HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 2e 'eon), in fortunateiy for mt•,aud when we returteed from ouri,out'ym'.tou the volunteer cetnp was in full awing. It (seemed to hue that when they were not eetivdly Engaged in drill 'ori ,shoot. i ing for prizes, the treater portion of j4117" eRQWN MgNp$,» Z4 t1,e voluntavrrs occupied their ilea ill drive "^' w:Iking up and clown in froth of itty ANUAR,' " lo, f13ilo. he the eon's from tho posture through the lima shauy tuuV, the quad whistles loud latttt} wheat deki, ellow with ripening grata. 'Viler flied; to the ,tJhleir'wavtnggratece, Where the scarlet lippedatrawberry grows, Thar gather the earnest snowdrops, sped the first erjprn a bods of the root, They toss tie hay to the Meadow, They gather the elder blooms whites, They And where the dusky grapesPurie In the tsoft. tinted October light. i Thor know -where the apples 1 i ug deed) Thou. know whereetium Italy's wines; the Sruft lathe thicket* On the tong, thorny blackberry winos.. 'They gather the denote sea weeder, Aad build tiny cranes of s+wd; The piek+,p the beautiful sea shad-. Fairy barks that have drifted to laid. They wave from tha tau. rocking tree tope. Where the orioles hammock nest swing; And at night time aid folded in eIuwber Icy n'4 song that is toad wether slugs. Thosii who toll bravely aft strongest; The humble andneor b Asiafror#r.tlroao brown hooded anorerr' Shall grow mighty riders et state, . The peof the author and etatesma;a„ The otible and wisp of our land; 'The sword and chisel and palette Lan be held in the little brows band, Tlnx Haven Nevi. A MYSTERIOUS CASE. only two ist the e to .l'.'otkesto deep moa t you would kine man, and afterw,u,rde, a narrow' never can (3t ether what me was t l,is.-can natural •e' sl)ttl for human sympathy; or whether, h use an A : ra canism, he was there la filling ron•up. It was not only my fellow traveller' retreating forehead, but the nature o Itis .travelling; literature, that cause me to look upon hint as sot• ething other than an intellectual giant. In he first place he was reading Isis Unveiled. Tile Proceedings of ,.the Psychical Society wits there, too,' and fat book, in very .large type was abelecl, Fragments ,and remains . of adame He was.good enough to offer me the end of one of hips beaks, and, like an s, I'gave a eraort of indignation and aved it off. 1 Have no sympathy with Such binge, 1 said. ^ A skeptic, I perceive, said he polite- yI look upon the whole thine', sir, l; eplied,; as bosh and humbug; miser. ble trash, wretched balderdash, nn ortby of notice. , And then I glared; 1 tried to silence the little man in ep.rnourning by 'looking as much ke the Gordon• Medusa aa possible. ar from being turned to'.stone, he reply began to sit on the backs of is hands, than which nothing is isore dignified and irritating, • was like you once, be paid with ; yes, I was a scoffer once; hut ave been bitterly punished --in fact, incredulity.wait *the 'cause of my Pavement, and he pointed in a etnn. manner to the deep black hat d he wore, When I looked up at Me hat band saw the man's name printed in tIe gold letters upon his travollieg g, which lay en the :rack above his ad ---Mr Augustus Boobyer,• " When had 1 heard the name course it comes to iris in obyert that was the man who ran with little Betty Star`eley, of the �r`olttytheatre. :[ ata not a theat- v1 roan, but 1 Bata Mies Starelev in celebrated ballet Of 'The Swal. n,* and very pretty indeed she look- ivctlt herr big eyes, her curly black e ,end her dot of a mouth, She was tatty Istinp.little nonentity tilt she fried Boobvee, when he 'became. fee 'days' wonder.. Then she deft. stage ; disappeared front the pike 'at hera� wiedow.flea hd liialiody ever ,el any :mem of Mass .E`etty Stareley. °e not so