HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 3TEMPERANCE CQLUMN., 008M 7orsn fix wu elfard Y, w. a. 'r, v, CLxile.> relay, It is said that ,thirty tliousand. people go to bed drunk in Glasgow every Saturday night. John Bright's first public speaking * was for the pause of temperance. John f3 Gough had no warmer , friend hi England than Mr Bright. The reason that Rome men can't mike both ends meet is because they are too busily'eugaged in making; one end' drink. There is. not 'a brewery nor a dis- tillery nor a barrel of bonded liquor in tate State' of ICansas. There is: but one pauper to every 1,358 of the population, and many of the city and. county jails are empty. Yet sotpe intelligent ' and respectable persons will persist in saying that prohibition in Kansas is a failure. Liere is a pod with good sound p's in it: Prohibition prevents poverty, protects property, promotes peace, 'produces plenty, ' provides pleasure, procures progress, •perpetuates pros perity,.prophesies paradise. If the money expended in whiskey and war -ships by this country war put into missions, Christianity would conquer the world in a decade. What ails papa's mouf? said .a sweet little girl, Her bright laugh revealing her teeth white as pearl. I love him, and ' kiss him, and sit on his knee, But the kisses don't smell good when he kisses: mel Bev. Geo, Richardson and the Liquor Traffic. ' On a recent; Sabbath evening, the Rev. Geo. Richardson, Pastor of the North street Methodist church, Goder- ich, preached a sermon on the liquor traffic. Ile took for a text 2nd Chronicles, 15: 8, from which he showed the depravity of human nature as :exhibited in the old fermis of idol worship. Then he showed the evil of our modern "National Drink idol" —(1) Itis expensive --it destroys over' two million bushels of grain and wastes. 32,000,000 of our money annually; "(2) It is fascinating—the' conviviality .of the treating syeteni frequently drags to ruin our brightest and best,..: (a)- The example of igen high in authority helps to make drinking popular. (4) The, worship of this drink idol is demoralizing. (5) it is aa'inuch the duty of our Govern. ment to destroy thin drink idol as it was for king Asa to pat down 'tile idol worship of .his time. +(6) The pulpits tyill continue to educate toward prohibition. (7) Good men in all churches andbtrue temperance men oe both sides of 'pceitias should unite on 'this one • question. Prohibition, said the preacher, could be carried now if we were united. At the .close oi;, the sermon) over seventy signed the total abstinence pledge. Their Comimon Names. Aqua fortis is nitric acid. Aqu renis, is nitro-n.uriatie acid. Blue vitriol via sulphate of copper:. Creatn of tartar is bitartrate votes- - sit}ru. Calomel is chloride,pf mercury. , Chalk is carbonate of calpium, Salt of tartar is ealponitte of, po- tassa. Caustic potassa is hydrate pots = eium. Chloroform is chloride of fortnyle. ()otnmon salt'ixoi loi•ida of "s^dium. Copperas,or green xitriol, is'sulphate of iron, Corrdsi.ve sublimate if bichhiride of , mercury. • ' Dry alutri' is , su,iphate aluminum and po`Aseium. Epeo n 'salts is sulphate of,niaRnesia. Ethiops,�inineralie blaek,sulphale of 1peruury. ' Fire datinp is light carburetted hydrogen. Galena is Sulphide of lead, Glauber's',salt is'snlphate of sodium, Clucose is grape sugar. . CTyularcl Nater is basic acetate of 1,ead. Iron pyrites is bisulphide: iron. tieweler's putty Is oxide of tin, mans yellow is sulphide of arsenic. Laughingg gas is protogide of nitro- gen. • Limo is o%ide of oaioium. Lunar caosti(i is nitrate of 'silver. htosiao gold is bisu phide of an. Muriate of lime is chloride of cal: eium. Nitre of saltpetre is nitre of potn:sh. Ulf of vitriol ks sulphuric aet.1. Pote.ih is oxide of 1t,,tasaiuln, 11:'ntlger fe sulphide of araeino. liddl.