HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-02-14, Page 760800
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The following speeimens of euriens '
'VIE litittepitHastrla roVNeketUit Ali'll 1118 punetuation are given by the Ptere'
CIII.Mtailt10 WAYS. Iltegister :
. Charmieg as ie, the merry prattle of A. man who was suddenly talierto
sick "hastened home while every
lett 'cent ohildhood, it le not part iculer.
means for his recovery was resorted
ly agreeable at tioet 1 o'clo..)k hi the to, In spite of their efforts, lie died
morning, when you aro "dead fore in the teitiniplis 4 a Christian re.
$leep," peel wouldn't te;ve it copper to ligion,"
hear even Oladst("' l'Imatgf talk. A l .1 1 I d
A. man was ci eii . i ty 0, rai roa
9'heire are young and talkative child.
car rnanine into lloetvit, 8 uppwied to
pee who baTfi no more regardfor.1, -. . I
yew. feelings or for the proprit-tios ot lee twat,' •
lite then to open their peepers with 1 A man Wfitell :
a snap at 1 or 2 a. ni., and to seek to " \\ e have decided to ereet a 8011001.
• engage you ie etilivenieg dialuguee of "bowel large enough to aculannedete
this sort : 500 scholars five blerive laizi:,”
Papa 1
t A31 Old t'dit104 ofIllit geography has
yell think you will pay no heed ke ti .-1 .
ille imperatit e little volt*, 110pillg l
"Albany h118 4.00 inhabitants, al
t hat silellee On your part will keep
standieg with their gable-euds to tit
View Not'to
Ifolloicales Cintment aUd Pillt.
Initaenze. — The soothing esterday morning the crew of ate Cougbo,
fishing smaek, named the Glove properties of thee med icemen te render
t11,° them well worthy of trial in al
eHtteas,ai..eatitturweadis ersea,0):;1,;:enl itli.nnsai.hdem
a11'"' I ahteases of the respiratory organs. In
bare been adeeP, t°6° usue13:44"" common colds and influenza the Pills,
could never have slipped a noose about
its flippers and fastened it in such a Wan.
ner that all the efforts of the seal to es- 1 r't111111internallycud the ointment
eld ove. t le c ies an iroa , et
, a
' I I t d ft t re
' rape were ineffeetual, The Italiane, ; exceedingly efficaWhen in
thinking of the future riches wWeh : flueuza is epidemie, tildetreatix*ent is
'the easiest, safest and Barest. Hello.
, would, flow to them from the exhibition
of such a. curiosity, exerted theinsdives 1 way's pins purify the blood, remove
to render their eapture a certainty. With 1 all obstaelee to its fro eieculation,
much labor they shipped their prize and ' through the lungs, relieve the over.
, finally made fat to lashernian's wharf ! „orna air tribes, and render respire -
about 10 o'clock., with the sea lion quietly
ii'tiort: free, without reclueinee the
settled. in the 'hold of their little craft.
1irreThe news of the advent of the little 1 strength . . ts itatina the nervs i or de.
stranger 'drew lar:e creed to the i presSing the spirits ; such* are the
a e1
-and much speculation wits in- i ready mails of escaping from suffer.
Iclsvulged in as to the_ore. best manner of get- 1 ing when afilieted with colds, conghs,
1 i ting the captive ash
1 brunehitis, ane other chest complaints,
at the wharf, was ono of the most active
Thomas Gilligen, who is now• collector by which tile beau of 40 many is
t seriously and permanently injured in
the y canuester quiet ; but again the -boy
of 3 pipes eat sharplyt./
Papa I
Well ? you sity.
You 'svelte, papa?
SOS me,
• Yes, 1 hear that yon are, you arty
'with eold sarceent. .What do you
\veil, he stiil and go to sleep,
I •isn't Weepy, papa.
Weil, I am, young man.
Is you 3 I is't—not a bit.
papa, papa.
yon was with
buy me? .
don't know—go te sleep.