very long ago, he began, it were my privilege to letcd to the an eitceediegly+ lovelygirl. I leaped the very ground ebe teed sfr. My Wife wee so elraeeeivi}- ed looking Jit to attract consider• etteretiatt, wherever sll'e went. I tondo( it at fhretr 'hot afttsr a .Alit began id pall. My Wife,air tette i experiereed giut,irtid she Mine via li rlitriefay lx, end it tirade. its oohi• oIfuriesat t,a thee.. We were theoccupants Ja compartmentexpress tra frohn Londonn My cot ?anion was inruing. was not w hcall an i tellectnal loci on think ing it. over I remennb that; he. hadand retread') forehead: T kite make It Tay mind whether my y' fell() traveller told he alhsolut truth; whethertide,Iroe wa c tetsad by theyearning of hi of in n- ee Hr g p w e 8, s good naturt tl' girl, rase at ouoo,.1 1 could reinee, trate . J.1t,tlsieur deo ed her to*chez little table in tektite of the stage. clow lovely Melted ask she, stood in the well l terse of the Greek ,slave, with eta bends.1 I noticed, too, that wore the diainond riviere •.that Ihouse,i,hetrdlw to get a glihnpee at my boon my wedding gift. The conj covered her with the great extiugt er. Spirits of the vast heavens, me 1 he shouted, in a Bort' of sc of entreaty;' He ` knocked over extinguieher, My wife lied di geared ! W There wee a tremendous round applause, i:r wl'icle I joined ; bo didn't quite Like it all the game, the go$ :went out as is by magic, felt myself entidenly seised by wrist, and the ;voice of Raeder his in city ear, iny, poor friend, enmeth very terrible has bapptned :. , y wile has been' carried off by the had rant h,pirits ;,, but, lie added, molted gotticafly, 1 will save her or perish the attempt. There Wee .a pause, 1 bavo><tever seen pay wife, sir, fr dayto this, said the little In ae he buried , his face in. his ha It vies ,the vengeence , of then dpi world upon •anti whe was a what you are, try. frig id—a ;t eco and an unbeliever. Have you never searched for h. I said, What would be the 'use? staid t little Man. Just then•the train rolled into t station of Foikestbne harbour, And the conjurer 1 said 1. Re must have met with a simil fate, said lc 1r; 73nol yer, who was co letting his impedimenta ; for•lhe rev game to receive the money taken the. doors, ,efori4 Reite the: she lo sped she bad. urer iish- help reaut. the. Bap •of t 1 Then 1 the aged ing,. Mir ra- • itt tom an, ads. rii, on Iyer• he beautiful wife. Poi not. exaggerating —not the least bit. At last, how^ ever, it became unbearable to both of us. We determined to seeti anlitutte, and found it at Herne Bay. Herne Bey is the most solitary Alai I know, It is frequented by persons of limited wane with large families. There is a pier a mile loug,. We passed a delightful fortnight at Verne Bay, but. it wee' dull, terrible dull. :We ws'r$ both,; feeling rather lord, whew,I made an acq�iaint,hnoe wide I was fishing for bees with . a rod from the pier head. I used to fish 1 there the greatstepare of . the , after- noon. I had never caught anything; 1 but at a. place dike Herne. Bay one must do something. He pet$ a very decent. young fellow, and took a great interest in hay fishing. . If I had known at the time who he was, per. haps I shouldn't have been quite so ready to forgather with, bink. The. fact is the was a professsioual conjurer, but. he was a most gentlemanly young fellow and decidedly good' looking. Ile talked about spiritualism; lie was an tirivanceil thinker, and I from the lofty pinnacle of hay erase ignorance, looked down upon the whole thing' as. bosky, humbug and balderdash. Here, still sitting on his bands, he smiled irnpertinerptly at hoe. Monsieur ICardp4 ( for that was his. professional name) tried to convince. roe, but in vain, Our stay at. Verne Bay was drawing too a close, I'm going- to give a little seance here to morrow night, said Monsieur Kmiec, I shall be he ar l- er at • b Phil and Roy, be greatly pleased if yoti would carne Tell usa story Uncle Phil, said Ito and look at the. 