HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-24, Page 6I "R:I,DAX. JANUARY 24, 489% ,A, .ILurdcr Myetery A mysterious. tragedy; which was d>,aoovered on Agues street, Toronto, last week, is puzzling the detectives, for so far there is no olue to the per- t neighbors e pe calors, The a ghbora oi` Miss Jan. Speers, who residedin a cottage in the rear of 18 Agnes, were attracted by growl, and entering found Miss Seer in rep's unnonscious condition and apparently dying. There was a rope around her neck. She has been strangled, and blood was SOME OF Viral, D#.A1LLVl11.R°.. FAMOUS FIELDS AND MINES IN SOUTH AMERICA AND AFRICA, now the t rec1ou$ Stone* Weve B•trst DI$! covered -seer: tie the 8tomaoh$ of slaughtered ,Animals.--erinuakle Gems which were nought for Small Sumo. Diamonds were first found in India, and at one time the mines near Golconda were very produotive of stones of great size and brilliancy. Asia controlledthe diamond markets for years, and only lost its hold when, early in the eigh- teenth century, some natives of Brazil were found playing at cards. They were using stones for counters, and these stones. were rough, but very vaivable, diamonds, This wasin the province of Minas Geraes, $lowiul from her ;Routh, nostrild iii whiollmines were worked as early as and ears. The police at Agues street station were notified and the etmbulauce was called for to rernove her. Xier iujuries were fatal, for she 'died soon after reaching the hospital. Vise Sneers has two brothers in (7ale- don tee nship, and one at Palmerston. Save a Purpose. Youngman, have a purpose in your heert.. Now, what is your purpose in life? Is it that, under all oiroumstan- eses you will do what you think is Irightt4 Or is it to become rich at ,the %%pease of principle and rightl The first purpose you should have is to 'care for yourself:: Young. men not' -a - 'days idon't, arid when the body is `wrecked they hobble through life, $Is'eking everybody about them miser- etble. Find out what diet best agrees 'Wit you, and adhere to it. Daniel lbegan by abstaining from wine. This 'would be a good start for yon, young 'lean. .)Next, take care of your intellect, Study, if you have intellect—there are some young men who don't know whether they have any or not—im- prove it. Many._ bard•worked...met have acquiredprofound educations by being studious during small internale lot leisure, Get an hour a day, if you pan get no more. .Devote half of it to phe study of the Bible,, and divide the other 30 minates, say bttween astron- omy, botany and geology, Do this one' year, and you wilt be surprised at what you have accomplished. Then take care of your manners. The manners of Canadians are de. .generating. There was a time when a- young man would not offend a young au7 by tattling cigar smoke in her face. 1tFOn I see it done on the horse -cars every day. Imitate the sweetness of Daniel,: Be affable, suave,. courteous and kind. Never utter a thoughtless word that will pain,:. Start in life with the principle, "I'll be a gentle - Men come het will." vie Word Jew. A, gentleman, writing to The Tewish Z xpoiioi €, of Philadelphia; says: Sev- eral years ago I commenced writi g the daily papers, making a spec iy of -lowish' news. For several w when one of the copy -readers would andle my copy for the first time, I -would be called to the front and warn- ed not to use the word Jew, as' some f our loading Jewish residents had equsntly taken the paper to task for using the word,viewing its usage as lin intended slur, and this was said to paper whose advertising columns ern with the names of representative ewish merchants." The readers of The Tidings will op. serve that this paper does not hesi- late to use the word yew whenever ocresion demands. In fact, the word. es infinitely preferable to that of Heb- er and implies a great deal more. he word Jew hate come to be regard 4d as referring to religion, and the word Hebrew to language. Those Jews who object to reterenoe ;hem. as Jpwlara a. sorry .lots and dt ve sympathy.