Wingham Times, 1890-02-14, Page 8e.. *ljam Einio FRIDAY, FEBitUARY 14, 1800, ! 2iForesters' Seclal. The !violet given by Court Maitland, No. 25, Cavudian Order of $'orestere. in their Court Boom, on Friday evening last, waslargely attended, and all appeared to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content. Yohu Neelands, Esq., occupied the their iu his usual happy .manner. The programme was n good one, and was well carried out. Bell's brass band was hi at- tendance and contributed a couple of selections in good style. The town Orchestra, as usual, took an important part in the programme, and ,acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. This musical organization is,,grnwitag in popularity; if one is to juilgeby the rmtaner in which they were received by the audience. Misses Boughton and Brooken• shire gave several instrnmeutal duets, wbioh were well received. 11r r A Cline rendered a solo in capital style, and the duet by Mrs Orr and vXr Cline, was highly appreciated by the audience. The Har- monic B 1.nd gave several selections and was heartily encored at each appear- • aauce. Mr J W Soott, by request. gave a solo, wlr sir gained hearty apph{use. Fir Scott was not in good form for singing, bur he ac'nitted himself in such a manner that his services will be is demand at future entertainments in town. Mrs Orr's zeiiderin0,.of "Caller Herrin," captivated the audience. The refresinneuts were served with an- unstinted hand, and the large audience seemed to thorough ly enjoy this part of the programme. The enter. tainment was brought to• a close by the eiuging of the National Anthem. Blyth, Ia1 r. Wm. McGowau, who was taken fnddr 'y OD iii on tiie night of the tea - meeting, we f,re pleased to say is able to be around :tgtLin.--Ver. G»orgf' 1Creighling was in .l.tlhuru this weak. --F« W. Armitage, of L'ndon, was in -town this week.—Mr. Parkinson, of London, was in town this week. -- Mr. ,I o1) art. EIaggttt was in Auburn #Ir,G Suntfay---As Mr. George Haggttt 'was-eudeatoring to shoe a heavy rlr}Liy,lat stallion . belonging to Mr; I.a1eGdwan this week it mane a lunge, diiea'vralr3 striking Mr. J•Iaggit b1r ,one lea algid arm almost, disabling it for •. the -Vine being heis tabic to be around 'we are pleased to state A about the acct of crutches. --At the last meeting of : our town fathers which was I eld jiirnday evening of but week the meeting was addressed by Mr, 0. Munition on the sul.jecs of a monthly Lorne fair. 'he e'Onueit as a whole were in f Ivor or acceding to the rerin 'st whicti wait -asked granted $C1U as the object wits a., goose one which Mr. Ham tItot l pointed out: The first foal take place on the 4th° of March and tis c,In enittee which was appointed win try and melte it,t gr success as far as it ;tends int their paws;r to no 5n •~•Mss Hart, of Oliliton,is visit s'ig ftawnda in town this witak.—Qlnite nuiu•r„sr intaild to take in the lutll and supper to -night:( Friday) at Bell's Jtst1, L w ieshoro.--l'r1e i oiatl an.l intertatnrrient which was given At the residence of Mrs Brownlee last even - ling under the auspices of tl:e Young "soples Assoektiorl of Truiif•y church 'was in every respect a gr ,ut1 success -aand those that nlieeed it lahissed eine the greatest ' treats of the se ttS011 More particulars next week in renard to tete amount taken in.—Our 'friends t f the tempeaanee lodge entertaitied spite a number of their hrotlters and nista, a from a ad,;".ii lag 1 'd ;es :gap Tues - dint evening 1),f lravirn, a nice pro trLnm3 prepared after which they ftrrtO 1 t o ou t tin s vvl q t£ thegood l g net: was prepared by the young ladles of this I edge and :a moat enjoyable ev uino `ova, spent—Mr. Geo. Middleton. of nr citizens are having serious Toronto. was in town this week.