HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 4E. WILGAMS,
• Opp. Brunswick House,
Wiugham, - Out.
Cy 'Gal* alit rinic
FRIDAY, J.A.NTTARY 17. 1890.
Sea Johri aracdoctald was seventy,.
.freeSeats old on Saturday last.
Ann, John Baxter has been appoint.
ed • assistant police 'magistrate of
Tin Toronto retail grocers have
decided to issue a monthly list of peo
pie who fail to pay their. debts.
Ternet)a:x was nomination day for
the Rouser of Assembly throughout"
New Brunswick.. The - Goverumont
claim the return .of 14, elected by
acclamation, out of 41 seats.
Nor. 1 onnilvsel% . of the Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph, has
atccepted the position of Superinten-
dent of dairy .. agrieulture, under the'
Dominion Government, ;ae a salary of
$3,000 per annum.
Be a recent order -iii Council of the
C overinea't of Ontario, Mr. J. G.
Hodgins,.L. L. D., has been appointed
liistorioampher and librarian at the
Educational Departmeut, and 1i1'r,.
.A,lexra:tder Marling, L. L. B., hitherto
eeretary of. the: department, has been
• appointod Deputy Minister.
IT as understood that Dr. Reynolds,
of t'teHanel ton Asylum for the Insane,
will be appointed superintendent of the
naw ssyl:liaz Per tbeinsazlP,,lIlimico. Dr
Reynolds will probably take charge
ear: a tiu)a this month. The new asylum
is• on the cottetge principle. There are
tight Cottages, onnected witli a central
building by subways, and each cottage
will hold 50 patients,
Miss L. E. J'olinsterr, our teacher,.
)aa left for Hensel!. Before leaving,
'=•r+r pupils and friends presented her.
evith a very handsome ring, acoom-
,renied with an address, expressive of
het regret at het departure alit! good
•'suis for, her, in the future.--i11r.
le airy 1Bt oleon commenced his dutictt.
a; teacher_ herethis week,--.Mrf#. A.
revile is vis ting f mends in St, Mary's,
-We ri c:re very much pleased to
eeeive 0. iisit lust week from• our old
a iuzids, ;.h' -arm;. Alien McKenzie and
::.Try McLeod, el Chicago, who
.ave both secured lucrative positions
r. trim .city and .are doing well. --Miss
r;aa);a }Beaton has. gene to visit her
: r r in ,lictm cit. --hrr. I:1.irry" Horton,.
'.i'orentn; paid a flying visit to his
zany frienals"here, just reanainineelong
...e arnti to wish ua"the coMpliments'of
,seeson.---Miss Christie Rose, of
u,,li,b, was spending her helideys
t • —Mr. W. LL, MacIutosh, of Knox
3tet);;a•, Torrantu, was warmly .welco;n-
=)v a number of his old associates,
o t event a few days with us . last
' —Mr. Peter lielcaueie is recover
aeon the effects of his accident.
will soon bc e,l)lo to use his. arra
,3'421 -- •;slice CU£.ra Mkal'iater is
:s i,rri her eieter, Mrs. Geo. it-)bin.
Alex, Reid, of Pu:alinrclz,
4,,2„,ng Tttr. John Reid, his cousin.
a,: are. John Davie and Peter Mare.
letve :enamel front their AMA-
' lo and report things hi the lulu.
• ee elistriot :very dull, owing to the
...tie- of tomes—Mr. John Cook, of
spent a few days with his
:rs.r Merz; ...-A very pleasant New
•.r roaming wee enjoyed by a nus i
,j tele young laeoit e here aryl dee.
r, Mese Bella Ii1c1)rartaid eutee
•y '.}tent iris ],rr usual .kludge',
:.�, x)tir wh ■r,cl 1,1r. 31aUiarwid
':e testae:diad tnt:ir I+,,+pitabty,
►arv, i sad within.;tn Ztlew
Tsar Ur Barg
at .
lt,is• 1
wash LFill,
a large number of friends the evotting
previous to their departure for Chicago.