Wonithet you buy me man?
I guess so; HOW you --
What, papal
Weil, a steam engine, may be; now,
you go right to Bleep,
With a bell that would deg, papal
Yes, yes; now, pit—
/end would the wheels go round,
papa 3
Oh, yes {yawning)':' Shut your
oyes now and—
And would it go ehoo, choo, choo,
Yes, yes; now go to sleep,'
• 2. Say papa.
No answer.
Well, what now 3
Is you l'aid of the dark 3
would you
in giving adeice, and, being some sort of ,
street," most countries.
nions were listened to •
On a certain railway the followine ' an officer, his °Pi
lurnitiouti dirt °thin was' printed : ''' with great deference. The time came I
when the sealion bad to be taken ashore, When a man tries for all lie is
"ereafter, When trains in Glonan , . 1
1 and the etta was brought to the in- 1 worth and doesn't succeed, probably he
opposite direction are approaching eline inside the dock, and active prepa- i is not worth mud),
ora and engineers wia.be rev (e'sitidedlate- 14ations were made for a transfer of the
hitereet than ever in 011 parts of the conntry, and
Prof. Lolsetto's inemorroystem is creati;ig greater
eiite 11 other on separate lines, c i t
1 eoelaeali.on trona the hold to the fisherman's
Ammons wishing to linprove their memory should
bring their respeetive trait's to Et dead
halt before the point of meeting, and 1 Collector Gilligan was the self ap- , se:111,1,0J. let prospects fres as advertised in another
be careful not to proceed till each pointed director of the proceedings, and e
traiu has passed the ether," he it was who carefully inspected the
—The only way to get along with
keep which secured the sea lion, and he ,
A steamboat captain Advertising an 1; was who shouted "all ready" when a I McGinty will be to roll a three -ton
excursion says: gozen of the brawny fishermen took hold li rook
over the mouth of the hole.
"Tickette twenty-five outs : childj of the ropes and tried to persuade his
hs marine majesty to crawl up the incline .—Perhaps one reason fish are so
ren l' pi ice to be had at the cflice."
to a place out of the wet on top of the 1 deceptive as to weight is that they
Over a bridge at ..k.thent73., Ga., is -wharf. The sea lion about this time be- carry their own scales with them.
the following: li gan to take in the proceedings and. to
is a paidull
'"AnY person driving over this ! The glazier's occupation. make decided objections. •
bridge in a pace faster than a waik, He evinced a very mulish disposition I one.
shall, if a white man, be fined five 1 not to be urged, and displayed. such a I
—"How do you find asked
dollars, and if a negro receive twenty- The
that the men on the rope deter - I
i apedler of a scissors grinder. "Oh
five laelies, half the penalty to bo be. 1 mined to keep at a safe distance.
stowed on the ia!ormer. efforts of a. dozen were, however, too pretty dull, thank you.
miteli for him, and they had drawn him.
All parties who Wive not paid
for the " TIMES" for the yeari
1.14(33 and are requested to re-
mit the A13110141) t at Ince. We need.
'money, and hope this notice will
be eefileient, and that a general
response will be the result.
. 3iiLLIO.
The undersigned have en band Iatrt
quantity of
ttlre esilyt„
isn't either, Opp.
Wllee. • •
If I was wich, Id bu.y -you sornefine
Wouldeyou ?
Yes ; I'd buy yon some leo cream
.and some chueolunt drops, and a toof
brush and panties wiv bwaid on like
mine, and caudy Wooster, and—
That will do. You must go to
:sleep now.
.Silence for half asecond; then—
Papa l Papa
Well, what now 1
I want a yolk. •
No, you gon't.
1 do, pap.
Experience has taught you that
there will be' no peace until you. have
brought the jink, and you scurry out
:to the bathroom for it, knocking your
:shins against everything in the roots
as yet go.
