HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-24, Page 5r:r
TTA I,RESPCITTl3EZIC , the semi airen'ttr tanclnilttre•
k keel eiai•tl thee pmcl
W.9 CCf ,. ef'slecl to, rete, ilia
The ttttuth t+assian of the .sixth ipeF4li. Ui hats a clear uni'sti,.WIth a
p .._ .-nt of nils Dominion
elignt eccent tlhtlt lulls one list is 4(lang.
ppenrd +'illi the,alert{ l,relllnllN'a on itch you Ifflnw." He also tsar, the
Tilers aty, latth first. i+'or:s irate ye:trti k* ( t MA that
.t t r n t;c) i,4io~;f'• who
Item, the pr+ ss lair •.0 inlet tile, a lin y
110,0 h,•e U llllchltfili to treat Rita alp 1L
ceremony in i. rather hunr)rr,11S •Iit'uu-
leer, nv>•iL, tilt 1c?ilniHte,rtitl i)rt'si has
d the Glebe hue
' as s
spctii In ,rFna I, in n 1 Docs' ��1Yort allows all uc rt3aao Ila tl►U
give greet eetisfaetia
e• t. a language. At the colicluait(% lntiatiietto of the Geinpauy over tlhe.turs"
off ll c
of ties lape,'rh, tl)w sart�tcea of the, - IliE3l3 of pI,C£iO tilts the Auditors'
G„,w,elnau I.l;het• were f71*lee more e a Financial
try smelt
owiuk /Armors' Mutual Tire xt ranee
Tim annual tneetitig of the fluwick
Fames 3attnal,.tire Inslt•rfinee Cant•.
flinty well belts in L. Campbell's hall,
Gerrie, en the loth inet. The 1)itre
it by}1uy, an
called ante retluialtie�u, anti tilt) it
i to allude to it e4 tilts thtrtlltar4 gave another of `phis of tits year of tiu;.3aaa112.
gone an kkn_ 1 t d h` It a yo err 411 all tnf'Inbtirs et he gave it pt'e
lag It y 4't)1 1 ty ..ittorfnl tui*urr:rl alt
4.<HIt)44tnMrV " tir'lwel'et', tx•ttwtt is ri.l4 ' I j 1ilfUtAt) M !)illi 8, at
lv 1„
•vl ut +, ,Y ei is) tt tuft• noun) lit)tit of R pt's emit ell the nliacttnt
r i ti4b, elle humble R. -a t 4I"1 at my hnatr tix,Ioi n t t . a rate, ') ,It ell thit'Slt £UL
tletttl'nt4elerl to wit,iee8 the ceremony, e mem et 4iYslklreti 4tt1t. � n_,
1 t ,) 1 w of it 1�a, i11�0 lyes ?per on4lc. on the pralnYtlsn
rt)ettr n 5� WKS err oo.y ft i t re a Rin Exef•t1f'nuy, premium
d f the opening
cel'euiouy of as a lost pip
( telly t tan
t s a c� )o
And for tilts put pose r nits a "..„711,-E1 isle t1n L er, t14 •
tervicea of tt tr4t'4lll to P a licher. !'lits G the eigual t utile end oat membere. who gsve n
tinker to tine ;attr'tlti' l;Ytlk f U. c epnr 4t 1 note of only Seer Gent oil the
AX TF,lvBlfil, iii TiiE TOWN of wi$011AH,
iinown as aha
Winglle,ra Roller Skating'lid
Girling Rink,
04 the corner at 31a1,1 and Alfred Rtrrcte,
13elre r grnituro Factory. Frame ilaildi.+1;, almost
new, dOsind. Is one of the most co))Ipiotc nun tell
Sinks in. the Province of t)ntane, mid ;�RBLE
sited ,,5 M ��
ettrated,and now rents for $ 25 per month.
elapel t or, allllo'at profanely
puts it, permission for the ftavel•Itor-
eileral to retire. After the Gevernee
Geneerel bad taken his dettattive, the
htdit'H and: ;otlMenton, ttreaellt held a
sort of conuef Slt'3iolt0, hied for some
time niter the Senate Ohalniter pre
seated a lively scene.. Residents of the
city we'c',nted once 'nnre the St -motors.
