HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-02-14, Page 1.VOL. L. XIX --NO 7. WIN RAM, O T., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1890. This has been a genuine C:a1i- fcn'nia winter, ,t, RAIN RA,I.N.II BRAIN11 Do you want rno;,ecti a from it ? We can give it. ,., i +r , .. We have a few :&'. ,terpraof cit - 1, i not firer-d'ass ones ---in fact tf4 they are far from'being first-class, le We have plastid them• on tiz.e.> t>'i i} gain Counter and they will u,:) at a price that will MAKE THEM Go. them, for � placed We have }Ilan with 1 1 the men, a lot of black felt hats, . those old-fashioned ones with low :crowns. They are good in quality and the price is lower than the crowns..,Don't make the mistake that many did last week about the crockery. They came TOO LATE, . Come as soon as. possible to -clay or to -morrow. We will be straig'bt- ,forward in dealing 'and, courteous in treatment. . Crockery a gleam gli) aj°et before stocktaking t J'1te'Ldln -We 'are noenj yiug fairly good 1, sleighing, andines has been greatly benofitted;there � week and next for —Selling at oat tl moth at C J. d ruling's. —Quite a numb o ou young people attended the Citi ens' 111, at Clinton, yen' est. 1 o a evening n Fr g� • Y large o0 of oranges and lemons} to be ole chew MoKolvie's. • .-Listowel's ti ti ig debt is• $5,753,99, and 111itehell has al o a fleeting debt of 06,981.82. E P Gerster' only place where graving is ueatl and artistically done. Mr John Fort was appointed Assessor for 1 0, at a meeting of the town council n Mo day evening last. :L'he eatery is 9 5. Norxce,—A. good gold watch given away with one pound of Baking Powder. Call and get question sheet from W T. Yates, the grocer. Ivl'u t clear nut my stook of crockery ands a e this week and next at cost. Also obi le of grooeries cheap for cash. J Read ng s. -A return game curling; was played in the rink here la Tuesday between the Grits and•Toriee, an ,resulted as follows; Oris,. Tories: W Paterson, A Stiles, A. Mitchell, J Duffield, J J Anderson, .1 Dinsley, • F Paterson, sk'ip,..19 Seexttuus Kent, skip.14. The return match ill be played tartly. —If you wait an Organ or Piano yon ea save moue. by purchasing from I3 avis, who is gout for the best mane lecturers and 1 sell at small advance on factory prices. Office near the market, Winghxem. —First of, o se: , on. Pine stock of I Oysters done up in any style at It Hill's, banauas and p'i ..ea a • les just arrived at Jae. next door to Mason's bookstore. MoKelvie's. -.-Mr F N P • comb, P. L. surveyor= formerly with C A Jones, of Loudon, was iu tosvu on Tues ay, prospeoting with the slow of settling ere, ROBT. ORR. THE BEAR, 1 Wingham, Feb. 7,1890. S LOCAL NEWS. —E G Gerster makes a specie* o? eking xnonagram brooches, ear -drops `bouquet and tie pins. —To -day is St V4eititie's day. Nice mixed candies from 14 to 26 cents per pound, et R hills .',<.. , — yeti went an Organ or Piano you ca, save m ley by purchasing from H vis, who i agent for the best mane. aoturors, a will Gell at small advance% near th market, c r. Y'o s. flip e m k. an fa toypte O e m , Wingham; —ales, G 33 win, L A, the blind Pres- byterian minis =•r of Brussels, preached in the Cougregati• al Clturoli last Sunday, in exchange with Rev W K Shot, who preached iu 1, easels. Large nougregoa ttous were out ••oruing and evening. Rev Mr Howie, wb . is a native_of theEast and of Jewish rase suatafped hie reputation as a preacher we 1, and' the entire, services were felt to be yei'y. edtf}ling., Mr Howie repeats the H mos, •Scripture lessons from memory. Ou lid nudity evening, Mt r Howie lectured on E' tern Lauds aud 'Castopas, especially th Marriage, Customs o):. the East. His a!peararice,was very striking in the Orient 1 garb. and as he observed, the loose fist ng coat showed how easy is the tailors rt in the East. The diffi. catty of obta niug -justice under modern rule waa she n;and tiro extreme serenity of the law age hist a Mohammedan, if he turn Christie ". The endeeirable state of affairs prods •ed by ;Eolyganz, and the