number, should be addressed td Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent , • Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO Applicants will be notified if required for an interview. Dead- line for applications is July 18, 1974. D. J. Cochrane, E. H: Hill, Director Chairman I THR AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Maple, Grove Orange Lodge Hall and contents, Lot -9 E.D.; ConFession 12, Ashfield Township to be held SATURDAY, JULY 27th at 2 P.M. Auctioneer Grant McDonald Ripley, Phone 395-5353 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 'Farm Machinery, Household Effects,. and Antiques will be held for The Estate of the 'late HUGH MacKAY• 'Lot 34, Concession 8, Kincardine Township On SATURDAY, JULY 20th at .1 P.M. Executors W. G., MacKay, I. Jim Parker / .Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 39S-3353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392,6170 AUCTION SALE Of Household, Effects, Real Estate and Antiques will be held for MRS.. JOHN McCONKEY at her residence on Elizabeth St., Teeswater, , on SATURDAY, JULY 13 at 1:30 P.M.. Dining -room suite consisting of round' extension table and 6 cane bottom chairs; buffet and china cabinet; 2 library tables; Chester- field and 2 chairs; love scat; small tables; floor lamp; Morris chair;--. 6 dining -room chairs; cherry drop-leaf table; other anti- que chairs; cane bottom arm chair; 3 wash stands; bed & Mat- tress, dresser; single bed & mat- tress; blanket box ' pictures and frames; G. E. vacuum cleaner, (like new); dishes, some antique; Moffat electric stove; Frigidaire refrigerator; hall tree; Singer treadle sewing machine; wringer washer; table; quantity of pint jars; garden tools; saw horses; 2 lawn mowers. (push type). Real Estate . Full two. storey insul brick dwelling, in good repair, situated on full sized lot 66 by .132. House contains large living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and bath- room downstairs, 4 bedrooms up- stairs, to be sold at approximat- ely 3 p.m.. TERMS CASH Owner arld auctioneers not responsible for accidents or injuries inany way connected .. with the sale Owner -Mrs. John McConkey Auctioneers: Wallace Bailagh, Teeswater 392-6176 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 EXTRA COPIES OF THIS WEEK'S REUNION PAPER WILL BE MAILED ANYWHERE FOR 5N CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATE' HEALTH CENTRE R. BRAY, D.C. D. LEE, D.C. 197 Josephine St.,. Wingham Phone 3S7-1224, ONTAltl$ WEDNESDAY, TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Of Antiques and Household Effects for MISS H. T. HARPER, of Lucknow and MILS. E: SALE of Goderich plus other consignments AT THE. AUCTION ROOMS Hwy. 21, ' one mile south of- Goderich fGoderich On� MONDAY EVENING,. . JULY 15. at 7 p.m: Walnut commode; 4 pc. wal- nut bedroom suite; 6 pc: dining room suite with double pedes- tal. Duncan Phyfe, table and, corner china cabinet.; 9 pc. Victorian dining room suite; 2 oak sideboards; china cabinet; dining' room extension table; bronze settee with 2 matching chairs; portable T.V.; single oak Victorian bed,• iron and brass bed; bureau; 2 oak dressers; 3 Victorian dressers-. rocking chairs; small •tables; 2 pine blanket boxes; 2 trunks;, 3 commodes; 2 sectional oak book cases,; large oval mir- ror; press back chairs; exer- cise bicycle; electric stove; washing machine;. reclining chair 7, pc: bronze set; coon. skin coat; crocks; quilts; iron pot'; . depression 1 glass; .limo- ges- china; Tiffany type hall lamp; ° Aladdin lamp with shade; horse bells; 2 large school bells;, quantity of new light fixtures; etc., etc. TERMS CASH Mike Cummings, auctioneer Goderich 524.9064 Rev. Ro'beet.Rutman, Is New Minister A MBERLEY NEWS Rev. Robert Putman from Alber= to is the new minister of Bethel, and Pinel%River Churches. We