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Wingham Times, 1890-02-14, Page 6
• CXtlgljallt Ciao ERI1 XY, PEBh1bA1t'S 14, 1820, 'ag gelieral elections f,tr the 1.,ocal Assembly took place Thursday throughout Prince Edward Is1 and, Tato Government has been sustained by a majority of i;wo, Tom. lsiefornaers of South Perth have nominated Mr. James Trovt, P , and Mr, Thos. Ballantyne 34,, P. P. as their candidates for the next. elections for the Rouse of Oam. Mona and Ontario Legislature, They Have two representatives of whom any constituency might well beproud. Tan annual report of the depart. - went of Indian. Affairs shows that the number of Indians in Canada is 121, 520, Ontario bat 17,752; Quebec 13,500; Nova Scotia, 2.Q;'6 ; New 11ru11swick, i,5't4 ; Prince Edward Island, .814; Manitoba and North west Territories, 24,522; The goner al condition of the Indians of the Dominion in all the provinces and in the 'Territories is sy.tis.' factory. The amount at the credit of the various Indian bands or of individnal Indians for whom the Government held moneys in trust aggregated in principal and interest on 201:h June, 1880, $3,48,790, slum, ing An increase Since the sante date the previous year of $104,555. • Tus estimate of revenue from the Ontario Crown Lands Department last year was $1,100,0Q0, while the actual receipts were $1,205,000 Of this sure $1, 079, 000 was from wood and forests and $126'/00 from the Crown Lands, including mining loco, tions. There has been no sale of tim- ber limits since the sale of 1887, in which $1,3000,00 was obtained in bonuses upon 450 miles of timber, Lase year was only a normal or aver• aire year, a»d tine fact that in such a year $1,079,000 was received as rev enue from timber is very satisfactory. • Tran regulations and correspondence rel:ttnrg to French and. German schools have been gathered into s 'yellow book," which contains a lot of ueetni inforinatien in reference to these matters. A statement made by t+3e Superintendent of the Quebec Schoo!.g• shote that the Protestant Quehee enjoy the following rights orprivileges:---°The Protestant schools Are goverli i by the Protestant Corn• mittee of:the Council of Pttl,lie Instrue. titin, who authorize the tut -books for use In Protestant Seltaols, and rpm w hues re c;om anenclation Inspectors for these schools and examiners of Protestant teachers are appointed. The Protestants are represented by a Protestort tineretary', having the privileges erfd salaries of 'tt dcpnty ileal, 10 tsar Protestant .Sclroohh of Montreal, the study of French is einipel+orv. exc •pt in the pr,'pnratory Y`tssee. The bilingual rootlets- are in 37 Acadian Schools in New brims rick. • c cr Cat ant,.•1l1':pada Roroo sooleta. A lint -fiber of breeder, of coach I 1111't.f•S Birt Rt Lehr their first �. tr,•r cadr'ptirg the iniunt01, the f•p;lnwnie frlficers were electefl:•--Preys 1 d•'iit, r - 1I ikon, Paris; rico-president. .t'alrtl \Parson, Lnlh:inn; treasurer, } 4 ebur, Gorlerirlt; secretary, Jab adhere; ich (re-erylected) direct - r nrd, Ge., Charlton Dn it Tilos 111 , ns ayl -r, Warwick; 3 0 Snaith, New illulihur;;; "?'mbar :�lkenhead, God,.r. It>.fc .1 !V r''lhinson, .S� Isryat; Andrew A Yofife , Cathrn; Join Cozen, l;xctat; i 3V N'ea'p •', Kingsmill; SV G. Brown, 1tf. itl',tsv.11e ; .r Marsh, Ilielnn(nti II 's I. F.!zeetivf• (l.,anrhalttPo-;4Iclesrx i•" '1f;1, 1:q •'ry and p1,ikenll„Oral. The f tµjii { stitinirrd di registrctlen w.it' Every a0lliilzal oll'et'C, 1 for t. ' in,,. ,t tat t r O1, It �` ', >t) l:ttYe at least t,t+a c jh't8 t r either Imparted , C L ag,lTy.r. b'n.ft• or t,iev%•rollfl bay, ann'I Ol.f, t/1 �Il .rtraiarillel`e,i 11(,r»cl- ()r tt�o crosses et: r tniffisit ettac+.f r f' 1�.) t tf Liar. bay, ftl _ f. -i .tteh til edliAl er$t11 and PIr4I`I'= Or SENATOR 4O1X14 SHIFTING OF THE SEASONS, MA CDONALD, isEE'rUi3 OP IUS CAREER, 11on, John McDonald died at Iiia reside Oakianda, Toronto, on the evening of t14e. 9t11 instant passing peacefully away surrounded, by his family. Mr, Macdonald bad been confined to his room since Christmas week, suffering front a very painful internal malady. An operation was successfully performed but it was without avail, The deceased was born In Perth• shire in 1824, bis father „being a Ocher in the 90th tflighlan.clers. Ile was educated there and in Toronto, where he attended school.rtaight .try 'the father of Ron, Chancellor` Boycl and carried off several prizes, lie went into the mercantile business at Gananoque (where he was a fellow, clerk with Ron. J. J. 0, Abbott,) Toronto and Jamaica, where he had to go fpr_. his health. ill 1849 be co1Tmleueed business on his own' aCeount *Toronto in an attempt to `carry on tan explusively dry goods busines. In 1853 and 1862 he had to move to larger premises and a few years ago he bad to enlarge, and the establishment is without doubt , the largest of its kind in Canada and will compare favorably with any of the wholesale houses, in the CTulted•States, lie took a deep interest in all public and trade matters. Of all movements of for the advancement of the cause of religion, and Bound public morals i c ilergt. Dann. Says There Is Just as. Heart f,nd. Coad as Ever, "'Aro the seasons changing?" Sergi, Dunzr, echoing the query. (" as to the Amount of Meat and cold cex^ved and distributed over this pa them earth 1 calrnet say that there is much difference, The seasons may aozuewhat,: but when tIxe end of the oouaes around, Oriel we begin to fll;m praft and loss of heat and cold, it is often that they do not counterbala each other or come closet() it. 180 1 determine on the loss of heat arra c Well, by taking the means oP month's temperature fora great m years and: finding a, normal; then each day anti each month calculati are made- to show whether the.11eat ceived has been defieiextteor. inn ere Thus we are enabled to.givo the chilli in seasons, For instance', the non mean temperature for this city is exa ly tr0.1 degs, During 1888 there wa deficiency of 45.2 degs. mean tempo ture, or about 1} degs. for each day, everyone knows the winter was cit This year there was an excess still gre er, and it amounts to nearly 2 degs. for each day. By ctituparing records for twenty years past I find the same excess, or deficiency taking place. • • "The cold snaps during the past win- ter were of short duration, but they were sufficiently severe to overcome the excess of heat gained for ten or fifteen days, and it often oceues that the tem- perature will run down to 8 or 10 dogs, above zero and rernai.n there long enough for solid ice to form, Should that occur early in the season and iee remain on the round, pemple wound say it was a cold winter, but, no matter how cold it may be, if there is no ice or snow, then the d cry is heard about our grandfathers days, Now the seasons show little or Mango, except that the cold spells a shorter, more severe and come later in Milch: said Well, re. ntof veer vary year eon not nee tv do i old? each any for ons re - Ess. gee uul et- sn r4 anti fid. at- u"r. Macdonald was a sympathetic supporter. His, tongue, pen and purse were ever ready to aid any - thin« calculated to elevate hulTlan- .ity. lire was a niember of the Metho- dist church, and had his health not failed bine when a young man he would