HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-31, Page 4r,
SAW tfr, 'lgt6m'tx Manitoba with late ad. '. Ra
mania* o4 *tett • tarlectatatton Agit at Wing -hem find hlta
g8� '�rrtla
being,e tielilne. rte
servte7a•,a A ,pot seen do well at -
tootle a, they deemed, a result Of
tine 1tu d la grippe has lead on our
,,,'" "� atxaa h it Teesui 1 ar J Wit` rregllary, gtr+ 1c x attl.a *1 lege,;sorted *tiling ireecied, do, and -that
1 ere attegpetr, for reli f, 1 ; 'A. ;'l . Stew-; 21'+ ere graatte4 in the meanti
0, Iltrr�t«tiir� �► �t�t� me for
►ll praaarft. After the eteoesaary 'aalt,;prrnting, *1d;�•Abram Statrortlea t pit petrpo*nee.Oarried, The saataualapeefaplet,.eenpied wftlt the had root, eea
declaration of qualiftoatiion to otf+e refund, $1; Mrs: tailrespiet .keep of certitieete wtte rueeeiyeti from t!i,P w ether.- One of our iirst line e
watt a? tttle •autt aubsarilied, Joneph Donald MQA.anly, $5, Iutitx---Wel• Reeistrar General, Toronto, certifying emcee haagnant traps to alta eta, lie
Moir, Esq., Reeve, took the chair,' wood -That. this ward 00 now ltd- that the Clerk had registered in '188$, wae.uver last Sunday Wender where
when the minutes of the former meet jottrn to meet again, in the, Towel 57 births, 6 marriages and 20 deaths,
ing were read' anti confirmed, Moved flail, reeawater,, on Monday, the loth and attthorizine bite to receive ,$1,76
by Peter Clark, seconded by Peter February, et b0 a'otbck, a. nt.- •par-' ns marmot for same, The following
Kautz, Haat. Means, Moir and iitIoKey rigid, debentures were ordered to be signed,
he a committee to atrike the standing Gatto. Wzaeox, Tp. (hetet. viz: -'•Writ Eeririck, digging drain
committees for tide year -Carried. On Thursday afternoon of last week , lots 83 and 84, °ens 2t and 8 $11.50 '
Report o> the aforoeaitl committee ; a number of the young ladies of tele 1iobt Gibson, repairing bridge, lot 37,
For Fi/'.anct-•Xuntzt Weltwood and neaghberhood gathered et Mr, Win. I con 8ti $d I Fllyth Standard, priptig t
(dark, claaireneu, dark ; 1toadt rad. McPhereoil's residence, in the, nearedof receipts anti e;tpeilditn e
Bridges- .'..1`6e wbole couiwit, chair; evening the young ran began to put l for - 1889, $1.75 ; Thos 'lt itlitclte, l;
man, •kloir; 4asesement,-Tbe whole in an appearapee until the house was repeir•ing road strain., 1889, 8x,$5;
council, chairman, lktoir; Education literally jammed. A very eujoyeble John Redmond. 70 yards gravel in
-Moir Clark end Kuntz, chairman evening w a vent in 'tri in r th 'A • George o
, a a p ire . 6 -E 1 88, �i3,50', CTeo7,.,e iJaaley., $.. yards
Kautz ; Printiu -•--Clark and Metfay, faustastic toe ter the sweet melody of' gravel and damages, $i 00 ;, Peter
ohairwatt, McKay, All of which is
respectfully auhmd,
J,itteMous, Chairmen-
O{are-Welwood•-•••That thereport
of the Committee to atrike the stand
ing committeess for the year be adopt-
ed-- Carried.
dopt•ed--Carried. Kuntz-McRay--That
a ohoque be issued in favor of Arch
Stutt for statute labour on the Me
Allister focrrn, the work being returned
not clone and Mr. Stutt having per.
formed the work certified to by Win,
Ballaugh, Pathe master, amount $6
Carried, Welwood -• Kuntz •-^- That
this board grant the sante relief ,to
Mrs. laugher ee lest year and cheques
be issued and paid by the Treasurer
as. formerly ---Carried, Kuntz--Qlark
-That all the members of this board
be members of the Board of HeaIttr
for the year 1890 and keep it as cheap
as last year• -Carried. - McKay --
Kuntz ---That as it is reported that
roadLot• is i
opposite Z8, Can 1 4• n
need of repair, that Mr, Cited( have it
pat in repair as soon as possible„ eost
not. to exceed t 'enty dollars -Carried.
