HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-31, Page 7Cr, like ay, r1la• ;ua erten in the ;mature tiglancl Seven; is not salads Lid not it their of the Turell, death, a, case nation,, etc., to,+ au only to your ally ii.- stl'tiourl d, Iso sag mid rep off houses to. If ad yotl way for :mien. Oi o hang cure of tead of the like arks 'are ' 'stitious lfathers eaiels- ourt. 3arbara, politest' loses an, tog ng y(lei as about ;iscta,: lhf teat car a young hivalric tly bowa ace," re lid .wase ecdence:" Ler back - footsteps rst, wiry- y to the trot .half b, when nth bow- m.—Sun ,f. native dread be - the Toot a of sev- 1 running larks are a amen are ao backs Id chests, eir irristS drawings rs stitiug :e the Op- children ;hat they. They use regnently r employ,,, It is 1 sulphur great re'* 1 for the sago Here encu can the great society. :O "snake eenary in i'o gain a roperty is success. 'eat lever. ;rican boy : forward y, But to ouse ith t in itself ;est of lire,, manhood, ten, thin xed dater - quite as thibg's to Ar.. 1:siglhtsaem dile Ur. hr'a got .—Epoch. • fsllt+ulasurs. ie flighty thousand amides in N drk, 11Qt one runs a 04.0011. uihl:ary the state link acquired ten thousand public louses and suits, a very ladle inimbor of which are to be closed, and thereater reopened as schools. Tate peelubitory proviso, submitted- I separately in Forth Dakota, called I forth More voters than the constitution as a whole, The versa tau the consti- tution were 3,,101,113, and ou the pro - Whitton clause 83,94i1 The Free. . Baptist General confer ones., and ulsu. the Universalist Gener- al Uouvoution in their recent seshi+)1hs, adupaed_ resolutione taking the most alihh:on proluisiug attitude toward the tote ...truffle, and to-diy proclaim - lug that , total .. athsti aeeee fee the individual anti prollioicion tor the st.fte, is the only wise mut etLactnrtt wetland of dewing with rise drink problem, The recent state coltvautien of the Young People's :3uoiety`of Christ.i.,n .1.'`s1ndea'v'or of O000eo„ieut at Navy H•"v- -eu,was attended by over two theusitud delegates, with audiences of L' an thous- and'te four thousand. Ort the teal- perante. question, the conveutien tremitted itself °' unreservedly to the camas of total ttbstieexhce," ttltd plelged. its influence toward the ace°wnalish. ,,taunt,•"at the earliest possible day, of atter ©ztertninittiyu of the licquor tilt ltle.' i •;{Sot Thea; e. Fortune knocks at ,,very man's door, Igitt she doesn't go 'huntin't through ba'er saloons for hies if he happens to be. out.—Pack, Tha Saloon as a Bnu1c. Yoti'deposit your ,coney, and lose it,' Yntlr blanc, and lose it. • Your ulnsraeter; and lose it. • .. Your: health, and lose it, Your streogttl, aud.loso it. Your wanly iuslrplydeuce, an'1 lose tit': *our home comfort; and lose it, o6. wife's happiness, arid lose it. Your children's happiness, .anti lose 'Your Own SOO,.find Jose it. Ewa/ They do 1n Norfivay. They, hpye tat effective way all •deal ing with habitual drunkards in Nor- way and Sweden. 'They put them in gaol and feed tlaenl entirely on bread axil wine:. The bread is steeped in wine for an hour before it is served. The first day a nand will take it, but forarn:uly more he will hate the si it of it. , Alter an incarceration of this°sort many become total t10- staiffers. el: Good Naulo, • A. good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. Even the unsoru- palous menlkuow the worth of good .prinotples that cannot be moved. A.gentleman turned off a man in ]sis euipu y at the bank,beeause he re- .fused to write for . hi in on Sunday. *then asked afterwards to canis voine reliable person he might know, as. suitable for a cas}litir in another banit, he Mentiotatttl this safne,ulan.._ • You can depend upolihirit, lie said, for the refused to.work for me on the Sabbath. ▪ A gentleman who employed 'n:anv personst., in' bis large E'stablisllr. ent said :.When I see one, of my young. „meal riding for pleasure ou Sunday, .1 •dismiss .hint on -'Monday;.. 