HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 5Vflaiiiechu:rat• AnotherLetter trona ",Catholic 1 and, naw go forth and do the work of loeyinaai. the devil, 0oNT1NU vacs Vt.. 6. Mr, Shovtt wants me to produf;e an 1 An 3 yet be says in substance: f7ite encyclical wherein the Popo does ap 1,tliolics are so tri ni that they naistako prove of the above liberties. BL;t it their work for God's work Those. is his place to pros•° the ecmtraf•y:, ns ieloor, ignorant Catholics' see in those A Grippe" is getting „ire some lid wont about here just iiow,neerly •ery oris heaving a wrestie with flim. Re attacked your cerrfeetiondettt with it vigor worthy of a better cause, and threatened to briezg Iiia brilliant Plo- w/11340 career to an =timely close; ,but 11e has succeeded in sleeking slim off,—The nulaerous friends of . Mr "Santee' Garton, ivhe was. injured by ree 1;Lst September, on iD tree, t � falling f `• ail 1 e is 31 ow eti tit r h .i .cl will be pleased t4, in a fair way of xecosery.—One genial landlord, Jori Nixon, has n; xiew driver. Joe keloove a good horse wdien he • sees it, and Also knows 'how to handle the salve to. the hest advautag0.- What is the :natter with the weather 4 We have lead the promise of sleighing rivsral times, but nothing worthy of 1 ,eagle Inas come yet. According C t4 en ow to the repari,a, tilers is plenty ofs lel some placer, while here we leave none, which is hardly fair, Will no„ the Equal Rights Association take tilt matCer it hand.? Between bringine it little? sleighing and seouriog a more equal distribution. of ""LN Grippe," they elavFe plenty of scope tar the exercises -if their power. I hope the fsriggeetioxt.will bo a°toa. upon, es the ,idea they have been' working on up. to "date has becoipe, bald-head- ed aldi 1Lead- ed and ,< mootb-eaten.-- Another of our lttdiea leave renouroed single' lild:ssedness, ir, the person or Miss Maggio O'Callaghaxi, who was niarriedl ort the 15th,to M.r T' Suitiviin, of Port Alpert. After ti'e wedding breakfast, which was served at the residence of the bride's father, the happy coeple left for a tour to . Lan- don, Detroit and other places, And of course, according to his theory, they are doing nothing else but working for the devil uow, he has made the charge.. Mr. SUortt Jesuits the :hast zealous, ,odueeted,' then goes on to say( that Mr. C. Lied - i tliiselt ah, of dere church's orders, Fey (whoever he ie) remarks that 1 while Mr Sbortt and his oo•laborers in I33ishop Bove, t, the Priest O'Donnell, l the Anti Jesuit Crusade, ae in them. the Advocate Thibaut, ,Aube Paquet4only villains of the worst, kind, un -- and a lost of painitlel0teers altd cin- i scrupulous, pitiless, who have"yieldedl Otay1n0r2S idI'iter8 CleSeailt at groat, up their ertnseience, read their rospon- yto God to Another." ow,who lanlenth on the riht and duy of intalerauee." duet so, but k don't tak\.sbUtt 1 is in 00 bent position tri judge s my religion from a ho•et of pamph- Catholics who have mingled with them, Paziiraoaa' Isx--•at. journal for Adver-, tisera.--Printerst Iux>;,is juke what it pur- ports to be +'a journal for advertisers." It is.issued on the first and fifteenth des of each month, and' is the representative journal -the trade journal,, so to tipo>4k- of Americas Advertisers. It tolls the in• 1 tending and inexperienced advertiser in ! plain, comprehensive articles' how, whoa Mud where fo advertise; how to write an ad. •1 rx HRV YOU how to displa one; what '1 R ria indiRectian,Ititiousnrsg, (Aber media to use • stow i Levet Complrint, I7ysp t r r to flee lined ri d h lltrrincss, k ,' , . IC is AS NE��blflt� newspapers ora . Qr i- , aundice, ea ae e, , ne -, e.t m,d � ' in fro se..9R aril n di o a to css x Y a >;u 1 •' en nd j tiv fou i,oi c out 1 4 b discourses ¢ w� frisch to expend -in Eget, di I1ver, �R. C11A58'S L1Y&KGata. every point that admits of profitable dire apd'cerr4n rem,dY• cusvion. of you advertise ata11,""I'rinterR'j NATl7R1='S RSMt~4Y bat Ten Dollars a year in advertiming,; if Perhaps 'oil expend The unqunlef,ed surceSS of Ver. Cha as I i*'r Cnr4 in,• Ink." can help you, p S It I.ivxt L omP,laint ?e��sieoe`wc kittawuliverr ir1 r. it combined :vitt, uu,py and herbs:. harwg, a leteexs and