Members and others of their etiquaiut•
auoee, while the brilliant costumes of
the ladies, the soarltlt robes of the
judgaeal, the offi,utttt robes., of the ee
college ruf0ssors, the
alrsiststica, p'
evening time of the getltletnetl• all
ptesrllated .a iota ensemble trot i'tt�ily
forgotten, •
On the following day, 1 attended
the debate an the afldresa All the
iiiernl)erst of the Government were
present, and Mr. Pope, of Compton,
had already began his speech. gr.
Pope hos a fair delivery, and if his
opening speech is to be taken as a
criterion, he will make his mark. Mr
Pryor, of British Columbia., eeeoittl(d.
Mee Pryor is not so pronliaiug 11 spelak
er its Mr. Pope, but allowance must be
,Wade for his being called on tet the Pegtstrar.
last luottent, Lo take the place of +' Jas \Veils,
another whose Hickness preemies hilt 'r John Rold,Treasurer, re elected.
from filling his appointd task. 1)urinfl „ Albert Aiadersou, Lecturer
the delivery of those speeches, 1 'r Wen Laidlaw,
watched the actions of the principal .1 Thos. Stewart Standard Bearer.
MCI in both parties, .kir John Irina ( " �irtn. a�'1cG ill ,C rr.
dornld occnsionaly looked l,nok . a
Moses Lang Censor.
" the Speaker and applauded .' 'I) B. CaliDick
hour fix. for
was three oclock, • and although E
seer's:, rat the Parlialn••r,t bnilrliu;s
about 1.30, I found a great crowd
tvaitialt t''aet1Y'utly for the doors teepee.
Shortly after two, title long-looked.frer
rt'etlt• took pitte+ ; tltr3 rndh began, and
' in dile *time 1, fouu'i nny'ielf in the
.chary on the regia of Mr. 3tteaker a
chair. It did ,tot the
gto till
Up' both gal leriefi, t gallery
the throne was already occupied by
the ladies. of the upper cilli ouh4iile of
the Government circle A. few ittclies
had already taken possession of the
*1cor of the Oitaitiber, witiuli is always
reservx•el f•er the. Senators thertsnlvfetl,
tl•eir ,vices and daughters,.
of the gevernllle ut, judges, leading
clergymen, college p;rofevsors tine,
others. As each fair new corner ep'
peered the ladies in the galleries
leaned over tit teach re glimpse of her
costume,atnd made eotnntents thereon,
seine of the older ones coming in for
a :food share of • criticism anything
but favorable. tale. )t. B.
the active, grneeful 'mad gentlemanly
Gentleman. 'Usher of the Black Rod,
was waster of ceremonies,teetin; the
ladies at the bar of the Senate and
giving them: his arm, eoudUcted them
to their appointed sett,ts, in a manner
that would be a credit to Lord Chester-
field. By three o'etook the chamber
was well filled by the representative
people of Ottawa, the Judges of the
Supreme Court in their scarlet robes,
sitting oil the divan always reserved
for them on st_ich acc:esious, churhb
dignitaries, and. teenbers of
Government in their Windsor uniform.
A few melon's past throe a ruat'e was
heardaind his l.`.,xaetlency Lrrd Stanley,
surrounded ire a brilliant statl',entered
the Cbatnlar. 1,11 arose until his
]�xeelletIey eves seated. After a ,,tett
prftiiluiitsariee, :the `peeper of the
Senate, on cit at hr dfntC1 Of his
s - ti
ceileucy, aeSsn
Usher of the Black Reid to summon
the faithful Commons td his presence.
