HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-03, Page 17j X d
'�( JULY 3, 1974
Th is W
;Last Saturday morning started
t du11 and 'damp'. with a drizzle
ta,nthreateni'ng a dismal day.
t pn towards noon the sky elear-
and the sun began to shine
0n8 conditions outdoors more
easaat, By eleven thirty in
pley in a matter of ten minutes
M there was great rush of cars
t r,
1 •. ti i :.
. ....
iey also Ivan Cook and Bob Johnston 'family as so well shown in last beef for the barbecue at the
for the Huron and Kinloss Tele- week's Sentinel. Memories of arena. In charge of getting it
phone System. During the early the three boys - Bill, Ab and fired was Sam Malhotra and
and then everything just quieted ' hours of Sunday morning the rains George - as they played as a litre members of the club were there- «"
down. 13y the very feel of this came down accompanied by a on the Lucknow Juniors. Their. Tall helping out. The oven -.was
stillness up street you just knew thunderstorm. The moisture wasrear passing plays back in the
g P g P Y cleaned by Howard Hodge,
that there was.a big parade about needed by. the crops,and gardens mid forties filled the arena and it according to reports, before it
to take place in Lucknow. And throughout this area, was always a rush from Ripley and
how wonderful that the afternoon Y P Y was taken to Lucknow. It will be
the concessions in Duron to get a used a agn at the Lions annual
turned out to be pleasant'and sun- a • o o ° g
seat for the games. In, fact this beef barbecue in Ripley on the
ny,. Both. the. Ripley and District reporter has always that the P y
Lions Club and the Ha Hearts P Y Y' first Sunday afternoon in .August - + ,
PPY What memories were brought helped to build the Lucknow arena Civic holiday weekend.
Club had entries in the parade, back by the pictures of the Chin by the crowds winch they drew
Our thanks to their sister Mary
for being able to,see the picture o • o 0 0
and for her clearly expressed let-
ter - the years rolled back, Later At this time of writing Ambrose
George pitched baseball on the Gamble. is in hospital in London
Ripley Junior baseball team `when and Lloyd Wylds is in 'hospital in
it was directed by Nelson Hodgins :Toronto.. Ripley area folks extend
and the late Ed Harrison; oto each their best wishes for recov-
and also if this reporter remembers .ery;
correctly Morley played for some
of the games. .And it is rather a
coincidence that they are the only
two brothers in the family who do Mr. 'and Mrs, Allan ,Gardner and
not live in Toronto. We see son Aaron of Clintorrspent the '
that George• is in Calgary and Mar- week end with her sister Carol and
lefamily in Ottawa. In the thirty years y - Mr.' and Mrs. Donnie
1how the style of hockey has chang- Fludder, Tammy and Jason in
ed -'and not for a better game.,, Npley. Whale here- they attended
the Lucknow Reunion.
0 0• a a a ."s .
;Ripley folks were glad to know
that both Mrs... Evelena Wyld and
Mrs. Isabel Love were able to re- Home to Ripley from the Kings -
turn home from Kincardine Dist- ville district. was. Ross Willets for'
rict Hospital -, Mrs. Wyld on Tues- the long week end.
day -and Mrs. Love on Saturday. • a o o a
a a ;a. • a
Dennis Martin .of Toronto was
The community shower for Miss home for last week end. .
Ruth Rock was held on Monday
evening of 'last, week ,in the Knox a a o a a
Presbyterian Sunday School room'
in Ripley. "Mrs-, Roy (Violet) MacKenzie is
back to her home in Ripley after'
spending an enjoyable two weeks
visiting with Mr, and Mrs. R. M.
Back home from a vacation in Scott in Huntington Woods, Michi•=
the Oshawa district are Mr. - and • ga.n. This •week Mr- and Mrs.
Mrs... Lawri James and daughter. erne MacKenzie and family Rob-
Hmrmother, Mrs. Aimee James, bre, Susan and Heather of Union-
remained for few more days. ville,' near Toronto, are visiting
During her absence Miss Janice with his mother Mxs. Violet Mac-
Reeves did the baking at the Kenzie,.
' store. While Lawri was away Reg
Moore assisted the regular clerk',
Mrs. Grace Murray, in the opera-RAWFORD DOUGLAS
tion of the grocery store,
a o • o ,Miss Kathy Cameron of London
spent the week. end with her moth-
er Mrs. Gladys Cameron.
Fire Chief Doug Liddle reports
that he and his firemen were o' „ . o •
pleased with .the support received
at their annual firemen's ball and, and Mrs. Gary Pollock and
also'that the fine new firehall is son of Toronto visited with his
}} Wwell on its way, parents Mr. and Mrs. Mel Pollock
Ottawa Needs Crawfo'rd'Douglas To -Represent and other relatives,in the area.
About eighty relatives and
The, Pe"ople Of. Bruce friends were guests at a dinner Don and June Dietrich, son
held last Saturday evening to Chuck and daughter Dody have
celebrate the 25th wedding anni- moved from their Ripley Apart-
versary of Mr, and Mrs. Jack ment to North Bruce this past
ScottT of Ripley. The event was week end.
held in the Ripley -Huron Legion
C -AU N Hall and the ladies of the Legion + a • . o
Auxiliary served the meal. Don- ,
nie Blue of Toronto-, brother of
Mrs. Betty Scott, was the M.C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beirnes,
while her sister Bertha Mrs. Bill Douglas, Randy and Dennis of
Douglas is armlnf.or*mafi-on,Determination., Scott of Huron' Township, sang, Stratford visited with her father
ed with Sam Emerson in Ripley over the
- • e • o a first of July week end.
DedicationKnowled a On Monday of last week the ' '
g parking area in front of the Ripley
Curling rink was paved. This A farewell party was recently .
will make it both easier to park held for the Brooks family of con-
and also to remove snow: The cession 12, Huron in the Purple
first job before laying the pave- Grove Community centre. RIn-
_ mens was the removal of a tree eluded were Jim and Isabel with
WARDstump• from the area, son Carson and daughter Barbara
and also brother Tanner. Brooks.
° a • o Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks and
Barbara are now living in their
Good Government Members of the Ripley and home in Ripley beside the Ripley
District Lions Club had their port- Huron Central School.
able steel oven over at Lucknow
s _ - last week end to roast the ton of a * ° • +