Now, I don't want to hear another
word from you to -night, you say, as
lie gulps dowl. a mouthfel of the
water he didn't wave Two minutes
later he says :
See here, laddie,saipa will have to
-punish you ,if -
1 can spell dog, repo.
Well, notrody wants to hear yon
ispell,it at 2 o'clock in the morning.
B.o.gdog, is that right 1
• No,•it isn't ; but nobody cares if—
. Then it's dog, isn't et 1
'Yes, yes ; now you lie right down
.and go to sleep instal -ale? I
Then I'll be a good b woii't 1
• Wapa ?
Yes ; you'll be the beet boy on earth.
.Good dearie.
Well,' well 1 Wm
hat em 1
• Is 1 your little boy 1
Yes, yes; of coerse.
Sotne Mans haVetet got , any little
boys; but yeti have, haVen't you
Don't you wish you had two, free,
;nine • 'When, twenty.six, ninety.nille,
'tree '11ntiflrea Litt le boys 1
:,‘; The mere possibility of such a
ote mid centingent Calamity so
paralyzki yon that you lie epeeehless
:for ten theitiates. during which you
;hear a Vawa Or two ill the little ben
•Ily your- side, a little figure toile over
'three of four times, u pelt of heels
'int() the Air oltea or tWitte, a Wain,
Yin:AA little 'heed reached out and
touches year Gee to mike sure that
,y01% are there, and the hay it % aeleep.
hitt hole Whete this head ooh'.s
. —
A. newspaper contained this: i almost to the top when he made= un- ii% Horrible Shark' Story.
': We* have two schoolrooms sad. I expected flop and nipped the fisherman
clently large toilet:emendate 300 pupils 1 arest him. in the calf.
The Italian gave one yell, and all, with
one above the other.
I the exception of Collector Gilligan, let
Another newspaper, describing the 1 gothe rope, He, gallant soul, held on.
doings of a conversion at Cleveland I and suddenly found himself floundering
said: • i in the bay. The sea lion had taken ad-
vantage of the demoralization of his
ad -
" The procession was very fine and 1
i captors and made for the water, and
nearly two miles kang, as was aldo the ,
prayer of Dr. Berry, the. Gilhean, because of his unwillinguese to
e chaplain. "
An old woman unable to re.ad, on
receiving a letter from an absent son
asked a friend to read it to her. The
writhie was so bad that the friend,
The Melbourne Argus prmts the fol-
lowing, under date Sydney, Oct. 15:
Thomas Punch, Fred Riley and Ed-
munds were indulging in theft usual
pull itt their club Skiff in the harbor this
morning,. As they were passing between
Bradley's Head and Clark Island, the
scene of the late fatal boat accident, they
were horrified to see a shoal of sharks
tossing about a human body. They
11.. ea= the spot, and then discov-
n le
aso, ON lIAND$
Hemlock and Dry Pine
let go of the rope, was made to o ow p
him. The sea lion escaped and Gilligan 1 ered the body to be that Of a female cora-
ls wrathy.—San Francisco Call. 1 pletely dressed and swollen to an eller-
mous size by long immersion in the
The Decline in the Bate of Interest. , water. The party endeavored to make
While the rate of interest on govera
I fast the body to the boat, but the sharks,
7 surrounateg
it, passed under the frail
boat so viciously that the Occupants be-
came alarmed and pulled, away to give
notice to the police. Mr,,Tooth's 'smell
steam yacht was withinhail and quickly
reached the spot; but the sharks were so
fierce that they tossed the body quite out
out of the water, and so terrified the
men on the yacht that they were obliged
to wait till the water police arrived be-
fore they could secure the body. Then
a horrible sight was witnessed. As the
remains.were being lifted -into the boat
the sharks fiercely attacked them, and
tore away nearly all the left side. The
retnaius were eventually removed to tile
Circular Quay morgue.
W 0 &C-
Wingharn Milis
Josephine street, adjeiuing C P R break,
1J. '4 J. MeLEAN.