welcome them to our community.. Congratulations to all the newly weds in this community namely' Mr. -and .Mrs. Mike Murphy of Ingersoll, Mr, and Mrs. David French of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. David Courtney of Halifax, also Mr, and 'Mrs: Paul Farrell of Tor onto. Miss Kathy Irwin spent the week end in Ripley; Mr. and ,Mrs. Bob Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Benson of Lon- don attended the French -Henry wedding on Saturday in Pine River Church, ,'Congratulations to Mr.'and Mrs. Jim MacKenzie who were married in Ripley on Saturday. Results Announced In Music'Theory Royal Conservatory of Music Mid summer exam results of stud- ents of Mrs. W. A'. Graham of Kinloss are as follows: . Grade II Theory, Honours, Mary Lynn Cayley, , daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cayley; Ann Courtney, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Courtney; Pamela. McIntosh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntosh; Susan Thompson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Thompson; Janet Farrish, daughter of,Mr, and Mrs. Grant Parrish; Pass, Etta . Belle MacDonald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack MacDonald; Jill Murray, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs . Ab Murray; Heather Boyd, ' daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Glenn Boyd. .NO-TICE k iii C0' A,.J Ctioin with Tots play grognd . ..Roller Sk c Itln. g Will Commence on. Wednesdaynight of this week. I Juy 1 Oth and will, continue. on Wednesday, Friday ands Sunday evenings from 8 to I I WE WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO APPLIED FOR', POSITION OF PLAYGROUND INSTRUCTOR, SORRY” WE COULDN'T ACCOMMODATE EVERYONE,; LUCK -NOW RECREATION COMMITT Graduation-,,Exercises,11'anqueth Dance Held At Brookside School GRADE & GRADUATION Junior - Ellen Thompson, ,. Graduation for, the. Grade 8 pup- Beattie; Midget - Sylke Bee ils of Brookside School was held Bernie Burgsma; Intermedia ,on Tuesday; 'June 25 Sharon Pollock, Sandra Rob] David Durnin was chairman for Ken, Metzger. the evening. Paul Zinn gave the Special public speaiunp Grace and the Toast to the Queen. were presented to Marilyn) r after which•,a banquet was served son, David Weaver, Jeff Fi to the graduates, their parents, . David Hawkins, Beth Gingq teachers and guests. Janice Robinson, Lori Anne Ruth Alton thanked the, ladies son; Lynn Elphick and Ruth; of Blakes U. C. W. for the meal. Brenda Taylor spoke in apprec, ZION iation of the School. Board and Mrs. Marian Zinn replied. An- nette Elphick thanked the teachers Mrs • Monis Jerome spent: for their efforts during the'school week in North Bay attheho year, her cousin, Mr, and Mrs; Guest speaker for the evening Jerome. was Mr. Ralph Smith, assistant Mr. and Ives. Eldon Rid superintendent of schools for Hur- . and Carol and his sister, Mr on County.- He was thanked by ' Mrs; Jim Smith of Moleswo Susan Tigert..spent Sunday at the cottage Awards and merit bars were pies.. Bob Smith and his schoolc ented ,to the pupils. at Port Elgin: The boys,ar Valedictorian for the graduating ployed for the summer at . class was Patricia Petrie.. Point.' The graduation closed with a Elwood AtPdnson'of God dance with music supplied .by attended a birthday suppel Crescent. Sunday for his daughter, Mrs. Donald Gibson and fa A WARDS FOR GRADE 1 - 7 mu, and Mrs. Lorne Coo On June 26 many awards and family had as visitors Rida bars' were presented to the pupils ening of last week her sist, of grades 1-7 of Brookside, and Mrs. Jim ShiluckbfLO Mr. Ross Errington presented and her niece, lvir, and 146 bars to pupils iii the b0 mile ald Sonley and Jason of L club. He also presented the Dun- Mrs. Lulu AnderOnvbit /gannon L.O.L. public speaking daughter, Mr, and, C 'trophy to Lynn .Elphick. Ashbaugh of