1 know' such a man eannat be trusted. Nor will I•oniploy.anyone who even ea easionally drinks liquor of 'any h ind. ,.Boys, lienor the Lord's day and all the teachings of the Bible, and you will not fail to find favor with. God ttlid Wideman also,—^t electee/. eiotent eatt , cures `3Jiketuitatis Outsit.a . M'il a Courtlzt2 DntrG Wi Wilt; ANtnIey. ile Ourose with. Ogii$bt. 0 notice from our 0asteri3 exohanges t at some of the popular shades in dress gods this winter aro described as "dra- goon's blood," "elephant breath" and Pas pink, called +'stifled sighs," ;,just ,gurgled with delight when. 'd this, because all these colors a igt*e, Wo were realglad with a regia Pan -America gladness for the dear gir , for a girl loves tobe unique, don't you ttnow, even if she has 'to wear it matter 1 r wrapper. A girl dressed in elepl►al}t' breath, hung in graceful folds and loopy up end fastened at the cora new wi t tailed sighs,with a corsage of old gold, slashed with dragoon's gore, would be just too lovely for anything .We have been sighing for just such a .girl for,years, but our sigh had hardly stifle enough in it to match the new color. We have sent for a remnant of stifled sigh to make a necktie of it, It appears to us that elephant's breath would be ranger strong for real comfort In this summer time. especially if the ere• gallant was inclinedto be dissipated.' Dragon's blood should only be worn in slots, a la polka dot, as it were, and should never be worn withont being well sprinkled with ashes of rose to tone it down, In the absence of roses, wt'od ashes or cigar ashes would answer as well, But there is a fullness and a pathos about the stifled sigh which will make it 'tank favorite the moment society corrals it. It is so delicate and yet so far reach -1 ing. A sfgla at any time is a dear thing to look at, but when it is stifled and worn full in the back, with box plaiting down the sides .and caught up with sil- ver buckles into a double einohe about the waist, it is simply a dream. -.-Lassen Advocate. TO OUR 811111KatIBE.R13. * Tile SPECIAL ANNOUNCrtzsaliT which apla area in our columns some time since, announcing a kpt'eial arrange*, Ment with Dr, B. J, Kw:NDALI 4Q, of Euoeburtilh, Falls, Vt„ publishers of "Al Treatise .on the Florse and hie Drs= eases," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain as copy of the vain - able work raga by senair;g their ad^ dress: 0 B. 3. KENDALI, & po,,. (and enalo'silig a 'two.cent stamp for mai+ing salve) is renewed for a limited period.,We trust all will avail themselves f the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work, To every lover of the florae it is indis- pensable,. as it treats in a simple. manner all the di eases which afflict the noble annual. Its phenofninal salethroughout the United Statics and Canada, make it standard author- ity . Mention .this paper when 8endiny tor "Treatise," The Trip Round the World. A good deal of stir has been madeovei; the journey round the world undertaken by an enterprising young American lady, who hopes to accomplish the feat in a matter of seventy days. In point of fact, however, an expedition of the kind has but little to reconimpnd it, and to a cer- tain degree reminds one of wagers made by foolish individuals to swallow a given number I:if hard eggs without drinking, or to go a given number -of days without eating, and so forth. • Tho journey undcyrtaken by the young Amer- ican lady is wholly devoid of scientific interest and can offer no oharm to the traveler. It is°simply a matter of calcu- lation and of railway and steamer guides. Sitting in one's own home, it is easy. to make calculations of this nature and ;to map out one's journey on paper,, In ex- ecuting the plan afterward the only anx- iety the traveler round the world has is not to miss a boat or train;. and provided there is no 'hitch in this direction, the feat can' be easily aecohnplished, unless perchance an aecident occurs en route, or tiie•traveler is detained a few hours by a sudden attack of illness. For a. wager, of course, enterprises of the kind may be undertaken; but with all the fa- cilities for is rapid tour round the world afforded by railways, steamers and other means of transit, it is a foregone con- clusion that the traveler ,will accomplish the journey unless some unforeseen ac- cident interrupt it.