— tbou'alit:a ab .at there being a scarcity ,Anottfnrfallow who not exeitad over Of snow for the; remnant part of the $he bni'glazy last week while :going sea,.nn, Our uportstuestt lztr<ve zihet 1lz.rog1a the store Burly in the trtoruir ; espied a fellow as he titottght sitting an is ohair and upon fartheri':taainitita Sundiiy, 'We learn he has business there that calls for hirnt after nosw.-.•- Mr. Torrance, who left here on Satter, day for Seaforth, returned to town alt Tuesday.—Mr. Will Powell wits in Walton on Tuesday,. Morrie. Ur t'i'itiiart Whits,formerly of this township, hut who has been res,dirlg in Chicngo fru' some years, leas with his wife and (Iliad been spending a few ciaayset the residence of Mr, W. Jlarkt,—Mr. Govenlock, formerly of Frey townsihip but recently a xesidhzlt Of Neepawa, ilianitoba, has been visit insin , this vicinity. We may be mistaken but he Peetns to be food of J.Vanshinu,—Mr P McOitsey, of -Cimino nati, Ohio, epent a few days visit/ng friends in Morris.—lythe revival meet- ings now ;;oink on in Sunshine are growing in interest, the attendance being largely iuereased, The Misses .ktait,wlao have the meetings in charge, are faithful. zealous christians and have endeared themselves to ailwho have conte within the circle of their in- iluence.•--•Monday evening, Rev Mr Birks, of Ansa. t)raig, a former pastor here preached an earnest and eloquent sermon which was followed by a Most powerful after sleeting iu which the influence of the divine presence was plainly felt. Though the =oilier of new oonveris up to the present is not large, still the spirit is working, man' beteg under chop conviction and, there is not a doubt but that ere long many will be brought out of darkness into glorious light of the gospel. --bliss diaggte Connery is visiting in Guelph a present —Mr. David Hogg spent Sunday in Suunsaine.—Mr, Archie Nicholson, who has been having a serious time with Is grippe, has now about recovered.—Mr. Brownridge. and Wife, of Brampton, have been- visiting her sister, Mrs Abraham' Proctor, of Belgrave, and renewing aequaintance in .the township.—Obit. utaay. ,Lt is our prinful duty this week to recont the death of one of the early ssttlers of this township in the person. of Airs Nicholson, who departed this life last Thursday morning. Deceased whit had always `been a healthy woman was in her usual health till Wednesday afternoon when she was suddenly serickan with paralysis and gradually sank tilt about 7 o'clock Thursday morning when death came to her rescue. Shit belonged tc. the Methodist church of which, size, had long been a member. She leaven a family of grown up' sons and daughters to mourn her loss, The funeral took place Wednesday' after- noon from her late residence on the 4 line to Brandon cemetery, tho funeral sermon being preached in the Method- ist church, Belgrave, by the Rev. M. Godfrey: 131nelrale.' At the #meeting held on Wednesday evening of •last; week, in the school' honse, the Literary Society was organ- ized, wittt•the following officers: R. N. Dna., president; A. Paterson, vice• president; J. T. McCracken, secretary. treasurer; A. NleocEwen, editor, The society starts o f udder very auspicious clroutn'tatices. -The adjourned meet- ing err the of t i Ch �'ese Co was held here Y1 H last Wednesday for the purpose of letting milk drawing, firewood and other business. A discussion wits held about a joint stock farmers' grist hill, taut there watt not enough iiitere•st taken in it to carry it out.— Rev Mr %Main arrived home with his bride lust Wednesday evening, and ritiht loyally did his people receive hin3. 