Wingham Times, 1890-02-14, Page 5you cannot gat evidence t4
same ,o,ths judged. It is altogether
ulljuat to the party' in opposition, and,
if 1 was on the side of the .Government
today I would say the salute thing. 1
aelt the Rouse to consider this ques
tion on its ineritq. and to .extend the
right to Ontario to place its. young
men ear t ue list to whom it is ,le per-
ed to give manhood snffrege. .1n
regard to ,b.' Province of Quebec, 1
,agree haat the views of Wows who
have spoken should be perfectly coo.
sidered,' They state that they are trot
prepared to gwvH liitauhodd suffrage to
their young men, but. they must
remember that, in Outerio, we are
educated more hi4(tly than the pi ople
of the Province of Quebec ; that we
speed $6 iu Ontario for every $1
which Quebec spends on :location,
kind therefore we educate our young
men in Ontario so that, when they
reach tweuty-one years of age, they
are fit to exercise the, franchise,
• Mr,CHOQTJ TTE. 1 challenge the
lion, gentleman's swatelneut.
• Mr, MAODO'ALD (Huron), 1
will refer my lt'ni. friend to the Sta.
tistival Record issued by this Govern.
meat, wherein the expenses of the
educational slstelus he both Provnices
are given. There he will find that we
in Ontario lust yens vomit $3,935,000
on,+ducatioual purposes, while Lower
'parade only spent $625,000 on edu-
cati,,ual purposes; arid, C think, that
is about six to one. T du not say this
et all in an offeuaive spirit to the
1'rencl, Canadians, but 1 say it ill
order to show that we are preparing
our young men for public 1ife,aud that
when they att>,1in a majority, we at'e
ready to pass over to them their shtere
in the government of this country. I
thine: this Government should . repeal
an Act which has cost so mue11 and
which keeps certaui classes out of the
£ranchiie, so a more enlightened and
progressive Goverutuent may place
upon the Statute book a pruvisiuu giv
ing to the young, mon of Ontario a
privilege which the Tory Government
at Ottawa refuse to accord.
Hayden, at 9 j mills per gallon; Oet t e
road, Morris,. George Aitohftacn, l0
ruins per gallon; lst line East Morris,
Jolla Poklook, 70e11ts per gallon ; 2n
Hue east Morris, Wm. Golley,8 f cents
per gailou; 2nd line West Morris,
Alex. Ranter, 9 mills per gallon ; ist
line West. Morris, R. Vanalstono,. 7
mills per gallon; 0th find B' line Wast
Turriherry,N. J, Kerswell, ES mills per
ichor.; 5th East Turnberry, Andrew
(leinmill, 6i• mills per gallon ; 4th
East'.Curnberry, Henry 'Wheeler, 64
mills per gallon; 2nd. East Turnberry,
Q. Sanburn, 7 mills peri° gallon. At
the close of the company's business a
two hours discussion was held on the
the question of forming a joint stools,
1+'aviuers' milling company. A large
nu miser of those present stated their
views on the matter and claimed to be
suffering great injustice by the action
of the uhillere' combine, and also
claimed ttiat the n,eaaure used as A,
tester by Begin buyers was too small
to give justice to the seller, After a
long discussion it was moved that the
matter of forming a joint stock mill
ing company be deferred at present
but that a petition be got up signed.
largely and forwarded to the Govern-
ment to pass an act . prohibiting any
measure 'less than one of a bushel from,.
being used as tester fur either buying
or millers' purposes, geed that no
mastire be allowed to be used without
the Government stamp on it.
Tne wood bee at F. Carruthers' on
the 6,1 was a success. Thirteen saws
were kept going to there best. In the
evening, after the tables were cleared
the violin took the lead and kept the
Iclseies onthe hop till morning. In the
threshers' dance between power Jack
and s`eatn Bill; they were so evenly.
matched that no decision was given
Some said it was the best sport of
evening. Bob says not ; that Chris
tie's was the best..
The feelings, especially of the
young people, of the entire community
ware saddened and made more thought;
fel on Friday, when they heard that
one of their associates, Willie T.
Patterson, aged 21, liedpassed from
their midst to bis eternal home. His
illness lasted but One week, Ide was
a general favorite where ever he went
on .account of ids bright, pleasant
manner and lively w Cys, We are
glad to say that he was prepared for.
that happy laud "where health
tricmphs in immortal bloow and
purest, pleasure: reign,"
Huron Items.
