HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-24, Page 111 VOL.• XIX. -BYO • L,'aa i N w, .-ggsters itt any :;tyle, at ,1i1cli:elvie7 er:ltestauraet 'V'Vingharr, Ming Riiakisoffered for rale by., teude . ;See arivertisemeut hiss et:othercoluutn ft .-.The V.incerdin t ,r eupPrfo"r facilities t the liitboe bretuuh£t et dvertiseuneut,ii Uii —We teem that klirelioll eldeoeote, DitYi9, of this tow •attack of halo= 'full partioulare. High Sehooloffers tthem wishing -to study of educetioni See issue, the. Dtivfs, of arid, brother to Mr 11 ict very low with au jand pleurisy. Oysters clone up in any style at R nihill's, ext door to Meson's bookstore. wING11A r, ON -T,. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1890. ed at hfoTielvkof e s SGetrolteetadurent e^e:. —The mluutes of ll •conrmunioaticu from • ra1, loo?tl'And peesog out of th:s issue, k we, ...Air W P Hisao tc the house far son but is now recover' e are glad t treats 'again, 'a several Weelts fit' ie.Culross Conucil, i itty'Noy, and Beve- 1 items, ora crowded t will appes,r .ue>at los has been coi$uedJ e days threuglt illuese, ge. Bee Dr Tamlyn on the tar being laid up for a eeevero attack of le crep e. —A. R i aorionaia ritill takes the lead in the dour and feed business. lie lu tulles e tett( set broads and sella cheap, v .r, blies Delia . Spe.r)ing, youngest detigh- er of Mr, I''. G. S to as beau very low but eve ace rleasee tetair way of recov and retail. A careful and oh wore the same ha says that it batt co times. —Represeutativ BleotrioLigbt Co iu town this week expect to have it n on Saturday nig as to the cost; etc., the company, they on their own reep is eetisfeeto`ty a wilt, no doubt, to that a repreaenta trio Light Cot3 at the course of.a fe that Company, arliug, of this town, lith -fever this wee", leeon she is uoW in rye.,:' .--Drees ai,d.Th t tlo making 1o'ne 3u the .latest• styles, and -ou ellen notice. At). t.r„nticet rented, 1iesideuee,-Peteiok• reet, let.' door west of Boderute' shoe Store. 1 tinuel convention of Sabbath School As- I'Iicka and The pelt -beet of Loedou S Sarnia;11ie Miro}deli, of Davie of Toro neral process tory, where t ie iutereeent tookIilaae. Dean. Lines preae fed on Sunday morning et S.t, James Ch roh on the text "A bruised reed t brebk and snacking Sax Hue Act sign of the Co it B:trah, tett be Alluded in a few feeling. death of Aire. ]Davis, Bishop o made a touching reference ed in hie sermon •atenight. the barrel, 1)1 1401 or peek, at ervent mean, who has for twenty-three years, o into ,style nlueteei J Traylor, of Mitcbell, foilowfe---'That the E re were ; too, Donee Davie, silt of the 1Vtayor an utb ; Rev. T R Davis, of ory, Sperling and re. W -..0 And ;• R Davis, of Committee _„ itIes Hi11i Agnew and int ltar s aud a rviee Ii Davis; Jornmittep Mess tee Afterthesethe fu• hams, Holmes mm nwont to Woodland Ceme- , nQ i r>tttte—%Stas Beneath and Bo 1VMe"sre Agnew, Dl ItIOReuzie, Court J eepie, Gregor Robinson. The conemittee be ch utle ' tU egret itt nr aud,seleots a chair of street lighting Suter liommitte be slider the su sand Water Co showing the committees, et form, for the us port w dopted seoonde by J Icier. 