Owing: to the . partioalarly happy
:knack the .host has of entertaining no.
One could do otherwise than enjoy
themselves; --One of Lattgside's, altaut
young gents finds - special attragtions
for himself: there, in as touch that he
borrowed a horse in the owner's
absence and drove clown ate evening
last week. Overtaking aotne lady
pedestrains on the way, his kindly
stature would pot allow them tet walk,
so he in course of time had the seat
so flail that there was ouly room for
himself to stand up behind, but "what
when in love will not a poor lover
do," and being chivalrous in a super•
dative degree, like a knight of the
ol;leit school, he is certainly worthy of
the amount of praise bestowed on iritis
for his courtesy, and, herettftor the
"ruaidens' smiles are alt for biol."—
Mr, Jno Reid, who has been spending
his holidays et home, has commenced
kis duties as teacher at Westfield,
\\!e wish him success.•—bliss'}esxtlie
Murdoch, of• Wingliam, is visicing,her
friends hero,—Mr. Robt :Murdoch and
fancily are leaving their place of busi-
ness in Lochalsh fora more promising
Ane in Dungannon. We .wish our
old friend every snooze.
• On Friday evening last; about one
hundred and eighty of the young
people of the neighborhood gathered
at the residence of Me. J. R. Miller to
give his bran new Itousa a warming,
A very enjoyable time was spent,—
Mr, W. Ooultice, of Sarnia, spent
'Year's 11irs Woodrow,.
1�e e s it
New with
the 2nd hue.- A public examination
will be held in S, S. No. 10,on Friday,
January 17th,—About a Month and a
half ago • we mourned • over the
sucldeu ,demise of our most esteemed
friend, the debating society, • Mourn-
ing that one so young sboul,l be cut
off intim very promise of youth, and
thinking that it would never again
enliven our little coinrnunity but to
it was not to be. It was not destined.
that oblivion should claim it 'for her
own so soon, and what seemed to us
to be the awful gloom of death ivies in
realty only the calm solitude of a
trance which required only some
slight impetus to scat life's current
again coureing through it' .veins..
This impetuous was,given',just as it
crossed the threshold of the Nevi- Yeas.
-On the 2nd of January, a• Iarge erowd
gathered in the school bailee, and
before many minutes, new life: was
breathed into the nostrils of the;
hitherto dormant; society,. and ae,
have every reason to believe, , that,
instead of being a sickly, delicate,
invalid, our society will, before spring
have assumed vast proportions,.
The annual, general meeting of
mnembersof the Culross Mutual Fire
Insurance Company was laid in .the
'Town hall,•Tceswater, 11th• January,
1890 ; tin Kirkland in the chair.
The minutes of last annual neeetnig
having been read and •Adopted, the
auditors, Alesses. McRae anti Watson,
were requested to bring in their report
which is as follows', "We have ex-
amined the Treasurer's books *and
accounts for .889 and have founa all
in tt sati"sfaetory condition. We saw
proper, vouchers for everytexpenditure.
The ierennium notes hold by the Cony
pally at audit `of 1889 amounted to
$23,405 12 ; at audit of 1888 the
amount, Was $22,184.60 ; the cash
assets of the Company 'at audit of
1889 are $1,064.08 ; at audit of 1888
they were $889 40 ; tlie. number of
policies in fopee' at audit of 1889 is
441; at audit of 1888. it was 865."
