HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-24, Page 8tV1. ^, + • - - • 1, re** 1„„AugitytetractVirgittiv,11,:gat lionst, and tot for I the ao haul—the Boot loottleo in town. , t largsrnowtottogo, ea:staining ssis rooms: good (111 1, Veil, eto. Atte two gooil building Iota containing nue•fitth of an Acre each. Will be old oo mow terms, For full pertimileve applY to the proprietor. lumen 1).. "faUlici., • mgbantodituttolusingwithpnInotoonil-4131%,!! "144111° Theiadteeriber offere tor ode bloVolltle andLot 4,4.44 rm 4rrerr , JANCA.11,T124. ISSO. stiroiL‘ lottV T1 8upter sad' poicertoftineer (be • ,I1Dioc8o tlie Y W (.1 ti.in the town 'Arall, QU Priday •eveuit, • lest, was but poorly attended, the la *rated in town, with • -doubt, being the cauee. to carry out the progyt • oa secouut at several w • ipert being unable to do • was nicely served • and, Nies A, Agnew. th Union, occupied the tt' reannert aud. gave a. • ' Symphony Club gave which. Were r o hunaber pros. he ',influenza, no It WO,* impossible tittle 41 its erittrety, o were to take .The supper as a real treat. President of the airiu a creditable ort address. Theu 4ople of SPIartetts, ioa. Was A. Agnew eve a resstatiou entitled, 6.1 sue for Damages," mad was- eartily applaud, ed. The liarmontea, Baud, which are always well apprecia ed by a Wingbani al selections, and Orr and Wee Leila strutuental duet, d applause, and ey uolds• delighted u.i1 ot instrutnen- was brought to rx, f the National Anthem. It Is to belie:ea the YVVOTH will meet With bet c success lir the future. Syrup" tor Children Teething. Its value I* loco , t Pttrick tad CathThs arine otroota, 'WIMP a ile, It W11/ •retioto Ike 'poor little 'sufferer so le to Immediately. Poona upon it, motherei thera tome tales:Ike about It. • 4t oureo Dyeentery soil Dierritott,' -Mutate' tho fitoMech end Bowcift, cdrell Wind 001-101 sotto* the 'autos, rotates Inflammation, and Wes tone and energy to the whole *piton, " Mrs, Win. eltwee Soothing Syrup " tor children teething it Plomuint t,o tha testi:tend Is the proocription ot one Ot the oldest *netted teitmle phyoielen* and. nur000 in the Unitot States, and io ler gale bY oil droggleif tkroughout the world, Price twenty-ffve cent* a bottle. Be sure and ask tor "Math W1211401ree once (.8 got of ro. 111 wts 200 andieuce% gave say were 'recalled. lldra Agnew rendered an which allotted deSery Ifisses lifolIardy and the ui.tclieute with tat duets, The canoe close by the surgia, DENTISTRY.— J. S. Mina, Iv roots*, 000nitaeturiogO1O1Old 'Plates, Voleaulte plates of the bestmateriol tracheal) as they eau he got hi the Dominion. work warranted. - -w• futalaas Vegetable Vapor adraiiiistered for the pelnloss extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known. Toss Norica..--I will extract teeth for 1.0 cent% each. OFFICE : In the 138201 Block, opposite the Bruitswi 18 Betel, enders Wa d. Tenders will tollowing materia Winghato Town H. Per load ; Hemlock iter 1000; Limo, po Tenders will b 21st. Tenders received the delivery of the to be in the erection of the : Stone, per cord; Sand, Or 11300 teet; Briok, —It your sulmorilf jour.O the TI1DIS la in arrears au early payment of the iudebtei. flees will be appreciated by the proprietor. OonlIaodleas Acaldence 17nr Sale, The unaareignea offers his comMorlious • resideuce, situated on the corner of Poi. rick aud 'Francis streets, or sale ort rektionable terms. The' house is One of the best iu ingham,and. is most desiralxly located. Bvpry courealence; acre of landgood-stage, etc. Parties,yiohing to rook thromtlx the house can do so by call; iug, partiuularti• apply to Warasli SCO, Ventral *Prison, Turouto, Out. 44.