have studied for the Ministry. pas Ile was dissuaded fraln doing so by i4 his pbyeician, but his time and talents; to were ever at the service of the Metho,, i a dist denomination. kIs bas long been I tl a.member of the Executive Commit'- I ea 'tee of its General Conference and, Treasurer of its Missionary Soeiety. i t Outside his own denomination, he has taken a prominent part in the work of sl' the Evangelical Alliance,' the Bible'; Society, the:Temperance Reform, and the Young Men's Christian Asspeia.. tians, and he has been twine elected lestdeatt of the United Convention l otli of Ontario and Quebec. Re was for war several years Chairman. of the Toronto in General }3opital Board. Education, , bri 1"ATEPON, Omar or Zama IhiYlaro$ Coyne, awn or Mt AWN I,Icetelke. "%INGHAM, ONE, !J • P, WIAPAIAN, 1888 UI:tt or MAFSBIAOO LiCSNSISS, NOTA11. PUBL4C, rONYGYANO O, lfirc. 0rrxcu--'" Ina" Ppokstoro, RIPLEY, Oxr. 11Menoy to loan on harm Security at Lew Tastes of Interest. No ooulrnisaien charged, FRED.. WRIGHT, Contractor and, Builder, WINGHAAt, Agent for Dolrnoy'e j0elgravo) Um ONT, $500,000 TO LOAN. On Farm and Town Property , at v cry Lowest Rates and en Terme to suit borrowerre. MORTOAOES PUR0HASE0. N0OOMMISSION SHAMED. borrowers can obtain. Inonoy_ in 6 days If satisfaetor'y, �I► ht. VANSTONE, Remo Bloek, %Ingham, Mo:toy' to Loan on gates. Notes Discounted 1r .T RE.g'.fsONA13LE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per ront..with privilege et paying at the end of arty year. Fetes and accounts collcetud. , r0FT. MVMc3NDOO. Orate,--Bcayer Bloch„ 'Nimble)). Ont., • Sfirn'l oua.h::ill's REAL, ESTATE, ANA F'iRE IIYSUR" ANCE AGENCY. ri0 OFFICE : KEt4'ta*al BLOCK. , WItil*HaMn t3 a season, thus admitting a greater number of days of incinerate cold. T same applies to the summer months. that makes it. imperative for people it balance heat and cold by feeling or rue cry to change their methods. The high est mean annual temperature for th t nineteen years is 52.9 and the lowest 8,0, making a range of only 4,3. This Ily verifies the statement that the same mount of heat and cold is received, and rat if any change has taken place it 1st be,at irregular intervals." ""Do we receive our usual contribtr- xons of snow?" "For the year 1888 there was a trifle: ort of four feet. and for 1889 to date- two feet seven inches. This shows a ma, rial shortage of snow in comparison 1 with previous years and a decided in'. crease in, rainfall." It is said. that Professor Tyndall anc'1i ors ascribe the abundance of rain and m weather this season to a•change its the course of the Gulf Stream, which: ngs its current nearer to our coast. f; Private funds to lean. A number of Building Lots and Besideece proper LW. � tiesfor Sale. SO Those desiring to make a home in Winghem should ;Al r communicate with, or appl • in pennon at my Office, e a necessary 1 rm 1 n I , " when all 'nfo' alien ca be btaoi'ved e BANK OF HAMILTON, too, claimed his attention, 13e was for some years a member of the Son-' ate cf Toronto University, a member .of the Board of Regents of Victoria College, Oohourg, a member of the High School 13oard, and a trustee of Upper Canada College. 13e was a thorough believer to Capital, $1,000,000. - Resit, $400,000, President—Jane STUART. Vice•Yrosident—A, a, RAMSAY. Dill ;CTOES JpnN PROCTOR,'Cuas. GURNEY, tato Roann, A, T Woos, A. 11• LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TUItNBULL.. Savints Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of Stand upwards received and interest allowed, social Deposits also received at, current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the Malted St to bought and sold B. WILLSON, Aexrtr. I MEYER ee DICKINSON, 1 Soargxrons. • • D A St Do you consider such, to be the c.