.The following are the salaries
paid to the several Post Masters in
this county as shown by the report of
Post Master General for 1889: Aubnru
$90; Bayfield, $215; Bluev,tle, $170;
1.3tyth, $1450; Brussels, $T80; Clanton,
$1,284; Dungannon, $192; Egmond-
villa, $25; Fordwich, $280;; ,Godorioh
$1,700; Fiensall, $270, Kippen; $105;
teaforth, $1,700; Varna, $132; Wing -
ham, $11,000; Wroxeter, $810; Zurich
$220. The gross postal revenue of the
priloipal otlicee is as follows: Godericb,
$5,508; Seaforth, $52,89; Clinton,
$4,748; Wiugham, $1,01.0; Brgssels
$2,601 ; Blytll, .$1,529.
Minutes of the last meeting of the
lona, Hoard of Health for the Town-
ship of Turu(ierry held in Sault's hall,
Bluevale, on Feb. 10, 1890. Mem-
bers present: Messrs, McPherson;
Lamont and Burgess. Moved by Mr.
McPherson, seconded by Mr. Burgess,
thee Ntr. Lamont be chairman pro tern
-:eQerried. Moved. by itire Lamont,
seconded by Mr. McPherson, that the
inlnut*'a of last meeting as , read be
adopted --Carried. Moved by Mr,
McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lamont,
that Mr. James Elliot be elected
• chairman fur the current year -Car-
ried. Moved by 1\le. MoPberson,
+ ,
seconded -by dr. Burg ,ss, 'that efxell
member of the Board shall set as
Bel rave.
'HAT1tIM0NIAL.: One of those pleas-
ing events which always created a
ripple of excitement among the ladies,
came off at the residence of Abraham,
Proctor, Esq., of Belgrave. Quite a
large number were present to witness
the marriage of Aliss Eliza Pror to
Mr T.Seandrot, also of Belgrave. The
ceremony was perform -d by ev, R
Godfrey. We wish this young couple
a happy and prospisrous voyage
through life.
Kivu all clavier a chance to int'oyt thole mean# to the i,Iuet adv
American and Canadian Coad Oil, wholesale and retail,
ing a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done.
any mistake but call and inspect our stock and get our pr
Tuesday, llth, instant, was division
court day in this place. Quite a list
of cases was disposed of, among thele
oueto which a neighboring village sent
a whole van load of witnesses.=
Special services are still in progress
at the Methodist church. much good
has been done, particularly anon,
the young limen of the place, as very
many have professed Conversion.— twilling Nelliel3(y's Great Story. Addre.s.
The concert of the season came ,off t MUNRO'S PUBLISHING HOUSE,
r"' ' ry inspector in the fullown',
D F F I E L D 8z S O
itat'e'trr,tit 1"
1)inl L i)Jlt i.'5
-Dean has few superiors as a character
delineator and as a ventriloquist has uo
-Dean has the latest London sensation
"Shadowgraphic scenes from the sublitne'
to the ridiculous. ; The great naval battle,
The festive billy goat " •
The Great Nellie Bly.
Nellie Bly's wonderful 'story in the.
FAMILY STORY PAPER is the talk of the day.
In towns where there are no newsdealer%
the FAMILY STORY PAPER will be sent to any
address four months for ONE _DOLLAR, eon -
last Friday evening. le usua1 array, 24 AND 20 YAvnEtYxrEit ,STREET
of foreign talent wou their due meed . NEw 'i(min, N. Y.
of praise, but the parol was easily s®R v'®°�"
borne away by the aalisthenio Com-JAossov—In Morrie, on the ttlt inst, the wife of
parry from the public sl,llool. Tit MrVoter Jackson; a son,
free hand exercises,dnmb bell, motioi:s, ' • DIED,
Caul)' swinging and fancy marchire mg d d8 yea lr,in nil,monos an nti 2 e d .hist, Thos Coad,;
awakened no little enthusiasm among MARRIED
the townspeople for physical culture, STAmcUR—TAYgon—At the residence of the bride's
— gr,.P. Copeland, an old and respect father, on the 29th ult., by the Rev 11 Carson, of
Whitechurch, Mr Joseph Stalker, teacher, to blies
ed resident of Culross, died on Salida y Tay ort all of West Vu wigeot daughter of Mr John
evening last at the ape of sixty seven x A••' •'asoN—Mvsoaovn
years. The deceased recently pm --
township. snbl(sisione : Sub divisi,u chased a snbstatitial dwelling house
1!To.1, to eampriae all that ,portion of in Teeswater and whip: making ere
lade township we&i Of the. 25111 sideline
l arations to move thither, he was
and including the whole of the Wingattacked fpy 'La Lerlppe,' which in turn
ham town' plat, Malcolm Lamont, l gave place to pneumonia, of SO serious a
sanitary inspector ; dub -division No-
2, to comprise that portico of the ;haracter as to bafxle all•efforts of bus
"atteudauts. 12r.:Oopluted was one of
township north of line between cons. the pioneers of Culross and well and
5 and 6, east of 25th sideline land (. widely known as a man of sterling
west of sideline between lots 10 and `alit latlan charge y
i ter who b las ;;ea
dad muellin the early History c£ the
country to ilitroduce among his neigh•
hors the missionary and church. " The
funeral whiab,took place on Tuesday,
1.1th inst, was one of the largest seen
in tile' place for tunny years,
11, Win. McPherson, sanitary inspec.