anonym" wri.ter,s, 1 who leave fxperionceil the happiness 1carried it from my catechism in myof their rilinistratioris, or those who in youllitawlthere I learned that inet,..l probability have never met eti order to reach the goal of ail christiaug' mucb joss spoken to elle, and who r t u•. a' t u s r lie it oei +z auth J Was to loafs Goal with fall nay _ � have Hien as then" y with all my soul and my neighbor as my- pulous writers, aetuatea by utotives of self. 1 don't care about what Mr. C. hatred and animosity and prompted o else said, could onlyhave ita s. f3oixieb dy .lt a pato that Iaindsey say with tlje exception of i3ishop Bou et, origin in the lowest pit of ltell'1 or Is suppose Bourget is meant, } CATxox._o LEMUE , titer writers ere unknown to many, l P. S.• --In my letter in your edition and their opinion has leo weight. My reverend friend godson with a lot of value and senseless generalities that hiuts ata great Octel, ' but • proves no- thing. Ile says in$Qutario no other sot can have separate schools but the Rornan Catholic if, : this is so, how t1Le P1a,es a Goderich The Iniperal Produce Company wits orga>;lized at Toronto recoutty, with. ra braLt,ili otliee. iu Leuclon, Bogland. A moderate commission wilt be charged for its services. Tlie company. has for its protnuters and head office hien whose names are a guarantee offsucoes5 and its operations promioe to be of n t benefit to the producers of fruit e, doiey produeo particularly. - Our tvnsman; Mr A MoD Allan has been appointed to the position of outside in an acr of tlio Company, a positing which his busintass ability and tact well qualigy him to fill. so "+Printers' Inlc" may show you how to obtain double the service you are uow gett• ing for due -half the many. A year's sub- scription cost but One Dollar; a sample copy costa but Five Cents. Advertising t under- stoodan art. practised by many but un stood by few The conductors of “print. ors' Ink" understand it thoroughly. Sure- ly, tlieir advice, based on an experience of more than twenty.fiyo yeas, will help you, Address, Geo 3? Rowell ds Co'sN©ws- paper • Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruoe Street, New York. of Decettaber 20th, in speaking •about• the alleged persecutions in Mexico, I ask is there any substantktcl reason to thick that the church had any hand iu the matter. You have :omitted masnvU, In my cluote;tion from the Globe you print '"manless" does ho account for t t nt I for "' mannerless, separate schools in' Ontario 1 Of • C, L. course my reverend friend gives no redia to the Catholics of Quebec for their tolerance in electing Protestant rut:whore in throng roman Catholic coestittieneles. , They cannot ,tto bet- ter. There•hfive no men to fill the positions, because the education irn- parted ie. poor, &o. Tour readers, who have i the eloquence of ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. The following is a list of , those who wrote successfully for admis- sion to the high Schools : WROTH AT nauBSlfl S, Ferguson, Annie 564. ; Idislop; l h 1 sienna to e a Laurier; a + Chapleau a Lnagevin, i Lizzie 598; Iislop, Susan 503; Ken'- will take this insilivatioxl for what it dell, Lily E . 447 ;Kelly, ;Minnie A,.R. is worth: Neither well ho give credit 436 ; Masan, Mary 397 ; Yv1cDoiiald to the. Protestant gentlemen who are 1141innie 534 ; McKenna, Catharine elected to . a d C thot4C conatitueneies• 477 ' McNair, Baboon 453 ; ik,IoNair, , . " to this church" or else they will be Smith, Jane 377.; Spering, Mary 422 "turned out." Yet, I think, ,sob igen Stewart, ,i17 aegis 0 419 ; Wilson, Kate as Mr. Colby and Mr. Fisher *ill 424. +tn compare favorably, at least, with 'any Bcrkliolder, Thompson 4lbi ; other M. P. in Wanda. But it is telou, David 398; 'Cook, Jamas 513.;. generaally the way with gentlemen of Miller, Thomas 5/2; Morrison, John Mr. Shortt's school. Nobody who ev, 555 ; Newcombe, Robert 413 ; "They must ie says, differs from them is right. Catholics smith, Alexander 482 ; Sperling, " 1 s, be i°subservient ! Jane F 50'4 • smilii.e, :Hary 633 eilaxati• ' M lair t'£.agercna:t, of London, was at Geo, Theureen'e, .lent week ?shipping lumber, Mr G Thomson went Back to London with hint to hoar 117r Bloody preach, and he