—London Standard. Those Terrible wires. It is a. certain thing that all electric wires will to go under around, and tho quicker the work is performed the better for the people of St. Louis. It is a dangerous.piece of business to pick up the .ear trumpet of a telephone careless- ly, for a 'finger may come in contact with the brass end, which would be fol- lowed by the death of the careless indi- vidual if the pliono wires were'crosssed by any of the electric ,wires. Take a small compass and watch how easily it can be upset by simply bringing the ear trumpet of this phone within a foot of it. This ought .not to be the case, and it plainly shows that the wires are highly charged with electricity, which accounts for the loud buzzing sound heard when a person endeavors to use tho,telephone, If an exposed electric wire should come in contact with a piece of metal on a •roof, the result would be a conflagration which could not be put out, as it is use- less to throw water on an electric wire with the idea of stopping the flames which ensue, as water would make a non-conductor a conductor, and the tire would rent ly* spread. The damage to various bui'.diugs, telephones and switch- boards inflicted during the past week was only the wort: Of the wires of half of the companies which have contracts to illuminate the ci'Cy, and what the re- sult will be when allttlle lights are ready to be lit. nobody, can foreshadow,—Inter. View in St. Louis Uiobe-Democrat. The Slaughter of the Girds, The Japan Weekly Mail is aaieine• an energetic protest tri tint the b arbal nus, but, unhappily, fashionable custow of wearing feathers and wings of singing birds as ornaments in - hats, The writer iter declares bitterly against the European mode of dregs, which is now superseding. the picturesque and comfortable dress t of the Japanese: women, and asks if this- latest hinlatest addition is to be allowed tO Con. untie, An order has just reached Japan rfrom Europe for 100,000 wings. Each wing is bought for the small sural of five cents, and yet there are to he found many people who will kill the native • ' songsters for this `petty price, to the enormous future damage of the faru'ers, I utoluti, l,TheJapan Mail appeals to the govern- merit to atop this massacre among the 1 feathered taw, 8 U. P. R. TIMD Tt#BL., Trains arrive andtdepart as tolloivs L1tAV1NO AARIVINE 5:15 a, ., •'For Toronto 5.35 a. in 2:15 p, m For Teeswater.,.,,,,.2:588 p n' 10;80p. u1 10:$0 ., GRAD T U T R:37• A, 0. ST11AT1iDEE, AGENT, Wasouest. West, Pacific ClCooast,o etc., vias the sl ortesand still papular routes. lirtayago checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points, --TIME TABLE.--.-- LBAVI WTN011AAI. ARRIVE AT WINORAII, 6:30 a.m.Toronto,0uelph,palmerston, ,Sc.8:30 pat. 11:10 .. 10;10 „ 3:40 p.p. " ,Clinton, 7:25 .. Palmerston, Ali%eaf.... ,.10:15 a.m. 6:45 a,m, .London, &a 11:00 c' 8 'p.m. 7 46 p.ns, 11:4013:30 , m ”'"Citnettrdine, &c 0;30 aan, " 11:10 10:101" , 0:50 p.m BARBER -SHOP. MR. 1VIALCOLM McDONALD, (LATE - 08 atPLEY,) Has ing purchased the ba••bering business of Messrs. Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers and as many new ones as patronize hila, satisfaction in all lines of the profession. • . • SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING. aro lOy•specialtios, tt I.Giva me a ball at the old stand,,Qpposite Gordon and Mclutyre's store, ' LL MCD(NAI,D. „1. S. GI.'i.A.CEY, Supplies all necessaries for (un, oral furnishing having a ,Delivery. Wagon specially for this 'bcanoh of business, A11 orders attended personally, and delivoreft any: where within 10 miles of Wing: hem. Remember the place, .first door south of the big brick hotel ea the main Street, Wiugharn. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, Tho Nest Successful ltotnedy over disco” orod, as it is certain In its effects and does not blaster, Road proof below. KENDALL'S SPAIN CURE. OrsMON Or CHARLES A. SENDER, Boge».BR Or ICLETELAND BAY AND TROTTING Brain Italians. DR, /II K imI.CO! r21""' ILL., 11".21:4 ov, 20,1 • `a r , Dear Sirs :,I have always purchased your8en- dall's Sppavin Cure lay the hail dozen laottles I would atke prices In larger quantity. I think l le (Aloof the best liniments on earth. I have used it W anystabreYourstruly,,ears. CHAS. A. SNYDER, KENDALL'S SPAI3IL, CURE. D n, B, J. rczaan Com' It Y., Novomber3,,1888. Dear Sirs : I desire t0 give you tedttmonfat of my g ood o anion Or your Sendait'sspavinCure. Ihave ro, S uvItie, and I have found it a sure cure, I Cords. uded 15 aUr rccemmend it to ailhorsemen. YoursforLtrulnny nOENStilt Joints and manager Troy Laundry 8iables, KENDALL'S SPAVIN OURE. SANT, Worries Conner, Oluo, Dec. 19,188& DU. E.3. IrSatDALL Co. (lents : 1 feel it my duty toasty what r have done with your ltendan's Spoilt Cure. .I have Oared roan re H horsed that had ' 1 y a , tigH ten or Ring l3arno, gine aHlfetRd with p8i Head and seven of ]3Iu Jf.w. stneo t have had tone 04 your books and followed the directions, I pare never 1o3tit este Of any kind. rrj Yours truly, ANDREW Timunrtf IIoree Daetor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price dt per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Dane. gists have it fir eanget It for you, or at Will be dent to Any" address on receipt of price by the Proprie- tors. Da.IN J. ItrawaLL 0., En0dburgh I a71d, Vt SOLO 8"Y ALL DRUGGISTS. rho boy who gilt at la :fa fee flhrht' 1115 left thy' 1?dnt'a'ui s ti stall all over thelauue, FOR THE 0 DU REP 01.40 'KARTf kAefe jL f 1 store lately ()tended by T. A. Milk and has just opened up a large stoesk of WOOD AND COAL of every deseriptien. A special'iuvitation is extended to those requiring PARLOR WOOD STOVES, our stock in this line le i'ng very complete. . LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS, /'V f'- -T'7 in endless variety. '...J 'il _L'_1L-JJ ,-- of the best snakes. 'I]VaT , 1 cheap and durable: FURNACE' HEATING AND REPAIRING promptly attended to, an& all work guarantoed satisfactory, tar Remember the Place—Mills' old stand, Josephine street, •Z l'ing I' n,, D. SUT[IERLA1'li., ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. .STOVES r (hash income for 1888 $ :393.074 0(3. 1 New Assurances written in 1388.,.. ... ......... ..._2,51&,e+_(4 Ota Assets, as, at Dec. S1st, 1888 • lit 418j-: 8 f 0, A ssu ravens_ In force, Jan. 1st, 1883 12,0414 14 r .0 Surp'ns, Dec. 31st, 1888...... 9U,:,u7 u9 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed' Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions, ALEX. DAWSON, tfs:3 GENERAL.. AGENT.. Wingham Ont MEN'S ' EMT DEEISEUT Has a most complete assortment of ,tho L.LTFST, GFHOICFSf, al:iti` MOST CI3.A.RAII'NG ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goo, s. '. °. CIOSE ATTE24TION 'U1vEl' 1.1.1 1'',l4t'AIIIIXG, AND, i.\VUIf4 A),I, \'VA.ItRAN T IID. *GO RIGHT TO (1p1EEN't BLOCK FOB, YOUR' JEWELL/EBY THE CITY GROCERY CHANGED HANDS. glass,,; 11 tilcha,ed 1;, 1iise'1clt'a gt'ocery :and mads lltla.vy •lias5l's 111 GE E$ ,AL GROCERIES and PROVISIONS,, "ru ts, '1C f axx otOner ,¢ y a roaeaya t Be Masa i1'r • E• ,` 1,' a Goons, A11Ll'V1lac tl UA]1a'S,, stns offers SCUD BALCNAfl S Fat CAkg Come. 800 s, e. A V417.4111/ -rd STC 1 ry. ,;nous atti400 "r.igall, l ri'CE'FI,u drx IC'i'L'wlti.I:aJ .k "as Y. JY'' 1.i f.i.i,7t•,1'1 E,}',1j.L ` :1 OA. READING.