•ad 10 oxide of lead. Itnst troy, ie oxide of Iron. .ta AAS ,f444 Slaked limo is hydrate ealsium, Soda is oxide of sodium. Spirits of Ilarteborn is ammonia, Spirit"s of salt is hydrochloride of muriatic add. Stucco, or plaster of Paris, is auk phate of live. Sugar of lead is acetate of lead, Verdigris is baric acetate of copper 'Y'o OUR SUI$SCRIBF,RS, Tile SPECLIL A,zmouricamsNT which appeared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrange- ment with Dr. B. J, KENDALL Vo , of lnoeburgh. Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise.ou the Hose and his Dias eases," whereby our subscribers were Vermillion is sulphide of mercury enabled to obtain a copy of the vain• Vinegar is acetic mild 'diluted, ,. Volatile alkali is a'mtnoiiia. Water is,oxide of hydrogen. White precipitate is ammoniated mercury. White vitriol is sulphate of zinc. —Boston JJournal,of commerce.. The pleasantest thing in; the world, are pleasant thoughts, and the great I art in life is to have as many as possi• bl e.—•iitLO>L. • There are a great many ups and downs in .alis world. The latter we know of and the former we hear of. BANK OF HPMg TON, v7 11.1-6-1-1 .z9_avx Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $4b0,000. $resident -JOHN ETuAtr. Vice•rresident—A. 0, RANMAY. DIRECTORS JOON PROCTOR, Crlse, GURNEY, GEO ROAcIr, A. T' WOOD, A. II Las (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savings Rank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposits' also received , at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, S'OLICITORS. DA,VIS IS OFFERING QN '.ARM •1=1:2,01=MI:VMy', AT VERY LOW RATES. SSM 13TM T OFFICE—OPPOSI- T'i-itE `iVI,ARKET. .wr\ol!A]I ()dolma 4'raI. 1858 •., Hello! �a�e %1 tried egroieutof Health oilet Soap It expalS1$e. CHISHOLM:S CORNER 'DRUG Wingilam Agency. • STORLn, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Meet Successful Ssa►edy ever dfbcoT eyed; as it it certain in its *Ewe and doe. not biuter ; MOW yroo6below. i ENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 077107 07Oakum, A. Sams, „As 8asserat or , tt its( utasD DLT aifD TBOT'ruG BkLD Boa. t •A '::Mdob, ILL, Now.�P, lriti6 tale. R. T >isxDart.Cq n Deer Sire I here 'Mewl purchased our Ks. dank Elwin Cure by the belt dozen bottler, I Would -'tie prices i&larger quantity. I thfnit it le Wi cheat the best liniments on earth. 1have alit .oatay stables for three' years. a.:i, Your. truly . Crus. A. 81IYDI . KENDALL'S ; SPAVIN CURE., inioorutx, X. 7., November 2.13. Lr. Os. il. 3. Trusua.00. Pear airs: I desire to give y�oft teetimonIei'of thy hood oppinion of your Kendall'. apuvin Cure: 'bore used It . for Leipteness, Stiff Jolutbt • avid ��ppnyine,andLi?And inditapurecure,tcotrdl- dllg recommend 1 horsemen. Yourr trulj A. li. Glrfftl' I r; ifanegbr Troy Iaunitlyr 81655 ,. NDALL'S SPAVIN CURE bu II, t� KsitWAT.L 0 . COMM, anto,beo,10, eiss. Gantt tIt@mlII♦nrittyyduty tosoy what rhare done with your /caution, Spavin Cure. /have Cured twentynAvo horses that hnd Sp' vi , ten of Ring t ne, n rte amieted w th lDia :Head and seven o. i aftw sine�rr i bevo hha�t ode of year bt aka an follow ,I the dltetione, I liars never 1001s CMG Ind. Yours truly, ANDRE*? Ttlntnkn; • horse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN OUR i able work rune by sanding their ad. dress to B. J. KENDALL do Co,, (and enelosing a two -cent stamp for mailing sauce) is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining ,this valuable work. To every lover of the Florae it is indis• pellsable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict the noble animal. .Its phenominal sale tbroughotit the United States and,Clanada, make it standard author- ity Mention this piper Mullen sending for ''Treatise." O. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart us follows: LEAVING ,5:35 a. In .. .. For Toronto 2:15 p, m .t 2'15 p, nt For Teestyatcr ARRIVING 5.35 a, m :15 pan 2.15 10:30 p. rn " 10:30 a RA1� 2� TRVN"I R,7' A. C. STRATHDEE, AGENT, wINORA3r, Throuwet,, Pas cific Coast, etc,, viathe shortest ah tickets to all points in nd l popular routes. Baggage checked through to'. destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. " ----TIME TABLE. LEAVE WINanAM, ARRIVE AT WINOIIASI, 10:30 is. m.Toroato.Ouelph, Palmerston, &o. 3:30 p.m. 3:40 ,m.. ''0:10 " p• " Clinton,Gunto" 7:25 " Palmerston, mixed., .