HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-02-14, Page 3•- Sts',
lig the like a
tt it'd ` Meets
and Hewn-
:' wilt;. trliin
Slr ! 4 xcIuiin-
ty bay out tit.
Ir, hat ui.j
11' alt' Bill lied
peat it thunder
Once ! 1 eaii
a ticl.et, nlu4
,('eller a Lucie
k die euddei.l
n. birtd mtau
er two I Neter
urry. clay, if
lad gong, and
look of disgust
those n?onopts-
waut ell your
tit tt cut yet
Reckon PIl
:be road \elirn
un know that
down with r_
TE ' ,RANCE CQLiJM . In this age of sharp rivalry the
CONK/cid/4 nx smolresr v. w. a. 'r. U. man who permitshis wits to go wool-
,... gathering 15 very liable to get worsted
clippings. , Love in marriage shouldbe the
) tf thin woilidtitbe informed what accomplishment of a beautiful dream.
God Huth written etnieeruing thee in and not, as:.it often proves, the end.,
heaven, look into toy .own bosom, and
lige what griLeue he both there wrought
lit flip+'.---1+'uller.
1n Sweden the habitual drunkard ii
ootilistett, Iris foot( uorlsiatini3 almost
entirety ui' tread rlteeped in whip. to
fetid than a fortnight the patient gets
to loathe the look or tile smell of
levier of any kind, and ou being liber -
teed malty of than( become total eb
'stMwara. Try it to Canada,
Archdeacon Farrar said in a public
address i11 October ; I tun more and
more lost ill eetu,lielinniut when 1 con,
eider how many lenders of thought
,!1 ru oeuroll and state, leading lights of
armors : natituto
Attended the
of the' eentrs, .
tot unto, on
ti's Duncan. of
T. on 'iMiliers'
He pointed out
t law a steam
tet Its toll one -
That would
r l+ui,bel, turd
,ht Must woe
and shorts. A
power under tile:
tos collect one,
ids' per bushel.
If t$xellavge by lA'
r.ieth, or tf•ll
leen cited ills mei-
may-Una; bushel
GO Bounds, the
calcis. This, his
lulltl'ar'y to Iia\v,
to ,'lac o taking
E. Niagara Falls
paper on "'ti er-
subnrittc d a resp'
tegiteatul•" to do.
:s et inurlieipali..
except ill cases
t'idt'd wiurerw and
of farineerodtruts.
,rtl a of the
Un -
College, read it
'Winter Diail;ying .
eplimenting Prof.
)preeiution of his
lion Government
lentylie, i1- P, Pis
11 '.made it strong,
the'. Dom iuion
hr'`d the Institute
pplitetion to tett
Out for an increaser
r, and the latter.
Itt ww heat and its'
the free list.
PllS te"
!T7:11 Dann SToitt
irllt tlgeuey.
Poet-- ou won't and much par
in that poemof mine. thlitor---Well
it has the merit of having a ahoy
"They tell me you bad some
money left you," said Drown. 443'i,s,"
replied Smith. sadly; "it left me long'
--People who believe e•verything
that they hear eau generally hear
plenty of things about their neighbors
to believe.
Chronic. Coughs and Conga,
And all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs can bo
gored by the use of Scott's Eululsien, as it contains
tilt 11011-COu'foriulatS and iu the the healing vlstnes et Cod Livor 011 and Ilypoplios.
Uhnl'Ch Of En8haild, who Hilo in Ulu pintos in their fullest form. See what W s Muer, is
odor of sanctity, 'but, although they D' L It a P, eat, Truro, N s, says : After three year's
oxporlenco I consider Scott's Emulsion one of the very
k y that drink is one of the des t- beet in the market. Very excellent in Throat affoo
(lest Curses itt England, Clever lift a ions Sold by all Druggists, Mc.. and O.
stogie finger for tier cause of temper-
ance or subscribe one stugle sixpence
to It , It seems to me iu God's
battles slackness is tefamy. . . .
But for tetltperaLtl;,e associations we
should be immersed ill tiueh an ocean
ut immorality, vivleuee and sin as
• would weletothis touutry uninhabit
The gross value of Amerioan
breweries that have fallen into tee
hands of l3ruisli capitalists is stated
at fully 9,000,000 pounds.