'wonders the s hits and Archie, reaming to him. will perform.. Don't Ilutiiiliato ri e b What about said Uncle Phil, as Itob y' climbed on hie right 'knee and Archie offering to pay at the door, here are on his loft. a couple of tickets. Oh, about something that happened I. was about to decline, but my wife to you, said' Rob. s rave me an appaling look from those Sornething when you were a little neat eyes of hers, which dial. not a�'- boy, added Archy. d peal'in vain. W'e'll come with pleas. [Ince when I was a little boy, said ure, said I, and I thought no niore "Uncle Phil, I asked rny mother to let about the matter. ' boy and myself go play by the river. As wo walked home we stopped to . Was Itoy your -brotherasked read one of the posters. ' It was the I Reb. orclinary programme—spirit rapp%u , No but he was. very fond .of playing thought reading,clairvoyance,and.foll_ with tie. My mother said yea; so we owed a rather extraordinary statement: went out and had a good ,teal of sport. Monsieur ° Kardec, after. part the first,:!!after a while I took a shingle for a will,pive au magma" of uioderh cm ` boat and sailed it along the bank. At jurieg and presticei;itatiore. without 1 lrist it began to get into _deep water, appar..us or accomplices. The whole : where I couldn't reetlh.ik'witii "si atiek trill coheclude with the mysterious dies. ` the I told Roy •to go and bring it to appearance of a .lady selected from 1 i„e. - among the audience:. We bout rather r He almost always - did what I told looked forward to the entertaiment as . hiss, but this time he did not. I a break to the dull monotony of our beganscolding him and he ran towarddaily round at Iieroe. Bay, home. Punctual to the tithe; we presented ! T,hen I was very an ry.. 1: picked and•' upa stone andthrew,it at. him tabard ourselves at the assembly rooms, were the sole occupants ot what were as I coal's. . , termed the reserved fauteuils, which 0 Uncle Phil ! said Archie. R ,1 ea , and A it were two rows of ordinary cane hot- dust then •.cloy turn d t s h d torn chairs. I bolt"t: thinthinkthere' were st•ruc 0 Uncle cls P oyes the eye. °ty people in the race altogether. Phil 1 cried Bob. The first part of the performance was Yes' I made lief stagger.. I3u he eeply interesting. Looking back a olitnd cry and lay down pip the snot, it calmly as Ido now, andsp speak- bround. ° p Bee/ lyes still -angry with tether, I 9 inti with the authority of one who didnot go to hint, but waded into the i nows, said the little man (and the water for sty boat. re of entdhusiasm flashed in This vinery eyes), I ata convinced' that Eefore it was deeper wasthin i thought, w ousiene hardeo was a powerfnt efor•s . knew it I :a 'strong 0 esthetes Then followed art two current. 1 screamed as at carried the p ZS down stream; but no inen were near S but which there wail nothing very to help me. einarkable , there were ordinary feats et ,f slelgfit of'.!snd"-good, ainiple eon' But, as .L went dawn tinder ' the et wring of the old school. And then. me a cl draggedtere, something took hold of m ot,siHur I(ardeo addressed as In a iw the .towards shore. ti tort lecture. He told us diet what Awls when I was tetra on H the hank T i~ e wits clout to do before one eyes ,' a that it was Roy. I3e had i;aved y ir1 wag no trick, no jtigglrs.... in fact, said bi Good follow t there is no deception whatever. Was he yea coedit i" p 'is, he"added solemnly, the work of asked ' replied at o spirits. I did not pay match M W° roplred Uncle Phil, an anon to whet I', lesojced upon then flat did you say ted. liter ? nttlted then idle patter of, the professional. A toile. en injurer. 