This the aforesaid G. U of the 13. R.,
who was atauding in attendance, pro
ceeded to de, And as a preliminary
made a,how to His Rxellenoy. Oh 1
such a bow. First, by way of pre.
paradox), he threw his head as far
hack as possible, then with a graceful
Inotaon be bftnt hitltself at An angle
of about f'sty-five degrees, then hack
to standing position,, turned uremia
and walked tt ward the door, until he
reached the middle of the Ohurnber,
tvlten,problhiy thinking he ata not
sho`v sutl'ieietit respect to His Ex•
ceelleacy, he turned around and made
the sante graceful bow once,tnere, and
again at the tater, and as he went out
put up the brass fixings to keep out
the faithful Uoeirnoals from 'rushing
within the shored precincts ,^,f the
Chatnber, During the short interval
before.the nembes•s came in, 1 looked
around on the floor beneath to see the
prominent persona who surrounded the
Throne. There was the . Premier",
himself, clothed in he ,briliaftttuni-
form of a Privy
sword hangingby his side and a ,cock-
ed hat under bis arm. `L"heu13 gentle-
man seamed to be: 111 lit ORO, bis
ioggery' Ile stands his age a
,though the o feeble
Tho Cou
,on w,
Go hal•
puatfon 01 Hy, " +'
aunt f num, In •ln
e 518 .a Inst
• Cavity
,amount insured, (these risks were
token during th„ year 18±31.8 wizen
the period of •itet3ul'ance idle limited
f.0 three, years,, owing to the short date
of insurance the rate on premium notes
was eectuctid faun V per Cent, to $ per
cent) the rate was 31- per emit. ou the
preniiutte note, nalcir> the cost of
insurance to eaoh tnenlber for the year
on each $100 insured, 10 cents,
The .Director° tend Uiliaitre of the
Company for the present• year are:
James' +agile, President t Wm, Doug-
las Vice -President, Directors--Eto4,t.
Scott, John R. Maher, Edward Bryana
avid W. McKereher. S cretary and
Treasurer, W. S. IIIcKerclter.
• TI Ittef nF $�rae .-8 00 cash, batons In lour yenta: i
Interest, 7 per cm t. «. n.1.. wlti1 pririlsv to pay
81gD mai ygar, Title intiiaputabio.
T lfi a retro7cet of my Cadet or metiers the
11 sc weft for nil above property, it', a nu
b Yrs int htgh+tlq T desire u'.r•nt iter ,:v totO
w . Q r 4' yearn .ell
and re be
• ! sewers exclusive. the unds•a`>;nrrl ours tbQ tend, r n3;� thanl'l Co my friends ;end toe p'+t:i 30 '
dtll Vebru' •y, eneerWe do- SQL bind ourselves stall, Yoe the liberal patronage eXtVrd4d .' ale ,n
to 40051) ar;ytender, Address, %hapax* .s to oils
It W. 0..:tZ1•Yi;it, (Z• U.. t may assn elute that k alis in a p
Barrister, ivinguam 1'. 0, better indurententa than else to ih
an. 31, ]BDD. W. Alttif3itR, aaocas any thing in the lino or
I have a number off farms for sae in different
parts at. Ontario, As you, are aware, farms Were
naves so cheap an.this province as ,.t the present
you to buy nolot if your Weans s limited 1 can
t! and it vets want a farm i wcuhi re9vn
Granite or Stolle 1Y.fcYtsteraeltt
Yoil FENCING. dfo,
ie 1 aro n
soli )os a termonsa small cash. payment. glv ng you • 1 would be pleased to have those dirt nus of
plenty of tine to pay balance of purchase menet' at outing any articles in my line to enit mud rxamisi
a lore rate of interest, thus enabling you to 50elnire goods, co may be
semi d a+arly thew 0. dors,
a home of your own most canny. season. Ye
do not )rgtriracrsdit I can R secure from the laced mit' I n ,n
If you have .means a ou can
rave you ee good 1'a , 0 for your money sa y obtain-tl+
get elsewhere. prices.
I will gladly se you description of farina fur sale i
in any locality o hearin�¢IBroltta L. l',41ttlNt
84 Bing street east, Toronto.
egaa1c 1Knlgbta of Ireland,
The Oounty Grand. Black Chapter
of Huron alae, Perth suet in Godoriola
on.1aunary IOtb, Sir 'Kt. Win. ld.
