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Wingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 6
tag4aat Gus palmy, JANUARY 101, 1890. Dania, the decade which ended with 1889 the railway mileage* was almost doubled. At the end of 1879 it was 860466 miles ; to -day, it is a little over 162,000 miles. The great- est inoreaee was in 1887 when over 1.3,000 miles of road was constructed, The railway mileage of the United. fitates and Canada is now greater ban that of all the rest of the, world. Toa year 1890 is certain to be a year of political excitement through, out the several provinces of the ,Do- tninion, as the terms of the Local legislatures of no less than five Prov, dunces expire: within a new months. The Xew Brunswiok Assembly has been dissolved, and the nominations `are set clown_ for the 13th of this month, polling to follow on the 20th, Elections will aleo be . held in Nova r$ootia, Qnebec,Qntario and Manitoba. 'Tan Montreal Star very politely ?teniarks that the proposal to establish `ariners' Institutes in that province en the model of those. in Ontario is an 'et4aellei one, and Oolonel Rhodes will leave the best wiehse of the commun- ity in carrying it into effect, apart al - 'together from mere party oonsidera- tione. In = Ontario these institutes have been of immense benefit to `. the fanners, in giving them opportunities for meeting, and discussing . their mutual interests. The debates' carried stn and resoluitiona adopted at these meetings furnish a valuable indica. tion of the tendency of thought in the rural, constituencies, make known the feedings of the agricultural, class, and are an educating influence of great value to the general public as Well as to t1u farmers themselves. • , Tag statistics of bankruptcy in the United States and Oanad.t for; 1829 show that the total number of failures in the Dominion lash year was 1,777, eompare'd with. 1,0.77 in 1888, In the United States they increased trona 10,679 to 10,882. In Canada, the proportion ,of failures was: oxie ,for every 45 firms or individuels in heel. Mees, while i4 the United. Staten was one fee every 97 persons or,fu'msr The aggregate of• -liabilities, of (iia.nadian bankrupts was $14 713 22 hl 1869, ,:sen pared with."$14;081,100 lie the preceding year, and there was a ptoportionate in4rease in the Iia-. #iilities of United States bankrupts. These figure: do not indicate; a very prosperous'Condition of business under,. L~<'ade restiiotion. le 1878, when ou.r• oryleaders perambulated the country patrtotioally deolaring that everything waits going to ruins„ business watt in a ter more healthy condition in the in Dorn 191• than in the United Another :,utter from "Catholic Layman." Tothe editor etthe Tanen Duo SII;, —.Ii; yotir edition, of the 29th of November, Rev. Mr, Shortt continues his reply to my letter in yours of the 1st and: 8th November. My reverend friend once more alludes to the Jesuits Estates' bill, I do not see any use enlarging on this question. It has been suffrcient}y veutilated, and the proper authorities have decided the matter. He also treats us to a few more remarks on the immorality of the Jesuits. - It seems that in my let- ter, , in quoting from him, t said that his objection to the endowment of the Jesuits "is not grounded on their im- morality, but on their interference in political; matters, and with the religion if they did not restore and Mr. S. goes on and e ehowed from the pNes les bane des Jesuits (b that in. h the terrors of cation were held up, Ie n interference by somebody' dear Rev, friend, In the ti the Witness ill not only no authority on matters Oat is. notoriously pred,judic