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Wingham Times, 1890-02-28, Page 3
TE ,?. RANCE COLUMN. goes_'- i1 nX WXNGU t L W. ). T. V. „, , Clippiuge. ' God ie not dead, nor doth He sleep ; The wrong shall fail, The riglht prevail With penee en earth,gt'od. will to men. r—Lona/'cllotu. Prohibitionist Turks are working to abolish saloons kept by "Chris- trans” (?) in Constantinople. 'Tile keeper of the morgue in New "York City states that four fifths of the five thousand bodies that reach that piece of the dead every year', aro sent 'here by drunkenness. Tho W. 0. T, U. of 1ifississippi has received a gift of $8,000 by subscrip. tions taken alter a serluun hi behalf of its work, delivered at Meridian by Saan Jones. e The Mississippi 1V/tite-Itibbonor tells ni a "palace of;justice" in N'ew Orleans which is "'armuged with due regard to the fitness of tl►ings;" the lower stury occupied by saloons ; the upper story by the criminal court. A Practical Way of Educating' Public Sentiment. The wife of a distinguished Senator has stated that whose offers a °lase of wine to one of her sons will offer her a personal insult, and, being quite cousistent, she does not offer' wine at her own splendid receptions, "fol' the sake of other' women's boys." - 1 hiladelphia Ledger. `Tie secretary of the Dominion Ala- }iauoo received the foliowiug telegram: —"The Manitoba gran°,., of the Doaninion Alliance in meeting asset. b1 d send cordial greetings. .Prolhibi- t.ion exists in seventy out of eighty- seven tnunicipalities in this Province. Glory to God in the highest, and on Clara► peace, good -will to man. Thos Nixon, President; R 1) Rorison, Secretary." Who IV6ade that Man Drunk? There is a Tuan that came into town this forenoon a sober, kind-hearted citizen. Sea him now in the after- noon. There he goes staggering, a kswearing, a laughing -stock for' the boys, a nuisance to society a public scandal. Who made him drunk'? He put his team into the hotel barn acid went iutu.t'ie gar -room and drank all he pleased. An' ,lour }ater he went ititdi that sa- loon ' and dram, again, farther on he met a friend and they together went into. the other hotel and there drank each. others health Again lie drank before- getting up iris team t:r start of for home, to bless [Z] his household. Now he ie drunk! drunk! He can scarcely get into the wagon. Who made• him d; unld Surely the first glass did not make him drunk; So says the landlord. The saloon man where he took the secondglass,say, Of coarse it did not make him drunk, lie had only one ;;.lass here. The other liotel;,nt which the two friends took a social glass, is not seeponsible for his intoxication—so he asserts. The hotel ,had the liquor to sell, and yet the man was drunk! Who rnade hihn' drunk? Will the hotel -keepers , saloonkeepers, whiskey sellers, settle this gneetion of responsibility among themselves?' One thing the. public will determine, namely: they are each particep,s eriminis 1 Aniither thing. God will determine;. nahnely, the relative degree of guil t atttulhih ; to eaolh•one who put a buttle :or a glass] to him and made hihn drunken. And every one shall give account of Ilhnlself to God.