1Luriley, Count Grand Master,' in the
chair. After the order of general
business the follhwiag officers were
Sir Kt W H. gurney, 0 G M, reelect'd
" A M Todd, 1) 0 G M, ,r .
4a Geo Hauly, 0 G Ohaplain,
towards. t •
lir, Foster, who sat by his side, " Roht Scarlett Pursuivant.
oceesionally exchanged a few words " .Jan:es Rusk .Deputy -Registrar
with his leader. Sir 'Hector Langeviil, Witt. Lasllam ‘"Treasurer.
who sits et the next desk nearer the „ Robe. Bloomfield " Chaplain.
y y Robt. Plunkett „
Speaker, seemed tot>aver busy. Han a, LewisElliott 1st Commitee:,
lair McKenzie, Hon 'iir Blake, and ,,
other ,tasting Liberate were also prey- , „ Thos. Kearns 211a
rant attendingto something, , else. " Chas. Tweedie. 3rI1 `•
" Ro:;t, Woods 41h
During all this time bfr. Laurier look ,e Arthur Woodman 5th '�`
ed on very attentively, and 1 took i,
occasional %totes. At . the cono+usioe ,t Rabb, Winters 6th ,r
se t`.s' pl, 6 Next ,• ,,.al'meetin,
Le'aslrir rose to. retply, soil was greeted it will b ,leis . ire
by the hearty applause of .Itis followers. Clinton,in January, 1891..
Ile did not say mural, but what he
said was to the point, and unlike the Ta the TCditor of the Toast
Preluier's reply, meent hue ness. He
was hearty applauded,. Sir John Dalai, Sizz,—•Ihr' einestion of defire 1
Macdonald rose to reply. He was ing the duties of a thief of police are
'warrtli'y greeted by his followers but now being considered by the coin-
he didn't reply. He told two fanny mitten, appointedeat the last. session
i 1 a laugh and' that of the Gounoil for that purpose, is •it•
After that
P speech,the ilefotin ee John Scarlett 7t
n eau . .
,lest workmanship at the nlnstigvoYa
Meet respectfully, Souse.
"dil1'1.:S11lY't'? ,
ir'tr t..halil,
., `,INT
Therefore they have decided to
Storied t 11it rinsed + those gentlemen can
waO nhoat the substance of it, e ` not possible
some formal notices of motion, the arrange matters so as to relieve the
fiouse ndjourned to meet on Monday, ratepayers oheaulleleas pdlture
20th inst. • of $425 perviewing
Much gossip is in.dniged in. about ' very sLirn returns for sail outlay ?
the boycotting of Mrs. 1?oster, the The question of a.Uhief of Police for
wife of the Minister tnefat Rideau from much ois f brlegqu peaceable to those s'whos too
the invitations to
en the livening of the opening of at all ceasidered the tivastiou serious-
t1;t Some attributed her ly. 'Why not let some of the County
encs to sickness, u S - remunerate them -
01 -argil
meta at the A. D. Cl. Who a form i y
01 -argil of the matter told., a, reporter selves by the fees derived very m?
of a local paper that she wee not This method is working
invited. Your readers will remember London West and other places
that 14iro. I'nster was formerly married where rowdyism is mach more preva-
to D R- Ctlishtom, bet got a cl(vnrce Sa000ly A/Tressed}a that this xofo.ni
front hila iu the States, after which sheets. be nbn}taltea, for, in fact, it is
she_ wise married to ll 2r, Faster. Mr.
Foster's attendance at the dinner hut
�t ou1 lith the to tder he high sounding
alane•is able much commented epee o ' mer-
as lacking a manly spirit in the face { us duties whielt in, the past
of 00011 0 slight upon a woman whom, been delegated to the chief, but very
lit - e14 events+ he considers his wife, indifferently . performed, could they
and again it is asked if they boe� not b t divided
and control placed under the different
o.leee ams • °1 but, this wag not Oonstabtes who reside in town per, had this dui and t.etllun
j c ^+ Clot.�� .ng
�1�r�'S.N.'"�S�1R..4.'a.a� � + R
is Caps, %laGear' Puruishh
Foots, hoes, OverSb.®CS and Rubbers.