It was then moved by .Mr, •Piekell,
seconded by 'lir. Elliot„ that the
Auditor's report, as just now read, be
adopted -• -Carried. The election of
tw.o Directors instead of Mr. '%irk.
land sn'i Mir. McKague (who retire at
this date by,rolatien) 'was' then gone'
into. Nominations having been oalted.
for, both gentlemen were re•eleeted by
aeelaanatiou as Directors for the .en-
suint; terns of three years,
The annual mneetini; was than
adjourned and a meeting of Directors,
constituted, consisting of Alessre. j
Arineerong, Little, Clark, Reid., Birk.
land and AIcRegue. Alleallark unwed,'
Mt. hail seeonclod, that Ria. Kirk -
heed t)o President of this Board for
1800—Carried. Little---Ite1:taguc•--
Tltaat itlr. Clark be .vice-presi:lt;4t of
this board for 1830—Carrie& Me
4 n ue—Clarki-That the fo(;owing
geutlemea be appointed fire inspectors
fer 1803, being�sai.w its hast year, viz,
Moue. Charles Tura'', William
Smith, John .'t#citae and Archibald
Gurdein-C ertit:cl, , Arinetroug-•-Xteid
—Tit rt, silex. Aclawruu be appointed
Bo crcrtary1'rrs,,ritrer of thio Cuacaperty
1.44.1,99J,Anitie emit Wu/ ;:„ Aft;
formerly—Oa,.rried, • AMeKague-T--Little
.That all applications for insurance
be now laid on the table for* inspee,.
tion—Qarried, Armstrong —• Reid
'I.'het having (i; mined two applications
and found therms •satisfactory, the presi-
dent and secretary issue polieles—
Carried, Armstrong --Little-- That
the treasurer be instructed to pay
auditors acoounte for auditing books
and accounts of company for 1889—
Carried. McNague--Iteid"--That the
division of territory between Mr,Adam-
strong and Mr. Haldenby, Agents, be
at the line between lots 20 and 27,
Culross—Carried. Reid- MoKague
—That this board do now adjourn to
meet again in. Teeswater town hall on
the last Saturday of January, 1800,
at 8 o'clock p. lis.
Mr, Ted Watson has taken a big
contract to ship cattle to the old
country. He is et present in the
States making purchases.—Messrs.
Fred W. Tanner and D. McKellar are
at present down with the la grippe..
Snow is rialto') needed in this vicinity.
—The heavy gile,of Saturday last did
considerable damage in this district,
}basses and trees and other • property
beim; more or lass ' inured. --Alexa n•
der Taylor left on. Mouday for Gay.
lord. Alex is the smite old bay.—A
telegram reached here from British
Columbia stating the sudden
death of a Mr. Wren Watson, an old
Blythite; who left some tilde ago. to
seek his fortune in that place. The
cause of death isunknown yet. The
remains will arrive here,it is expected,
thisweek.-A lecture w
a5 ,i
the temperaltoo hall, by the Rev. Mr,
14ioorhonse, of Winghaun, on. the
"Importance of a taste for readies,'.'
in connection with the anniversary
of Trinity Church, The hall was
fairly well filled, the proceeds amount•
to a nice lis„ snu
ing g. sum,—A number
more cases of influenza are reported
again in town.-- .lisses' N. 11, and i
'present, t suffering.
wfth an atteck o
inflammation of the land.—iVliss Mary
Thoinpeon, of Clinton, spenteeaunday
with her mother, who 'resides in
Blyth.—Mr. P. Kelly, Reeve, is tiwtty
on a business tour this .week.—The
question of street ligating will come
before -the neter.•e')u)loil. et their first
Meeting, on Monday eight.—We re-
gret td ieerit that Mr T. Janes is
indisposed,— Messrs 11lo1(innon and
Powell' will cocicrtneace next week to
pack pork. Prices. are . higher (here
than any •place, in ,the :aunty. -A
number •of the young people took in a.
stall at 13i•usaeis, one night last week.
Yes, sir, oven McGinty'e hid has got ,
the la grippe. --billy. looks kind of
lonesome since he got. the mitten an
Friday night. Never ')Hind, 13111y,
perhaps she wants Tam(en)dng.—Two
of the staff of trio cuammoth house
were laid off a'couple of days last week
with influenza. -•= Mr. C. Ross, of
Hamilton was in tows} this week.—
Mr. P. Conroy,• of London, • was in
town en Wednesday,; --Miss iif, Pat-
terson, ,who has been visiting in town,
left for Goderich •on Friday of last
- Metrrle.