—The D u»i• tbr'i The recent state convention of the Young People's Society of Christain Endeavor of Connecticut at New Hav en, was .attended by over two tivius- . and delegates, with audiences of three thousand to four thousand. On tht temperance question,. the convention committed itself. unreservedly to tae cause of total abstinence, and pledged it iufluenoe toward the accomplish- ment, at the earliest possible day, of the utter exterwiiiation• of the liquor traffic, The business done by the Woman's Temperance Peblicatiou'. Ass.iciatio 1, Chicago, in the last year,..aunonnts in mogul numbers to l©81000, 'l'dhe national organ of the wV,C.'r.U., The Utrioli Signal, leas 75,000 subscribers. The increase in cash reeeipls this year P , ieie 9 (V, A dlvtdend of so es r is �,3 ,U) pe cent has deon declared for• the third time to stockholders. Considering that all this e.lterpriso relates to temperance, pore and simple,. and is avenducte:i by lvotthen, the tetxiperanse ";tovem.Oui. has 110 parallel. Flip. 313111 ratltp' W&rewelll to QRtltrlo. mit 1rn.tNX BOee. Dear land of my childhood, dear land. of my birth, The land of the freemen of valor and worth, i'll cherish thy memory wherever 1 o, And long to return to thee, Ontario. Ontario, Ontario, Now fare thee well,Ontario, Naa for the westward my course 1 must take, Away from the beauty of forest and lake, Whet) on the prairie I'll plow, i'trop and sow, My thoughts shall return to thee, Ontario, Ontario, Ontario, Now fare thee weil,Ontario. Farewell to my kindred, farewell to my friends, To the land where wild wood and relays extend, Where clear gliding streamlets like crystal do flow, I grieve for the parting with thee, Ontario. Ontario, Ontario, Now fare thee well, Ontario. When down o'er my cheeks "the tear drops do glide, My face in my hands my sorrow to hide, TIi fond reeullectious each einigrant know, But bind me still closer to thee, Ontario. Ontario, Ontario, Now fare thee well, Ontario. Soon log upon log my cot it will rise, Though Bumble the dwelling, its walls I will prize, Like the shanty my father did build long ago, Within the green forest of thee, Ontario. Ontario, Ontario. Now fare the well, Ontario. And when the sun sinks in the west far away, And by his red light tells the parting of day, I'll seek my lone cot, whole the night shades do grow, And sing the s•ttreet songs of thee, Ontario. Ontarto, Ontario. • Now fare thee well, Ontario. When weary thy tnewbers'ehall bear me along, The joy of my heart, and the theme of my song, In Bluruber refreshing, I'll hear thystreams flow, And see the green woods „of thee, Ontario. Ontario, Ontario, ' Now fa: a thea well. Ontario. EMORY Mind wandering oared. Books learned in one reading. Testinionials from all parts of the globe.. Prospectus POST Loiiotte 'Yot7 P h Ave. New Yorrk. �So�errL eal� Cures CulsaIOLM's Colo alt DaUG i TORE Wingllam Agency, The 11toet Successful Remedy ever disco,* ered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. KENDALL'S SPAYNN CORE. OBETca OF CHARLES A. 8iTDrcu, BREEDER OF 1CLEVRL.51 D�13ay dib TROTT= Bann HORSEe. Bra:moon,'ILL., Nov.;;0,1888. DR. 13.3.1iENDALt Co. Dear Sirs:I have -always purchased youriien- dall's Spavin Cure by the half dozou bottles I would like .pricesin larger quantity. I think it: is ono of the best liniments on earth. I have used it en my stables for th ee years. Yours truly, CHAS. A. SNYDER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN F CUR a Bnoo,u. t, N Y., November 8, 1 On. B. 3.1titnALL Co. boar Sirs : I desire to give yyou teattmonfat of my goorl opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have recd ht for Lameness, Stift' Joints and ld seine, and I have found it a enre cure, I eordi- ally recommend it to all horsemen,,::A Youix truly ger Troy Leu d y SStables. KENDALL'S SPAY�O CORE. seer, WiNTox ConNTir, onto, Dee. 18,1868. De. B.J. )KENDALL Co. Gents: I feel it m duty to eay ' 1,at 3 havo done with your I endali9s Spavin Cdrgl I gave cured twenty.rvo horses that had tlndi+lna, ten of Ting BL ne, nino aintcted with Ilia Head and Bevan of Dia 3ww, Slime I have ,tad e.ie of your books and followed the directiofia,.I havo tiaver lost a case et any kind. cry Your8truly, • Artbt1ictvTanNr,t10 Horse Dr ;:O'. KENDALL'S SPAY! O s TO OUR ST7BSORXIIE S. The opuorAr. 