Clark- •IVtoir -- That a cheque be
issued to Abram Stafford fir one day's
statute htbor refunded-Caf'>aied. Me
Kay--Kuntz-That Alexander Adam
son be appointed. Auditor to audit the
aceounts for the year 1889, as required
by statute, es the Reeve, has appointed
John McRae as the other Auditor,
that they state the amount- provided
for sinking fund e tobe paid each for
all the work and theta ley law be drawn'
up, passed, signed and seated, con-
firming t. setae -Carried a he slam . (.aarre;I: Wel_
wood -,Kuala Taitt as the Cowieil
made a Grant of ` i25 .on condition
that Carrick give a ''similar grant and
as Carrick has clone so vgenee that
the°Pat iiw,stter in I+'ortrtoea have the
work dome and nt,tite this bsaard,,when
the money will be paid on his oertiti•
Dation-.-Carried. 1'r' el wood.-0larkt-
That the O 1e3:tor hand tixe oelloceor'e
roll to the '.treasurer as soon: as all
available taxee, aa;e oolleetea aatdi the
Treasurer is hereby "authoeiied to
accPpt• the'same-Cnrrisd. McKay -
Moir -That by law No. 1. beim a by -
few for the appointing of auditors. to
audit the aecotlnta, for 1880 be now,
read a first, seeoaid' and third. time,
passed, signed and •ssaled-Carried,
Clark-Kitnte-That the Reeve and
Deputy Reeve correspond with the
Ontario Government, through Mr.
O'Connor, member for -this -riding, in
refere:nee to• the Land Improvement
Fund and ,oudeavonr•- to get ' the
Gnvernaamint to play this . nunioipality
-sufijeieiit to meet i the balance of our
tail way sinking, fund ; also bring the
matter before the County Doulton at
its first meeting --Carried. Mair---
We1wood•-That John Loutitt has
complained' to this 'boarl that the
ocoupaui of the opposite lot'in Turn -
berry (George I3ryo+a)a has prevented
the free rloKr, o4 the surface water
across the boundary. at lot 18, core 1,
Culross, thrrebv preventing Lontitt
from building a.culvart as rngoired to
`rerrvo the said trouble, the commit
of Turnberiy alae requeeteci to take
taeeetoe, tFtreehed; 46 bushed and. 86, such, actio,l as, will. remove Size obstrue-
ads of ,p, as from two bushel' seed tion or co-operate with thin council to
n• appoint, an, Engineer to have the
matter .'vatted CO as little aitmege
Glonarinan anti expanse as posriilrle ;, that the
rn '1`ytleu, sr., who lived with °leek send a copy of this motion to
etreTnoinas of the nth cola. paid 'the- Council of 'Turuberry,, request,kg
.tent of neture on Wednesday last, ;thein itrliuediate aetio),'eaCarried.
• remains were interred in Strove
ear Friday, -Miss .lnnie Metcalfe,.
lute been fora long time suffering
a pulmonary 'coaiiplaiu,t, is
dh recoverurn..-•Wei aro pleased
rn that Mr. Stephen Piper, is
'vetkase'nt.-There is Trite. boom
he expectation of a stone tieing star t
white, shows that G.euannan Iii
nett; fro tate front.--Mrla. Anderson,
or' the moving spirits of this
plat,.rritootl. ie ht present on a visit
lam note daian'e, at Oavauvi 1e..
WI f,a•r &.n. r.,,sinle.-A 'nip main
' tetetee at ltav,t.4 ,. tiftt•se:oud
gave .les arrttx.ac'tic wound: ant
,youu,Pr taster; 1f I had a le au
Weak, .tura tt;t;ray eh Ji i Lave in
Opp Bruuswtck House,
s IXig 1tLIX1, - - Ort,
Ot Ing4ain (tunes
Tito Outlario. Le;;islattixe met yester-
y afternoon,
A BrnekvilleCoanpa>iy is applying
'ora charter to build and 'operate a
ltreet railw',y in Toronto. The appli-
fation wilt be opposed pending the
'ettleruent of the question of the
treeeut company's rights.