•tse't" 11± 'No. In the first place, there Is until, , is OFFERING ..SJii CD. JG+�rI mg on record to show that there has, been any .change, except of a temporary nature, in. .the course of the stream, and then thee: only information is based on a report from - one captain, who, while crossing elle Gulf Stream near latitude 8ii s., fOtunl the temperature of the ter in ane place, that was about twenty es west of the stream, to be the sumo perature as that noted while in the am center. Even should there be a age and the warm current run 100 es nearer our coast,.it would not ma- e ally change. our climate only at such es as the wind would blow on shore , n indefinite period, as all the std from our shores . to the northeast, the prevailing wind blowing, from 1 southwest would of . itself dispose of 4 theory of any change in the Gulf) mo as affecting carr climate. The same weather conditronsthaxtex- in this section prevail everywhere of the Mississippi, ane can readily scribed to the • unusual number of nB eroseing from the southwest over akes halo Canada, cutting off cold CO and allewino high barometric 1 systematic beneficence and he devoted; deg a one-tenth of Ids income, and often! mil more, to the causes of charity and I tem religion. In 1.887 he made the' stye handsome donation of $40,000 to no I chs erection of a new hospital ay a mem- R rail oriel of Ids daughter Airy, who during tiro her lifetime took a deep interest in this kind of charity. This money, it i far an aes is said, would have been the young! and lady's portion from her father's posses- the cions had she lived. /end since then 1 the he has at,lse donated $30,000 to enable ; Oitre his el+arch to earry out its scheme of establishing a tin ivereety in Toronto.l ist' r Fits private munificence knew almost; east a no limit. Fre was also an entertaining writer 1 this1 of no mean ability, 'beintr a fregTnt f wa 1 AT VERY LOW RATES ISM' -t1 I I I 1 j OFFiCE--OPPost:T E THE 11#1ARl T 1 Wn\.'onnt °mmonta'S:5'n1. 188ts • contributor to papers and Ota a t e speaker, a keen debit - IIs' as an 11 el, and was never happier than when gazlnes t preaching for his beloved 11fr•thedists. Aitholl;ir dischsrgin; so' many pill -die posts h:, was of a very retiring rlipp,si• WINGHAM FLOUflUIG M-LLLS� 4 - Tim uffilersignod wish to tender their bestthanke for the liberet1 patronage givrn to our lira during; several) ears prior to the burning of our mill by in- cendiarhen. During the l est season .we have r )re to told e i the m' 7, o ate it 1iree 'SI FSe 1. At sway Over the i tens of fXungn rias Bullar Process mil ire, 'SS a 1• 1 r0 ' tnot ellt tl tows mill t theI es tendine toloverbeturo. woollen better accommodatiou than !increase the heat all along the line frons , the Missiusippi to the Atlantic alld front 113x© r4 I)iLr�atGi1) Ithe Gulf of Alnico to the labc:s. 'rshe1 „•a '77,-11rfti, eouttiCi xl States, both for•C t + d' r hove rmcun 'non• lra 1111 if on list tt'eai, a?Iht1 tion col s t Ilrrtura, lie gf'ne'r. ritlullnl ntPetiurr. i 1 s vacation in vas t e11G1 IVP r a ry spent Ili ' i in Inctlitleq,. not for pressure but with view of flnliirgillt his grind tis to thew :rade capacities ; for instance' his recent vi4lt to the tort -nudes and his last yo'ur's trip a fray months ago t 1 lask n, Mr. Atac:1o1::a1i wn,s twi0P Inarr'ir'd, sleet to Mize, daughter to Mr, Alex. leder 11ainiiton, who diNd TF 3 Olin n.tib1 clhtuate of the British. Isles is ;lust- QUALITY t;111CONL' ct'�t,` I• •• iF I 1yattributed