'risey turned out to the number of 40 and had everything ready to welcome. tliene. After partaking of .a, b.Illiltifo1 spread they enjoyed them. selves in i+.arious ways until about midnight, Lang icte. quite ft (ttttnhet` Of flexes Etna rabbits. —Rumor or says there is going tei be it concert at the time of Sin ins Sohool hien feu it to be a heap of rN,nnauts -far. Wm Tiffin has tttketr ou •slttres wr el -nth, etc., but of emirate lfifly, of the farm belonging to dIr. Thos. Ross. the Post Office, would not give the —„•fir. Alex, Jtoaa luta heen dangerous- *tlarm lentil he titot'eaaill1 illvested ly itl,lrtit is much h,:tter.—lairs Samuel the nttttttie sed was by ti„ rloiw' t re .141)14to0 whoa returning home front rasa of entrenching a great excitement esht,relt on Sunday night had the nus- =.-l4olentoll E'li2It, .7/ 134ektowu, is fort,tneacid fall on the read where tt eojourning ilk •to:Vtf tit present 'feeling was frortitl and rough to iraetl,xed iltonlewrhat proud over fronting the !tor ankle —We hope to have organ lawsuit which was tiled against lrirrr �i20(I 1$ fore latter the yotrttg People's by IteGinv,-4 Davit, ,1 r„ was in ,Aubera this week. Wonder what fit• tratStion Jimmy mug got ovl'r there• - 2 r. A. ttaggitt WAS in Pommels this A grand mrtsi''al and literary enter'. voi.k,---OurStx.ahief 1)ae stye he Math +tlaiumeent will be given. in Ladie>£t amptur'er anything now wiiih thea assts.. , Cbarelh on rl;'uesi y, 18th lnst. Rev, tams of kishouud that aver tried try A, V. Hartley occupiers the chair. *'s 'iIAAr w'kele* 00tnihtittit1 t tnirnli,ry. Doors opal M a'cloctt,olrair taken lit +moi. hlia!b' ► 1w4.. int Autiuru •last at), A.clasialssion iG ants. Society of Christian Endeavor. Gierla titan. WINGBA)at DIATtIiI:Tti, WnigUAM, rotors 18, 2SQQ. Garrertrd ty P. Beane, l'rodttce Dealer. "lour per 10011)4, ralt alwatper bushel,. Spring ” New teats, • Barley ['eta(, potatoes, Buttsr, tub . t10 Y.rlits, FFa'n per dation, Weed per cord, (lay per ton, • iiressed bogs. Turkeys per ase, " Ducks, " Chicens, •, . f 2 :a to 076, to 076 to 25 to v0 to 63 to 80 to i'2'to 12 to 12 to 926 to A 00 to • b25to 07 tc 00 to • na to 00 to I 25 0 80 80 20 06 8p 10 10 18. 1 to 1 i�rol 6 08 05 07 MONTHLY FMR win be held In 'Myth,. Font TEE SALE OF :I-TOBSES, CATTLE, z rq., ON TUESDAY • IA IGH 1890' Auction les conducted free charge on above date. Elf, . HA1tiILTON,• PressIont; A.. Er Bea..Treas- Meeting of Shareholders We the undersigned Shareholders of the Beltnare Cheese & 18otter Company. hereby giro public notice. that, under.. provision et Letters Patent, a sposlat meeting or 411e said Company will be held in the Temperance hall, Belerore, an Friday, the 280h day of February, 1890, at ono o'clock u 111,, for the pur• pose of electing Directors for tete Current year, and transacting such other business as the Interests of Company may requite. WILLIAM WILsQM, DAVID WM JesBLL, GLoitsieoas-rAoweuva, WiLL(AM Atoltse, I1 Lowss'r, WILL/0T J i pritAY, WILLIAM GieeMauLL, JO11R IfAKNIST, Mtwara Wsui, Wisaiann hisrutt; WA ROBINSON, ' Josrru Nsii i, 1VILLiAit H, DRAT MN, GMOROF. 2110110LSOY, FLSM(�u 134LLAot(, Plana TsaaiFF, . JAM rs.1t 'tonic, WILLIAM SAN Glsotto"r. Wr .lona Cit. • 't'V ittx.it Wu soft 1 Committee: ,roues RFToius i House and Lot for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot, satiated en the corner. of Albert and Alice streets, 5ringham. One-fifth of an oars of land, on which is a trance cottage. Hard and soft water and other conveniences. For further partionlar4, apply to the proprietor, on the premises. P. S, LINALATEII. Farm for Sale. 1'hei tbscribor offers for sale his .farm, being east Half Lot 22, Con, 10, Turnborry, containingr,0 acres, moreor less. There ore seven acres in -ll wheat and all thli'lartd cleared is seeded down. On the premises Igre good frame barn and a low house, and a good young $ otahtrd• The fart ldiv ]a - Batd, et y three miles from theflourishing tewn•of tntrtm. For further particulars, anpiy to ANDI I,W MITCHELL, near the farm, Wing. WWI Post Utfice, orto the proprietor, WM b1ITOH'LLL Grsndltt, Cass Co., Sortlt"flakott.. MnYna & IIICICTt SON, $1. W. C. maven, d. C. E. L. DIOKINSON, O. A. BARIITSTEE$ AND SOLICITORS, `Etc., Etc., So* Setters tete Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for talcsig attidavits Apr Manitoba. Farm, Town and Villuge.yrgperty yobght and sold. Money (private funds) loaned o»I mortgage ,security, at 6} Per cent.