•'� aB County Council met on Tues -
lay last, and. elected Mr. J. Britton,
loeire of Huilett, Warden. for the
nrrent year. There were only two
eteinated for the position, Mr, Brit:
lit and Mr. J. Griffin, Reeve of
ahfield On the vote being tauten, it
exulted in a tie, when the .Reeve of
Powick gave the meting vote, that
Tranship having the highest assess
cent of any municipality in the
SI4il;: Cl. (F' 1+'iiNTING, of the Toronto
it, laid inforwatiou on Saturday
st against Mr. D. Creighton, of the
''»pire, for criminal libel' in B arging
to tueua_fer and editor of the former
et4s tobring Marta
the annexation
per with employingtreasonable
t Canada with the UnitedStates.
O. Rowley the ease came before the
once tlagistrate, wbea Mr'. "Creigh-
rt was couimattedfor trial, hail be-
g, atteepted in the sum of$2o0
ge earl of the matter is not yet.
I o"&tartish influenza is not be.
1.a ehe dotes here, :as it has a good
Prat ore gtaite a number. Dr. Spence
4 Nett kept so busy that we hear
is forced to rest. The services of
Bruen, Wroxeter, have been
erect for Willie Patterson, who is
Perrtto' from tnfisman ueioit. Mr Beate
ld Mr Strome have been very low. -
1.. Levi
ow.•i..Levi J1cDr.rn art, of the secand
re, hasgone to Leata•rie• for tete por-
tee of learning the druggist business
wiatle hien success.• -Tea -meeting
,C; -orate on itionday night w>,s a
ithced meccas, as the royal sum of
txt $80: was realized. It was a
rnttttcl bitnquet. ='1'f t,ae who missed
',missed a rare tre t. Mr Ayers
}aired Zee, Betts to deliver an aa.
as -Dir. Torn Julrnson is hotne
m . tete city rustication. »--Mrs.
ndtereou is visiting. friends in Pick-
le.;.. Oa account of the illness of
oh{ltirairr leers Sanderson was
=`gnashed for, --A box social was
t1 iix I irdwich hall on 'Thursday
#.din.;. It was gotten tip by the
heli' :';iid Society of that. vicinity.
"r. Oto, 1I. littztewond, of the Dth
the violin, till the small hours of the
morning when the party broke up
and all went home with happy hearts
-••.Tiheinfluenza ie beginning to testi
it* clutch around here, Altbouglt a
great many are still held by its grip.
---We are pleased to' hear that our
new school master, W. 0. Hartley,
has been able to withstand its clutches
and has once more seized the reins of
government in the school .room, al-
though he complains somewhat yet.
We have also heard that our old friend
and ex -teacher leas also had and been
oornpelled to close her school. We
hope she may soon recover. -A num-
ber of our young folks have returned
from Michigan. Also, Mr.Peter
Scott has returned on account of his
having the 'rla grippe.
Tho Directors of the Culross 1tiu'-
tual Fire. Insurance Company met in
the Town hall, Teeswater, 25,tb Jahn•
ars, s, >i8;9>0•. lli.eizl,Fu+rs nil present
Messrs. Kirkland, Clark, ttrtnstrong
and McKague. President in the
chair, 'Armstrong--Clark---That all
tine applications, for insoranoe be . laid
before the Board for inepectinn-(jar.
ried. Armstrong- MoKagne - That
having examined 8 applications and
finding thein. satisfactory the Presi-
dent and Secretary. issue •policies for
same -.-.Carried. Arniatron; --. Ma-
Kegue-That as the holder ' oi' policy
No. 1720 wishes same 'cancelled, the
Secretary is instrueted.to cancel said
po'iey--Carried. .Axanstrong-- . lark
-Thu as the holders of p-licies No
r 14,
1, 1^ r ,g.
a4 and 14,57, have . f>Ziled to
,pear their assessments fol. 1888, - and
these assessments zefolauting to 81.55
being uncoileetablsi, awing to parties
having left County, end .freitt ' other
onuses, the Secretary lte.. instructed tc,
write such. suras. oft the books as a bad
debt-Oarried. Armstrong- ifcICague
--That this beard do now adjourn to
-meet again in Teeswater Town hall on
the Bast Saturday of February at 2
o'clock p. in -Carried. , .