'Williams, seco ed by T D Ferguson be appointed too of tette fed tayfor t same- .salary s last yditte by It'Hill, so oncledby Pettv.piece be ppoine for 1800, et same said: duties to be defined b by G DioNeuzie, seeo iu amendment that ,duties be 'defined ed. The: yeas ata the amendment, amendment—Me lioneutli, Le and .Eder Agnew,, LIi11, hams .4. A.mendwen motion lost. Moved seconded by las A. Cli s of the Reliance pang, of Waterford, are .uttiug up wires, aud mbar of lights going t. No arrangements ,eve been made with potting in -the lights neibility If the tort mber . of the oitieens the ltght$We learn ve of the Ldisoi Elea y visit the town in days, in the interest of Citizens and the Towo --'The eighteenth the County of lturou seoietiou will be held day aud .VVedrie drty,1 'An eseeellont.proi;rar' os, and a good time I n Sewfovti'1 on `Yues- ati Keith and 29th. e luta been ,repar- y expected, . —Gents' clothes tlevetea, dyed, repaired and presaed-alse hadiett'notiauma tL i,ut nddrooa3, dyed .andpressed, Sat:; ie hop, ou 'VictoriaSt.,iie\tio r to toirat,Lrw- "! is, tin sslwe shop. --The h ~wood Bee 'st' a naine of a new shallhe n shall not bis s addre words to tb Baldwin al to the ectad .& pies b Moltelvie' Connell should g the figures ,of.the differ. eat Companies ar'r, .ogglnents f .-0u:the 9th e hpirent fax l,>ablto p renege-' it .is pub - bitted by Mr It S P 'lion, at the stirring +ilage of Attwo" e, d ie a bright, meat little shear. aud iditon of the pestle .of the e cum eouetry. 1 hem et Alio doed min a.ud cite ui;',the L 'none of them will be ;,ion, Thera will he a is a new cuutact of t visible in ce,rtb'a chhadow ou+'Thusi3, ',Oath aud South cert; Lica. o —"the Rey '1313 leo fere who wad poster oh hem, some years tag religious serviaee y evenu,;.duriagthe. meetings have been irl uxiuoh good, it is berefrom. afore entering into any r street ere shop lighting.. st., a number of repreBen- tatives of the Ind• pendent Order of Gxod Temple/re, atnoues whom were Messrs A. Woodman, Geo Ne ton and 13 Lawrason, of 'Loudesboro, 'af d Mr. Matthews, of Blyth, vietted'WWie ghetto, .and inebitutsd a Lodge• of drat pop lar: Temperance Order. To Idr. Jae Vile • i, of this town, is due the credit of getti g up this lodge. The new lodge will b. known as Anchor et Hope Lodge, 1 o...0, and stuxts off with a - large memberahi receive the surrect a bright, future. Bette iva,'su..round• -bee present, and monis alts collo ecliptkM, tvvb of the and ieste.11ed on, tide year, text'. Mary.1tIillere 'y a 'frible in this sec. Fault Dawson, S unar applause, that S : Alex Sutherla e moon with the: _Teas; Ddward ton, D . ; Versa Dodd, Sentinel ; John . MoLaunau, C .The visitin;, tame to tn oyster restaurant, after adj Town Cointoil. A epee' 1 meeting of the Council of 1889 was hold n the council eliambar, on Fri - dee:, 17th ;net. ]'resect—R lieoLedoce Gregory;: Reeve; andCouncil- Williatns, Smyth, Brocken- Spooling, 1teeland8,- aud e aquatint of lirevions meet- ing read an- 'apterovea:. A :,•, -cutiniotltien Was read f om 'Mr John Dale, asking for remission •f taxes—N9 action, A. state. ment .w read 'torso, Town Treasurer Dickson, ehovwiug thet-be had sold. twenty cemetery lots, from 4th: of Maroh, 1889; till 14t1 Jan ry,1890, aud 'received $125.50 therefor. • - e oommittee of the counoil appointed to age steps to haw) the Lower Winglieta,m' 1 pon'cl cleaned out, reported through the bairn -wee, J J Anderson, re- comaxeendin' that ithe•ooutraetors, Messrs ,Toho Bider James Angus and Wm Stew- art, be p id 680, on riohwlidion that the. oontruct ,e cancelled: Moved by C.. E Wiliiams seconded' ;`ley Thos Gregory, thatthe o, ...muvication of the pond:cnnx- mines to referred;Leek to that commit- tee, with po er to glebe the contract on 60; providing contritotors re- count, ,g6 insist 'emeoutraat tae. asiper agreement —Cate bele Coni'teittee reported,re- mept of the following mo- ot, work on streets, $.2.50; Mayor; Th cors ' Cline, shire, Agee DieWeo'Ao T iva Committee 000- biessrB Cline, Greg. ol enzie. T•iaian r 'Mares, Sperliug, Fere atilt Water e, Gregory, Wil• ill. Property Cote- s, Rider, Lemmex, on. Pullio 