facility with hick a wife can be divorced was graphic: la, portrayed. The secluded stated womu in the East, the ,mode of obtaiuing a ile, which is practically by purchase, we e.dwelt upou. The habits of the Christian in the East were also refer- red to and th : nuptial ceremonies describ- ed, bringiugt• mind the parable of the ten 'virgins, Mr Howie also answered questions, whish were propounded to him in.regard to e ucatioual and other matters in the East. t the Conclusion, a hearty vote of thanks was i1Jieposed to the Rev leotureieby 1V Tr Vier Fishat i d •seconded by Rev Mr Car on of Whitechurch: —Dress an • mantle making done in the latest styles, and ou short notice. A•p- prentiees w • ted. Residence—Patriok street, lst d store. —The Rev 11 the Congregation 11atie ; hold a, ing in the Bapti deliver a special in the Presbyters —A sensible exoh nge advises the publio to give pedlars the ld shake. Their in. terests are of no co cern to you. - They take money 'out an leave uo,u'g , They —Rey Mr Sher 's letter in reply to have no business rep tation,, ;=a;r • and 'Catholicla y ands availed out thin -week, ,are more ]ikely to i °-i'. • - of Atilt will appe box There is absolutely n one single advan-, Boarienn WANT n.—A few lady board. rage in buying from pedlar, therefore ere can be a nom dated, on reasonable give the itinerants th shake. There is terms. App at r idence,. Patrick street, not an article they 11 that cannot be first door we t of B derus' shoe store, bought as cheap of t e dealers in *your —La Grire see s to be. abating in own town, who pay'taxes and help to' town. g3rin pal GI oves'is able to attend build up, while the dlars do nothing for to his dutie again, and all those attacked us. Trade with the erchants and let the w th the ep demio re recovering. pedlars go. 4.r —If your watch or clock is out of repair Li 1? Gersti can fill a presentation "or ftake it to E F Gerster and get it repaired. l o ier special orders within twenty-four ib will give you good satisfaction, ours.. Well ood luta bought the ufactur and sell Mernam's ets in xe county ,of Huron, y hand and useful cabinet, ubt wi I come' into general Keefer will preach in 1 °branch nexb Sunday at dyer and promise meet - Church at 4 p. ria ; and ddresa to young women n Church at 7 p m, —Ladies' New tress Goods and Prints, Eveniug Sltawls,Laces, Gloves and Hosiery at M H llloIsdoo's. —Mr R A Gs ham will sell his farm stook and imple'. ents by publio auction, on his premises, a th half lot 23, oouoession 1, Morris, ou uesday, February 25th, Sale at 1 o'clnc " Terms --05 and under eash, over that mouths crdit, Peter Deans, jr, auotio. =r. —Mr Jol right to ma baking cabii "' q his_:issyye and no do Ilse. ' —If you don' lie Dean you will miss the treat of the eason. —Go and s can and get one of those elegant presen —The union vangelistio meetings will be continued in he Presbyterian Church. the remainder o this week and in the Congregational huroh next week, There is a decided iuer se iu the number of en- quirers at these eating. A large number df persons have p ofessed that they have found thegavi ur, and the seekers nightly present th mselves in the enquiry . room, .For Salo by Private Bargain. As I intend leaving Wingham, I offer my household furniture for sale, consisting of parlor set, dining -room table, chairs, side board, bed room suites, carpets, curtains, laces, stones, etc. They are to • be seen at. my residence. HAnrrxov Streator. —Printers' Inks we ly journal, publish. ed in New York, s 'yes as an exponent of the principles of t art of advertising, . and offers practical s ggestions to tee's - paper advertisers. I also ihtlicates to the. experienced advert{ er, how, when aud where to advertise, ho to write an adver- tisement and how to d splay cue. It con., tains in each issue i ter -eating matter—' original and selected— f interest to adver- tisers, and discusses a ertising topics in au intelligent, impart al and 'insbruotive manner. Its subscrip ion price is 92 a year. —If you want a g ulna good clothes wringer go