ALEX. 'Annrrnox; Secretary.
et?•- 'stir rfohn Currie and he
-Jame Russel, attended
.unerttl of their father on Sunday
if, who died in Godt'rivle township,
if la ;rippe,•-= In the interests of tete
res tdettte-on the 5'th, we would suggest,
that time partiee who did so Machr
itate road $anday.eveiaing
couldnging eithera'on;; twee then• voice tq aoeor;d
with something more it tzsloal than a
duly saw on a beef leoue or else give
theta a rest. -11 Watson,. of Blyth,:
bought a number air head of cattle.
froalparties :on the 4th, last.week,
Mason, dog tax wrongfully pownassessed The• dp.riee. given was 5 scus per
in 1889, $1 ; Alex Parson,, coat 11,
dog tax rwrongfully assessed itt 1889,
$:1 ; Jolaen Redmond, 12'5 yards gravel
ire 1$139., $6,25; P Porterfield, WaryWesia Wawanoslr.
for eft89, 875 ; Dado, services as, . The Conticil met according.to
Division Registrar 'for 1880, postage stetuto on Monday, the 20th, present
and stationery, &n. &m, $12 67 , do. , -.tames Johnston, Reeve ; .;lohert
do, expenses of last municipal elnotiole !Lockhart, D'aputy Reeve ; Thos ,Codd,.
828 Edward Robinson, prank for • acmes (xibr'on and William Bailie,
culvert, and repairing road scraper,`Cnanceillors, Theminutt's of krona.1889, $1.10; Slater Br Sims, Blyth, II meeting were read and, approved,
repairing road scraper, 1889, $1.75;'1'1rt. following officers were appoitzted;
\Vni Beebe, expenses, tilt, for, sending i R $Haler, (perk, at a salary of $I20;;
Win atoCoy to Manitoba, $25. late i J G Ward, Treasurer,. at a salary of
solved that, this Cantrell now adjourn $80 ; Joliu Webster,. and Robert
till Tuesday, I Ith February next. Murray, . auditors. Applications, fur
1'.. PoR1'.CRFxnL.D„Olerk, • office of assessor were received fettle,
Miss Christie hortree Joseph ' it W
S. t d, who has p Sm h, A \yilaon, rTv4rtx .
been visiting at Mr W Scott's,, left] Webster and Jtio Hitakitigbottonr
for•.her Moine in Esquesing oat Monday.
-Mr Ua McColl returned to his home
;at Geankaetown on Tuesday. -A well
attended concert was . held at the
. Westfield stfield ,ahurela on Thursday ui;ht„ A eQtnan;itlu¢atiun fr,•ru Judge Doyle.
,under the mist -does of the ,Ladies. Aid' Whig read,, complaining of the ilrszilii�
Society. -ler .D Scott had a smolt !crept accommodation of tete Court
W A Wilson was.on :astir, of ,l:lesste.
Lnckbart and Todd, appoiett .d co the..
office, at a salary of $60, The :'roes.
urer'n bond exem trad and necol ted.
party . on Monday night. -••-.Mr J R
112r,Clinton is,suf Bring, from a severe
form of dyspepsia. •=-. The contest at
the 6th 'line Literary did• not, take
'piece on Friday night, Mr Solar,
captain on one side, having bad some
misunderstanding In regard to having l count of Joseph Mallough, for
it •postponed,;oonsequenlly se•veraI• of one-half the rent of hull for holding
both sides failed to appear and it was I °Gurt, was ordered to be saki. A
thought advisable to give an ordinary! comuiutrication from the Township,
programme. Mr Solar, 11o%ret'er, reg solicitor re R ase arbitration ease was
fusedto allow anyoneon his side to teas:.. 14ltived lry ii'r I3ailie, seconded
tape part.. We understand`b itatends by' Mr Gibson, that the Reeve be
giving bis pre sagnme to' -night, (Fri- authorized to obtain written advice•
from 41r Cameron us to tine advisabil,
ity of allowing this ease to ar i to trial
--Carried. Mr Gaunt requested th}e�
Council.to piece karate at the wage;.., :
of a Culvert on the 12tli''emu, As. mat-
ter -
ter was filling his drain from lack of
grata Mr Todd ' wasrequested to,
providea-grate as asked for. Reports,
from the Engineer re drain n ` con .2,.
were read ;` also an account in •cora
nection therewith of $11, to be paid
by Mr Gaunt. The account was laid;
over, The following accounts were
paid Joseph Mallough,, hall rent for.
hall, $2:50 ; W J Jefferson, repairing
metiers, $3 50; Joint Lillis, 35 yards'
gravel, $2.45; Nino Miller, 86 rods
wirefence at 15 cents, $5.40; An-
drew Kirk, culvert, $4, cutting tree,
$1 ; W 11 Wilson, 13 rods gravelling,
lots 21 and 22, 'con 1, ' at 90 cents,
811.70 ; 225 feet cedar, at $12, $2,70;;
Hugh Glen, 30 yards gravel, $2.59 ;
D Rutledge for electiortexpeuses, $10;
T J Ward,do, $6; Jahn Gordon, do,$7;,
R K Miner, do, 89.25 ; R Eris, 53,
yards gravel, $37, roadway, $4,28,,
total, $8. Council adjourned to meet .
on Saturdaj, February $tali. '
R. .K. hInteatt., T'p Clerk.
Rooth, Dungannon, aurl re(Ines tiu�,
that better acsomulodation be provided,'
Messrs Johnstoaa and Leo kltart
were appointen to avt -alma, with
a committee from the AsliFueld.