11'Ortve-- eforneo, Cline and r •*Mo•. iai07i• Me9g a ean, Dawson, and est names ' on each n of ~trot committee olds a proper meeting an,. That thesubjeet ded to the Fire' and ~bat such rpattee ndeuce of the Fire e. That 100 cards,. ra of the different printed in the usual the Council, The re• otion of J McLean, 'Gloved by 0 regory, that s clerk for the e year MO, at Coet.tdd. =Moved Aguew, that Geo Chief Constable as last year; hie he Council. Moved ed by J J Helmuth, le Chief Constable's om he be appoint nays were taken on follows: For the Gregory, Mel er zie,. mer, Cline, Holmes, 7. • .-gainet, - Messrs a . McLean, Wil; carried and y It 0 Sperling, that John .Dicke firer for the ourro'nt s last year—Carried. as,,,eeeouded. by H ce-Vieviers• consist ons, ti" Moore, D Ma` arried Moved by W Holmes,:eeeonde: T A Bev, that Wax Stewart be appointed Aud"tor for 0.800 Carried. The Mayor appointed., Mr B VenBtone ata the other Auditor. z,ey that Tills, iy Yo shill, oerd of Health led. Moved by C Spading, that to advertise for WHOLE. NO. very materially redh ordivary improveu favored the mot' thought eotne ns, but because ho bei 000ld be reede orbic improvement In they buliding, Mr Iiomuth the be appoiurted,9 to It could do no har would take only a few have .the hall couple tato„ for the amount vo Dir Williams was i all that they could could be done withe plan, Moved by R C Sp Melones, that the 1,eeve, and Councillors C a our a ipeuditure ou is for this year. Ile u, not only beeethett he could be. Bove& ed some olianges would be a. decided appearance of the gl,t a committee Should look Tutt, the matter, and might do geed; d 3' y5 . We ghoul ed, with vaolt,` ed by the people. - fever of Baring: , it iijuritheno thebuildingpreeeti€ and good prospects of- payiuent of here was a large P0m a 'that,. a ter tire it stltiiting care* ',beteg comp lug; taflioere=were 'eieotedeee ried, TUe Fie • Sutberlabd, C T ; corximeudfng' Alex. Dawson, C1i'.o t donuts. G Her • Jennie Struther, A 3 herr, do, 31.25; Walter Dunbar; work d, F q , Steen Webster,, oa waterworks, $1.50; Wnx Gaunett, re- oTavisbr b I ; Alice Hut- arson, lumber,. $a.tiio; J. -'nri nt, t2 tiVill n,,. •s Button, Guard; John James Wilson, L D ; S 3 T ; Peter Miller P brethren were enter - upper at the. lion Ton urument. - sof the Methodist Cha tate t.•btta been oonduoti i the `Town Hall eve pre,ieut .week. • The :largely attended, a otpeoted, will result --Boetuisstte wavxrn.- A few lady board. ere coal bApply l a n-modem/1, oh at residence, Patrick rot/Atonable street, tennis: Lipp y thee door.west of Ilodertoe shoe state. The eauivers' i y .Berviaes of the 'wiugham Presbyte--.art. Church will be 'field the first Sabba < iii February. The Rio/ J A It. Dicksoia,i: B. D., of Galt, • will oo»duct. the serviee at '11 a. m., and 7 .p. M. The annual t$ meeting will be held ',the following ;~food~~ t eveuing. 'For par. Malan, see bills. - -.-The regular xnee i of the Y W C T ii was held" last 1tto.',s ' evening at the residence of Mr Lloyd ,= All business was settled in conueoticu twi ,i the entertain- rnent held last l.'tido evening hffor the • collection of $muds t pay forlately purchased for ,e Band offIlope, —It ,woe resolved ,t the last .'regal ler reacting 'of tie .Y W that the 1i dies of that v nion tender their betty the nks to all th : = who kindly" anti ably assisted there at :fir last entortein- =sob, both in the turn :ting of the pro,. gramme and .in otl ;r arraugemente eonneote0. With thti ev niug's entertains trent!. —The ttnttiVe Bary 9dr " es in coeneC• time with the Methodist Lurch will be held on Betuday and Men ey next, Am- xlieer$aey Bennetts will ,e. preached on Sauiriay, At 11 a. m. acid . , ni„ by the unafncth. Z1n Rev, Wesley Cabson, o Monday (vetting, the au • will be held in the Chute uiervod at 6.30, mud. after. addressee will be dolly Car,soe and residCut vocal mid i estxurtitentel ;y members of the dm p roomet s of the tee.