Lt was awed at t11(e convention of
the W. O. T. U. held in Ontarto, that •
ninety three per oent of the. young
who joined the Bands of Hope remain-
ed, faithful. Here is Iiglit for the
future of humanity. • There are 2,750 languages.
A Louisville, Ky., exchange notes ,a America was discovered in 1492,
local transaction thus : A wealthy A square mile contains 640 nares.
brewer of this city has lately bought Euvelope3 were first used 1839.
revel( thousand dollars, worth more Telescopes were invented in 1590.
property adjomiug his already large A barrel of rice weighs 600 pounds,
piece. His best customers are buried A barrel of flour weighs 196 puuuds.
at the city's expellee.A barrel of pork weighs 200 pounds.
'Three New Zeeland. women have A • firkin of butter weighs 56
ety brouglit out useful patents; one pounds,
for an finpr•svea pastry rehire, tiatl The first steel pen was made in 1880
second for a flax drawing machine .!A span is ten and seven -eighth
'tend the third for a patent ilax and inches.
word dresser. At the aenuel presen_ E1 hand (horse measure) is four
cation of diplomat, at the New Zeal- inches.
andUuivelsity, four ladies received Watches were first constructed' in
tithe degree of Bachelor of Arts, 1476.
.A storm moves thirty•six miles per
The governor of Virginia issued hour.
orders 51)100 time sines Wet not snore A 1 urricaue moves eighty miles per
than eight and a half oarrels of beer hoer.
should be soid each day at the Govern- Tie first iron steamship was built
meat saloon in the National soldiers' in 1830.
rjy 'x note. The first lucifer neettah was made in
The Pall Mall Gazette publishes an 1820.
Gold was discovered in California in
iladress ou temperance in London, by 1848.
Lady I3eti y Somerset, in which she Ile first horse railroad was built in
pictures the misery occasioned by 1820-7.
strung drink in the Whiteohaple dis-
trict, wherein there have been the past
year so mariynnysterirons and shocking
'mlairders of women t ,tow can I put
before you the sin and misery of that
• scene 1 To see the children fiookiug
out of those dells of sin ! 1 state no
Exaggeration, no overdra'vn picture.
You have only to read the epolrce re-
ports: Last year pet will find in
London aloud 500 children under ten
years old were taken up dead dl'unk,
and there witi-e 1,500 under fourteen
and 2,000 under twenty-one.
It is ols0 stated regarding Lady
Henry Somerset that she has recently
struck a' blow financially at the liquor'
traffic. Sho ownsa good deal of prop-
erty let on lease aro about to fall in.
Some of these are of puldie houses,
Her ladyship has announced that she
will renew no lease of a present oitblio
!louse unless the tetrant will agree to
change his business,
eled 1451.
The total British 'rade in 1889 was , V B T IMJ U
the largest in an one year to the
history of the eouutry. The London `' .,.,.., IN---
Statist says that the lr,tports have /''�.''�1i ''((����""''7i'�11''jj''�� (' '� �j'"'�'['�"1
neverbeensufpassed,havingsi467,68fi;•:><..,4J.,/:.11J,.1„i g,./.A,�l.r L,f
000, or 4604,000, over the previous t
highest ib 1883,, the total in that year
'laving been .£426,891,000. The ex --
;torts have not been equalled in the
last sixteen years, all(1 have only been
exceeded by the figures of '1872 and`
16V3, when the demand succeeding the
Fra000-Prussian war was 80 senor. HATS.,
manly heavy, and prices went to un-
heard of figures, The value of raw
cotton imported shows a gain .of
45,869,000. Other raw textile Have
shown increases but not at so great a
ratio as earlier in the year. The total
imports of nor materials for textile
manufacture show a gain for the year " ' E 13 's ' r EI t y s
of 10,838,000, ironironand steel CX- vi' dly�
ports ..are valued at. X2`1,15 3,Q00, or *----- «—�r-
tL gain of £2,787,0 )O over the tprevious ONTAIO MUTUAL LI FEyear, .All thecnnitinental counountrieeONTARIO d i
Lowe been large consumers of coal, the
great strikes compelling them to pro. (lash income for 1888 $ 893.074 00
cure from Britain more than they New Assurances written in 1888 2,bit5,$:r0 01)
wuu'ld otherwise have taken, The Assets, as at Dec. 81st, 1888v,31i ,$ t10
woollen industry shows large improve- Assurances in force, Jan, lst, 1889 12,(141,914 tai
Lnent, total exports of woollen and Surplus, Dee. 31st, 1888 90,�rb7 ti;)
worsted manufaetures having been
221,340,000, au increase of L'1,348,000,
Humanity is ready enough to lend a
hand, but it usually empty.