axed see those kept by James A Cline & Cc. Something new, very cheap. —Gents' Full Dress Shirts, Ties and 'Gloves ; New styles iu Collars aud Cuffs ; complete range of Settings, at M 111 Mc- .1ndoo's. ---The Rev r K S'.iortt conducted the • services in 31 ox Cb arch, Brussels, last Sabbath, the stor, the Rev G A. Howie, B. D., taking r Shc rat's services iu the Congregation ,Churn h here. —Gents' clothes cleaned, dyed, repaired .and pressed also ladies' coats and dresses dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Victoria SL, next door to Abra- 'hst shoe shop. id. MixcnsL0. A. Listow 1 merclia t eh; -Ned 1U boxes of roll butter to Toren ' and sold it for 11 cents per ouud. H es decided that iu future h ill buy utter only on its merits, whiel is the on proper way. --E F Gerster is the oldest and has proved himself the mast reliable jeweler aud offered the bu 1n town. above a certain figu --The coring of the B are. of Trade, —Somebody must lave been hoaxing the 'Walkerton Telesco e man. He gets off the followiug: "Mr Soho Hamilt' • dropped down to Brussels a few days : go to look at a bank- rootstock which w advertised for sale. A number of other p eminent buyers were there and among tl in a Toronto man. The Torontonian o idebtly wanted a snap era 145 each not to -bid e. This was acopted canton who was going ng for the Toronto figure at 9100 and the down handsomely and t was the stock of Mr ki bt, to which refereuce ic15 woe sold in Loudon, the purchasers wore gale & Co., of Brussels, —,we copy forth A'xposit ahister of M have to recon of Sealer th, Kyle. Mrs II of James Pon She was a oat 39 years !andel oa Thursday i since last Max husband died a long illness, is supposed sh long and close was not pre -di did she contra seemed to co its work iu he than in that Kyle was a q who took her ily, but was g knew her. S and was in pr devout audsi leaves behind former of who latter 15, who both father an have no doubt, memory her them so early most need her 1 Her worthy fat have the sine severe bereave! 119-10 T -,A -Mw,, NO. O. P;7 ria Pe; gnaIL Mr Thos Palrbai n, Burale,, who far many years combo d the TeeswaterNerro, . hasbeen visiting in hat village far rioxtxt biros. On Monday, he was. iu Wingbalu• and gave the Toss i friendly csa11. tie re- ports business goo. iu Buffalo ,.Mr t" A Winter, of Presto general rigout of the Dominion Life A surance. Company, has been spending a f days with,frieuds in Wingltam and vicinity..Mr Wesley Miller, of this to n, returned from Sault Ste Marie, a few days ago. Mr Miller spent the summe at the "Soo" and re- ports plenty of s . ow and good sleighing there for some ti •• a backafebr and Mrs Towler returned n Friday last, after spending some wee to in Florida and other Southern States! 1pbert Paterson., of Dumfries, is on a, v' it to his father, John Paterson, and othe 1 friends.6311r John 15 Macdonald, Reeve of Huron township, called on Mr Geo eTavisbof the Union Paotorrou Wedn sday and expressed pleasure in seeing s e factory so busy Mr Geo MoTavi x was in Kincardine on Saturday Last n business - Public °hoot Board. The regular me tine of the Wingliam Pnblio School Boar, was held on Tuesday evening last. Pros nt--Messrs Thos Bell, W W Inglis, Geo P ttypieoe, Thes Abra. ham and Dr Chiaho m, The minutes of previous meeting w re read and confirmed, The Principal's mo, thly report for Tau.-. nary, was discussed clause by clause ; and it was moved by Dr `hisholm, seconded by W W Inglis, that he Principal receive tenders from the di • =rent printing offices for the printing of 5,0 O reports and sub- mit than to the S pool Manaeemout Committee—Carried. Moved by W W,_ Inglis, seconded by T os - Abraham, that the 3.80 p m dismiesa for perfect lessons be continued in the s:cond' and third de- partments of the sob• •1—Oerried. Moved by Geo ' Pettypleee, seconded by Theis ,Abraham,; that the +,chool Management. (",eraciittee be. iustr , cted:tea paibt anti. sand the storm pore : ea and put springs ou the doors—Carrie •. The question of supplying maps was rought up and