Messre, Ferguson and hough have
finished 'plastering Mr, S. I'tem's
house rand W.H. Clokey is Walling
day that one of his little boys, wit
was on a visit at his grandfather's, ws
dead. The little fellow left home'
only a few days ago apparently in the
the woodwork. Where are'you getting hest of health, --The village life Is:
your houeskeaper, Saul 1—Mr, Frank 'stagnant, What with the gain, nand,
colds, la grippe, etc, there is some
danger of failing who a century sloop
like Mr Weet in "Looking Baoicward,"
Baines .is busy gutting out timber for
an extension to lite barn 16 x 80. He
also intends to raiso tire old barn and
put scone stables under it,---Nfr
Downey, limp burner, bought a house
from Mr, Vanstone, of Brussels, and
Saturday saw it successfully removed
from its ole foundation to its new
one near the lime works, a utile and it
half distnnt.--Rey. Mr. Edge, of
Clinton, will preach in Sunshine
!Methodist churub, Sunday uoxt.--Mrs
Halliday, of the 5th -con,, has ' been
eoanewhat indisposed . this week. --A
number of young folks are -pleased
to hear that the Literary at 13e'rave
scan" be in full swing again.}here
is some kicking, of course, but the
literary will go ahead just the saint,—
Mrs. II. Eaines, of Sunshine, who
has been in poor health for some time,
has been considerably worse lately.—
Mr Daimon Campbell, concession :1,
had his (tarn unroofed. 1)y the high
winds of Monday last. Th•t fences
were blown down in mealy plaeee, and
a great deal of datnngel •done°—Jelin
AlcOoed tend wife, of Wiuehaon, were
visiting in Morris tine week.
Tur'ntoerrV• .
• On Tuesday .evening, the 7th inst.,
•Mr. R,tbert Harris, Turn berry, S'cra••
iary of the Cengre ational Church,
Uernmell's Corners, invited a number
of his relatives and friends, together
with las pastor, the R
to a snrptnous supper Qf good thines,
Both turkey al;d goose were on the
!table, and everybody present . sstn
to, enjoy themselves }ouch. • Two .01
his children wore baptised by the
pastor, when an effecting service was
held. }lir. Longley. Deacon of the
above church, sent° Mr. Geo. Harris,
father of Mr Harris, offered up an
earnest prayer for the children and for
all present and a very profitable even'=
ingwas. spent—Mr. r.J
the 10th sou., had a very successful
wood bee on Wednesday, the Stlr, end-
ing in the evening with a j.,vial and
lively hop.- Johnny Johnson (little
Jziek) leas returned home from Algoma.
and:report:a the lumber camps break-
iug up for the want of Snow, and hard
times its .consegeence.—Miss Lizzie
Johnson, who has beeu sick for some
time, is reccoverittg slowly, -There are
quite a•nutnber sick in this vicinity
and about all of then conclude -they
have the "Grippe."-- Mr, William
Johnson is getting out timber for a
large new barn, to be erected nett
spanner. -Some of our farmers were
ploughing last week. flow is that
for Huron I—The Turnberry°Township
Council will meet at Saults"'Elali,
Blues**ale, on Monday next, all o'clock
a. an.
Myles Young are both on the sick list
thin week.—Mr. J: Willford is ill at'
apirB City'. •
Wedding. are the general order,of
the day and the sages are yet po.
phesving of others to cocue,aucl if their
sayings prove ti"ao, slit art of eheete).
making in aur district will not be
Confined to a gentleman alone. -'-Mr.
Atigus bleltenzie. spent Xmas in
Hemlock City and reported a • very
'enjoyable time.—Mies Mary Saunders,
of Kintadine, is visiting friends here,•
-]Wit. J. A. Donning has so far re-
coycel. from Ilia: severe illnessit's to be
able to drive out again and. intends'
visiting his home in Brooke county.