—Rochester Jewish fs, ICA is now being used as an. elec- t insulator, The chief symntoln. of a cold iii the is a handkerchief. A. *inter noeelty—snots. It taken a pretty sharp remark to slow man to the quick. XI a young roman's disposition ix der, the sparks 'should, be kept from her.. What's in a name 14 good deal, it's stook on the southeast corner heque. U. k'. thrash, at +Galt, winch herto hold out against the in - of the hist o' whustlee, bas sonetioaed the innovation the Sabbath :school the slug an organ at their 4 1720, and where diamonds are still found, When the news of the first discovery spread there was a rush of fortune hunt- ers to Brazil, and genes were hunted in very singular style, Every bird that came within range was shot, and the contents of its craw, inspected with greedy eagerness and often with great success. Small diamonds were also oc- casionally found in the stomachs of slaughtered animals, and this led to a careful overhauling of every carcass. On one occasion a gens of seven carats was found in the tangled locks of anegro slave. Scores of slaves had their wool shaved off at once, but no diamonds were found by the barbers. While the ignorant were hunting in this irregular manner and trusting to chance the more experienced were dig- ging mines. The best diamonds were found near the surface,and only ten or twelve feet of soil was removed. The soil was of the usual diamond indicating nature. It was piled in small heaps by the side of a natural or artificial stream, and washed in long troughs by slaves. The overseers occupied seats on elevated gryyiiund or' on stands erected for the pur- po$e, and were able to watch the washers vel y closely. iThe slaves washed with great care, for the finding of a diamond of eighteen or more carats was rewarded with freedom, and many hundred slaves were luoky enough to secure their papers in this manner. . In 1754 the Bahia mines were discovered, tend more recently diamonds have been found in many oler provinces of Brazil. In some years the value of the gems exported has exceeded $5,000,000; of recent years, however, the output has not been so heavy. At first Brazilian diamonds were not popular in Europe, and there was an idea that they were off in brilliancy and generally inferior to the Asiatic article. 13 u this was evidently mere prejudice, for some of the South American gems have a world wide repu- tation. The "Star of the South," an ir- regular dodecalxedron,weighed 124 carats when cut, and an octahedron, found in the same mine, weighed nearly as much. The great diamond fields of today are in South Africa, where the production has been so great as to cause apprehen- sions as to the maintenance of prices. In 1867 John O'Reilly, while traveling in the Transvaal, ate dinner at the house -of a settler named Neikirk. On the table there wag a collection of Orange river stones, and O'Reilly selected one which he believed to be a diamond, and asked th he might take it. lie was referred to 'Tis owner, a bushman named Jacobs,who parted with it without a moment's con- sideration; Bir. O'Reilly sent the stone t Dr. Atherst lee, of ! eteaham. Town, and r ceived,$2,50 , The gem weighed 2 } carats, an'was ort view at the Paris e iii'Reilly and Acting Civil ,13oyes used the $2,500 as orki' c ; al, and commenced a pros - ding .,' after diamonds. Others , dined them, but for' over two ars their efforts were unsuccessful, d they were unable to find any dia- x ondiferous earth. But in 1860 Mr. elkirk traded about 82,000 worth of t xttle for the famous "Star of South rice" diamond, which had been found. a Iiottentot. Tho trade proved an cellent one, for the wonderful dia- ond was