Wingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 7IEET L ens.. g6 p0 eOQ . 4 O4 1 60 • r line ,went 3t , ,oq.0 l�neg;.j Inas, for' ti bo rg,t. s;p• Vent eta .. • eu•: nd fi ' 'J'V 10 st 414;1!:ITI ;t bi, '. _. 0.rct•16.11>:t',PPTO 11 the rib .af a shad', C04114 A BEAU TiFel l, OffeECTB FOUND IN THE FAR EAST, 'I''ho Forest Dweller's illethod of Starting X''lroa•.,.Capi)reireurne "Coins" of the t)yak eldcs*aliany and Interesting Tone's of ads. The forest dwelling peoples of the fur- ther east have an ocld instrument for making Ore,' Very seldom, so far as we xlbserved, (lo they employ the proverbial „ded nt(!tltod of "rubbing;, two sticks --which, r*la not rubbing at all. Near the coast every elan carries a bit of pitcher in the sir' fioz or bamboo slung at his waist, a alhip of a plate, English or Dutch, and *handful of dry fungus, Holding this tinder limier his thumb upon the Crag- Inentof earthenware. he strikes the side of this, siri box sharply,, and it takes fire. BA this inethod can only be used by tribes which have puck communication with the foreigner as supplies them with European goods. The inland peoples use iferstere singular process. They carrya efeert "cylinder of lead, hollowed roughly **cuplike form at ono end, which fits' jont of bamboo. Placing this cylinder to the palm of the left hand, they 011 the cap -with tinder. adjust the bamboo over it, strike eliarirly, remove thecoveringas. quickly, and the tinder is alight. Ob- servers who take a narrow view have de - clued that theearliest art practiced by human beings after they escape front ' mere barbarism is pottery. These races 'have long passed that stage, but we do 'swot recall any evidence that they use the art. The fact is that,'in countries which ,produce the bamboo, earthenware is liardly needed except for luxury. They Make charms and fetiches of dried clay. MEASURINQ VALUES. Bat in Borneo the Dyak peoples have a class of foreign earthenware singu- larly interesting. As Malays employ brass guns for their Currency, so the Ilyaks employ antique vases. In neither Instance do the actual "coins" pass from hand toe. hand, since by brass gun a down the greater pant of this cargo was Malay signifies a 'cannon, twenty feet recovered. The frigate was' one of the long, - perhaps, and a Dyak signifies a first wrecks to be bought and examined el eighteen inches high or more; by the speculators. She was found to be ese things . are measures of value, I free in twenty feet of water. Her ma - 'divided into, imaginary fractions. There cllinery is in a fair state of preservation, are three varieties of this earthenware— the gusi, which represents about 4500 and the seeoleRsurfaceas will beocean.fore The sterling, the nags and. ruse, much less machins ry, theft the his. The valuable. The first is certainly Chinese, present da, if'unfit for for ships of .the` and die last probably, but perhaps they present date, is still fit for the )narket, Hever cams from the Continent. At some +date unknown the north of Borneo was teem?IIe by a Chinese colony whibh ;Wiestav a numbered millions. This ,urealme, +A -hen a: third part of the island was cultivated and densely peopled, may have been 800 years ago. But the first paragraph in the ".ennals of Bruni" recognizes a powerful Chinese kingdom of Batangatz in the Fiftaentb century— ...lute , tamingin groups alte"rnate"ly with he; , +trill tee tenet nuggets. But the 'ul•io-'itl+r.a sa u(i in that loot bear only a •ni:,t'ral,k. proporti(:n to those whlioil Wren of taste admired in the palate awl the. :rig !liaises of the erste/veers. But one stool was carried away—esti, memorial for the t'rilrce:rs of 11• eles---an}Cel; the hundreds Wonted with silver wlilcix 'lay in all di- rections, Very charming were many of these --.the . shanteo artist seemed to de= vote his best attention to the stools. Seven. were Ailed, us if for removal, in the courtyard of a great house, each plated with re ousso work, showing much taste and ingenuity of design. These people have "gifts."--Saturette Review. RESURRECTING QI,D WRECKS, Specuiatore Raider Bulks of Ships Sunk oh the Fatal Coast or Jutland.. There is perhaps no coast known to navigators pf the present day more dan- gerous than that of Jutland. Aiore ships' have beezi lost on that little treacherous stretch than on any other in the world, not excepting foggy Sable Island. The whole ooast*is strewn with wreaks. The bottom oe the'"<se* off the cbast Is covered with .the decaying carcasses of hardy vessels, blown to their destruction by hostile gales. The Danes are a thrifty set of people, and, on theprinciple that it is indeed an M wind that blows no one any good, have gone to work to reclaim the major- ity of these old craft. Many speculators are in the scheme, and are now engaged in raising the eld' wrecks and recovering their cargoes and machinery. The first thing was to purchase the old wrecks and the, privilege of raising and selling them. The owners were found without groat difficulty, and were only too glad to get anything .for the wrecks. Expe- rienced divers were engaged and the work began several months ago.. Twenty-one years ago the Russian frigate Ale sander. Nevsky stranded off Jutland. She had a cargo of 20,000 pounds of brass. Several years after she went If the speculators find it unprofitable to rebuild the ship they will still be able to sell her at a good profit. Two of the other ships purchased for resurrection are the Britishors Helen and Westdale. The Helen was sunk years ago. She carried a cargo of copper, none of which has ever been recovered, and all of which .