4NNOUNC BUEN'r whish app.' aged in our columns some time since, artnounoing a special arraugee ment with Drt 13. J i I elmaul. IJo , of Enoeburgh .,•alis, '1't., publishers of ""A Treatise on the Horse and his Dia - eases," whereby our suhacribers were enabled to obtain a copy of the valu- able, work Oita& by Bending their a41. drt'es t0 R, .l, K8 a,ALL & Co., (and enolo' iug a two -cent stamp for ,nailing sante) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all. will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work, To every lover. of the Horse it is indis pensat.le as it treats in a simple planner all the diseases which afflict the noble animal. Its phenol:ninal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard author- ity Mention this pap,f r when sending for "Treatises." Price tt icer bottle, OCs six bottles ror 8 1SI Drug. gistshavn11ernougat,itforyou,otitwillbesent 1 o any eddreason reectptofMicoby tag eysrgprte• l torn. DR. B. J. Itntt»ALL Co., Alcosburgii �a1,e,Ivt. SOL> - ;BBY ALL TIDIUMGIIJTSa Tho Elder was Filore Cautlbd'X' There- aftor. It was Elder Russell, v,ho called on a woethy deacon to open a meeting with prayer, and was surprised when the good man began his petition with: Oh, thou great, insignificant God. "Omnipotent, brother; you mean omnipotent God," whispered the horrified pastor. "FJ:uh 1" ejaculated the surprised supplicant, "what's that yogi say?'' The preacher repeated the erre° *ion, whereupon the deacon continued the prayer to a great length, and con- cluded as follows: Finally, Lord bless our eddicated parson. Stuff him with religion as well as with words ; break him of the habit of fault finding, if possible, aim at the eleventh hour gather him with the saints in Thy Kingdom. Elder Russets, who was fond of tell- ing the story, always endl'd by declar- ing that it was his first arid last. attempt at correcting the speech of his brethren.-Leieiston Journal. I FOR THE B:''.L -- • ZN- -�- ORDtRED CLOT.:, I 9 ATS; PST . CAPS, , S FARTS, COLLARS, CUFFS', Cheap for SAS. AT E]3STE1�t• ONTARIOMUTUAL LIFE. &a. Cash. Income for 1888 , $$ 39`3 07.1 00 New Assurances written in,1888 2 510.1 tiisq 0i} i Assets, as at Dec. 81st, ' 1888 5,3110,8:13 00 I Assurances in force, Jan. lst, 1889 12, 041,01.4. i 90,337 t 9 Over -Nine. The extreme squearnishness and almost painful precision o$ speech of a certain Miss Blank atfor'd her friend no little amusement. She was calt- In;r on a friend just before Christm• is and naturally the eocversation turned upon the approaching holiday. I suppose you are actively eugaged in your preparations for Christmas? stlid Miss Blank. Yes, 1 am quite busy getting my children's little presents ready. 1 presume eo, was the reply. And I dare say the children are looking forward with the most delightful an- ticipation toy'Christmas morning. Do youlmee u tree, or.' do yolt'r children hang. up- tlheira—ah--el—hosiery ?:' C. P. Pt TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows LEA41ie 5:3rr a, m ........,.For TOroute ...... 2.15 p, m " 2:S5 p. m.............For Teeswater 10130 p. ut titatvrNe ..5:35 a. m 216 p. n: 1 10:30 " ••a-R,A £TD 2'R.UfS K _RPM" A, C, STRATI 13EE, AGENT, w:NOfiAM. Through tickets to all polnta in America—North- West, Pacilic Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. --TIME TABLE. LEAVE W1SG11Ai1. • ARRIVE AT WISOITAel. 