• ,.10:15 a.m. 6:45 a.m ....London, &c..........11.00 3:40 p.m, i:45 p,m, 11:10a,ni....Kincardine ,&c 0:30.a.m. 3:30 p.m 11:10 11:10 " 1000 6:50 p.m B.ARBE.3,i, SHOP. ATR, .MALCOLii 141GDONALD,R LATE OF RIPLEY,) Har mg purchased the barbering business of Messrs. Sebastian ll,ros., Is prepared to give all,old customers and as ninny new ones as patronize liiui, satisfaction in all lines'ol• thb profe•ssion: • SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are nix specialties. .Oive ins a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon and Sli.intyr'e'is store," M. MCDONALD. 1=-191'isitr'`S'ron,'3y"• *fir:: r S. \JI UACEY .' Supplies all 'necessaries, for fun . eral furnishing llelving•a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of business, ' All orders attended personally, and 'delivered' any: where within 10 lnile's of Wing: ham. Remember the place, first door south of the big brickllotel on the main street; Wingllam, smearamtrasexessiorsinenuastarawasseso The Best' Falniiy Newspapea;, in Canada! # i< ,EsTAnLI6iiED 1' /IARLY HALF A•A (iR\TORY, XLVG OF Tk1114 ltrL'EKLIES. 1889-90. —• FREE PRESS LONDON, ONTA1IO. THE HANDSOMEST PRINTED PAPER IN THE DOMINION, " ALL THE N. EWS IN Sy Telegraph, Tolephond, Mall, and Correspondence up to'tho hour of publication. Illustrations, Practical ani 'Useful, are, given each week. Special Market Department. Agricultural Department. Capital Story always Bunning. Ingenious Puzzle Column. Humorous Beading. Just the Thing for the Family! Every member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. , '" The Agricultural Department is a noted feature of the "Free Press," being 6hvays ftp to,thotimes, and conducted by, persons practically skilled Ihfarm ' work. Large $1:00 Paper, Iit olubs et tour and'upwntaa, 76e. each. Balance of 1889, Free, HANDSOME CNRISTMA8 NUMBER, AND POUR CHRO1UMOS ()leen away free Of charge. to 'very subscriber for 1500. Artiste who tutee soon the advance Ante Of the Chriatm. s number pronoun c it n • petit," hod alOno worth the price of the subseript?on., A.Eenta Wanted levorywhoro -Liberal Canli (;omnii,;sion Allowed, The most poi0tnla?? paper 50 'cork for. More mnn'y San ho made daring thn tall and *inter beala,I workinx t..r the "Free Prwe" than at any other 1 antplovinvit. Athirst": FOR TIIE BEST VALUE ORDDRjD CLOTHING, x . HATS, --GO TO---:-- E.BSTER'S CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, &C,. Cheap for KASH. . AT. WEB$TE 'S litgonD to Alf De SUTHERLAND 1 Wishes to state that he has moved into the store lately ocupied. by T. A,,111i11ea and has just opened up a Large stock of WOOD ' AND COAL STOVES, of every description. A, special invitation is extended to biose requiring PARLOR WOOD STOVES, .. our stock in this line being very complete. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS ' in 'endless variety, 0, Tt2'2'J,RMT of the best makes. 2'2N W R ►.l'IT ii 1"l, 1:t. FURNACE. HEATING AND REPAIRING promptly attended to, and aII work guaranteed satisfactory. . S' Remember the place—Mills' old stand, Josephinii street, Wi.nghanl. D. SUTHERLAND. p UFFIELD: a. • NEW PATENT TOP MILK ciu:, Cans,, „Milk Sap Ap.okets a:4,ot Milk Parisi A QI,eirerything la; Om Dain lig. k 1 . AY_ E T I .All . ', .. S Jit C . i Il THE CIT r GROCERY CH,^iitsiGED' HANDS. J. READIN Having purcliu,,sed ,1i. 1liscock's" g>rgceiy , and made heavy per= cheeses in - GENERAL.. G'ROQERIES,, awl: PROVISIONS,. ' 1 sAIN rot &tem Htr ilea nary AI2P.,tVxiGI',; 1 1T,'', and offers SOLID EA GA iS VOR CASH Try moods and ascertain Denies. Come pod see, A. C TOZCE S'Ih.001t.Oli'.Gl,, lt•I1E ' SEEDS fii trotiSENt LD Px.,Ammer . J. READING. THOUSANDS DP DOTTLES gIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When i bay Ours I do no ma, NOUN AItAtil*A 'b the aces ea 1 O-HE'FI ly t s stop Cham for a taut•, arid .hest 16. I have made t