� is.now in a verygood condition, consid• we are not to digress into that fasctnat- ink• the years it has been in the: water. itsg theme, however. The Celestials Divers who recently went down to her ..Pere .exterminated about two ggnera- • gfourd her free and her machinery ed bans ago; an old ,friend of ours, the. Andald odition. The ship well 1#e raised great Chief Ce'asing, still carried ten pig The Westdale went to the bottom on tails attached to, leis sword of state— trophies of his father's valor Deo. 2,04, 188E;, off T g ironi in She oar- , -probably pied 2,000 tons of ;pig iron in her hold. e nese merchants have tried again and The speculators have recovered all of to counterfeit the old jars, as have this and will also recover the ship's ma - .the tchs bat they never succeeded in chinery, fittings and trappings. Other P_aasui off their imitations. The Naga wrecks are being negotiated for and will may be Ilindoo or Japanese, of very re- undoubtedly bo recovered, with their mote antiquity; both peoples' had great cargoes and machinery, New York ship- eettlements in beyond human "memoryyisland They havtime 1 p ping men think that this would be a good Buddhist remains of importance here way to rid our coast and waters of the Zitlld there.- ' . We secured no sampl :s of these curi- ous things, for reasons that have been ,suggested. But the recollection calls to mind some extraordinary objects of the same class, in a sense, which are treas- ured onthe other side of the world. ` WONDERFUL BEADS. The Aggry and the Popo beads, which eerve for jewels in3vest Africa, are glass 3'esembling earthenware of unknown Manufacture, of immemorial antiquity, and beyond modern skill to counterfeit. Most European nations, probably, have tried their band at imitating the Aggry bead. The shrewdest chemists and the ;cleverest artificers of Venice and Bir- mingham have done their best; the pot- ters of England, France and Germany e exhausted their resourbes, but in a. It does not seem such a difficult enterprise, however. The beads are ir. A. V E R T I S E R regular cit shape and size; many haste many dangerous derelicts' which are a menace to safety at sea.—New York Evenings Sun. , ' Chronic Coughs and Colds And all Diseases of the Throat and Lunge cam be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos• phitea in their fullest form. See what W 5 Muer, M D. L R C P, ect, Truro, N 8, says : After three years' experience 1 consider Scott's Emulsion one of the very beet in the market. Very excellei,t in Throat affeo ions Sold by all Druggists, 60c. and SI. GREAT SUCCESS THE /WESTERN been sawn in two, They have an opaque ground—ochre yellow in the most Yalu - able species—but so various that this point gives no trouble. A rough orna- ment of circles in another hue Puns through .the material from side to side or end to end. Here, again, imitation seems easy, to the craftsmen of Venice in par - star;; but eppeerances are •deceptive, ently, The Popo bead,' less valuable, but valuable enough, is blue glass,trans- parent, but so Manufactured that it shows d dull .yellow against the light. These things are all found in the earth; but, so far as can be ascertained, they never leen up in compathy with bones or other stigns of ia!, which, to cur mind,is the most' • a fact of all. ' That thy are ? gyptian is a certainty. undreds, if not thousands,were" j the sack of the palace at Cdo- strung, in general, upon that ve pretty cord which we mentioned, wi,goid'nuggets beaten Hat, and cubes of .. ria' and tufts of colored silk inter- Ilpereed, Very handsome they lacked, !do doubt, upon• the smooth brown" skin Ort digs royal' dara4s. A pretty Witold LONDON, ONTARIO. Published in twelvetpage form, and beautifully printed on ohe of the best web•feeding presses in America. :Valuable Presents FOR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. LARGEST $1 PAPER In Chiba of fou :,,ad.iapwarde Ira, aswh. POPULAR DPAP,T>iENTS di interest to every member of the family, in• eludinga 3'irst•dass Agriculturai Departrnent SpeciaMarket Department; Secular and Sacred Wale ; Inteteh'iting Stories ; Ladies' and Youths' Do. pbitmente; Curious and .tttoful 'Dep1rarti1ent; Tab ni e's Sermons • and ALL THE NEWS. by tele. graph, mail and otorrespoudonte. , 13ALANCE OF 1889 FREE. t Agtnt'a Peekage and sample copy'bn applies. Bon. The stoat liberal induce:node ever offered in Canada to ciab•gette. Addreei— ADVERTISER PRINTING CDS, LONDOIr, CANADA, I. We claim to have the largest and best assorted stock of Watches Clocks and Jewellery in Wingham, Our stock consists of American and English. Gold Plated and Rolled plated Jeweller of al descriptions, A.neiioan and Swiss Watches, Canadian and American Gold ands Siler Watch Cases, Spectacles and Opera Glasses. 