1 her++s sstxee had reason to, Iva t my arms around the � dear ca ange ray mind, and thee hegave a fllow i nem Jti,cl eried,i,nd asked him an to forgive me, th ep sigh. Mdnsieur Reale() exhibit• What did he say ? asked Rob. ' a su to bis the ordinary big acardboard inguisher. And, new, seid he. if He anis 8", seta, wow 1 cal y lady will kindly step , bxwar'. 'x liy, who was. Roy, anyway? asked ins 1 1 ale her to dsstepr.ar by , 1 Archie, in greet netonis intent,• . be came or ^rLiy ft<npti tr Vides, He was my dog, said Uncle Phil and p• d the best dogI. ever saw. 1 have• to e gentleman at thu.pittua , begun to never been unkind to is ' (Tog or ally : the ay the ghost Cody •from The otoer animal since' and I lupe Cor lirotheta. I shover hear thatp you but hirw, said then little man, het ..it navar will he.•Syd`ney payee to Out the Litt e mak my flesh ereep.• le Nee, uli obocl volunteered. t his y htonoiehir The following advertittement muter fire rdee w,ta. evidently disconcerted the head of ' Wife wanted' is ir, a they ice and tz"entlemeih, he said, if no. Batesville, Akk,. pipet.: Any i;el' ,nus Wiltoblige mos 1 shall (so Unable to• e'I:at's got a lied, a coffee pot and a Hie you this • "'ittreteetini;- experiecee, skillet, knows liotvtocut out breeek+e$, lead n he epoeeled to my wife.-eku,utake a huaitine pfdifte and knows epee dtittle, het said, vote would confer an . hoar to bike mire of dltltsren, can have .tad Milli) On M e' if yeti would ;otue to my sorvices until death parts both of ,t r 1•sj it,r;uee., us. ulryI d k d 1f a 'tl It he It tli to as 50 cli de ed set ,,n Lvil itto; 'Ill pl Co tun n,a MIT A r1UltrMi t,rN 'rnu Br:ocr,i l.il, 13U't' YOU' N5'.'Ilt FINA TitE•• awn er -er. The drummer always brings the tat• est trick. Here it is, lays. the Lewis. ton, Me., d onrnai Toho a spool of white basting cot- ton. .Drop Moto your inside peat pocket sand, threading a needle with it peas it np through the - shoulder of ttetas tFi� tl hellcat- of la 'ft -- which ie required for its i,t,urielapl;, ee Williiun A, Hnuon .nd, AN ASK =C c flelt14 .. -•.•,, Cartons Uabinaieuty, lt;pnur}•s *ad, 0004 to.t,N of rift Miat ;utih►ta Ship's throw. The' British steamship Astor Hall, which arrived here a few days ago front Liverpool with a cargo of saleand pboew your +Vat .and take off the needle.. and Cr•ehs now wharf,, is th eod j the tourQueen s is the ol+lect of touch Ji' ur men out offiva will: try to pick ' interest in the Third {district at present, that whale thread out of your sgouldai, The cause of attraction in the crew of the vessel, one of do most unique ,seen here/ for some time, ooauiopolitanr as flow Or.. leans rightfully claims to be. The salt- ors in. question comphise forty -sir io- hanhirhedans, whose garruents of white: cotton with red turbans for lieadje • contrast strongly with the copper col, ored visages of the wearers., The wetilth- er yesterday was not pertiealarly° warm. and the sight of the crew as the wei';e. of the play. Everybody was rapt. I j at work clischargiug the cargo In sin*, was sittiue bolt upright, and didtet mer attire was ihiculated tapend a shill know or cater to knew a tical around down the back of the nuoet'indifferent ns, when suddenly I felt some one (• observer; The peculiarities t4f the petty tugging; at that besting cattorp that [ l e, their dress, but also apply to their however, are not confined exclusive. - myself had clean:forgotten. I did not say a 'word and did not move. Foot by foot it unrolled. Half glancing around I sae' a man --a. total stranger -..yanks- ing at that thread. Ilia faue was scarlet. He had puiled out about ten and will pull oil the spool until it actually does seam as though your clothes were all