-ua Sebbeth solleetioux w' xbe new clenrch build;~ of this eongregetlon siative in meta to C;1intolt in tine town, x.S rhes~;, tote+.. ,Bloc 1, . ling, secon ktd by J r, Reeve, Deputy. 'tie aud Elder be of the uewTown the Building Committee Ifali,aud to consult wit the arebiteot and contractor, and report • ack to the . (iouuoil with a view of roduot'• n•• -Carried, (leau-' ell adjourned till :.Io y eveuingnest 0 pairs, $1.35; W ' a 13 Ferguson, po rent of cleric's o cordwood, 114.05 ituanc state —The WiOgham Mitchell Advocate gie week's )saner "A s was held in St Pau last, to teke tato co of a new church. that they had su one thousand dolla give a eubscriptio. 111r1H W C1110 hundred dollars to. agreed to give all t up a handsome was formed to see. done in the matte early day. Fro by these three g doubt but that tion will have a o of that progressiv state that owing t Ceowel , Wi11ton gtegatiou of St P or rectory equal t We are glad to le ohurct., people hs, church. tend Lope iu town may folio loot is rather bah the rnetter of Oh correspondent of the s the foliowing in last eoial vestry ineeti s church, on Moi sideration the ereTtioer Mr. C Willson 'stated scribed already about s, and he promised to of five hundred dollars: er also .promised five begin, Mr T A Mills e briok required to put urah. A. committee what further can be and to report at an e litek',Iity displayed ntlemeu' we ;rave 00 re long the songrega. rch equal to the wants body:` We freight here the -liberality of Nr n the pasty the con. nl's have a parsonage any in the diocese." co that the St P'aul's decided to build a new, at other dongtegatiotts their example. Wing' nd neighboring towuaia hes, . adeve will regret to Bear_ Davis, wife of that net. mother of Mr II which took lace at day efternooti. She and f the Davis f' roily had r at. Mitchell on New is thought obs. caught thither. -'She 'tae con - motion of all' titete, %mil - et. She bad a wonder. and contrary to the a out for twelve clays. (lei $9; Geo Pettypieee, Dickson, =edging out sou be appointed Tre 5°eet. at same salary Moved by Wm 110 Lerinnex,.that'the of Messrs Peter leinley for $20.28; Geo R Nils& on flume and elorit&order,e ; It Elliott, printing, 54.50; FleuWe, rabbi g, 617.50. Moved by Chew, soon& by Wm Smyth, that the g the oellectores roll be time for rotund extended till the council then rose. The Counoil, met in the towe initent, at 11 a All the member and Connoillor namely; Robb 51 Notizie, Deputy :Dawson., Counei for Ward 2; lieLean, Coo Williams, Wm Milers for Witt meeting of the C proveil. Moved edby It Hill, t hellot for the IS Open the belle :ilog members striking cote= Williams, Ohne, Moded.by It Sp TO Mr. and Mrs. Jahn. j . Dues F,nxnicns,—Your some twelve years a« aelight, but time war although some may othere, whilst for: o act for the year 1800, all, on ltIondfty, 20th , teccept !Move Gregory tobiosou, presented them - made and subscribed the aelification end office, Iudoo, Mayor; Geo Mc - Reeve; Tbos A.guew, A. ors for Wstrd 1; Robb Hill, 11 Lemmex, Councillors Cline, It Sperling, John tenors for Ward 3; Et The initutes of lest oil Were toad, and ap- 11 seemed - this Couftell ao tow iking Committee to ap- tee, ilitteely, Alcove. ow, Sperling mai Hill. ling, seconded by W Counoll do now ma. except Meseta *On mil Robinson, An applicetioctr bed ftoto Rey Messrs Mogoarrie, Soott and