ing them, At ail even Friend will have some diffi least, in proving this vague from unreliable authority, to work of the Jesuits, for thos utile are not mentioned. W has he to say it was the Jos The Estates" met my denfands with seeming pampheas- aye „I also eert;ionit and vague insiaaationar Once : lferoire more 1 challenge him. to tiring for- y a Jesnit) ward a giggle instance as evidence exeommuni.. that these men have ever shown of here, then, theiiastttves to. be possessed in the t Not exactly slightest degree of the cruel, ferocious ret place blood.:hirsty• 'nature here impli t a reliable Orin any olie in their senses, who hallo', but it mind is not clouded with bigot ed in discuss- illhagine they a society, that `}las p events, my Bev. duced a Taliemant, a De11rebonf n ouity, et their companions, whom Rr.v. Pri charge, cipal Grant ;has .styled '''Maguifiue be the M.iiisionares" could produce su e individ• monsters of iniquity 2 come do hat right t alts who be alatill103111. —es Puenishun - 1✓ "I ItV FRIDAY MOIMI G; ,-'4.T xlir~••,: ell,. TIMES OFFICE, JQSEP4HINL STIAEti s,, winen-Anis - CINTAkup. ry, . Subaoriptionprice, per yoar, in adv r0- - 1d t ADVERTJSING RA'ltf3e Xi,- p ee:. I 1 yr. 1 0 inn. 1 & le1q• t 1 1nq . lit Hal[ 4o`«nto "s5 00 n Oe $zo iib Oe 1"s 00 @ince c11 Quarter iyc s00 0 .120 0 . Wn no Inch 1 G 00 800 Oil ,t, pa; L 2Ua i0t'_ ocal and other casual udvertisemelite, 8e, per line for first insertion, and 80. per line for web subsequent.. lnsorI40n. Loral notifies, h nonpareil type, lee. or fl!pt ,. sortion, and 60. per line for each subsequent insert,e8 No local notice will be charged less than 20 Memel/Is oil;oat, Found,;; trayetl,Sltuatioi .t . , .and Business Mamma Wanted, not exoeearee 8 lhret t nonpareil, S1 per month, , ryi y 1 Ilotises and Far'nrs for Salo, not exceeding. s liner, d- al. for first month, 6tc. per subsequent month, r These tains will bo strictly Adhered to. - " SpeaJrr) rates for longer advertisements; ,or for'' e, j 1°.14111;;174141°1(1484.1144 without spooifc directimrs,. will be • e inserted till forbid at,d Chari ad eceordinl+Jv, Tr ur. sltory advertisements must be paid Ili ndvunco, 4hangee for contract ash ertisements must be in,' the office ey Wednesday. noon, In order to appear that week threatened Mr. Mercier with Weal penalties 3 No, uy^ mend, it is not evide onhebody. It is no evide xcept to prove .that y elf is in a sad plight to fi gains the- Jesuits, and his miserable pretext to oink Bet it only shows gas of your ease and. the nr prejudice. Natty let us take the dissec reason and common s robe this matter; to the bon w absurd is the charge t y threatened Mr. Mercie iastioal penalties; In Ace, I would like to know s re about Mr. Meroieris pl se. • I never heard it bef omit it in a letter ; date a speech ; when, where i What reason had Mr. Ai login for passing the bil ly not to the majority ; tl avor of it, and the minor opposed •to it ; but the, p lies that Mr. Mercier was he Lill. This" will be of others when they obtain power," I P omitting the word • private" before is immorality, Does die omission make any material difference ? Let us see., s If the Jesuits are moral in their•pri. a rate life, are they not as a natural con, t sequence moral in public life also? p Neither can. the society, ad such, be no immoral. 