- Money invested for pt•I, oto persons, upon the bcbt tuortgage seo,uities Yvlthout oily expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and -the North- west, Office•. -Rent's .Block, Winghnm. WINGIIAM MABBLE WORKS! Taking a retrospect of thy thirteen or fourteen years business in al/gal/nu, I desire most heartily 10 tender my thanks to my friends and the public gen•' erally for the liberal patronage extended 10 the In the past. I may also' state that f am In a position to otter better inducements than ever to those 'tequlriig anything in the line of 7Grd,zlite or` Stone lartonumeuts, HEADSTONES, WINI1Q'GV SILKS, . STONE T'.1IMMINGSI, (;)11. PI >:MO, to, I would' be pleased to have those desirous of pro- curing any artioles in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave thew ordure, so that tho goods tar be secured and prepared •earl • in the season. You eau select from the latest dcens and obtain the finest wo.lnuanship at the snout favorable, rices, Most respectfully, yours, sir y %%Ingham, Ont. -ix:1-1m- KINOARDINE HIGH SCHOOL 1)i Sow open, with the following exoellelrt staff of T'eaohera : S. W. PI RItY, E. A., 1:#bannfasrsh, Hon. or Graduate and Gold Medalist of Victoria University — Classics and l Moderns. JAMES OrtA7i. 11. A.. Honor Graduate of Torout(, 1I1iversity- 13ngliah aria Science, I', W. PlIENCH. i3. A„ Honor Graduate of Toronto tjtaiversity-•-Maatitetnatics and Commercial ,Sratnohes. MISS : NLT HAItti., PIrst Clasp Pro.1` vitteiad certificate—Engin/It and Aid. No,A. erne. DItILta, under tothpervfelon of a grade. ate of the tloyal School of Infantry, ton don, Ont. BIGCESTILE \'ER O:FFERED i 0 A SEWING\ MACHINE TO be Given ,Away, with. 00 POUNDS nE BAKING POWDER! 0 . Everybody come and • take away : n of the POWDER. It will only cost you 5Oc. , and the Powder is worth the money. 0 ,--� 'EVERYTHING IN T'W 't%A' O INTE& .) RUM FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYIAT RUINOUS 0 DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WOOL SQUARES, HOSE, CASHMERE GLOVES and ETD MITTS, TWEEDS, ULSTERINGS, FLANNELS, SHIRTS and DI -1A WERS, OVERCOATS, Etc, FURS! FURS FURS! GENTS' AND LADIES' ASTRACHAN,'BULGABIAN LA114I3 COATS, GENTS' :BEAVER CUL Alis and CUFFS, BEAVER CAPS, AS- TRACHAN AND PERSIAN LADMI3 GAPS, SILVER FOX MUFFS and BOAS. O IN FACT EVERYTHING SLAUGHTERED TO PREPARE FOR , STOCK TAMIL. First to come gets the best assortment to select from. Y T e Windham, Jan, Sth, 1S90, ILLS. T WED! Ey SS. Europa, from Hamburg, Gernriany. 3 --VASES FANOY TABLE OHINA- EGG SETTS, SALAD SETTS, FRUIT BOWLS, VASES, BISCUIT JABS, WATER, SETTS, ROSE JARS, CUM SAUCERS, NEW BASINS, NEW CURRANTS, . NEW PEELS, NEW NUTS, NEW SRUITS, CHOICE & RELIABLE GROCERIES Call and Inspect before Making Vous XMAS PURCHASES. THE C LINA HOUSE. - W. T. YATES. Hill's otl estaur rfn TF, Ciel £tri stn rSVe pee, the tete to +Ger( J r18 • Oysters ! Oysters� Fresh., and gotten up in .Every Style W. C. 1.40e,COMf1 r`, Oheirman, B. of 1;. nil* VsWI`iT U. 11,1AIRIN. M.17, {{t aearentry', .1 WJTSI 1.t FRUITSI A Fina Stook of GUMS, A 'PUS, OI NGES Etc; Ass sz moms simians, CONFECTIONERY tarn, into etoek in the ennrrfy, Pure Creumal• tt specialty. Calif and See elle. 4 HILL'S CITY RESTAURANT.