We sincerely Hope the visit may prove
beneficial to his health.—Mr. A Mc-
Kenzie, through the sale of ;one of his
imported stallions, realized, the }laud;
some suzn cf $2,000 from Orange-
tilld buyers.
The terrible rant on Sunday night
has drowned agreat nuanbor, of news
items. --The strong gale on Monday
rr:orxdng was so powerful as to take
the roof off one of Me. Thomas
Wraith's barns.- •Lan!;side can boast
of about 10 eases of grip (some have
ernbroider,y one}. —leliss Annie Find.
!aeon, of Ripley, acid John Slallow3,
of Goderich, were tine guests of Afro.
Jackson Tiffin, last week—Mr. Walter
Treleaven, of Lueknow, oconpied the
pulpit in the Methodist church • ou
Sunday morning.—At a recent busi-
ness meeting, ; which was held in the
itiethodirao church, Ware. Nr, 'Taylor
and J. Morrison Were appointed true.
t40at of. Wee eleett`elte.
Glenanrt n•
The pedagogic mottle bas fallen
upon the shoulders of Dir G M Rob-
ertson, student of Ottawa Normal
School. We welcome hire •to our
midst,— 11r- I'tiebard Arrnstroug had
a wood bee last Friday and iu the
evening a number of young people
tripped the light fantastic.---lwir G
Cozens, phrenologist and physio ne.
assist, of Wingbbre, gave a lecture in
the schoolroom on Saturday 'evening,
which was fairly ,well attended. We
understand he intended giving another
lecture on Monday evening, but on
account of sickness it is postponed
sine dia,=The influenza parasite from
Russia has invaded this district in
earnest,. The sehoel le closed aed •a
great many people aro ,prostrated.- .
tVe aro very sorry to say that aur
Stephen Piper is not making mull
progress towards recovering. -- mr
Torn Appleby has almost recovered
from his recent gun accident, --We
are . inforttied. that tt musicai, &c,
outertaintaertt will be held iii Eadio's
church sonic time this winter.
Monday's eyelone took in Bluovale
with other places, although not doing
much damage, The high stuuko stack
of 05 feet, betongiug to Duff & Stew.
art's tnihli was blown clown and
broken hits r, number of pieces, *It is
reported also that Mr I)utioan Camp-
bell's bare nn the first of Morris was
unroofed}...... Fences have suffered a
digjniuting.-»-Itev. A. Y nudes, ' is
we}l again and arbund. IIe took his
regular work ea Sunday, and ppreach•
ed at night izt. Vie Methodist + }lurch.
On Sunday morning, Bev W Ayers
of Gerrie, preached ria intercath';; and
excellent serruou in the liethodsaat'
Clrurdlt. The pastor, Rev 1 13 WWI -
win, preatlied at Clr,rtie.--Mr Philip
.l,'+i,14 re'd3611d1d ' $e
The annual ene.etin; nE the members.
of the East \VA:sveltaeh Agrioulturaal
Society was held in ticantdreet'ts Hotel
on Thin: iday of Inst week. A, large
number of members were preeeat, and'
Air. John Boberts.:n. president in the
chair. l'be auditors' report was reed,
allowing receipts to the amount of
$399.42, and payments in prilees &o.,
; 30u,88,leavirzu' a balauce in the Teslas-
urer's band, of 1+04.09', The balance.
.exceeds previous years, showing tree
moiety is prosp"ring under the ptesent
management. The followilag officers
tecta appointed ; Proside'ct, - Jolla
Rolzortson• ; ,Vice-presidi)nt, Charles.
Proctor; Directors, I2,, Sto•tebouse, \V
Scott, IL. Currie, Thos.. :f3 olby, Jas,
Owens, R. Sterlin4, B. Corley, 1).