speedily sold by its new wner for t50,000, or about 40 per cent. f its value. The "Star" weighed 83e arats in the rough and 461 carats when .ut. It .formedthe most striking feat- tre of the Countess of Dudley'a famous eolIection of jewels. During the year 1870 the rush to the Transvaal conn- nienced, Fully 10,000 miners deserted California and Australia for South .A.f'ripa, and huge alining oamps were estrblishod.' in, likely and unlikely spots. Few of the newcomers were experts in diamonds. or diamond seeking, and for a time results were far from encouraging. The Orange Diver Valley was exam- Med by proapecting parties and -finally abandoned. 'Ton there was a rush up the Veal river to whence the town of 3arkly now stands. Here was the center Of the rich C'"amond district, and for - Mites were speedily made by some of the pioneers, The usual drawbacks of Iliiuing camps --fever, famine and hos- tilo.natives--beset the trainers and many perished.. The nearest town was at Port Elizabeth, over 500 miles distant. It cost $250 for team hire and provisions, and large numbers Who were without funds started on foot, only to perish by the way. 'The conveyances were heavy wagons, very stoutly built and without ' springs. Not less than tight span of b heti to be hitched to each wagon, *blob had tobe dragged over rocks, across rivers and through forests, jerk- ing the riders off their scats and destroy- Ing the baggage. Eeplosives could net be hauled, owing to the =cession..The road now iia easier to travel,, and: te railroad has' been built along it,, the re- sult beiug many more ir1'suries.and coui- ferts for the miners; but in the 70's the miner's life was a hazardous one, and although several got rich, many more either died in the camps or went home invalided, The first five alines in operation were the De Beers, Dutoltspan, Bultfontein, Colesber , Kopsje and Kimberley. These have held first place in importance against all rivals, and have recently been incorporated'into a syndicate oontrolled by the De Beers Consolidated Mine coins- lpany.-St. Louis Qtobe-iewoorat, SMALL LEAKS. 'raze ARE SCARCELY NOTICFABT.E BUT VASTLY INCREASE Ir1TCUEN EXPENSES.. In cooking pleats the water is thrown out wrt1lout removing the grease,or the grease from the dripping pan is thrown away. Serape of meat are thrown away, Cold potatoes ate left to sour and spoil. Dried fruits are not looted after and become wormy.. Vinegar and sauce are left standing in till. Apples are left to deeay for want of sorting over. The tea canister and coiree box are left open. Bones. of meat and the .carcass of turkey are thrown away wheu they could be used iu maltiug good. eeop. Sugar, tea, Cotlr'e and rice ars' care- lessly spilled iu bawl ling. Soap is left to dissolve and waste ir. water. Dish • towels are used for d'ch e'oths, Duplin for dish towels and towels for holders Brooms and mops are not hung up Al ore coal is 'burned than epee—.':ley by not closing dampers when the 'Ire is not used. Liglits are left burning when nbt in use.. Tin dishes are not, properly creased and dried. Hood new brooms are used to scrub kitchen deels. Silver spoons are used in scraping kettles. Mustard is left to spoil in the cruse. Vineg;tr is left Lo e.iautl Until the tin vr$scl becomes ooilodecl and spoiled. Pickles berouie spoiled ,+y the leaking out or evapol•aiton of life vine gar. , Pork spoils for Want of salt, and beef because the lrriue needs scaldini; Cheese is allowed to , mould 'or be nibbled by price. Woodeuteare is unscalded and left to warp and crack noise may seem small leaks, but in the airgregate the loss ls. consider- able.—Farm and li'ireside. An exchange says ; Thele are not so many jokes about the grippe now.l,- days. When a paragrapher sits at his desk with every bone in his body aching, his throat sore and the per spiration running from every pore at the rate of seven knots an bout. he does not altogether see that therein much fun to be erltriteted from the Situation. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tl PATERSQN, Ltemotr Or Ik WT= Durum Comm, Palma or Usk. EPQst Lw$Nsr1$. WINCIMAM, - • ONT. i P.ORAPh1A,N, ISSUER ,Por UBLIC RCU Y IYAtNiC1 R,1 a.NOTARY OrExos--" Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, Orr. Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of interest. No commission oharlied. FRED. WRIGHT, Contractor and Builder,. WINGHAIVI,ONT. Agent for Downey's (Belgrare) lith $500,000 TO LOAN. On Farm and Town Property at 'ery Lowest Rates and on Tonne to suit borrower's. MQRTOAGE$ PUROHASED. NO COMMISSION CHARGED. borrowers can obtain money in 5 days it satiefaetor•,y, R. VANSTONE, Beaver Bloch, Wingham. ,.N 111HE CORP. ;AT/ON OF T .. TOWNSHIP OF Turnberry alxout 5„15 to loan on Mort gages. For terms P. MoLAREN, • or WM, PIoPH1 RSON,. Tr. THHASURRI ingha Rruv;, (34011 :rowl Wingham Money to Loan on Notes,, Notes I.)isounted AT REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per rent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. Rom ..IMIeINnoo. OFrroe.-BCever Block., win¢hnm. Ont, Sa,rra.'l. Yro�zh ll'; REAL ESTATE PND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE : KgIN;I a C3L0cK WINGHAM. Private funds tp loan, A number of Building bete and Residence proper ties for Sale. Those desiring to :oaken home in Wingham should communicate with, or apply in person at my Office, where all,nroossary information can bo btaoined. BANK OF HAMILTON, , vi 2 N G 2-3 _A. S : Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. Presijlent--J met STUART. Vice -President -A. 0, lLAnsay. DIRECTORS Jong Pitman, CHAS, GU1NIIY, ONO ROAcii, A. T WOOD, A. 13• Lim (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savinfds Hank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, lS•to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposits` also received at current intoe of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICEINSON, SOLICITORS. 11. DAVIS IS OFFERING M O 1NT ..moi ON PAIL E PROP:ERT i'- .A.T VERY LOW RATES. SSE II_ I OFFICE-OPPosiTE THE. MARKET Wxxonne Ooron3a 4T11. 1888 EAT SICC.E The Most Successful•atemedy ever discov sired, as it Is certain in its effects and does notblisttr. Read proof below. p KENDALL'S SPA 'NN CURE. OF14011 of Casabas A. arena:4 ER/TIMER OW eesroze me BAY AHD TROTTnrd BRED nORsas. 5 02. mamma, Co Etsc.WooD, ILL, Nov. 20,1888. n J. Dear Sire:1 have •aiwaye'purohased. your Iren• da1Pe Spavin Cure by the half dozen bottles, 1 would like prices in larger quantity. I think itis. one of the hest Iiniments on earth. I bays used it on my Stables forthreeyears. YourKENDALL'S 1■i yp nci , 'Carts, A.■Strunt85,,, KENDALL'S SPAVIN,. CURL 10n ]3. J-�icNn wtiCO.• NN Y., November 8,1668. Dear Slut :I desire to give Yeti testimonialot Tey iioodo iniofiofyourRendaIl'sspailaCure.1lutVe need 18 for Lameness, Stiff' ,feints and Hppt�eetria, and I nave found it a sure cure. Scorch:, alby recnmmond it to all horsemen. Yours truly A, ri. Gantar. manager Troy Laundry Stables, KENDlR.L S SPAVIN CURL 5k3, Weems coterie, Olito, Dee. I9,1818: leen Z. ermines Co. Goats: I feel It my ditty to de 'trbft T have dotewitlt,our Irendeir'e Spavin cure. flame cured twenty..five heroes that bad 64peett,iinar, ten et Ringe, leo afflicted with Blai Head and •evens f aw. AIneelhaveIla Gee of your • 000ke an To owed the aureotione, i have never to o*s of any kind. 00 years truly, ,&ssarw Wanteed iXorae Doctor. KENDALL'S 'SPAVIN NNRE. rrlrlf held,, o! el* bottler for $ All Tical ae . eroeixltetlt or r0 ltwmba I & . r autorse a AD E WESTER, E R T I L• DON, ONTAR ER • Published in t lvo-page form, , rid beautifully printed on on • of the best web.; eding presses in America. Valuab,: psents rOR