,A.lso a Splendid Assortment of..
a } arvous. trvichlnp;firattlt
motith,nncl+the nom-whaIl rotted tifrs. Faster for last in lea supervision uas f departments, and executed j
Moil (at least), why. was 11r, la'oater
step tells"the beholder twit 11•' en Met, • ,
much longereettend, to. the ..atitiirs of invited ? If there is any wrongdoing, ley men selected as most fitting to
State and he a great political leader. he is equally guilty with her, and the perform them ? Such meta are obtain,
fact of his heint, the1 able. mem that soiled hands or
t sate member
be vof h Curti to speak Gel/ailment should not Essen his gilt, gtarchle.s collars would not in the
to vein- mem►ter of his Government, � n Deputy
and the merry twinkle of his eye, the
Councillor Nohnos and h
Otir friends wtl mire
and Accounts dU
a t'eat„favor upon us by settlingtheir
iieulath of Deoernbet.
least degree feel htlmiti0.t d .thereat.
Deere aro to he -commended for their
honest, outspoken expressions whilst
' ssirg the tltteithnn. of Chiet oe
Bee N won,
broad smile that played upon his court
teni►nee, as well as thea responsive
srogith t carne from his. •neighbor,,
told those who looked on that it was
no important affair of State they Were
dieeu'sing. 1 expected every minute
to see the -1d gentleunan give Ida
neighbor s dig in the rib by way of
emphasis, The other members of the
f; favi'
Ottawa,` Jan, 18tH, 1800.
$t. Helens.
Odea, Anderson is again attending { tscu '
schen, in this section. ---0 the foot, Police,the (atter gentleman especially,
sent :front .this school foe entrance; tor he mac Icy bttt voieod the ,,onset
exauginatiou, ttlrefrsueeeeala 1s getup sentiments and convictions of e, large
1 1 f reitdent ratepayers, �e1Yo.,
llif IoGHA
ing, .elite •14311) Taylor yr number o �I11; Iittle
from D %katli, nit a visit, is at present think tnacrh•, but publicly say resent 1It their visiting. friends itt Dust t atvanosh,1 tut 8110 as,u�te,3Qet•, . Yours truly,
Government tits pNaito.
plfiin Windsor uniforms, Of course it is xeuortt d,r.fa-. ,. will not go beep
ti ht, t oylor tr110 heti bden
t h
Governer Gtalleral himself ens a alone, o ' A ,+,. contrivance hes been applied
C ie laid !' some time with xltearnntia
very important tigl►rr, a is a tY ' . f3i tib r)r'. , a: r7`ile %trip"' bilk to watches called sin nppo lament re•
r+rell fortnaa *moi am gefms to Ito v+; fever, is ting ssxlnR,
j Je eo le of tpinde>`, cat milli 4161 is oet into, rhe
lived in ianfl atmosphere the do of royalty, nn thetneighborh>odln1 of the
tetterCriOUs ,ntsls'u face upon which. one aa'n set
Iilntttg the dolls a rn8(l anti t resrsnt dress•hour required.
Ii ft?t>�G tt,► eifeot.--•bfiasS,lar telt p the bands, Rt any �
C5 ` t the Speaker of of lite hb h d We
Oval eine , making in this i t+ifi ' nr oa ,
Commons, p pcfYderl by
tltetlantlem Yu • tob soma' Vies mixed Gametes from 121 tO 2A a'11
ab r4 y expect there vitt, ming
Usher, a31tt%lig , fnllaaltid b 'that faith. ► ,.
CoMnv tio. The $pfiaker iitoot *t weaklings as.0 result,. 4par pound, Stkt Bilis.,
e lE
and ole ' up in' ' very. $t.
.,A.Pine Steck o1 G1:tA.PBS, ALA iUHS etc..
at eortipleteetoek,itt the; county. Pura Creams t special
and AO lila.