tor ; Sub-divisiuu No. 3, to Comprise
all dot portion of the township north
of line between concessions '5 .and 6,
and east of sideline between lots 10
and 11, James Elliot, sanitary inspec•
for ; Sub -division No. 4, to comprise
all that portion of the township south
of line between concessions 5 and 6,
-awl east of sideline between lots 10
stun II, concessions 3, 4 and 5, an room on Butterm Ik Ate nue,oa Wed-
lots.40 and 41, ,concession 1, Robert nesda ,the ?9th ttit.lcirthe transaction.
a Douglas, tanitery inspector; Sul+ y
division No. 5, to comprise all that of business, . The actelidarla a Was
township east of town I
queuee being thee
and bidding brisk, the canoe -
portion of the township
1lritlQliiLm and west of aide liihetheethe several contracts
liotVeei) lots 40 and 41, 0011. 1, and . were let at rates "that will scarcely en•
a able Ill, t OntraotOr3 to retire on the
luta 10 and 11, acus, 3, 4 and 5, rind able
11 a littleof the teeny wh:eli
senth of linebetween cons. 5 and 6, i3 pi ell up on aidaicldivtlic4 Flom the
John Bargees, sanitary inspector' post Wilco to toe tic -;l ,t w zs on the
sl Meeting adjourned to meet at the call
^ street, business nil, ht be in 're brisk,
df chairman.and the countenance of our millers land
Minutes of adjourned annualmoot..,talose havi,t timber to bell, not (suite
ing of the 131ueaiile Cheese and Butter
so Ise ha -Ale. 61Cottle, our ell t,•rpris-
OorupnnV held Feb, Sth, 1890. The
parts;dent John i . Hiller, Esta., lathe
ing ouetia'�a builder, is ereatiu anew
shop to tn
,ouair, Moved by John lilston, sewn. llt,t the reglttrentouts c,€ Ilia
iU0I'Jaain't business. Ort ., tl.luesday
clad by Boot. [Leis, that the minutes the 29th, air. J Sial ter, the popular
lieladoptedlaa llticltrl''letl.inMoved,. yrntal; td,ae t)L' Of No. 12 aeiitl3l, IVa It
by J. at. dlo'Ewen, seconded by Alex. �Vawau•,sll, w.xs all
Li un er, that Win. Messer be n,pp ,nit•
eel eales.i1a11 at 810.1110 ?aglow as last
ar ' The
There was tL creamery meeting held
in the Ball above John Campbell's show
- At • Alolvitle manse,
Brusoal's, on the 20th nit„ by Rev John Ross, B 4,
Mr Geo Vatiderdesson, to Miss Mary Attn Musgrove, of Turnberry.
i} Citnsainas—PNAoo6R—In Morris, on t1 0 23rd
ult., bl Rev A Y Hartley, Mr Joseph Brecke,ridge,
to 1iies. Rebecca Peacock.
otetsuo8-•TRUEAL-At Goderich, on Wednesday,
e.L8th the Rev B L Hutton, Henry Col•
elagh, of the Township of Bullet, to MIss Addie
Thoell, of the Township of Morris.
have a number of farms for sale in different
paras of Ontario, As yon are aware, forms were
never s t cheap in this province as at the present
tante, and if you want a farts I would recommend
you to buy now. If your means are limited I can
sell yen a farm on a small cash payment. giving you
plenty of time to pay.baiance of, purchase money at
a low rate of interest, thus enabling you to acquire
a home Of your own most easily.
If you have means and do not 'moire credit I can
Give von as good value for your money as you can
get elsewhere.
I will gladly send you description of farms for sale
in any locality on hearing OHN L PATTON,
84 King street east, Toronto.
• year and no extras
-L,(.1 trod
jobs•of delivering et factory ` of .40
cards linrdwo',d was let to "3 move
° 1 s1Iiott,. at $1,12 per cord', also 40,,
cerci soft wood was 14 to 1♦.uff t� Stew-
art at 05 cents per cod. The milk
drawing, for ifltr011hlil:; season
to t le fo�lowing parties at the prices
llxtt,t'd;'T'o'wn lane west of factory to
,lohn Ruby, at 5 toil's per gallon;
lt,Intg11.1ruv, oast of factory to Clark
House and Lot for Sale.
The subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot on
the corner of Patrick and Catharine streets, Wing-
ham—the finest location in town. The house is a
lanae new oottage,containingsix rooms; good cellar,
well, etc. Also two good building lots containing
one-fifth of an acro each. Will besoid on easy terms.
For lull particulars apply to the proprietor.
sy ROB01L'J'. D. YOUNG_
havo on hand a largo stock of
VALISES, etc.,
Which wili-be sold at bottom prices.
BARENESS, double or single, made to orler on
short notice, and sataslacntfon guaranteed.
dIS A call solicited.
SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton,
wingharn, Feb. nth, 1800,
33,A1TI<F $�,5,
J3se hill3 Strut Wingham, .entt Manufacturers would do well to exantin
. stock and compare prices.
dva��a w.�� a �•.
have these mills in fi'} tUi) ration, ,and are 1n :.
Men to do custom work of all kinds ,, i a lett :,..
in exchange for gfiods or custom
STOCI.INC TARNS, etc,, sheep•
'wgNvn, Ali, 6N, 190A
!Ingham, kt:b.,Gth, 1800.
y` 'L 1W
' 1 and. TJ per
L Yii. 1-t T H : :� E
J. A. IIArwsn, ( J, W. 80ore,
111oumt Forott• Listowoi.
Deposits ROc3eived, and Interest
it'd 111 marriage Money Actv'anced to Farmers u
to Bliss 0 •Traylor, daQyilier of 11r.
Jolla, o. Township)
.& grand eoncere wi'1 b3 iive'i hi the i
13c1ulore pallia: suklao o t Friday, l'eb.
21. The will couslst of
readtttgs, rottattiuls, daalunues, vocal
and l strntaeatal ulu.3iu. Proceeds
to go towards parcnasiti: a bIlil.
Doors open at 1 30; programme at 8 ;
children 10 cents.; adults 16 o uta.
(Anne one,, coma all.
Business Men:,
Oa long or.sherrt time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Salo notes bought
,.t A. fair valtuttiotl. oney '
parts of Canada at reasotnsble charges.
Special: Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
agents fix Catlada- Tho Metabolite' Bank
nat r about tour utile.
0ltico Iloute -rrom 0 a. rti, to li p. 1n. d to
A. 1;' . Sxy.ITII, trona Wroxeter. For particulars apply tRt Git0CliET'`VIGIIT 0
Ladies' & Gents' Driving Gloves,
In Dog, Coon and Astrao'mo, made to
order. Also
Strong Workingmen's Gloves,
In Deer, Goat, Calf ilea eheopskin.
Iligliest price paid for fears, Metes,
Sheepskins and Wool.
THE. . � E �'
W. J. C APM N.
for 'r'arm Sale.
The undersitened offers for sale Let 18, Convessinl
B,Howlek nod 11 acres Off tile rust end of Lot ii,
making 108 acres There are between 80 and 1
Wes Meerut nod in a tool state of r•ultivatiom
barb two frame homm:
the premises are ani
i rood outbu11ihl dings. Situated
O.1S03iTANT-ANt3Qt wCEME 1T.
33OEv 18190,
GItE.A,T I;v]1UCk.11i NTT`•. Ft'It t
.AND N1'IV sLi111301i
Ce3 tho Premium
Daily Witness ....... ..........
.... ....r�
Weekly Witness
The 1�+>t.Tin:nv Mtzsseran t. tt,1v
,per annum, is the cheapest illustrate'.' r I
world. t.ontaius the Randay Sihn l L eco•'
hag abundant t,t interesting v TA -1 1,
ani y,vn,t;. bee the. list of int!. . , • ••t>' os.
Agents w.antcd. Sample cut .. •
.JO IT% DOt1GAL:. ,C
" \`iteee. • .a e.
avvi 1 t'ti::
{ �I•`1th1tS \l Il.L 43141Ob'1:lti l' J i i '11 1 C
3, sil:nud assr,,n..' r a taw Eota+ or'11.• teas
At, tor tam ,dr,•a:ane Of the Last 1..) 1..,t nui••
in the liar cetecession of
-ayawanosl1 in Rai County of 11oso1.,t;,,,.ea,:.
ItmtttreJ, more or less. -
The prop( sty is about 2 miles Isom the
,Vinpham,au..eras cleared, melt W„tt•1ed
aid 1lowiim staring. 33.101551all ts11at. 1:+::411
sows. wwitm,srrl.entl,uilurau.ron lite II ref toms awl l aaaa,,:at,•., u, t'.;, to.
d?i• V LML .
I. A. AlalraN, Ja
8olieilor for tsstate. As•i,
There Is also for sAlc by sold asstrnee ,a a;
Andra belreeltefto the said twoll. ,
roxcacr win8ll.:u,,2tl44•vau„ ,,
Nor l P3 111?44 f .t3 ,it; i'3i t"'f3