Council in the 'matter, The Ata
day), to which case we hope good
order will be given in return for the
exeeflent behaviour of one of the
audience the last evening, e
' Moxrrl.s.
The members of the Mu.nioipal•
Oouaicil elected for the current' year
'met pursuant to statute at the town
hallo Morrrs, . Jan 20th, 289.0, and
subscribed the necessary declaration
--___ of office and qualification, Tae Reeve
East ilgawai carp. took the chair ; minutes of last meat-
' The firstmeeting of the Council for ing for 1889' were read and passed;.
1894,. ayes breed at the' Council .tocol, Moved by James Proctor,;. seconded
bJanuary 20th, 1890, the members 0 A Bowe, that Wm' Cl k be
elected.. being Thos a Taylor, Reeve ; ee-e- apprilgted clerk, at a salary of $125,
Finley Anderson, Deputy Peeve, area-ilacried. 14xoved by. S (7.itldbick,
Mestere Donald, Paetterson, • Wiliiaan seconded by Goo re-app
by, that Richard
Rpeh,e and Robert Shiell, Cnttnefllors, Johnston,: be re -appointed midi tor
Having duly suthe bsoribed, to e deolara-. -Daniel.. James Proctor, seconded by
tion of qualification Glad of office, elle Howe,. that John 'Watson be re -
Reeve in the chair, tele tniuutets of app appointed Assessor, at. a salary of
the December meeting of 1880 were $80t and. no extras ---Curried. The
read and passed. Theorst business `I%eeye appointed Wm 'Laidlaw second,
brot{teht up .was the appointment .of auditor, Moved by 0 A ITowe, sect
a clerk, for the current year. The ;tended. -by Geo Kirkby, that Philip
.present official stated that on accountditeso�n be paid 410, .for digging' a
of the work and duties cected. with dotter on 'sideline between lots 5 abd 6,,
the clerk's oiiica`being largely armee-
Proctor, ,a-- Oarried. • Moved by James
ed Eton! whet ix wee.farrtterly,. lits Proctox, seconded b,` ($,yn Kirkby, that
eatery was too small/or the meant 'of.al os,ed of Health e, epport:ted, conte
work done and. time spent over the .sistiog; of the Reeve, the Clerk, Thos
nitrite' in the course of the year. • itlov- t dlaun. vi•,. DGeioT firma.o andne. J Medical ohn- Bee, eft, ;Late, ee Beigritve, eeeo
d lay left' l3nderson, seeuitdt d try Mr ,Health Officrr Carried, Accounts ed an table,and instructive sermon in: -
Rouher, that P> Porterfield baa again.wens ordered 'to be the Presbyterian Churn, btunatt .