1t is absurd to say that a yo number of moral men will organize themselves into a society for immoral of purposes, or that they would join a p society organized foh that purpose. If ho they did either, then they are not bed moral at all. Nor do I think my rev. Iles erend.friend bas mended the matter pl by enlisting the service of Rev.Princi- zoo pal Oaven,who says.; " We disclaimed abo referring to them on that score from he a the beginning," That. is to say, on the in score of their private immorality, but the worthy Principal goes on, "tl+c apol society as a whole is immoral because its tain members in promising to be a staff or in f crucifix in the hand of the Superior, not. yield up their conscience, and their' imp responsibility to God to another." ` (The italics ,are mine.) Isn't it fru t o the, present day. Let my re#v'reed friend visit Guelph. If' he ie afraid ecolesiaa• 'to° go'to their house, let bine ash his dear 'Rev. Protestant friends if' the N'athers rear Hoe against dent there are capable of such cruelty cure at all, Refined, gentlemanly, zealous, linin Y only for the good of others, no wort fin evidence ly ambition is their's, not a della seize upon do they possess as individual- ' A carry your the. weak. trength of and as I write! picture to myself• of of tli°se unselfish men wondering through the traokless forest of Al- goma to bring coixsolation to the poor ting knife outcast Ittihad: Miles and miles he ease, and travels, suffering . cold and .oilier e, and see hardships ; end far Inbnths his only hitt surae- shelter is the wigwern of the.fudhan,, r with ea- and whose only food is what these the first poor children of the forest have for omething themselves and what is all this done eading as for ? To obtain political control ; are, Did to amass wealth ; to obtain power ? of letter Think of these. mitts burning and burying alive others in order to notice order to them O•ttholics, and while those awn l g Oer- are thug engaged doing God'a work ley were in the pathless forest, amid trials and ity were discomforts, there are others who, ar'agraph also professing to do God's work, who,r opposed in their own comfortable houses, sur- ' news to reasonable to think that such well- many. If Mr. Merloier was ironsefen- educated, refined men as the Je netts, not hR e oyielded. even en the to the Bill t threat, of would "yield up'their oonsoienepYend ecclesiastical penalties, for he knows their responsibility to God to e,liother," that any eoc'esiastie ' would have been beoauets they take a vow of, oi}edience oxeeeding his duty to refuse him' the to their Superior? Such ti' charge is saeraruents for,sucl a reason, and the unchristian, uncharitable, ` and ung' mworthy of any titan, let alone tine who Ratter would have' been-refulded tot professes tp be a ser`vant`oelli s, who leave been Rome' At ill events, it could not forbid. us to •; bear false witness against because, as theyJearetonl s whoi threatened,ts,uh our neighbor,".' Again, the logic of; not priests, such Principal Caven is 'that the society is their, scope. these doreverend come within, Unmoral on ecc`aupt of this promise, p my friend, that is,'to yield up their. nucietioe,, Mc' and 'Mercier was never threatened, etc. Then it'ileVolves on my reverend' he even rade 1the above toc prove that friend to prove that 'they do make such dnrisJesa promise, slid. I challet;a•As to elle pamphlet by a .Tessin, so, q tie hiru to do+ 'above alluded to, 1 never heard of it. .No uotation fro au nureliable. Will Mr. Shortt give me the name source will do. He meet ' ' me of produce a its author, and where I can procure a copy of the vow, the at:tlxentication. of copy ? which will be duly, investigated by " As evidence -that the your humble 'servant. In a forriher diel interfere inthe religion Jesuits do and letter my reverend friend alluded to reverend friend allude otherm ti- the'»Jesuit wars,''and.later on I asked let "La Source au vial." Here for an explanation, and how does he