2. We buy all our goads in big lots, and pay spot cash for every thing we buy, therefore our customers may be sure that We are at no disadvantage as compared with others. It will pay you to call and inspect ourre , where, We will sell you 20 per cent lower than any other u dealer 1 in Wingham. In order to make room for our large Xmas stock, now )rdered, we ;vylt:sell at cost for 30 days, M1 WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY - For quality of material used and class of workmanship we ae-, knowledge no superiority at the people's Jewellers, . E. R. VANSTONE 8c" Co., PRA CTTCAL 'WATCHMAKERS ---_. _ R$ .Aldir' JEWELLERS, ONTARIO MUTUAL LiFE; Clash income for 1888.. ' , New Assurances written in 1888 ... •' Assets, as at Dec. 31st, 1888........ Assurances in force, Jan. 1st, 1889 .. . Surplus, Dec. 31st, 1888...... SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Liberal Polley Conditions. ALEX. • DAWSON,.:. . - GENERAL.. AGENT. • . Wingham Ont $ 393,074 00 2,518,660 00 5,318,858 00 12,041,914 00 90,387 ,09 F..��i° r"'• lye' ;� rr � i �i:+a ,f �`J Fa iD' ill VIRIS�'M�NT Has a most complete assortment of the LisTEST,, CHOICES; and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES. in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry , and Silver Goods. :r037 § CAN § er § ' AV B . `' AGAIN'Se 10- CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND yWORK .• ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY,, THE LEADING BLOT AND SHOE STOKE Owing to the late Boom I have made room for and have on hand .4 Large Stock of READY - MARI BOOTS and, .SINES, In addition to my Custom Business, heft' Competition in Quality, Sites, ,aud an) determined to sell for OASH,AT ROOK BOTTOM PR1OES4 tar -Repairing as usual, and Cement Patching a Specialty. I solicit a share of the• patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Cen Had. Rips sewed free in all boots purchased from me. Butter and eggs taken as cash in exchange for goods. F. 11. BODERUS, NV/NOM( TO TELE EDITOR: y positive disease. By its' timele y us a thousands readers hopeless cases haen permyane tly cured.bnamed alll be glad' to send two bottles of my,remedy FREE to any ofyour readers who have con. 'gumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address, Respectfully, T, A.;$LOCUM, M.C., ISE West Adelaide et., TORONTO, ONTARIO. ONT Ticitt SuRE1►Y CURto Oat ° Neal mill Opened. „The undersigned desire to inform' tarns err and the people generally that they hit reopened their Oat Neal Mill in Winghem, And are now prepared to purchase Oate in nulimited quantities and at the Highest Market Price. They Will supply customers with the ldafar Gimlets in Oat Meal. ELDER & CLEGG, WINGHAM FLOURING MILLS 1 ITho undersigned wish tb tender their beat thanks for the liberal patronage g ren to our grin during soveralyeare prior to the burning of our mill by h,• eendiarism., During the wast season we here re. moddelled the tow„ incl' to the latestappreved eye - tem of Ilongarian ltollor Process mil ling. We be Here weeen now give better aocoinModation thaw everbefore. We offer 'Prompt Dis»atob., Fair. Retui^na, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN TEIS SUCTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again farared with a tail by Ili ole friends and many new ones, Yours inoat respectfuly,. irtil<TOIf k (SARA Win ba.n trill, hal. %t, 1469. An .pertfes who iuve net paid foe the "" TIDIES " for thet theyears 1888 and 1880, are requested -.to re- mit the atoouutat once. We need money, and hope this notice will „ho sufficient, and that a general response will be the result, R, ELLIOTT, ShingleS,Shingles The undersigned have on hand lkt large quantity of FIRST-CLASS Shingies WEICE WILL BE BOLD CHEAP , 'FOR,, CASH". ALSO, 01T H tND Hemlock 'and Dry • Pine...., LUMBER, DRESSED OR 111RDItESSED, AT THE Winghar Mills,. f aephine street, adjoining C PR track. L, & J. MoLEAN. Witrgbam, 0#. 11, 1580. Pioneer ardare Store, STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the following lines: IRON PIPE, ALL SIZES FROM TO INCH. IRON AND BRASS PIPE FITTING&.. FIRE BRICKS, MILL. FILES, MACHINE OILS. AMERICAN WATER WHITE COAL OIL. We are •sole agents in Wingham .for the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the best iu the world. All kinds of shelf and. heavy Hardware at' bottom prices. Land Plastor in bags alwr.rs en las. A. eine & BROOKENSIDR,E'S Photograph gallery: Long Experience, close, attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me „to turn out uniformly a class' of work equal to that of any Gallery in the west, ' in*'Work of every description arts- cally, promptly and satisfactorily done, Cf BINETS• AND FAMILY GItoIJPS —A SPECIALTY.---• A Large Assortment of Frames_ kept constantly on hand. Prices .ae IOW as are consistent with gond work.' ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor.' Lumber of all kinds, First --lass Shingles, - and Cedar Posts, Car toad- Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part ot. %Vinghafil, teil•oidere ba mail prompt y attended OS OIS0110i4. TrI01180N, 'tltiarfhar t. O.