6:30 a.m.Toronto,Guelph,Palmerston, &o. 3:30 p.ni. 11:10 " " " 10:10 " 3:40 p.ni. " Clinton, " 7:25 " Pahncrston, Olixed......10:15 a.m. 6:45 a.m ....London, ftc 11:00 " 9:40 p.in. " 7:45 p.m. 11:10 a.m.. Kincardine, &o ... 6:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m " 11:10 „ 10'10 " 6:50 p.m nw!,.iSu'it.`''aes`.zr'i3%L�M1+°�« ,it a °TMS" e+�• aK S. G RACE Y•, v�.Tn-�-I�.z'A�.JJ�, Supplies all necessaries for fun, eral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially foe this branch of business, All orders attended personally, and delivered any: where within 10 miles of Wing: ham. Remember the place, first door, south of the big brick hotel ou the " main street, Wingham. . ,+,A, 1EER Bhy-I,�OP., MR. MAI COLM Mct O,t� ALD, , LATL Oi ,ilei RY. ( 1 13nl$r. ptl,ohaacd the ba'berir r bushioss of tiessra. t ab: etian Pfo.e..1 i prepared to give all old elistmnere 1 ..,;tl ria litany new on. a :la pat:0,,lre hill,, EatisfaLtiell in Cul lures of the profession, SI -LAVING AND HAIRCUUTTING ore ulv s)11Citltics. t3'l,Ciire 1110 a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon A:td 'Mclntyre's store. --aIf your. subscription to thl Times is in i arrears an early paymFnt rf fhe indebted , 1►ess will bo appreciated by . wild 1: ropriotee, I • sr. stenONALD, Surplus, Dec. 31st, 1888 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Libei'a1_ Policy Conditions. ALEX. DAWSON, GENEIAI,• AOENT. Winghlam Ont ED. 61NS6EY'S JEW�1flY E�TAB�SH[V1��T Hasa most complete assortment of the L TEST, CHOICEsr, anti 11.0ST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, • Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goo : s. YO g!�.17:41 BUT 'fATgBARtIL S. y,^ty' CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN• TTO REPAIRING; AN1) WORK' LLL W'AttRANTED. a GO RIGI T TO (, REEN'S 11LOCK• FOR YO UR JEWELLER Y a it Re`''cta o�xa• t... �ste�� Fresh, and gotten up in Every "LEi���ci.sse FRLJI'I'S ! - ��JI'T�'� I A Pine Stock of- GRAPES, APPLES, ORANGES Etc. I A i & . S OKJR' SUN OONFEO T ION ERY Jeb- T'holmost complete stock• in the; county. Pure Creams a specialty. Call and see me. H LL5l` C g Y REST's > ';,IQ�T A Bless .ng to Evtery Household, These romeele8 hark stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the belt bbvii.-inca for Fankly use. 'TTL,;-► Purify the blood; correct till di.crdtrs of 116 LIVII1. �Tt'1HAf Ii, annanTS AND 13011 LI,5 and .r In.valunble in all •t"YnplaintS inei+lenthi t.o 1fn,u'er of nil ages. � � f_i O L1` 'T1%I.M:�� -T Iathe only reliable remedy for had legs. sorra, u1c'ero,'aud n1e1 wounds. I,111 1110,: r .7 Sosk.` TIi11OATS, Cr,l'G1li c•OT'DS IlIlI T IIFEUMATRIN, CILAC%L Al: SWEL INC S , i L SKIN D1SE tsES P6 liAI YO P011AL Manufaeturcel only of 79, New (lidera. Late ..J9, tip.,"•, .. London, and sold by all bfedicine \lendots throughout the world. !<' I?hrchasers-should bulc to the Lobel ou th'e Bets argil fele.• If tl t• vddrt o is 33, Orforcl Street, London, they aro spurious. +a , . J�•1 ` b TIIB ? 1)IP0 is Please. lnforr- .y'Snr readerr that t Have A eoiiivo remecltr fo lire rb:.ve h un"a meas. By Ls timely use Broitaands ofhopoless eases Lave bleu permah c ,try °tilt i t .,Iix;,! I glad to tend ttr'o bottles 0f my renmedy MR to any of our reads s.1Y1�e' hove t r.. t:moption if they �IIi sofd�me their Express and Post Office Addre a ,iµ l•« . 4. eLGCtlh.t h t...,t taw Ire!;C Ad:1;1a4:cl.] &Sq.ToCiG8 P0, fJRS` R.:.,1:: " f�� ��.t 1st V �e lidf,