Mr, Shortt has produced verya again reply 1. He says Prof, G. Smith has evidence againsthe doubtfnl info • d rue of, his charges against ©•.Tesiiits, What right Inas he to attribute this pamphlet to the Jesuits? Ellie says that " thus they show their alit to political 'non- trot, rzrid•,then . Protestants might look but." This would seen to be very. alarming. But if Protestants need only look out when the Jesuits obtain political contro_ 1 they are all right for many • a year; to come. :However, I. don't .know anything about this pam- phlet, and again 1 will ask ,my, rev. erend friend to give more information about it. t would like to get a copy. In.enotherletter I will say Rometning about the alleged • persecutions f1r Bavaria and Austria. My reverend friend seems determined to put every- thing bad on the Jesuits, i int so fu e e thein when he mentioned the blood 8 extirpation of Protestantism in Bo— hernia,9 Y yeai war ir1 Ger- i the thirty .. i rn any, the Revocation .of the Edict of Nantes fknd the murderous persecution of•.tihe Erencii`Protestants which fol- lowed, the countless religious murders eo'nirl itted by, the Spaniards in the /of Cluuntriet," and as it is printed l I,understand Mr. 8. adds the "Franco• Prussian, war of 1870." Now we will look into these wars and see what authority ldr. 8. has for Calling• them' "Jesuit wars,"" Beginning with the 11,evoeation of the, Edict of Nantes, the Jesuits were not in favor at the s low judging from the bank. , XtV)-at the timele , who was (Louis 'J rtJlptel+ returna of the year just ended; 'conflict with the Holy rales; in the vel- , ., r See, liberties. ry relvorse i1 tllepaaH. Est%ma, just established the Gailiean liberties. !ling the population of Canada at five 'o"', then, can my reverend friend blame the Jesuits for tins WA 1 Millions and that of, the: United States sit silty' mitlliollis, we find that during. the year 1'6$9 there was one business .failure '1n! Canada, 'ler every 2;813 inhabitants, tyhile in tineneighbouring l pttblle the failures were Oh; every 5,972 of iopuiation. , The Presbytery of .Huron will hold >4 arteoial evening seseion"ire the 1;'irst _PresbyteJ;ian c1 ui: ch, Seaftyrtli, ,on Tuesday, 21st fruit, when in addition dfniticlering the annual report of **hoots within the presriytery, an dent pregranrnie for dismission teplos in sehool wank will bapru. +ms. 0 E ?Salon, end Peter 'Mc• of fitlar;fiald, two of the inverters :of, and dealers in dint in Western Onteriar have i to have an 11 letloih gale of tnelc on Wednesday, the 20th There etre tem inverted ClyeI e on :31/ire and one i'r'is tisk • They are all good, young J lili will positively+ nr sold, sprlirttaa•a Ars going,Eioing914 of the ever, let us examine into this matter Itnd tee what brought about the Revo- cation of the Edict of Nantes, About that time Louis X1V. was engaged in a war with. William of Holland, and finding that the I{eagenots rejoined at his •reverses, exclaimed, re our midst we have another holland, let them be banished from our country,,:: (Darras a Histone P,00les, vol iv:375). 'Phe' afsfoyalty of the *.Heugehho hrought the trouble art t;;ernselves. Sly reverend friend will see that it is touch easier', to eat( one ".Jesuit war" thah topri ye it one. In, this-partieutar Jeisuit tear my reverend friend will please explain how the Jesuits eonld lie' he instigator; when they were not In fl,vor with the king, In regard to the Other "Jesuit, wars" I will await gr. S2,4, reasons for calling theta suoh, AS'relltiestttd in trig last !site Particularly. anxious to know w1 t Z the Jesuits fiat to do- with the .Ir ra,noo=, Prussian war of 1870 „Cu a former rr llethel