When a man is under a cloud the
silver liniug is generally on the other
My son, don't advertise your griefs.
If you beep crooked legs do not wear
striped pantaloons.
Mind wandering cured. Books learned
in one reading Testimonials from all
parts of the globe. Prospectus POST
saws, vont on application to Prof..
A. Loisette,837lifthAve. NewYork,
Interesting Facts.
Cheap for KA.
Strong minds suffer without com-
plaining; weak ones complain without
»runIttontte5e, increased.
The offieial figures of the city of
Providence, Rhode I,slaud, showy that
in 1885 .under Iicenee the arrests
• for drunkenness for Angriest, September
and . Oetuber totalled 1,2'58 ; under
prohibition the arri'uts f.,r the sante
tuoutlla Lite following year fell to 777.
,After the.p►ohibitionary,•law had been
knifed by the politicians and high
license suin;tituted, ;rhea ;wrests for t113
salve mouths of lest year fur drunken
nese iuereased to 1,269.
spp,tared in our columns some tithe
Since, announcing a special arrange-
ment with Dr. B, ,,), KENDALL Co , of
Enoeburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of.
"A Treatise on the Horse and his Dis-
eases," whereby our subsoribers were
enabled to obtain a copy of the valu-
able work FREE by sending their ad-
dress to B. J. KENDALL & GO.,
(and enciosing a two -cent stamp
for 'nailing sane) is renewed for a
limited period. We trust all Will
avail themselves,of the opportunity of
obtaining this valuable work. To,
every lover of the horse it is indis-
pensable as it treats 111 a simple
manner all the diseases which afflict
'the nubie animal. Its phenotninal
'sale throughout the United States
.and Canada, make it standard author-
ity ]Mentions this paper when sending(
for ''Treatise."
Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed
Surrender Values, and' Liberal Policy conditions.
Geetnex Acme.
Wingllatn One
The average human life is thirty'•
one years. •
coaches were first used in Englund
in 1569. -
Modern needles first came into use
in 1545.
The vamp of a ton cif puce gold is
Oue million dollars gold coin weighs
3,085.8 pounds avoirdupois.
The value of a ton of etiver is 837,
O::te million dollars silver coin weighs
58.929,9 pounds.avoirdulfois.
Kerosene was first used fur lighting
purposes iu 1652.
The first newspapee was published
in England in 158Pe
The first newspaper advortiselneut
appeared in 1652.
Until 1775 'cotton 'spinning was
performed by the hand spinning
Glass windows wore first introduced.
into Englund in the ci,dlth century.
Albert Darer gave the tt'orld a
prepbecy of future wood eugraviig its
Measure 209 feet on each ride and
yon will (lave a square sure within an
The first complete sowing machine
was patented by 1Ailias Howe, jr., iu
The first steam teteine oil this Con'
was brought" (rota .Englluld 111
'Che first (knives were used in Eng -
lend and the ;list etheeledecauri:tgo in
1. r:•nce in 1550,
The present national 'ceders of the
United Stilt's were not adopted by
congress until 1777.
"`eS e e loath.
Piot at the battle front, writ of in atoiy;
Not 011 the blazing wrc::lt, 'steering fee
glory ,
Not while 111 martyr -panes, soul anti flesh
Died he this hero new, hero forever.
No pontp poetic c:owned, no forms on.
chid tied hi'n,
No frie)ttls applauding watched, no foes •
arraigned hitn,
Death fouiiit hien there, without. grandeur
or beauty,
a doing, his t
r. h.sriuv .
, n.' man 31'1
an h 1u ye 5
Only Y
heath £ouu(1 au:s touched with huger in
1;:hl la real up, complete -'-hero undying.,.
C. P. It. rI8r1I TABLE.
Trains arrive and depart as follows,;
5::35.a. m ...... ., For Toronto • 5'45 a. m
2:15'p; p.m " :10 p.ni
2:15 p.m Por Teeswater........2:15
10:30 p. m 10:30 "
NZ) TP,T13TK -E '
��� ����Il'r � %� 'lll�j•,+�i, i!.� • (y' It Eit7 lii�a��.��i'�_','?f
�� IhuMO•llkSVl��� Ib,Ka�kiii �.