Priest, salt.. itot that the free o of the boleti hall, for the current wee be grartted, Rev Mr Reefer for the ing 01 a settee ot by 0 Willitonsets ended by T Aglow, lot the town hell trona rrie, Shortt, Swett and OtiMI grant the toWn A Cline, Beclouded by the Meyer, Clerk, T Ana 'W Robertson be eor the ourrent year J A. Cline, seconded the Clerk be atetho epplicetions tor the po Wary to be 6852.Carr Mr, lioNenzie in been informed. tha traotor for the tot reduce the Price town wished to He tl a hell that would suit th town, for less money, th He aid. not wish to a the -budding of the (Mottoes to have it If the coutraetor wo the Count% let him The Mayor was i b.eieg carried out a peyers had said th oontraet carried, Mr Deeveoo was Many ttf our r o the death of Rev Wm Mitehell on Thur all the members sal tea-meobing Teats Do,y, Was Will 150 1 °Ma -on the way 11 have partakevel Beim% nod. in p 'ed by Bev, 'Uri I tot to the vary 1 tvill be funnelled " doctor's idea, he 6"t1 etb"e• The 1 She did oot fret tug, ae well asethe I the woe et her 1 Nucl. The /Adige you*. The fu VO Won the it& jaw% church, y izfi Id Oil of Assessor, rename advent amoeg us, hailed with • Malty elutuges, aud otbe ,for our geode good &re not alwoyft e of bugloss co:oriole. 'ever much the our ^a,beenoe, we happineee. 'We appreoietaon reuuen for the, r in whittle he citizens at large ; to Mr Bounan for her y end Christian ble object, cold to ghborly bearing merle of ont tokene—a. gold. Mb we ask Mr. r remind yoa of he good wishee hona we sign, Geo. MoNeeile. Oluormart thet he had eterson, the coot was -willing to the size ef the at if we could get purposes of tlit we should do so. oythiog leggiest 11 as Le was ae not deal fairly by try out the creseut new Methodist couatiewa by t toi are to be coat. being goo° on with. of the proposed hall w Would be teqairea. Wb a gallery weld be &ado the fervent 41,ssistance r both for y.our kind, and be to fill, Aecompaning th' esteem: are sobetautiel headed walking iota, Mrs; and may they is yoor residence here aed which seem -Immo yo AVinahean friends, for r of the contract ands. The rate - pelted the preseet ad he felt like meet there could be som plan of the propos9 very materially re matted thee the hell would be tone believed it would. weuld require fee years to earee, told he the appearance of t tile least and died itt thettbeapplieettio aa tears, and. died iu "'debt, t,hat this 0 ral took place from Elt. hall to that* for London on SaturdaOf of tee dollets-etle. e Bishop of liurou, an. tight% for the euta tie& The ootrimttee of that 'Which we have tee uutatteee reported The effeet of Shit would be, or of the °entree ildt more than to give aaaitiouta °outfit. He believed tangos made in the uilding that would a the wet. Ito ad. ing eapacity of the 'reduced, yet he that the town tot the next, 25 satisfied that e Oildiug Weald be e to the wet of the tiloloda:Initeig:efallocteotehttodw; Itz‘bVeneii ' ::::o vapor ebritio na txt, which it :::"::::0\v,gil a, the tem beyond the be After ieterval several years, * Ilea the pleaeare of hearing the Rsv 11.1 Sundey bet. A second tearing went moo firm and Btrengthen the kat irnpreteie that be haft quite. etoek of reserve fort Liko 'Parka, of 'Afoul he can me narrative e relent of eleriAt eivilieationee-As y u Would toe by To throughout Weide Outario, /Aid holed that tile geteol iu Middlesex, 00 . Towel ere no poi W. improved. Ile tefore resent proposed eatiteet mina owe ey plena, inepection *mulct be itripoesible to ay required would be ootteiderell diepesel, —4-- e we wouto —If you went if, eremite good ret tiat.wou ur *rimier. go end tele thou* kepi ter &leo