* el, Ire up till Friday, Jallllary sot to is to Imcknow P. 0. R0 RT PAR10.401.1, Oontractor. Yarn for Sale. The ionlortignod offert for sale Lot 11), Concession B,Ilowick and 0 "Wes oft the cot ord et Lot 10,1 Malting 100 *.creo. There are between 80 and 60 eercs cleared 8410 114 a gOOti state uf cultivation On the premise* are good bank born, two Veins houseo, and good pbuildings. Situated ;Mont four Mice front Wrest:dor. For partlaularo apply to lsiEl/ It at DICKINSON, BARRISTERS AND SOLIOITOBB, Eto., Eta., So- licitors for Bank of ilamilton. Conuniesionere tor taking' affidavits tor manitoba ram, Town and Village property bought and old. Money (private Mods) loaned on mortgage security at 6f. tier tout. Mouoy invested for private persom, Upon • the hot mortgage eecoriMes without any expense to the 34,8001. lands 102 81438 in *80110b14 and tho North- west. odice—NenVe Block, Wingham. H. W. C. MEYER. Q, C, E. I- CitoioNsOi•i, 0.800NET WILLITS, Wroxeter P. 0 House and Lot for Sale, The subscriber offers for elle hie House and Let, situated on the caner of Albert and Alice street!, WInglutio. One-dfth of an acre of 3400, 014 whieh at triune cottage. Bard and soft water sod other eonvenfonces, For further p.atieulars, apply to tite proprietor, on the premises. P. 0, LI NEL ATM. T.,avt week 4r, Datigenroo, sold t mares to Ur. L den, clacoou, for ti .$$00 They are the Donxidiun liave proved t bteeders. Mr. Robartison 18180 pur- chased from 1,Str. a oi Iteed p. tinp young ,stallion, 'Golden Shire," al three anima•s b t•hipped to his Lome, to improve ',reeding of heavy that section, Nvls •neglectede 01111 M.,Lean, of o heavy draught chardeomof War- e good figure !If oth registered In )pja 1ibBO- • k, and selves tirst class The partner undersigned h crusent, W. 1•, collect the debts, conducted by Robert dock. 134 betatotoro his day been welts wi rt. Inc between the waived by mutual my the liabilitieS and nese in Suture will he v,ho hes purchased the T. E. BOWLES, W. P. 1118000E'S. tie to sell at Cot IST ED SCOTT Josephin inept - - OntI EVER OFFER ••? .*444-.4.44-4.44.4447444.44*()444.4.444,444***44. A 'WAVR SEWING iVIACIIINE1 To be Given Away, With 100 POUNDS OFBAKING POWDER __ EveryTiody.come and take away a can or tte POWDER,. It Will only cost you 50c., and the Powder is Worth the money. EVERYT [TING IN THE WAY OF R. tit 'S • J. 1,„ 11,1.1.813", Scorr, • Wuoit VOrest. I Lietowel. It ..forving to ove, I will con for Cash unt" Saturday, the 18t day of Jarman, bat no Ion r, so vows along, end I vieh everybody a nappy CM' yea. Yours truly, BO RT 011E. ghoul, ,Tan. 1, 1890, at Bric1 House and Warehouse Deposita 'B,eceived and Interest MoneY ,krolameed to rarinors and 13-oiness Tit on,,, On long or short time, ou endorsed notes or collateral security. 318 45(11814 notes boUglit at a. fair valuation. I1101441Y relnitted to ail parts of 04111108. 