Hagersvilleth Y Each teacher then presented bars week. . to their own. grades. Barbara Wilkins of Five Field Day awards were -present- Paris spent the weekend at ed to the following. Primary with her parents, \U. and Janice Pollock, David Sproul; Charles Wilkins and famil RIPLEY A Custom Butchering --,Curing and SMPkn9st st Freti Cutting and, Wrapping -- Sausage Makin HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in. on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, 'We Are Able To Hang Your Beef 1 To 3 Weeks'-- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Horne freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing ALL MEATS•ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR Y PROTECTION CHAS. 1 00ISN A, PROP, sTO�i ABATTOIR 395-2905 ' rr i pAP g 1f any 'I , y t11 R��r ,l III'IS M n 4 't �A I s,�� � •fl �i za,„�,� a � �3,����p �t j; sD3 lit a dw�"h'�ia$fs, �tako ti+l`�� Lr, 6 PtN } i {�q 7 ! t•�,t�r ff . z r �� +, ter )t r p4t{I'., r �•.Y�,aYs 6 , 1 IM p kti�� �f5 'S P � I I i , A a q u , �a E 6 ` b {{ 19 � I , tit t� v r , I { kF 1'1"'1y 11 a Yet;; .J t ; ks , t IV ► 11 ami WANE generai carpentry, cabinets, formica .and-arborite tops, Elmer Cialbort. Phone N5 - WANTED - standing bay in Lurlsno�l► z to tti ey area: Mark tRohr� , jt;. R... 3 Teeswater,; phone 392-60N.'. ll CUSTOX, SWATHING and bay conditioning. Phone 529.7619. WANTED motorcycle. 'Phone 529-7125. TEENAPER -- wants baby sitting on week -days. Phone 395.5351. WANTEDNew Perfection oil stove, (for cooking).. John D: Shetler, R.R.. 3 Wingham. WANTED person, to live to with elderly , couple, light house keeping. All conveniences in country r home. Please state ex- pected. wage. .Apply. Box D Lueknow Sentinel. WAFTED TO BUY -- 1500 bales, of hay in the stook. Phone 529- 7287. HELP. WANTED SCHOOL CUSTODIANS, Kincardine District High School - 40 hours' per week Kincardine District High School - 30 hours per' week; Kincardine - Tiverton Central' School, - 10' .hours per week or the above may be com-' bind into one full-time position for 40 hours per week. Applicants must' be. willing to do shift work if required and be able to provide medical cert- ificate and, proof of satisfactory chest .x-ray or tuberculin. test. Apply. on or before July 22, 19,74 using application form which caro be obtained by writing or tele- phoning the employer below. . Indicate on application prefer. ence for full-time or part-time work. THE . BRUCE COUNTY. BOARD OF EDUCATION ' . Box 190 CheAey, Ontario Telephone: 363-2014 Attention: Mel F. Wedow. Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. July 16th, 1974 for caretaker for 'the .Ashfield Waste Disposal Site lot 10, concession ,6, eastern division. Every, Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applicant to 'state wages expect ed. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. 'Donald M. Simpson, Clerk R.R.' 3 Goderich THE HURON COUNTY BOARD- OF EDUCATION requires a CUSTODIAN at F. E, Madill Secondary School, Wingham Written applications stating age; . ' experience and telephone number, should be addressed td Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent , • Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO Applicants will be notified if required for an interview. Dead- line for applications is July 18, 1974. D. J. Cochrane, E. H: Hill, Director Chairman I THR AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Maple, Grove Orange Lodge Hall and contents, Lot -9 E.D.; ConFession 12, Ashfield Township to be held SATURDAY, JULY 27th at 2 P.M. Auctioneer Grant McDonald Ripley, Phone 395-5353 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 'Farm Machinery, Household Effects,. and Antiques will be held for The Estate of the 'late HUGH MacKAY• 'Lot 34, Concession 8, Kincardine Township On SATURDAY, JULY 20th at .1 P.M. Executors W. G., MacKay, I. Jim Parker / .Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 39S-3353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392,6170 AUCTION SALE Of Household, Effects, Real Estate and Antiques will be held for MRS.. JOHN McCONKEY at her residence on Elizabeth St., Teeswater, , on SATURDAY, JULY 13 at 1:30 P.M.. Dining -room suite consisting of round' extension table and 6 cane bottom chairs; buffet and china cabinet; 2 library tables; Chester- field and 2 chairs; love scat; small tables; floor lamp; Morris chair;--. 6 dining -room chairs; cherry drop-leaf table; other anti- que chairs; cane bottom arm chair; 3 wash stands; bed & Mat- tress, dresser; single bed & mat- tress; blanket box ' pictures and frames; G. E. vacuum cleaner, (like new); dishes, some antique; Moffat electric stove; Frigidaire refrigerator; hall tree; Singer treadle sewing machine; wringer washer; table; quantity of pint jars; garden tools; saw horses; 2 lawn mowers. (push type). Real Estate . Full two. storey insul brick dwelling, in good repair, situated on full sized lot 66 by .132. House contains large living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and bath- room downstairs, 4 bedrooms up- stairs, to be sold at approximat- ely 3 p.m.. TERMS CASH Owner arld auctioneers not responsible for accidents or injuries inany way connected .. with the sale Owner -Mrs. John McConkey Auctioneers: Wallace Bailagh, Teeswater 392-6176 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 EXTRA COPIES OF THIS WEEK'S REUNION PAPER WILL BE MAILED ANYWHERE FOR 5N CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATE' HEALTH CENTRE R. BRAY, D.C. D. LEE, D.C. 197 Josephine St.,. Wingham Phone 3S7-1224, ONTAltl$ WEDNESDAY, TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Of Antiques and Household Effects for MISS H. T. HARPER, of Lucknow and MILS. E: SALE of Goderich plus other consignments AT THE. AUCTION ROOMS Hwy. 21, ' one mile south of- Goderich fGoderich On� MONDAY EVENING,. . JULY 15. at 7 p.m: Walnut commode; 4 pc. wal- nut bedroom suite; 6 pc: dining room suite with double pedes- tal. Duncan Phyfe, table and, corner china cabinet.; 9 pc. Victorian dining room suite; 2 oak sideboards; china cabinet; dining' room extension table; bronze settee with 2 matching chairs; portable T.V.; single oak Victorian bed,• iron and brass bed; bureau; 2 oak dressers; 3 Victorian dressers-. rocking chairs; small •tables; 2 pine blanket boxes; 2 trunks;, 3 commodes; 2 sectional oak book cases,; large oval mir- ror; press back chairs; exer- cise bicycle; electric stove; washing machine;. reclining chair 7, pc: bronze set; coon. skin coat; crocks; quilts; iron pot'; . depression 1 glass; .limo- ges- china; Tiffany type hall lamp; ° Aladdin lamp with shade; horse bells; 2 large school bells;, quantity of new light fixtures; etc., etc. TERMS CASH Mike Cummings, auctioneer Goderich 524.9064 Rev. Ro'beet.Rutman, Is New Minister A MBERLEY NEWS Rev. Robert Putman from Alber= to is the new minister of Bethel, and Pinel%River Churches. We welcome them to our community.. Congratulations to all the newly weds in this community namely' Mr. -and .Mrs. Mike Murphy of Ingersoll, Mr, and Mrs. David French of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. David Courtney of Halifax, also Mr, and 'Mrs: Paul Farrell of Tor onto. Miss Kathy Irwin spent the week end in Ripley; Mr. and ,Mrs. Bob Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Benson of Lon- don attended the French -Henry wedding on Saturday in Pine River Church, ,'Congratulations to Mr.'and Mrs. Jim MacKenzie who were married in Ripley on Saturday. Results Announced In Music'Theory Royal Conservatory of Music Mid summer exam results of stud- ents of Mrs. W. A'. Graham of Kinloss are as follows: . Grade II Theory, Honours, Mary Lynn