bele well re- paid for going. ---Mr Robert Currie, 'upexin.tendenk of S 8, lately receiv- r l a dote from a '[r Gayin •'Uilson, ,Secretary of the school . board of trustees, saying they. had decided Its allow nothing til the school e:cci day se ocl —Mr Robert Taylor,,, left; Protestants of Quebec from the Bent- ' lace for Mr Jas Martin's mill, ! e • ,the Wilds, the Johnstons, tho are certainly not, and ProteSJ;attts 'who B,icltetrd, 508. do trot, of oo. urso, are netnated by eleeeeeme eeed_MeRae, John 889.; motiyes of expediency,&e. Iti regard Shaw, Colin 384, to ivh it Rev. Lt 7r. Bend says about. watomx.4.'' seeeoii matters•iu. Quobsc, T hare,c.nty to say: Boll, Jennie 405 I;loyd, rxntilda 381 ; froadfoot, Maggie C. 375 ; We do not hear any' cotnpiaairtts from y iii ball Jeno the vast tit jority of the Protestants Bullard, Sarah 421 ; Campbell 453 ; Keys, of Qitebl+r... They scene to be satisfied Annie E. 460•; Lynch with their lot. Qf course there are Ratio 40I, ; Martin, Jessie E. 420 ; Min - some who nuke it tlieir business to Mason, Ruby, 388 ; blin- ke+ap up an agitation. Tttere are a few nie 462 ; McIntosh, Maria 394 ; Mo- McGregor;clergywen in Montreal who snake a I(inley, Ada 382 ; ':loss, Annabelle special.busi>less of it. Then of course, 554 ; Strong, l3irtie 467. • Brownell, William 461; Miller, o hear a grant• deal about the ' poor i Joseph 867 ; Rose; John F. 401. ' llecomrnendeci—McDougall, • Daniel 397. s . WROTE AT t HICHIAM. Mc re, the Shortts, rt hoc 'ryettus eruite, of Ontario, hot, els far as I know the Protestants of Qnebec are satisfied, alid do not reilnire any : assistance • tilts p Ilowicir.. He will be much missed onion3 the fair see:. Tho school is closed at preset:Sowing to the illness Il blr Of the teacher,. Miss IVa cera--- , , + George Burk has rented: his fartti for or inter whoce on. etase great ado about) of some, in n term of five years, we believe,reverend Mr Williaua.Kennedy. Mr Burk and thein. Concluding; my ;family intend Wing . Uan1e Sam's friend says he agrceewith Rev. Pried 'dozninipne for a while.---MVleasels and pal.GrantinpayingShot tr betslitosays, "ey (.the the Le'Grippc eke having pretty much 3esat ts. r their own way aroun& here at present. go to battle at the woWent forth rd ofacomtnadd ;" Grorrle. middle is� also fetidly to accord all The Rev Ur oilt h 2f7 Toronto, hen .honor my reverentheir d friend; "that does t con. visit this place MS Ilio 2 a grand banquet will be given from: not make the system right, nor free gen e odium of the lein:lt will del ver �hisla celebrated dreadful ikom l pergbcntions they raised, the dent large toesee should l rbot this, oeIebrit- of command. tly,. reverend 1 friend Word large 1 should' be, consistent. How can he ted .d'tvino• reconcile himself to believe that swill Allen, . Elsie 489 ; Armstrong, Mary 447; Blackwell, Emily 401 ; Oasluk, Rebecca 460 ; Cottle., Emily 409; Craig, Bella 437 ; Dawson, Agues 409 ; ;Ed„ ar, Alice 406 Jac- ques, Maggie . 425 ; Jacques, Ida M 480 ; Kew, Mary 369: hackie, Char- lotte 373 ; Longley, Ellen 434; Robin- son, Ellen 436; Stevenson,. Annul L 488 ; Stewart, Maggie 461. • Farrell, Robert 440 ; p•unston, Freddie 464 ; Gibbons, Michael 425 ; Giliaspic, Gilbert 434; PerlcinhsFrank 420 ; Pollock, Franklin 408 ; . Powell, J:ttuss 1, 380; Robinson, Arthur 368; Weight, Haney 485. re axat ohs are being madei Great r P for a monster reception to Henry M. Stanley onbis ar'rivalinEngland. The Royal Geograpliital Society leas provid- ed aeootnrodatzon for six , thousand people at the Albert hall.. A feature. will ben map of Africa the 100rfeetfollow- 'ea bl 80 inextent, showieg 'ea by Stanley in his travels through the Dark Continent. Gold modals of Stanley and Buda Peelle large silver, replicas have beet struck for presen- tation to the white •officers who °reseed the Continent with the hero of the dtty. 'The Prince of Wales and several other Royal personage will attend the recep• tion, The Queen will oonfer.the Cross of St. 