46 reasonable charges. Special Attention. Given to Col- leetmg Accounts ad Notes. The Twelve W 1..0rputericetnent 2, creation of fon "Union : 3 settlatu con.troversy ; 4, Oorgrees 5, tb Stintulgtex the cated, being on y are,ught stock. ill town of Winghem. For further particulars, ono ,t , , to ANDREW 113,TONELL, near the tarot, Wing - Pt: it iii totnewnev ' haul Post Office, or to the proprietor, W11. ItITORELL, • . Orandlit, Oast Co., North Dakota. • ; • For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale hie connusdious Brick 11.0080, Situated on Centre Street, w ingh11111— the Most lonation 111 town, The house coutalus 111011I8, good cellar, well, etc. Also Weaohouso end Elevator, both of which will be sold cheap for cash. $'or full, particulars apply to E. inaor,„ soweywm, manuota.. agents in Canada—The %era:ante Dank or Canada. Farm for Sale. '1.348wihseriber offers for sole his form. being cast half Lot 22, Con. 10, Tuthborry, (101140118 50 acres, mentor less. There are seven agree in tall wheat and ail the laud cleared is seeded down. 014 the promises Is a gooci frame barn- and a log Lease. and lb good young orahard. The 114110 38 splendidly lo - Iles from the tiourishing Vince Hours—Yvon n. SACETIL Agent. T. ot 1889. — EN inaragu an Canal; new stet es into the t of dm Samoan tile -,ReS#-A wariest. W1%2.11'010 itspuhtict staff of Teachers : WING,HAM kNNE R 30 SOLD FOR TIM NEXT AY84T PINCUS PRICES -30 DAYS DIVESS GOODS, S'IINWLS, WOOL SOAREL-3, 1106E, pASI-IMERE GLOVES and ETD. T WEEDS, ULSTEIUNGS8 FLAN Ll'46f smwrs and pitA WEBB, .OVEILCOATS, Vito. • Br.,BT Tx11.Di.; or SQ10, HarAeSS„ and Tipper - KINCARDINE HIGH. SCHOOL 6, der, at (4] bo6i ngisatt ; 7, renewal of abdication of Is now open, witlx the following excel en (j)nsixtkition at t veramu eum.pt for JadSpan; — t 'Victoria ITuiVersity Classics aud or tled,slist of 10, 11.4 0 e (158V811lialtts; 12, rue Stmoley • proclamation of Graduate and Gold L.117. T .611- .n.vM 1‹.ing rETtla, 13. A.., HEAD4SASTILE, Hon - the triple alliao • FURS! 'FURS ! FURS 1 GLNTS' AND LADIES' ASIRACITAN, BVLUARIAN' LAMB COATS, (ANTS' 13EAVER. COLLARS (211.8ODFFS, DEAVER OAPS, AF.,- '4,.RA CLIAN AND 'PET‘SI A25 LAMB CAPB, j..,Y ER FOX MUFFS aid BOAS. •IN EMIT EVEEYTIHKG. SLUCHTLIEB TO /TIME FCA STOCK 1"AKRIG. • 1118.11ufttetuvets would, do o texarcii10 railroaanti ,the 1.)88ti2 mattiou. ,,ritrri.444.6444.0.041.rawarr4r.ltiai4a4l 14,c0itMaimos--In0. aurielt, 41144 the 16th Jan., the wife of bir I) McOill middy; sr. doughter. s 0N—towns—At t e residence Of t34_1,ricle'S ebeidOk• 044Joat, n. P.4bluson,tobiettlut, LOWL1*. Esq., all of 81140442' 4111 Um John Ne'bind$, hating soot soma 1•16..t t LEO • siet.tr, the personage, ko 7, 1$90. Bev 81 Bro daughh-, of tho Lite Ise• ton, 141.38 LOWCA3848(1 404111 314 Well-ICROWIt 111 ‘l' trete 11 41,3 1.1.nt Visorstit.—In Cul o of 61 r ohn Walt Pow.ihre---st , 159 Pa- b trent street. Toronto, on mot s. the 13t4 Januaro , Edna two, p.ily child ,of George and 0t 14141 Fate, 10 tunny O• Whignain, aged 2 • years MO I. month. ,rgetrago4--ln ClilogaAut, toy, on the 17th mon .sI ds father 1 Mr Jon& Noolands, 01 111041 town, aged 82. years. , W --la Coleco, o: the 13th inst. Wilbert n ot lir John 'alteffil-agad: 8 years, sir, on the 15th {list, d days w 1180n0 h 48 44 02 " e rtbe )22nd inst, Gladys W"ditag11"1411nlulr' r jos (3 8.11401410, zu141400- 4(1,441810,a.10; 1•yesr ))onths. the 15411 ttra., marg. •P" ...:414mier A.% .198(8 sU ...11810_0r the of M e. a, Otra.al,sz, GT It itatlen ago 1, Wingitatn, aged 08 veaeot.met an 1I1»'4148 OY 8' veal yearsi borne wItil 'Cluj an resignation. WII4G1.1A.24 A.131tIlTB. , :wawa 91, January 23, 1890. Corrected 1.y E. Deo". Piodace Desiree. 