to the Gulf Strum. #hero .1 • 1, illi ' 43.15 n the prevailin;:; Winds are from the ocean, l fin,C:xtCN, R 1 from west to east, carrying with thein !hon 1 y Meso personal ((notion to the bueinee, • the warm, moist atmospiecre r'reaterl by + iriemds and n Orly nevi a les. with a trigt by all alit, r Tours most respect/env, IIUTTON & CAItR, 'Whigthnm 1501, Det, 70, Th80. rile stream. Nosy tatr prevailing winds g ar•e off shore and the Gulf Stream can never produce -n,:'h an effect on this side to of the occan until the earth rotates hx' tftr•rrt•nl'ds to Annie E izabetl, only ,f:'it;;ixta'r of Itlr, Samuel Alcorn, of yiwkvilln,enteric). fro leaves a widow reel faintly '4f t(!11---.fxre sone and f tc (laughters, 'Three of the ltta!ghtere aro Irrfil'rierl, In the death of Ron, Sohn naw. t) uli. trft 1 It+: . Dominion loses one of itR merchant pril'cns, rroroilto'uric of its. we'alt'hy citizetiE•the Jlel.lirrflist Church •Intl t.le C?etzse r,f Antacid )11 a when) helzrte.t and lihf'raf sfi,partr'r, tht 't'ty charities one eelee Supp fried them 1 'Wath 110rLitrgar'dly bawl, and trio so'1114 end 4intratier5 rtf want it 1;5,d pad'. 3 n' atlhiat`. n,♦fg' P,It!wX, the opposite direction and our etorm9-1 a ,s Chine fre,Itt the east instead of the west,'''; '-t k' t' 61 1v igI' Opened. -•-I31t.nk1.V11Ii,t.r1c, i4 taunt, Itt.-, The ttnclersigneii desire to i`xf:lr:n farm T had a queer thin, bapree;'tt'hile erW t ere eupi, the ticople generally th;,,t, they hitt erci'tn;; 1,1', setter, K11UWitlj� lloi1ytlie ole1L, r4C •fired 11101r1 1 sailor c.t a;till li4xge1- 114 011 r»Ttnnno,1 ba1'11- 1 ” f I yard fav:l.i• l was paa;;irlg an oral roil . �y4 r`*r' 1 field, ',Pry intro of any muss or weeds. [pat a ll J )� �i t1 ; when 0 5' oar! f 3 dog made gutue. 1'hini•ita;t hf. t tI, h tbt I a' And rd stray are t bovynow f` . tat ' of Ole t+nail. 1 r l <1 to purchase {)ate ill 1 w t1ke,1 in, lie worlt(,tl up t tI (fur)''* and 1 uulimttad quantities and at the finally stood 11i;f, nut, seen:ti•t1 rat'litile 1,,a .w t,I1L21t'I1, 1 saw 4Ui11t't()ixig 11T ioinit re: „ ,;' 01 Mf1 t. •� ' lits Doge, tbat looked ltko al dyad oc•- • - -. t li � • AL�..,x;�t. [Mt I e,t trn caw it was 0 herb. , its I .-' _, . [ ant' !s c w ilwas beats gill,, They will su )l/ly Custerntera with the Oras WC TY F I �. _yw +. t 1 U,t• l { . nil:s fat (tat 11Leal. ;:ramal. Au 1 stepped up c1ox she went .off with a mighty Han'rg am? r. +„•',,tiny.. Vent. t ansa r"v r} q,rr,� i t rolinffp.f —18-• I z'E1tY 1!.ItIZ)Ay 111QIt2UNG, TIMES OFFICE,4osERHIn1E STrlEar1 WING -HAM, - ONTARIO. • sabeeriPtionprioe,UnerYear,ina vane AIDVI:RTISI1t1 BATES: Space, 1 yr. 1 d mo I S mo 11 me One Co' 21414 860 00----",436 00 1 V0 00 ' 88 00 Balt a 36 00 20 00 12 00' 0 Oa cvvuerter "" 20 00 12 00 7 00 • 460 One Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 h 00 Local and other' casual ativortleements, Se. per line for first Moonier), lnsorticn. Local notices, in nonpareil tl'pe, 10e. for first in - 801110n, and 6e. per lino far cob subsequent insortle,:, 110 Meal notice Will be charged sees than :15c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,$ituatioes, I and Buel»ess 0han0e8 Wanted, not exceeding 8' libel nonpareil, 01 per moth. Houses and fares for gale, not exceeding 8 lhtert *1 far first tuorlth, 60c. per strbsoquel»t month. These tarns will ba strictly 4(iho1red to.. Special rates for longer advertisements, or foe. longer per+ods. Advertisements without specific directions, will ba inserted tin forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sited' advertieenitnts mat be paid in advance. Changes far contract adventsemente must be in the office Py Wednesday now», in order to nppe,et that week R. ELLIOTT PnoPRTITOIt AN» PUNmlatetta 1)11. 11ACUONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WiNOIIAM, Anima' nil, J. A. MELDRVII, 1J Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office and Residence -The old stand formerly ecru. pled by Or. Bethune, at the corner of Centre and Patrick streets, I w1NenAti, • - on. DR. F. E. GODFREY, l4Trst•elass honer man and general prolkeleneyel- 181 Toronto Umivorsity. Alenlbor C;olle>•;e Phys151a04 and Surgeons et Ontario, BBT,eRAYY,, Oaer.. Office—At Methodist Parsonage, J. A. MORTON PAI RISTI:R &e., Wingham - Ontario. VANSTONE is BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY i:Blif(I CONVEYANCER, ETC. FFICES--neaver.Block, Womus r, oar., GORIt11•. and halon, 0uu. Private and Company funds to lone 181as• rates interest. Mortgages, toren and arm pro err bought and sold. Mercantile collections a speciialty DENTISTRY.- S. JEROMME, 1%mensal, lir Is manufacturing Celluloid Platess Vulcanite plated of the beatmateria as eheal.4 as they eau be got in the Dominate. AU work jtairanted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painiese extraction of teeth, the oily safe anesthetic known. Taxa Nortomt,--I r6T11 extract teeth for 10 centra each • OFFICE: in the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunssvfcll notes. Ilillasseteritt l+.1 1'1STItY.— W. II. MACDNALD, 14 t.•aorlAac- cts , Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,.. s h Slive. Oeld etc•, etc., Plates, v'anging.. in pikes hrolvl 6500 uplands per tat? th ex £meted without the' 1c st pain by laud � thot use ok. f Vital. feed Mr. Ileali ()aline, %fngham, el(10 entrance op• po8 to the queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays elfeept• edl.frenv 9 a in to 6 p an. Will 10) at Blyth 'every 2ncI. nil 4114Saturday of eae11111onth—OfticeatMilne» hotel; Gerrie: : Ist olid lima Iaoetlays u£ each month --r 011iee at Albion hotel. trnetiut 2c cents. i CIJN RITC1111 GENERALINSURRANCE AGENT 44 XSGI1A1r,.• . 01:r1r8U) 3 , 0BR0T,OUlsININGi1A;5i, 1 INSURANCE rine ANL MARINE, GUELPH. IIEA1v, Ja., WI.o1r.ttl, �e. LIO1sA:SLD AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. ' Halos attended if, any part of the Co. °bargee. Moderate. . jOBIN CURRLIE, WVneennx, Our., Lrcx5Nesn 3l1CT101n(SA non rmi COUNTY or All wrier() lett at the Trues office promptly at end, ed to. S0rvos reasonable. li Mane IiENDEIRSon, A.:0 1:7 AUCTIONEER rot CoUNTn is Munoz 3tttit. BRECe. A11 sales attended to promptly and on the Silures Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All noaaeaary arranee;ureuts can bo )matte -aL t) TLuxs' cartes 11'1xunAnF, ONT BOLTON & If._.S, Alrs & D. L, subos,n,u, At.» OM: Moment LXSTOlh'I:L .1110) WIEGMA1f, orders left at the tile; of the Truce kill ren relve 110tnlet atteetio,t R? BLSON T, 11171 7111F, 1. 1,, Surveyor, Civil Eneiecer and. ITranghtman:-: I attleuiae attention paid to division of prt er•tit•z Tags, building lets, eett)Sgg disputed bonn(latics. Preplrlogr t.unpItte plans of towns and 4111e/fee, ;ed 1.n. i e;tn•tvy' Ail, ton eteerih?ions of properties- torliit4ertiom 111 deeds C»n . st: s t ala oa ria el east • lL mai estimates of next of Blaine, Culverts, &c. Pro files and ctitwate., ter go oiler hills, d4810515, coati. arr.I erect i'lprovtualnt , Lewes and other Eng) ncetiml; sorbs. t'ortesp climes enriched, etalh:g. lace tied tboracite ra uelk. 41 tICI: --it J. A place lav ofilro, SS iue;4 MISS NJLLU V.1.05.A111)7,, E' CLEGG ff fL is'9t i PhD. iNSli 1;(;;Ilcl rel' yyft.•., PIANO A' ,• '#rsan,nVoice colon ems I atnore+f,ik.).,441 ;1 :ral011031* 0