die - cussed, and it was m, ved by Dr Chisholm,.: . seconded by W W ID lis, that the matter of maps be left the •.chool Management Committee, with . wer to ant, The following accounts w' re recommended to nce Committee: 1V 009; Smith anal olio J•oe, wood, ii4.00'x douse with porches, , repairs, etc, 06:3a; coal oil, glass, ete., $8.49; Mary . Reyn, de, teachin,•*„ 07.0;. Anna A Agnew, ten• bine, 113,00; J Duffield - & Son, repairs, 17,3'; -T A Mills, $2.55. The &editors' re'por of the receipts and expenditures for th pilevfous year wee then read by the Se rotary, -After some discussion in regard', :o the supply of woad fur the school, the I erd edjourued Town C • noil. An aiijourued nte.tiug of the town council W4 held in he council chamber on Monday evening. Members ;present— Mayor Molndoo, au t. Councillors Messrs Williams, Hill, Agin" Holmes, I,emmex, Cline, II.caleth, Spa. ling, Elder, McLean and Daws . Appli diens for the post - den of ,Assojgor we read from Messrs Geo Greoh P•S Liu ester, Neil McGregoxa • W A MoOlymont, S Youhitl and John Forster. On motion it was.idecided to appoint the assessor by ballot. On the ballot being taken, r John Forster was or 1890. Messrs lid Johnston ppeared before the ounoil, asking to ha a the.wood removed from the street at and near the Salt Block. Moved by A r. awson, aeconded by* be paid by 'the •Fiu R t: Sperling, tha the complaint of ltnbertztiou, , postrigo Messrs Long and ohnston, respecting ( Pethick, glass, 91::67, reef in the vicinity W J Deyell, storm be referred to the 093.00; It 'Vi Robinso ith power to act— Js aA Clindelfi Co., Carried. The quer 'ou of the ,refund of taxes to Messrs Gr y, Young & Sperling was then taken up, when it was moved by J A Cline, seconde by J McLean, that the matter of rami sloe of taxes of Messrs Gray, Young & Sp rling be'referred to the Finance Committ e, to report at next meeting—Carried. A communication was read from the To ' • Band, asking for the usual grant. Mov d by 0 E Williams, seconded by R I ill, that this Council grant the town ba d 11100 per year, viz; $25 per quarter, • n cotxdltiOb that the band be properly o •ganized, anti under e; proficient leader, • ud•that the band melee a. report of their st nding to the chairman of the 'Property Co..mitten to be put be. fore the Council each quarter,• before money is paid o er — OGarried. The Auditors' Report w e presented. Moved by J A Cline, seam ed by J Elder, that the Auditors' Rep • '5 be referred to the 1i'inanoe Committee, with instructions to publish it according o law—Carried. The .Road aud'Bridge oxnmitlee repotted that they had receiv d three tenders—two from resident ratep a Ars aud one front an outsider; that the enders were higher than the Committ a thought the town should pay for a bri • e at Hutton & Carr's, and recommended t at the matter be re- ferred back to Co • mitten rix make itlter- atione in the plans, eith a view of lessen- ing the cost of thea ruoture, and ask fo tenders agafu. •saved- by A Dmwson seconded by S J iso .nth, that the Boar of 'Works adtlertise for tenders for th bridge, aud that tla: Comtnittee- examine the plane, with a v :w of cheapening th etruuture; and tire: the Committee repos to the Couneil bet • re awarding the eon ved by C 17 William , that the hatter reen & Cu's lean the Biticutive Cont. o aab-•:Carried. 'r ed till Monday eye or west of Roderus' shoe •appoiihted Assessor vl the following frons the Sea;,,{ r. The lady referred to was,; s T H Ross of this town: "We the death of Mrs.JamesKyle,' vidow of the late James le was the eldesb daughter piling wood on the a Edmon ville. the, Esq., of d of the Salt Works, Ve of Tnekersmith and was Street Committee, months of age. She died °ruing,- having been sick with consumption. kler little over a year ago, after Iso of Consumption, and it caught tate disease from tteudanee upon hien as she posed to it in any way,. nor t it from exposure, as, it on spontaneously and did ca3e much more rapidly. her late husband. Mrs et, uuustentatious. woman, hief enjoyment in her fam- catly