Has a most complete assortment of tile LL~TEST, CHOICEST, ard.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and. Silver Goo :Is,
T417 CAN§ BUT § NI 114802nALKS,,
P' st?n.,
A, t;. STi1ATHDEE, Aosir, wlNOnaat, 13avirig purchased 77. ]1iscick's grocery and made heavy l,ur-
Thron;rh ttokets to all points in America—North- chasseS in.
West, Paviiio Coast, etc., via tho shortest and alt
popular routes. Baggage *eked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. GENERAL,
-•--TIME TAi3LC.--'—
0:31) a. m.Toronto,Guelph, Palmerston,.&e. 3:30 p.m.
11:10 " " "10:10 "
3:10 p.m. °, " Clinton, "
7:51 " Pahnorston, Mixed.. .. ..10:15 a.In.
0:45 a.m,..........London, &o.. 1100 „
'3:40 p.m."
11 7:45:0 pa..mn. .
m Kincardine, &0
3.3010 Pa.ain t111:10 " r 1 . E1
10 lO (1:110 pall
''&'&.tagaw ares ek';e5
He has now G e' p -D -
(LATE Or RIPLrty,)
Ila' ing purchased the b`trbcring bn chess of Messrs.
Sebastian Eves., is prepa'1•ed to give'lI old customer:v
and as many new once 1.2 patronizts.bhn, satisfaction.
in all lines of the profession.
aremy specialties..
s1Gtvo me a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon
and siistntyre's store,
ht. Mc7IONALD.
Supplies nal necessaries for fun:
oral furnishing having a Delivery
Wagon specially for this branch of
business, Ail orders attended
personally, and delivered any:
w11'aro within 10 miles of 'Wing:.
lternember the place, first door
south of the big briclt hotel (01 tho
main street, \Vinghant,
and ofxer�s -
Come and see.
When I sap Cu, o 1 do not meat
mersty to '.top theca ton a lane, and then
have them return again. 1 PAI VS. UR1.. 1h.aewadothe (,raeate01pite,
reI5i1Crmn/ orI'aiYln�' EiiCkna'w a l.fo•ldng study- I rvno-rstieo. my r.,nr dy 41) Cure '0 tho
worst Cases. Decal 3e other* Immo foiled is so mason for not now rereiving at care, Send nt
once for a treatise and a Fro. •i3ottle of my ldrfftlibto ilo titch. Give Lapreai and
Post Office. It costs you tlothitlrr for a trial, and it will caro you. Afdres4 t—t1. G.:nom.*
aN.C+I !ranch Cilia% WO.t4IF$1 11DEL4110111 iWRESTy'Pvlt0ttl:r0e
Try goods and asnertee, 1.l ' ,es,
WT3'OLE yr,•. TOCK Orr GA? DEN SLIMS & 1'I07,3zEleHOg
0. J.R.AGN.
yJ:�ti,r 1aea's`'.'`,
1, We claim to have the- lergest and test asrctrted stock (if \Vote ht=-^
Clocks and Jewellery in \\ i111 Liam. Our stock consists of ,t1 t1l(rl u'itit -
a1nt1 English (;old Plated and Bwlletl plated J'tiw ',ug'l'y of all description ,
American a1111 Swiss \Vatchi-s, C(LriWlian and American Gold t n (',hive(
Watch (lases, Spectacles anti t-)pera, (Rlttet'era.
2. We buy all our -gond:; in 111_; lots, and in' ti ult'ewill for e\er't*.
thing We buy, therefore fief enet euer'i may lap et 'C that we alt ea Le •
disadvantage 0:; ii)lllpae•etl with Others.
It will pay yon t0 ea111 and inspt'ct our eirtt<;1• lrttftir'o buying else.. •
where. We will sell y ou-:10 per cent hewertliar., tiny other dealer in
In orderto make room for o• ur large Xmas Sit'.; i , i14)'r' llderccl, we
will Sell at ev51 for 31) days.
. • 14.31' (1110...11of material used told 011155 tit' \vnl'ltitt.'ttialeil)' \\'C
k111111le'i t titsiit'ity at the pe'' ,lt`t J t'S,
UN.a P « t� s • T ScileiC .1't0 u�
n CTTVAt, ivax,rmfrylrV:4 i .ste.;a 147"b a e. ', . y,,. <•n