timings, and that they were unraveUiug not only .your clothes but'yourself, I was in to see Wilson Barnett in Claudine in Boston last week, said the travelling clan. 11 was in the Most interesting and pathetic portion bablts and customs, which are even moi^o markedly singular, They eat no beef muspork, o prepgred,�coo ed m dhaeyr by people of their own roue. Two casks are ,employed by the ship, yards and was now hauling in hated fur this purpose. They fare principally e over hand, He didn't dare, to stop upon rice and curry, huge pots of which end serve4 because he had decorated ney book 1 with u varare cooked ying monfor otony for ,rea.ttfast,'' and. the whole aisle with cohort bast ing. He hardly ,dared go ahead, for !dinner and supper. The rich is'boiled he didn't know what part of tlsy ! potindedr in tlhe primitimethodsve style and e whish domestic interior euononay lie was l prevailed among them a thousand years trifling with Rip ! Rip ! He yank. ago. A queer irlea'with tient ir! thatthry ed it in. The aisle was full of it. hand of the stranger is sacrile iqus and For tfeavens sake 1 will it never endi'.contaminates their food, 'which would said he above his breath. I sat par -1 be intmec iitteIy disdained if ever sub, feetly etil! and ran.the spool while he 'Jetted totlie simple touch of tiny other pulled.: How I , wanted to "yell:. 1 i race. This also applies to;theirl cooking nexer saw anyt hfrtg half 80 funny, : utensils and all cooking implements ern - They didn't know :whether to laugh at •they eat by but the slicem. Sometimes for a'mu go a me or hien, and some looked on ,aniaa-;p must be ed at th® spectacle, At cast • the k,lled by their butcher secretly, so that � even the eye of the Christian map not stranger gave one frantic rip and gaze upon the slaughter, yanked out abort- 11 yards on one ! - With some tribes of the race the Mea bunch, and as the cotton got- twisted , is even carried still further, the shadow, around his watch chain, 'over hie , of a Christian falling upon their food eyeglasses, in his very hair and filled' unfittini; it for use. A visit to their his lap, I turned around and pruritic - revealed quarters iter inteheforwardendof the ship ing the spool from ' hay pocket said : fact that,. though cleanli. I ant very much obliged for your ;aces is one of the injunotiong of the 1,20- ints;rest and very eget) that } misled 1 homed f faith, they were palpably>ig- you: You see that I have about 124 sake. of its desirability fCr .its overt RS yards Ir£t, but I resume that 1'sa,lre. Tile room in which .they were': , p you , gathered at the evening meal war their' don't care for any more to -night. I sleeping quarters, and also served, as a am Iso,Iebtiy sorry; but I can't helg' smolrih,groom anti pantry, as revealed smiling, i y portions of a quartered sheep, b was suspended frm the ceiling;' which The air was heavy with tlho fames of The. man wan a modest ssirt of gen. tleinan in appearance. FIN face was red as fire even to has errs. He looked l tobacco smoke of a dued from cheroots, which such ofllar flavor, prv.:.`' sages;,then at the spool. I3eoltau:e3urlh of the p ! sailors who, lead finished their evening calor once or twice, and then^ as 'the;• crowd caught on a big laugh event op right in one of the painful passages of Cllatdian, and the gentleman who had intended to pull that thread of joined in the laugh and said, I will square that up on my wife when I'get home; but, my friend, .1. swear to heaven that I did think at one erne' that I was going to undress you where you sats. It catches every time, and my own wife has been fooled twice on it. To *lake the Heart t5trong. Now.there is but one legitimate way f taking; the heart strong. ,That s by taking regular, systematic and uifficieirt muscular