beloved by all who e was kind and obliging, ctice as well as profession a sere Christian woman. She a daughter and son, the is 17 years of age and the rave now been bereft of mother, but who will, we ever cherish with revered ho has been called from ud at a time when they viug care and wise counsel. or and other relatives will rest sympathy in their ant." which wa to have been h Id On Tuesday by make it l pint 6erer 11 1ast,tfere °tion of °Mese , adjourned to man; he placed tit meet at t e call of the or sident, the at. Toronto man earn tendanee otbeing thOug t large enough for, thie portant basin s, it number of got the stock." *d C -Rogers, no da the mem ets being out o town or engage is made, The s ai;t the Sc' obi !Board ane ting. not brussels, a —If you want an Organ or Piano you d r�ot`l Turo t• roan. can sav4,1 curry by purchasing from. H 'Davis, wis ageut for the best manta Casio I+'or` Wood. lfaeturerd will sell at small advanre on factory latices, (Mee near the marltet, Sealed uttdersign d up to the. 21st Will be sleet , fort 25 Oingbarn, cords of weed (beech maple) good body —.lt :has {tee daaid d that Judges may green wood to 'e d li$red this whiter at telt where an the 3. resbyterian lira, Wiigham,. 'not decla't a u uatxit i h. on. ed 24 iIuclaea longand properly "'inuoceut tli{r party holds it note scour• � C adt`beTo be ntoasllfed" anacceted by ed byfraud, Wei lreoeut amendment the care ' ter, By order of Board of will house r ne y "Seo Treas. a cad one, It I Malta e. S. +GI cn ► y tit the lawn it t, le to .:ii °sugar odd ,which are ao .:. !people thein t a larg discount, and will , Wanted at Ones, put tti weight shackl upon etvitldlerA Ito exdhanaa, a Brantford binder or other il .—JL 1' Gerster has deoided to remain in machinery for *geed emend borne. taws post Wittl{hatta beeetiai b a ty', 1 :ppl,' Id ` R Q . NOTIC TO DEtTOR.S. • M1 parties indebted to me, either by Mete or book geoount, are requested to call and settle 00 or before the 1st of March. next, as I need the money. The Intrude business carried on by me for many years will in future be combated by Am- bler & Co. 1' . A. Bitr xssestEY. 'Hingham, Feb. 5th, 1890. Commodious ltteeideidoe For Salo. The undersigned offers his coralnodious residence, situated on the corner of pat• rick and Ftaucis Streets, for sale on tract—Carried. reasonable terms. The . house is one of second+pd by B Ida the best in Wiughatxl,and is most desirably located. Every convenience; acre of .Messrs Gilchrist, laud, good stable, ete. Parties wishing to left in the haat o took through the house eau do s0 'by call- mittee, with power lug, Per full particulars, apply to Council. then ttiljou 'W,Mutt Sco'rm, r`eittral 1f?riegtt, Toroutot Ont, ingt the $14th matt Cu , i lona. A match game of urging, tit a Tankard series of •oup 14, 's1 st plave the riuk here, ou hursday, 4 e Oar - ,n %taut, between Lu now end roxeter. The following is th':' score IVroxeter. DrcXnoir. Kaake, J Allen, J Forsyth, W Allen, J W Sanderson; G Kerr, r 3 Bone, skip ....2 3 B Irltxntet, sltip,.1ll A Brown, J Mur°liison,. T Brook A Mcl herson, �I A Paulin, W D�ttle, T Rae, skip 15 3 Muedock,skip..21 Total41 Total. ..,,...37:. Majority for Wroxeter, 4 shote. t :t:" There being some irnebefgxe'the Luck• now players would leavisig ,f'or bonito: it was decided to ha e a if tone. between e. the Lucknow rinks u d two rinks et the town club, The gam resulted as follows, after some fine playa • g tin both eidee; Winpham. %ttckrerzir... D Sutherland, d, Allan, F Paterson, 1Vnt Allenx s' r' G MCKenxie,� Goo Herr, 3 J Andersdu, ekip.12 3n5xneuteMcPrr n p..111 Board I�' Hughes, J Neelandtt, . J Murchison,. e ,T Coed, Wm Dittle, Dinslers, skip "13 3 Murdock, skips,.,!► e 25 frJ t `- TwO rinks of the own elub orient tw Williams, Stratford 60 Monday to take ;part in the of bonspiel.. They pl yed against Stierlin, be in the first draw, and wore defeited by 'i. dicta.- The your subeetip 'onto- the, Teets is "ie. heed arrears an early payment ()IUD indebted. tidse atilt ke apllr4oloid 14 the prat/hoot