1.001318. *4 25 to Wnestp3r bushel, spins row oats, • • . • • the 42211010184 El'en E, caged 0 e.ars, 7 month/ Moderns, JAMBS WILY, M. A.., Honor Gradhate stook and compare prices. Lades' & Gents' Onving 08 Toronto at4 • Science, P. W. B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto T.Tniversity--iNfathematies and. CoMmercial Branches. KISS JANI.IT I0Tfit,FirSt• Class 'Pro" vincio.l Certilicate—Bnglish aud Mod- erns. lo Doa. coo. and Astrachan, made,to order, 14(4 StfOng11.1 S Gloves, 1)eer, Gent, Citlf and bhcepelciti. iligliest price paid. for Pure, Iiietes, n J. CHAPNIAti. • 4•4..44m4414a4A, EZ77- First to come gets, the Los!, usboritnent i.tt select frt tu, • 0 tottla • flan, Sb, 1890. • THE " WITNES IMFORTAT ANKOUgGEMEKT. 12111ILITJ, Under supervision of a gradu. ate of the Royal School don, Ont. .t, Poietoei, lituttr, tub . • P,oni; AM* par doses, 'Wend per e0td, liar per ton, Premed hop, laykeyr Ivettb., " Cirlekom, • 0 15 0 - 0 15 ta . . 58814 - 30 to • 64 to • 14.380 • 10 to • • If. trt 13 to 421 2' ( , 6 BO tO 6 26 to 1188 07 to 1111 06 to Oil to Oa Jed, 111, 1 Intautry, Lon IV. 0. BCOM1313, , Dr: Obuirmau, E, ITT U. MA.UTIN, 11.D. Secretary, • VOR 1E390. :over tta HUNS to Stloot From, GREAT INDUCEMENTS OLD •AND NEW S'OBSCRII4E31S. See the 2remium.Liet. Autium. SuissolurTions : Dailyweekly 'Witness. ... ......... ........ 1Vitness.. ... ' ........ .. . .... .22 09 (40 The bloIrroSitii Thissuma. 11, only in per annum, is the cheapest Blom ed paper in the world. Contains the Sunday Soh ol Lessens, and has itbundant ii( interesting ink 1t40n fcr old and yottng. See the list el moth in books for old and now subscribers. Agents wanted, Sainple copies free JOHN DOtTGALL & SON, " Witness" °Moe, MONT ItDAT., • By SS. Europa, from Haniburg, German.y. 3 —OASES FANOY TABLE CHINA -3' EGG, SETTS, SALAD SETTS, viturr LOWLS, VASES, • LISOTT IT. J'AllS, WATER SETTS, ROSE JARS, CUPS & SAINERS0 NEW ItA.SINS, NEW CURB ANTS, NEW PEELS, NW NUTS, NEW num 0110ICE 8z- 11ELIA LE GROCERItS •IMMEN§ ST AS 2 86 0 80 000 11 r,5 549(1 16 16 15 1 6 00 --- Boolcisturoi, egi Pop Call and Inspect before Making Your XMAS pugcHAsgo, E CHINA HOUS—E—:W9T.YATES. , ODs -•• • ,$) usin.esse ail "VTIMTC4-1-1..A.M, Haying decided to gi‘ a tp trip Jewelry Bueiness by the first of the year, will ... sell his entire stook of 13 SIX.r7M31: oks, 'Booklets, Stationery, Cards, Panty ,Goods, Toys, Dolls, 'Notions, Toilet Goods, Games, Valley Cups and Saucers, Plush Goods, to Etc., Etc. • x• tuais cola Diaries for 1690,. Appropriate Preoentfl for Lathas, 06 n8 ' CLOCK'S, FANCY GOODS AND JENVELICY, AT 'COST 1 AT COST 11 wadhes sow by mo Rad gnarenteed will be 'kept in repair by my s00. color. As this is it BONA FIDE Ott 8ALt, parties . tending to buy XMAS GOODS will do well to (mil awl bart3 .41 • cos quoted. SPECIAL,ORDEUS FOlt XMAS PRESENTS, ordprfa by atido • tuo be filit't.:„.• 4 from 24 to ti8 bouts. As 1 get ordered goods macro by Pio' 1.0at and roost veliahle firms Canada. entire Satisfaction is guaranteed. VO' deposits required by rodporisible patios. a ' g ' ti attrava to, and SnAisfaction Guava*. Assessor Wanted. ` Golden:mu and Clulc,r 11, au atsoy ItePurnig 0 4. 13'. r"1.14;14°Z1lirk. PO/. 1.:13.111 BOOILT[111,11of w/Awip E. VI. G-14'DOrgtt, WutelAmtwkor 14A :ov,ortsh. Juonlimett tho strikni of MslelliOr 04 teed, or Money -Hefty aod. ()tin and aeo for yourrolves tbat, it is only it', .f yr) ter ths pliant !Arm- will be re- slim -nu y desire to spend. • Yr %Tort movsuYIn itx. A clan solicited liefors buying. 'llost we advertise. Call early and get a good -linice. 4 54. 4144Ker • 441 4-*