it kJ letter 1 asked for proof of she Jesuits lir; 'mitts. having ever interfere.l in Catirrefian Haan Slil) Jiri re,litice, and•Ur. S. to .het j l quotation from the . j int r:luni fh d eoun ed with every eouverliene; One to spare to abuse, tri, tili slander those dear, good men. ,even their vow•to obey their Sup and go wherever he thinks the do the most good, is brought, for an evidence of their imnloralit have italicised that part of the are welt aware " because. I woul to know what reason my reve friend has to be•well aware. In a to letter my reverend friend asked if Pius IX in his his encyc issued for 1$64, did not coud 'liberty Of' conscience, freedom speech, free' press, free schools, last, but not twist, that great er "Open -Bible!' -It seems I fns took it for a charge, 'and •said.•it too sweeping, and asked for pro Mr. Shoat now asks ie this answer 3 Well, I will' answers n No, he did not, in the be,use Shortt has it. •1 know we Bethel have all those. things, 'even, to " open Bible," but of. • course'•o•e in read the Catholic version. ,; have fy,, to 'And erior, y will 'ill as y. 1 " we d like rend rlhrer me 1 ical, KIM of and ry .af'• rely was ofs. aII r. les 010 USe r ceNTr'NUED -0}`i PAOI7 4. PATERSON, Esuarr` or ELGIITri nr,-rsION Couwr, 7,eeusB Or MAn- ''>taco LtOEYBIeb. 'WINDHAM, • - - ONT. L 1, P, CHAPMAN', ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOTARY' PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, Ern. brrlcR—" Dig" jleeketeie, ' ' RIPLEY, „Ipr.•T. Money to' 'Loan on Farm Security at Low Dates of. Innt terest, No obrendeslon chart ed. RED WRII-11.. Contractor and Builder, WXNOIIAM, be has brought 13c>tithfng home 'it; they$i. • lie must rernemher'that Many of 'the .l 11 acholic Bingo . 'Were' Litt ` very good Men. They were in many oases op' posed to the Tope Nouse he pretested against their winked conduct, and some historians•lhave the habit of attribut• ing the acts, of these hinge to the Church; whereas the Church always: took the side of the oppreesed. Yet ti e are frequently told that she was on the side of oppressor, and in malty,' case*: the chief oppressor herself: ? r Sharon Canoe iztorrt enlists t the t i$ s ser'¢ice of the, irrepressible •Goldwin, and netts ue to look at the instances advanced by Mtn. I do' not know whether illy reverend friend attri= latttee the followin scute Smith or it ie g lits own tot file' Jesuits Lana, be very The. y ry well- eductrtad and the best of the Roman Catholic orders, but we are well aware that. if they do not force their 'religion upon us with rack and stake'and; drfugeons and bnryilt,,,, abets, it is -simply he - Mee they have not got the ,power," Your readers will, doubtless, ami e at this sefiaelosa paragraph, and yet, *longs to. Mr. Shorn f r it is the utterance of .. tt t showed by n 1' M.fercier has pleaded rintnhis defenne that ce challenged M that hes and his Grvernineut were liable testing Ablraatilined with esgler3instiesipenelties morality of tea ed to be possessed of s f rearm and OMR' El 1f and over again I have r. Shortt to produce re any as regards the int. al.' ' and he h, Anent for Downey', (Belgrave) 11af B500,000 ' 0 LOAN. On 1+'artn and Town Property •at ,:erg Lowest Raton and on Terme to suit borrowers.• • MORTOAO8& PUHONA9No coluti,8g/0N CJ AROEtt,• b041•011141411exit. obtain money In 'b day. -if " satisfactory, , R. VANSTONE,, , Beaver Block; Wingbajp,, MONEY TO LEND. - ONT. TIM CORPORATION OP THE TOWN$11th OV Tutoberry has shout 4000 sago§, ,For temps apply to, to Joan art Mart• P. Mor,1RREN, or EM. MCPHERSON. Tr. Tamsysea, Winghgpr. Riled., OJenfarrnw$ Wtnahant, May Money to- Loan. on ,Notes. . 