Geddes, Jas liarrisori; Auditors, J.G,
Siat'watt,Jas, $orae; 'Treseurei',Chas 31c
Ulellrau+l; Sack>tary' Finlay Anderson.
=The wind of Monday meriting blew '
down the srneke•stack an Tyner's niiil
anal the flag pole at the Orange1,tll.
—A meeting of 'tint District U lenge
Ledge was held at Beigrave Tuesday.
---elr.. J. Nichol, formerly teacher in
S. No. 5, Morris, opened 1 a private
school bore Monday ay last, with about
f twenty pupils, Ile expects his classes
will be largely increased in a few days.
—Air L Pea•ren, shoemaker, has te-
moved from •�. , all store to his o l
n� c I, 1, s t e1
vdfr 1: s
:stand.. McKinnon a� - Powell, of
' Piyrli, havo commowed buying grain,
chiefly oats tied peas here. frank
Wheeler runs the se,ila's:--La grippe
has a number of victims in and around
1 &grave. The favorite preventive as
old rye, eta.
Zaat Wa arae osli•
A. eontest in connection with the e -
t 'Fri -
literary snoiety will _nice place on
day evetiing,Jan 24th. The captains,
John Solar and John Scott, have both
cltbaen good sides and the entertain -
meat will undoubtedly be well worth
attending.— D•ir John Anderson. is
recovering•from a severe iilnnss,�•
School was suspea ded in section No.
13.on Monday and 1'ueaelay, owing t
the illness of the teacher, Miss Jennie
Rath.—Mr J Tabi), formerly of Port
Hope, but lately of Bad Axe, 'Aliell,
is visiting friends in this loeality.—
Mr J Dingwall • is seriously ill with
inflammation of the lungs.•.•-,0onsidor-
able damage was done by the gale ou
Monday, is the way of blowing down
fences, trees, etc,—A echoers under
the ai spices of tie Ladies Aid
Society, will be given in the Vr estfield
church on Frulay•evenirig, Jan. 81st:
On Wednesday, the residents of this
township were shocked by the inteili-
genee that an' Campbell Hanna, of the
10•th concession, ' had coanmitted
suicide, The particulars, as they. ,
have been, cnrrently resorted; are:
On the morning in question, nsr Henuaa
informed the fancily that :he would
attend to the stock, and lett the house,
es the family thought, with that o tjeet
in view, but instead of doing so, he
started for the river.: He wal hissed
in a few aninutee, and search was .
made -for hint, and.: a . neighbor --air
Wm Deacon—joined in the searoh,.
and soon found mr • Iiauna'sl trucks ,
toward the river, and after following
thele} for a short distance, he .saw •sur
Hanna. Almost immediately after
being seen, mr Hanna approached the
river at a point 'where* the back ..is
high. and ' the water runttitag very
rapidly and deliberately. threw hizn•.
self in. The party in pursuit, shade
'every effort to recoil Air Fianna and
rescue him, but were unable to do so,
•until life was extdnot, eir Hanna Was
02 years of age, and it is said that for
some time he has.had some mental
trouble. Ile was in good . cireutn-
stances, end had soil his farm last
fall intending to ,:pend the remainder •
of hie days in Winghatn, having. fur.
chased a, reside see there, lie was
in \Vittgilant on Tuesday, and seorneel
in its good spirits as usual. Tire
family have the sympathy of the whole
Community in their .sora trial.
'Sir, Sables Berry; bf 1Iensall, has re=
oently purchased, stt a high ptioo the
thoroughbred running stallion,. "'dine
burg," from Ii erituek�r,
One day recently, Ales, Reid, of
I inloss township, 24 taking a dose of
twsdioiue mistook saltpetre fur what
he intended to take, and Itad it tact.
been for the prompt act 01 of those
around him itt giving attsli retne.lsee
to induce vomttiag as vera tut lurid
there is little doubt that thea d>itAg.
keg to Wean would have 44.4 fetal alto* •
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