appointed .check., ata salary of $80 for : paid as fellows Kmorning,y
tette year -Carried. Moved 'b ale
'j-Sell;are, gravel, $10..43; Jno,Mooney. Rev, A. Hartley being
1�ociiysar it.ded try Mt Shief2y that
‘collector's box, $1.50; J Bell, ditch absent.--t�lessrs. R. N. Dull' and `Za
Charles Clarnpbell be auditor on irerhaalF and pipe, $4.75.; .d r5otaamerville, re- Stewart have tete smokes stack of their
of the Cotunpl•sll ba.rtaaed. The rer,'ve mel°'itr ; tloodwood i,rad• reputrin colli up again ting have t given the now
then appointed Win -.Robinson elle bradgc:, $5; Miases Exford, ellaritvg a ready
and refitting, or bs all is now
other. auditor: `Sevcsraal applications $14 ; txeo Goidfellow, .repairing retitl,, ed sIeigla' n waitin;; for tete much des i in
for the udit r. dSevereJ were tactors 81 ; Marion & Cmm� err. printing g w the istinger mf Seams-
ed, lett it was <egreed upon' that the'
° 4 Iii ;, Jahn Mooney, - odlle ctt,r's with logs, wood, gristi»g,&e, on Sett ed
i 4 oppo ett,rent would not .be made al salary; ;885;. W Clark, F iianciad o make to hi that snout aloud is tainted
Kuntz, 4tCf ay�- IhaN By Law Na' .next nail lug of tlounci . she Board Statement and nnnitration expenset3, t a oat time, however Ilriaf,
3, eitiriz; a cI Law for JpoLawg ' of It inith n eof ettho sterner as last ear, 88'8 re Alaortey, financial statement I rhe attnuat t'r fa t of the k el alle
13otard of 1%ta,alt►1, be rroav,r-ad a tint, viz c--•'-tete Peewee the Clerk Walter "'',t'0; Jas Seals, di.tell at,lat 1:5, aoii cheesy and bnttrr factory racer plate
!sec -enchant -I. ante• third time, passed, signed tleGowan, ' James Ijt'0alinnl ntxd 6' �' i IiI Littlefatir, rerufasion of �Vednesclay of Inst weep. ai'lleare tv;is ,
seance--•C�` feted': On chariots of Wel'. :aintoul, Dr Sloan, tJf ! i tl;, sttatute labor trtx, $.1. cotntnttil cn. a full attenrlJta.ce, The auEiitor'a re.
wood and McKay, it was decide>d to AlexCa1 l Health Officer. 4ti`tti;llal ry, r tion froth ;}'lr cJarrtes C1* , ill. refer port 'showed the acorn{rang to be in a
advertise in the T'eeswater ,Teles, for jot 28, con 8, np{seared ' tier° the inters to 'l:owtrsnip I. i meets work amount
ofg. k relittad. Tim tonal
'applicattion& for the wa�eoffieee cif Clerk, Commit and stated that his wit aloe f was ready and filt.d, Clerk to cnrree i alni,.oTtta,0,•�� milk total cl in 1889 ass
Tr;easurer, Assessor -and Collector sou dart lately turned bite out of his t solid with engineer_ w reference to 12'17U1,Vrt7 lbs ; tufal tttnoutlt of t f the
, pplieettons to be received tap tilt the Mime, acid in eoirse,'d 1i ee tuts n .w ill I rhffi matter itt .gnestaan. 13y.Iahr Iaiir f'''ade ware G lbs, lire cur»digs t,f tltar
10i It of Febararv, Report of Tai• destitute circutnewnireet. 11, 1:'Sau, was ail read ana passed,1. facFory ose f sraa h5,000 fra,n
1 lin aake=el. y 1 J'unc
eaxtn ' Ccatrrrnitttr ; ..Latt;,tr iia :11eKrty, tela (mantel to furtrislt Mat with ucratre t.ac J. tined then arljnurrired to rJteet• 1st to Diose of secasott; total' assets of
1'ullit.g :5t11, Division No 2, $11a; clothing that, he wax , cin inn need of ,again on the 11,1tlt day of b'tiiri•tier ,'$1,220 yw, 8o,8E 0 ; total lttb,lwer
•trseph 'A 8tnil, `.a d, $10'; Robert acrid puteb,tse= a railway ticket, fur hitt,, tttett. y $1,2J0• TI„+ fall• wing yftrectors were:.
4`„ts r, aro 4, f+'I0 r t3+oru, .b ifs 'n, to t a to a cl;ttt glttcar tsidilit; nerar W. Gly Mt, Clerk.. elected . Messrs. lebist Elliot,.
to 8,-$10; `George 1tfel veys, 5, ,$10, t;tuitrau, t4lattiteibrt: Ainvwti iry Alan The Misses Halle, who ars at pres.
John lichee, e No 1, o.v ; John 5, tie- Pattereon, seconded by Mr Antlereoli "alt els ing 1tev Mr 13it<ks on the outesrrt far letliu;; the yteas, .
Kenzie, fixing road, {'in ; Detritlal Me- that ?Jr lues be authnrisa•a to melfr' Aalatt Urarg ofratttt, aro pct '',.?!.,ad....t.! routes+ firewood and alter bus' le ss
K rl rr ' ak~ c III/ wilt13
Kinnon, Ittrtl . hili 5 ; tt t , t ta•• hart t i t { take sleep 'ort
f t t l , l:' r. .r a•Ore l.} as t .lr ;r•ire" a'� r�, • er 1 i1P '�`[t'', t r.tn :I a,t �'C'ednesdley. r. e
err, 7Ltet,.
14liller, Johnston and Maxwell. The