exercise, into hich climbing heights or staircases niers as a prohhiineut feature, Let a erson who Jidda his pulse increasecl fty to sixtybeats in a Minute after minting a staiteice climb a intndred eircases day after ua^v for a month or ore and he will find that the exer ori does not add ten -beats tce the cental nutnnber.of his heart throbs, be exercise has acted upon this vital gan just as it dots on the biceps of it PR' fighter or ra blecks,nitlr, and ; rength and the capacity for endur ee ht}s beent'the result. But this is not all the good that tvifl gained by climbing a,hunctredsticir- see qday --say fifty 'utile morning d I ftyr in the sfteriiooii. Doubtless o person with a weak heart has were puffing; rigorously. Perhap10.,. one of the most curious features of the reporter's visit was the sight of these .. people at supper. Eight or tent ,inert 'were seated tailor fashion around a Largo basin of rice, in the center of 'which. was a cure- sauce of about the consist- ency of honey, The Erindoostanese would dip hinright hand into the dish, unmindful of table etiquette, and, rolling up into r wad about a handful of the rice, wculdflavot' it with a little curry and then transfer tihe.nrorsel'to'his mouth, His neighbor would then proceed to do`likewise, until the whole ci:roole was eoinpleted, The interpreter, who, accoinpanied the're- porter, stated that the Wren never used the left hand in eating, and.. that before and after each meal, they cleaned their., mouths thoroughly. • They possess fine teeth, a distinguish ing feature which is found even among; the aged. While tho Mohammedan creed enjoins that they shall offer. prayer to .Allah four or Sive tales a day, they hared, . sntiorlike, grown indiffereut to the' strict decreescleanly, of their religion. They arb ver however; and bathe every day, no Wetter how cold the tveetiher fnaybe., They are, of course, teetotaIists, it being a breach of their religious faith to touch the' tempting arras, ': As gaiiors, they were safc to.compare 'nthfav'orably with the 1;nglish its propos tions of four to one, adds in oases or �. emergency two 1Jngli'sh batons were worth a boatload ot tlae. This teas: due to the fact that they were fatalists, pure and simpte,aod that nothing could alter the mysterious vierkings of Al Tho ltehanrnedans speak only R'indoo' der ed more ter less froth what is stamen, and were engaged` at Bombay. led nervous d less in'. His food about three ntonthtc ago, thh agreement, teas. of being properly digested, has 'sh' shipping articles being ore. • they en linanityfetrneuted in his stomach should Lon retained twelve to' thatnport at the 1 bas caused Iiia vttiiona thncorufor. .At egery nett/ mOOli tli 4t; bli'feelitsge, which lin: has been .in and sing, Their the;cisiaises be e. hlti',it.o£ attributing -to s beehi in helda'ksunrise and sunsetxerchses being the proper e. i ot`ovly have This is tho fihxt' trip of the sten hi' h'un gyred rxtiriates or sn spent in Astor Bail to this port, Navin it ttltnug staircasr.s put strength into ou y been eng ag od iir.tlhe L�orihl y Loge, expanded his chest and saved ire T•lverpool. -•Neat/ drleaaaT#rtie heart from fatty degeneration, butt "�`�".'� have given tette act lint abdominal `-y-+• cies and to filet digestive organs, Rgv :curliest WGodswor f sod lid longer dice like a lung) of holt► Superintetiderat of tb` of=iy in iia etoniaoli, torpor has ells- .storm, has caws to Ohrt iolJOdiet biro. aves from (What; wA phybit.ans call the .next few I1,ol,tl a tel +acing which for the Saito of delicacy, Weretittgs alis preaoliii,g sea f'r'i"c utast tines' denignat s abed: j lhhg flue interviste of inflssi,u,s its Mxnlfpba °rustle, tissce31L) ,brad his •aystnu.t.alis Hitt ivltll•wt;new Ra Lao ady rive The Mad oblig mv" C. . } • rw It: A