'oafs DiScounted . . ltBA.SONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Arortgager at<$ per cent, with and accountcol/gated. the end of aril. ewes Votes LOUT.. lHeiNDOo. O►rruE Benner Block. Wlnuhere, Ont. S rn.' 14,Z4L, £S'P'Are AND lr'tl4E INSUR, ANCE AraE$Ds. °1r- of ; ItEN'f"re. SI.'doK WIIVF'riHAMC I'nn'ate hinds to loan. tleeforS A nwmaJa. •ld.r of Building Lae 110:111 litesfdenMA prop- 71100 dealt* to rn,uke, ocint nnieate whit R, mason' . ` •: PEorrrim,01, AND POutneNea.- j 01. MAChONAL», ` JOSEPHINE STREET. n Wise:max, - • Orr.A>itp' mei: J. A. MELDRUM, 1✓ Honor Oraduute of Torentollnivereity, Office and Residence --Thy old stand formerly pied by 1)r. Bethune, at the corner of centre and Pat. ick streets, "WINONAM, _--- O. DR. F. B. GOD0tn y, First-class honor man and general p roficiency medal. net Torqnto University, alember College Pbysirians and Surgeons of Ontario. Banco/wit, OM Office—At hiethodis4,P.areorruge, J. A. MOR'„y+'t)N BARRISTER arc,, Hingham • Opterle. 7•YANSTONE . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY FL-II}.1 CONVJYANQER, E. . PFKES—Beaver Block, Ult. GUAM, ..Q ,, aoirti.Ia and preen, GRT. Private and Company funds to loan 24 low rates q7 Interest. Mortgages, •!Own and ,farce ploperty,- boucht and sold. Oleicaritile coliectione a sp ideity, ENTISTRY J. S; JEi1Ob1E, 1k)Ndr sit, 8 tr 4 luloid Plates is plateslt eel. e. lreaputaterialus.rhetipastheycap be.` ranted.' ' gotin the Dominion. All,iwr)P Har,'' Vegetable Vapor administered fer the "Wilkes extraction of teeth, the drily safe anesthetic knell n, Ob l ICE Itt the 'Beaver ' Block, opl,osite , the'' Brunswick Motel: •• ✓y • } i•4i,CIS7RY.-.w. It SIAM/NAL/0, 4rnimin.' 'Maker of;Vulcanite, Celluloid .Alleys. Olive. DOW, etc., etc., Plates, ranging 1 .qS •- ` In prices from stenunwa,ds per set; crowing and' bridgework. Teeth ex Axed 'traded without the least pain by the moot Vital.' Posits the Queen's hotel,rop1er daif tido Su t1a oteept•'• ed) from 9 n lb to 6 p in. Will be atttBly h ei ery 2nd and•4th Saturday o; eaelunonth—OHicentMines hotel} Omii,rr 1st and Srtt Mondays of each month,-- OftiCgat=Albion htrtet. tractilre 25 car2te: JOHN RITCHIE, GENEIIAL INSURANCE AOEAT ROBERT. CTJNNI11011ADI, P. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, ' GUELPH: DEAN, Jnr., {vrf+erram, LICENSED' AUCTIOR ONEER Fad s,.:a, _-. _.. Oeetehe $ales attended In An +.nvlY. _. _ _r; -z Moderate, Y part, of the CO, ,,Charg s oT ctniarj, ''Vasal Bit, UNTq • LIOENBL.D 6E017.08EEtt 1'On TIr$ Cotrl•I Op ; All orders left at the Tams (Apo promptly at end* •ad to. ___ s rhsonable: trAMES RENDER$ON, Liman 4U0 40NDE,. POE 'OOOitTIEr fttie6>t A*I. , :•. Brit/011.,, All Salts attended to pretnpi)y and on.th, Shortie Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Ouarantaed, ,. All necessary Arran einem,, can bo.made ,at, al Titins'y * B • r. tAOl7aff. 6 Ona , tiOLTw bi ,,twaiss I'. L, esp. L. erne roiurrsee Ctsn Extrigitk, /ASV/WEL al t1INDHAM Alt orders ansa t•the cake, of the Tek delve pro` s,ption wilt rik. .01Vl ELSON T .IftTolltE, Pi tttcSurveyor, taies, pa do Ledivislott `1 COpt,»es preparing complete planssettling towns, an villa es. per Registry Act and d villages. es,. Act, deee sedans ft hars'n ole for insertion In deeds. Crose•src tiofis tet rioorsynad6. alai eetiMates on cost of Rridges, culverts, as, ea - files and estimates for grading hills, drainAge, rend, and street amprot.enrents, sewers and other Engl. neering. works. Correspondence solicited, atbtii,g lrtaceand character of work- r1krIcl,.•.At,,, A, AMoleto5's law oilier, Wfnghanr, Ont, MILIS LL() ulolIATti `T, dTw!clogs"' yoNsTckly e a ylui :talk •