Wingbam, Oct. 11, 1880.
hardly able to make it out, read
, Moat bonds and city an
istainmeringly: " Dear mot—niother tures has been eteadily failing within the
i.—I—ta-.--take--whereupon the old past two decades, the rates payable on
dear Jamie, fore enough! He a1way sympathy. This year, in New York and
woman cried out, gleefally: "It's from real estate mortgages have declined in
statterecll'' I Boston, liens on the best city property
have been placed at 4 per cent., 2 per
cent. less than the rates currentin 1.1369.
• ADVOt TO MOTHNRS..- me yen disturbed at night TIVother largo cities of the 'Union a sirai-
and broken of your rest by a sielc child suffering and1, states and territories and lar decline is observa,ble,• and, as between
once and got a bottle of Airs. Winslow's Hoothinf newly settled.
trying with ant of Cttig Teeth? If so send at . ,
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its valuate incalm - the financial centers of the nation, the
initnediattly. Depend, upon inotkets; there is no disparity in the rateti payable on well se -
able. it Will relict° the poor little suffersr I
11 inigniTe Shost in. It enr*a 'Dysentery and iSarrhcos, cured loans is much less today than it
cc:Atone the Gums, reduces Inflammation. and gives
wtis twenty years ago. The significant
reg 'dates tho Si;mault and Bowels, cures \Vital Colic,
tone and energy to tho whole system. " MPS. ‘Vin- point in the matter Under consideration
abr` t taste and is the preseription ef,ene of is not so much that the rate of interest
slow's Soothing Syritp for children teething is
1 b en falling as that interest has be-
PiOrieer HardviareStote,
We give special attention to . the
following lines :
theoldest mal best female physic:Ions and nurses n 1 Victor Nolr's Monument.
throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a ,
an druggists 1 Caine distinctly separated frOM the wages
the United Staten, and is for sale by
bottle. Ile sure and ask for " 31as. Witon,ow a 1 ot superintendence and the premium i
i A i'ealistic monument to Victor Noir,
Socornse Swum," and take no other kin4 for incurred risk, Which used to bo coin- who was killed in 1870 by PEitICO Pierre
bined with it. ' . Bonaparte, has just been completed by
The - return on a government bend the sculptor Dalou fee. a committee.
represents the bare remuneration of which, intends to erect it in some part of
capital employed without hazard • or Paris. Victor Noir was a young work -
care. An investor in first class city man employed as a reporter on a news -
mortgages receives a lager income than paper Called The Marseiltaise, thenedited
if he had bought government bonds with by M. Henri Rochefort. Prince Pierre
his money, but he has not so easy a time Bonaparte challenged M. Rochefort for
" He must have titles carefully and having lampooned him, while, on the
other hand, M. Pascal Grousset, alias
We are sole agents in Winglaim for
the sale of Genuine Dubber Paint
the best in the world.
All kinds of shelf and.
heavy Hardware at
bottom prices.
responsibly ekamined; his creditors may
be unptuictual; occasionally lie may have 1 Daryl, challenged the prince for having
the trouble of a foreclosure on his hands. written something, to hit discredit in a
His investments aro for comparatively 1 Corsican paper. Victor Noir and M. de
short tonna:of years, and, between one Fonvielle were sent to the . prince by M.
' investmen0; end another, part . of his
capital May he unproductive; orin rein,
vesting he may be obliged to accept a
Who Most successful Remedy ever disco*. reduced rate.' Renee the competition
°red, us it is certain its effects and does for securities eliminating hazard and
Grousset'ap the latter's seconds, and dur-
ing the interview Noir was shot by
Prince Pierre. The sculptor repredente
Noir dressed in his best clothes and fall-
ing dead on the pavement after he rushed
not buster, 11514 proof below. bother. which is opo of the notable facts
KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 1 in the modern world of finance.—Ctcoi„t., out of the house of Prince Pierre at
Auteuil.—Paris Cor. London Daily Tele -
Om= or caainasi A. amen,
nem= or
lies in Popular Science Monthly.
tuswoon, xtov. 20, less. A Blessing to Every Household.