'Michael and St. George upon other invaluable nnnt , �•�� po�werful effete a tiv,�:ldneys, Stomach, Bowen on Vinod au1 ,000'S01 -P Over one-laal/ xrliliera.of Zr- Chase's Tc&t/' Poke k e were sold in a anada alone, Itte,want t , - woman and child lobo is troubled asitia Liver Cotn- ,Olaint trrtry this excellent rented,. x tlew. CP AS AWAY FREit 8 TN S Ms }V},tppedaround every bottle olAr Chase's3:iver�'urR is a valnabae Household tainng Medical veer son use til re ipe pe ronounced nee g 1. prenounted bpmedicai men and druggists nsinvalu: able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. TRY CHASE'S CATARRH CUR1:. A sate and positive remedy. Price, «5 cents. -TRY CHASE'S KOREY AND WV) PIt.La. a$ rt',. Per box< SOLD BY AL1. OEALAR S T. ED88AWSOti Qi CO., Sola *onto, Eirorliord , o p t. . '{ . °` f g, e inty-1.04\ IST T THIS M•NTH, FFE ust II.v . Therefore they have decide I. to THEIR ENTIRE. STO of Ready-made Clothing, Hats 'Caps, 'and Gems' F urnish ng • Boots, Shoes, Overshoes and Bpi t ers. Also. a Splendid Assortment of BR:USSELS„TA.PESTEI( AND WOOL CAEPE' a, Loterbr Witeiharne berme and brave soldiers ea be admits Mr Samuel Leggett tarries. 'a very they have proved thelaiselves. to be, turn around and ""miss persecutions" Itarduti cos. A yo it lrresenghter is and cause trouble 1 III feat, undo what hard. times. A your,; daughter is their had already done,by the same corn - the oattse•of all elle pleaeatidi:uns, hand 7 How could the' same word of commander tell there to;re forthinto the Tiro is'ene of ,the Bxster Advocate titaokless•forest,, christianise those poor Wee •lelayed two deys by the grip. Indians, share their lot. You will Reports from all over Ontario tell . slowCold, hardships, privations. of the havoc grade toy ' mmnday morn- You may ais away from your dear old lug's gale. Buildings• of all kinds sunny rearm, away from kindred,. were destroyed. the ,valls of a away from Civilizatiom; aye, those factory Vii' G at la ardt blown n ell go to save may kill you, inside was severely~ inured Other All these t lr injuries a• e reported and many nerroW escapes but £ortltnately no fatalities, The velocity of the wind at sot'ne sit places reached ninety miles att boar Falls welo very Iris y tor' in and olio of the Affect gide tvorlciu;i not in a nisi}font, hut by a slow ow o bin s were told ;it.,J, (3, ituoratl`c'i, son of :ler; 3o11tt Lic(7raciccin, of Morris, who hes bean teaeliitig school at I3ettVie for the p•.'tyt his 14[,divingr, (., *filter' years, ivati, upon li there, presented with a dressing case tired iv very flattering sddrese by bis t,upile, lie was also entertained 'at at cos lrlitt1elttary slipper by bio brother :Il'orestera, at their hall, wbete a veil lijayiikll+s-emiti vim Vent,. ture. i - Perw, as it is today to those who have exiiresried their desire to become missionaries in foreign lands. Tusy have continually before theta the relics of those who suffered. martyr., don, in the uountries'Where they are to labor. And thou imagine the same. tom nattier, or one, actuated by the same spirit, saying t , Go 0 forth to Vile pantry tvia that; plat till von `taxa OST FOR CASH! Our friends will confer a great favor upon us by settling their. Note:, aII d A.c.counts during the month of December, a PiFINTYRE) SWN OF THE B D' 'II A Hits . - WlH H M, 0 t tforo tlentered the order, in Stanley, ill's ` ters! Fresh,. and ' gotten upin Every Shied � FRU,ITSt r'i'' F R I ! Reaur!t tri broken of your rest 1 yra•enik child mitering urbed M night anti d ranee nn With D3111 aibottle iof i"gktre e\Vintlow% Soothi at Syrup" tot ('children Teething. It ry luois (51 ll- imm tt will spend slog It, Mothers; there is no mistake aely. pop mistake angst it, it curets Dysentery and 1)tarrhre,a, rep %dates the 8tomanh and I;aisle, cures Wind Colic, And n n a lo. gives m t»t du Cab It t11a tone the ener(turngy , re em. "Iles. 'Win. tone t Sconua to yr "tor system, teething to Motet they to unpd it the pre8Criptlob of one nt t r+lit et and best female ,hyeleiene end* Mercer In d e for rate b alt drttlkttDote against rrotestanttt, persecute, burn, • eha t]nittttt shies, an e doyou l;a enre��arid Kate tar "Idler, 1Vittrt,0'e Bury saliva, all the >L1tac11trEwitk a�ioi�• reaah�ud�vrwMn •wka'uar�hat..titiudr I, told you lissom to do rite A, Pine $teep Of 0-114.1'ES, A.1'l~'LBS, O11,A1' G1S Etc. oaf O N F OTI N ERY y VOA specialty. 't�hameet templete stock. In the ounty,and la Irleruro Crowns a H U ,'S CITY RESTA it