sUn3o.a LARGES In Clubs Of i PO.CldJJA Of interest to e oludbiq a Fir ANIS AGEN.T.p, 1 PAPER, and wards 76e, Ah.. DEP, R11:ENTS cry member el the fait fly,. in- elass Agiictil inti Depart:pent • Special Market Department; Se alar ami Sachkd Basic ; Interest rig Stories • Ladle. and Youth;.?'De- pertrnent; 'car. EWS by tele, part:aents; Ut ioue and irscful mage'a Seize e; and ALL TILL graph...null a d eorrespondcnco, i CSL"li"O.. OF 1889 ' A , t'tl Package and 'sample copy 'lcd. T. - most liberal indeeenberitk eve W,had+s ciub•eettetli. Add rest-. ADVERTISER PRINTING C Offered in LONDON OA A• -I$1'UBLISHED-- I,VrEBT I'IitIDA.Y 71fOItxtIN<,, ...-4T TRH,.,, TIMES OFFiCE, dQSEPHINR: $TIIE1rM lI.fi?GHAM, - ONT;AB.TO, subaox$ptiorrprtoo,51peryear, ineowm e ADVERTISING RATES; Spaow. i 1 yr. 0 mo. 1 3 120. ; 1 Inv. One (lo' itis! $10-017-005. OR I no 00 $S 00 Halt " 35 00 20 00 12 00 000 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 i 7 00 4 05 Ono (�rI 1 t t00 Inch 3 00 2 00 1 00 Local and other oasis advertisenlnuta, Se. per line for first Insertion, and Sot per line ter each subsequent insertion. Loral notices, in nonpareil type, 100. for first sortion, and 6n. per lino tor each subsequent insert No local notice will be charged loos than 22e. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sitltation�k and Business Chanties wanted, not exceeding 8 line:, nonpareil, 51 per mouth. Souses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, $1 for Mat month, 50e. per subsequent month. These terms will be strictly adhered to. longer' Specipeal' riratods.es for longer advertisements, or los Advertisements without specific directions,; will be. inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tram sitory advertisements must be paid In advance, Changes for contract advertisements must be in, the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that wook . 1t. ELLIOTT Pnorallaroa .NA POALISfeR; '1[ tR. MACDONALD, �J' JOSEPHINE STREET, 1Viaounit, ONTARIO, D11. ,I. A. lttELDIIUif, ` J Honor Graduate of Toronto University. 'Office and Residence --Tho old stand formerly oven. pied by Dr, Butlhume. at the cooler Of Centro ane Patrick stroete, WINOAAM, - • - - OST, 1 lit. F. E. GODFREY, Ftrrsst-class honor man .and general profloiercymedal. ist Toronto University. Member College Physicians and Surgeon of Ontario. BeLOR on, ONr. Office -At MetlrodistParsonage. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Oce„ Wingham Ontario. D • Nelsen en• ' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBZ o - CONVEYANCER, ETC. FFICE$-iitaver Block, Mambos. esy., GoaRca and BLUR, ONT. Private and. Company funds to loan at low ratesof interest, Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold, Mercantile collections a specialty. DENTISTRY --J. S. JEROME, 54uro,ihnt. ryin J SJerohne is manufacturing cel. . ticm Intel(' Plates Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap asthgy Dae bo got in the Dominion. All work war- ranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless, extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetfo known, • OFFICE; In the Beaver llloelc, oppsosite the Brunswick Hotel. . " ea DENTISTRY. -•W. I;. 3XACDi5ALD, Wnionsar "•e, Clrfalcer of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,» t'?!. ." -'1 Silva. Gold, etc„ eta, Plate, ranghr ndrgerratnonnng and bridgework. Teethex tracted without the leastpain by the use of Vital,. ized Air. head Office, %1'ingbam, side entrance pp• poscte the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except, ed) from 0 a Ill to b•p in. will be at Blyth ever': 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachinonth-0llicoat Wino a hotel; Gorrie : let and 3rd Mondays of each month - - Office at Albion hotel. Extricating 28 ciente. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSUEEAi 33 AGENT WiNostAR, ONrearho,, �C� ONERT Q11NNINGHAI.7„. Ji.L INSUIRANCE. EIRE AND tiAenste, GipEI,PIf, 2 DEAN. JR., WINOIAtt, LICENSED AIICT1.ONEER FOR THE COUNTY, ar 11U180N. Sates atianded,hi any part of the Co. Charges, Modoratot ' • JOHN. G,UP,RIE, WINauAlt, Urls.l eaceesee doOneklase ]reit Tim COU,Nr3 Vino*. • All orders left at•the Tieta cS1cc.protmptly at and ed to: Terms rsgyonable; " JAMES HEN11EESOly; eLJ;ORNHSD AUOTIolJEEf FOA COVNTIC'8 i oaOrr ANbL,"" Bnvcs, - All 10808 attended to promptly and on the Shortee , Notice. orugeotaObiidmA necessary Moderate no erQat bit Truss' et.Yco i5'itroUAn, O3 2 HQLTGIN & IIAVi'IxINS P. L. $ D. L, SulNLr0na AND Clrlt ENenniza, LISTOWEL ANI) WINGIIAM, All orders lett at the Mike et the TIMRS WIN re , delve prompt totention. • !�T E1 SON 'r,, ItITC;UIE, L. Surveyor, Civli Engineer and brenshtinan Particular attention paid to division of properties , into building lets, settling disputed boundarlea preparing complete plans Or towns and villegeo, se per Rogietry Act, and descriptions of ptopertfee for insertial:r.in deeds, Oross.Sec:tions of rivers made anal estitne�tea Ot enet Of Bridges, (;ulvert5, .ke. Pro. files 811d estigiatac for grading hills, &ainateA ,road and street ltaprsc.455en8a, sowers and - other Scm,tf- >I nearing works, Correspop leneo solicited, »;sting . place and oharaetei• of work. OFFICE -At J, n, 15oaros's law office, Wingham, Out, • MISS NELLO MGRAItIni C AOsga, YToeCvrflMd in ? " Meeh' neves ra lirta4Vim. rt• e• prayer ightl y' to- the only Wllelt we RI bre wound --do our hearts, 1s do for you? be sue. Nothing from We both° wer ly; but I fancy 3 the bettor part, tosay it. She Might have love, Ile went back tower, When I must have eau Wu Never spoken of t My duty and all, AM sure 8116 dose am a better heel hien, for $lie --tri ---taught me by 1 and gentle ways of life that mean mothers. At night wh when into the d, 1:1oad light its fri sea tossed marl stormy "ocean to k thick my rnotll tiling tells me el me,—Drake's Ivi BEAUTIFU: SOME OF PEGULI OVER A CE The 1►liost iCxpensiv the 'Wool from th Varying ,from $fie ,Tone After Years In a small room r building near Bro Newark, a young . of soft and velvety number of people quality of the goods over 100 years old. fine ;Bolhara'rug, made, it was said, t 150 years ago. It tern, ardlytwo ofi ore ; 'ng alike 4Vh ' p in 'one (iglu •gro dof red in ane Blue was placed in others, and variou were noticed shoe colors had, been use 'cvonhen had works The most admired f, its beautiful gloss, v light -struck it. - THE Alf6IENb,.: The Armenian arc king },old of one si t around. Instant) ed a dark hue, v °IvJn the light fell , n brit t spot. Anot d ii the warm,=bl ging the rug were brc "The gloss is obtai explained, "by consi years. A run •does nt it has been used for f times it even takes 1, this reason principt new rug a good deal rug. There are othe why the old rugs Formerly the best w, however, much of th to Europe, where i prices. Formerly, a ere used entirely, Neve been introduces ugs are dyed within yes combined, The 1 re made of wool fro '.'I sold one. to IN ew'York, that was gentleman in Wilk, ne that was over id $500 for it, and i hes, some of whit nehes square, Thes ram constant wear i1 canton there is a ether was a missions atter bought a rug go, but it hail not et: At my home i ave a rug my gra ears ago. This is a , lieBpkhara,'howevel loss•', ' . e gloss has to • • ,want wear, If i her and quicker n ,. /a e. Take such a .: ater, and it will los id rugs are cleaned i there in the river, em to dry in the i se thele gloss. Aftei lore change, but th oro subdued and r e more highlp prizod ASTONISUIN(# Tlleapeaker went is and lifted a tug wide, and lift that," The reporter took he It felt like so inti fat is a Tiflis ri grove or thirty eh rugs as this have d thoy etre considers room lugs. Moet Ito to poof