"CLEVELAND MY AND Taormici nazi, nouns. —
Dear S : I have always 0i -chased yboottr Nen- % .
dell's Stevie. Cure by the half dozen ttles, / ....
would like prices in larger quantity. I think 11 111
one of the beet liniments on earth,. I have used it
en my'atables for tint° years.
Yours truly,
Crun. SNYDE/S.
1311001CILTN, N. Y.,November 8, 1869.
Ent. 33.3. IfirernbAm. Co.
near Sirs I desire to give yet wane:Altai of my
good opinlon of your Kendall's SprwIn Cure. have
used lt for Lament's!. Stiff Joints and
filenvinif told I have found it a sure cure, I cord!.
0.11,Y recommend 11 to allhorsemen.
Yours truly, A. If. Grams%
Manager Troy Laundry Stabler:,
Mort, *Mow Celan, Onto, Dec. 19, 1838,
Dn. D. Z. Kannatz, CO.
Gents 1 I feel It my duty to Se y *bit 1 hive done
with your Kendall's Spatia Cure. / have bared
Omit • 'CO that bad 5.p vitt , ten or
nine me, nine afflicted with ig en.d and
even Itt at*. Since I hate ad t.ofof your
Ira tt rouowW1 the eiroateinis, I We never
tet It c id any kind.
go ate truly, gorse meter.
Ataniste ..rtattoa.•
iwy. in or bottle, orlfix bottlea for O. All Dru.
Matt havelt or eau get it for you, tle it win be leff$
Crs.alliDilirr faferr"Pell rc ealtir LTC
*AO SI lakialta DitileGISTS4
Land Plaster in bags always ou
jj aed, aline et. Goo_
Photograph Gallery
Long Experience, close attentiott arid
unexcelled facilities, euallles um
to tarn out uniformly a c ass of
work equal to that of ally
Gallery intim west,
.10 -Work of every. description artflit-
• .
°ally, promptly and satisfactorily deuce
These Vemecies haVo Stood the test of fifty years experloVre, gild aro pronounced OM liedielnett fo
rattily 'use.
Purify the bloOti eorreet all disorders of the LIVES. STOMACH, EIDNETS AND EUWELt and
invaluable III all complaints incidental to females ef all ageb,
A Large Assortment of Pramee
kept constat tly on hand, Prices as
low as are consistent with good work.
C)TJ 1\T 111
1411.011(111T14 "" Lumber bf all kinds
Is the only tensile remedy for bad legs, semi); nionre, and old noun(
THROATS; 001101143, 0.01,1)f4, GOUT, RHEIIHATIS31, GLADULAlt sweet:tees AND ALL SEIN
DISEASE IT 'HAS NO It'QUAL. Manuincturou only at 78, Nevi Oxfotd. Late 533, OXfolal Street, London,
add Sold, eR Medicine 'Vendors throughout tha world.
1 tirqbasers should look to the Label o the Bhitss and Potti. If the address
5 3, af'otal Street, Londoe, they ate
Pleasit !dab; Year teadetW that he teosIthre kinke14* tor the 1100 maltose
o Walt 31prratti
Wise. By Itx timely atialiousatals litSpeless cases have ham permanently cured. 1 shall
glad to :Wed WO bottles of triy rentedy PRIM to any etta:alr rotitderit who have on*
annum If they WIII itend Mt their Express mid Post Offfee Address ReSpectIttllyt
"1 41. BLOCUIVIb ANN 111143 WSSt 1t�I&II� 1)% TO ROST% ONTA11114114
First-class Shingle.%
, and Cedar Posts,
Oat toad Orders k Specialty.
'WOOD ilaivottoi to way put 1,t)
RS' Oneit toren bleiseeittedee te.
'tifibreeit ‘‘tlismatiouslet:.