Cayley, , daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cayley; Ann Courtney, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Courtney; Pamela. McIntosh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntosh; Susan Thompson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Thompson; Janet Farrish, daughter of,Mr, and Mrs. Grant Parrish; Pass, Etta . Belle MacDonald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack MacDonald; Jill Murray, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs . Ab Murray; Heather Boyd, ' daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Glenn Boyd. .NO-TICE k iii C0' A,.J Ctioin with Tots play grognd . ..Roller Sk c Itln. g Will Commence on. Wednesdaynight of this week. I Juy 1 Oth and will, continue. on Wednesday, Friday ands Sunday evenings from 8 to I I WE WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO APPLIED FOR', POSITION OF PLAYGROUND INSTRUCTOR, SORRY” WE COULDN'T ACCOMMODATE EVERYONE,; LUCK -NOW RECREATION COMMITT Graduation-,,Exercises,11'anqueth Dance Held At Brookside School GRADE & GRADUATION Junior - Ellen Thompson, ,. Graduation for, the. Grade 8 pup- Beattie; Midget - Sylke Bee ils of Brookside School was held Bernie Burgsma; Intermedia ,on Tuesday; 'June 25 Sharon Pollock, Sandra Rob] David Durnin was chairman for Ken, Metzger. the evening. Paul Zinn gave the Special public speaiunp Grace and the Toast to the Queen. were presented to Marilyn) r after which•,a banquet was served son, David Weaver, Jeff Fi to the graduates, their parents, . David Hawkins, Beth Gingq teachers and guests. Janice Robinson, Lori Anne Ruth Alton thanked the, ladies son; Lynn Elphick and Ruth; of Blakes U. C. W. for the meal. Brenda Taylor spoke in apprec, ZION iation of the School. Board and Mrs. Marian Zinn replied. An- nette Elphick thanked the teachers Mrs • Monis Jerome spent: for their efforts during the'school week in North Bay attheho year, her cousin, Mr, and Mrs; Guest speaker for the evening Jerome. was Mr. Ralph Smith, assistant Mr. and Ives. Eldon Rid superintendent of schools for Hur- . and Carol and his sister, Mr on County.- He was thanked by ' Mrs; Jim Smith of Moleswo Susan Tigert..spent Sunday at the cottage Awards and merit bars were pies.. Bob Smith and his schoolc ented ,to the pupils. at Port Elgin: The boys,ar Valedictorian for the graduating ployed for the summer at . class was Patricia Petrie.. Point.' The graduation closed with a Elwood AtPdnson'of God dance with music supplied .by attended a birthday suppel Crescent. Sunday for his daughter, Mrs. Donald Gibson and fa A WARDS FOR GRADE 1 - 7 mu, and Mrs. Lorne Coo On June 26 many awards and family had as visitors Rida bars' were presented to the pupils ening of last week her sist, of grades 1-7 of Brookside, and Mrs. Jim ShiluckbfLO Mr. Ross Errington presented and her niece, lvir, and 146 bars to pupils iii the b0 mile ald Sonley and Jason of L club. He also presented the Dun- Mrs. Lulu AnderOnvbit /gannon L.O.L. public speaking daughter, Mr, and, C 'trophy to Lynn .Elphick. Ashbaugh of Hagersvilleth Y Each teacher then presented bars week. . to their own. grades. Barbara Wilkins of Five Field Day awards were -present- Paris spent the weekend at ed to the following. Primary with her parents, \U. and Janice Pollock, David Sproul; Charles Wilkins and famil RIPLEY A Custom Butchering --,Curing and SMPkn9st st Freti Cutting and, Wrapping -- Sausage Makin HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in. on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, 'We Are Able To Hang Your Beef 1 To 3 Weeks'-- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Horne freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing ALL MEATS•ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR Y PROTECTION CHAS. 1 00ISN A, PROP, sTO�i ABATTOIR 395-2905