HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-17, Page 1i, • w VOL. XIS.. ---NO 3. LOCAL 114WS, -See program fox I)airyfrudd'a d'at uerse 17th, iu W1.1, GUAM, ONT., I'RIDA. JANUARY 17, 1890. WHOLE N wad .bili of fare upper anti aonoert on another 'colunole. Cjyysters done itp in any style e.t R FIi11'e, o r t en's 400kstores Iloti Oa •.,. fc D d wife left for their f apex h "'' :1 stn Monday teat. The boat of , rho towns �laple folio -.,1i<',=<l. BeitFiend' in his name, not for ii , brit an a pantos tee, of =good fait' ,wesvri11 publish his artiole. •Wes, will not p blish articles nuless this ssandition is co plied with, '-if you.'' want a geuwoe good clothes wri°uge* go and see those kept by Ternes•A China ds 'Ca Something new, Very cheap. The follong have" been ; eleoted es Crs for MaHand Lodge, No, 119, I 0 O F, for the p oiila •eseub term; It Allen, X Cr; E Mori•egor;Cie S Merrifield', R S; T J Elliott, P S; IF Brockenebire, Treas. • MrT It ilier, lately with Mr M H AISIndoo, is now iu Detroit, and has Soured a go positiou with one of the hest lures in he city. • Itis many friends. in 'iTliuglium vilkbo glad to hear that is doing weii. eetiug of Minerva Encamp- () OF, elle following officers, or the curet+ret term; Neil ?; arch Barber, S W; Thai R 1!;liiott, j iV; til Merrifield, --Dr ATa0donal Wednesday, toart tart' duties, - ,`Afr John'Uoo oar load df tiara day, per Cs, T. a, --Last week,.. n giving the directors elected fox the ingliern Horticultural Seciet3•, tate one. of Mr J A..Morton was in advertently°„ teed Suet arrived, 20 •boxes nice oranges fog '.Inas trade,, froze 100 to 40 centra per dozen,' ae It 1Ii11's. t' -Tho members elect of the ;Alunioipal Council for 1890 0 the Town of tVinghuo will meet at the G tumid Ohatnher,an 11 ton- day noxt,;Tenuarry 0th, at 11 o'clock, a in, for orgauizatiou, • Theenauy fri Ads of Conductor 'John Billie, hof the G' R,. will be glad to learn that he has taken harge again of Iris old train ou the Lon' on, IIurbn and Bruce branch, Mr W Snider, assutrlee his old{ruu-from P tnerston to 'Hamilton, • --Gents' clothes cleaned, dyed, .repaired and pressed also ladies' oats and dresses dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guaranteed" Sho . "ort Victoria, Sb., nest doer :to Abre- barn a shoe shop, Ie. Mieorierse -It having bee currently teporeed that Mr Jos Bullar , draymem, intend - ea leaving' Wit chem, he wishes it distinctly uudere od that he has no in- tention of leavin the town, but will, as in,. the past, give sir of attention to the' iu- bores of his ou omers. left for Ottawa, on Tile M'4 • Winds achy did no iu$hain lEl[a d to his Terlia,meu- damage in own that We have heard of. A meeting of th • ---Messrs Gray, Y • ng and Sperling haHorticultural of Hower*, shipped a shipped, fo r oar load salt on Tuesday, a of mr S 1`oul)ii , on Tudsd-ay evening- to Montreal, ou Mute- per 0 P R. lasmh. There were wentOrowolt "vVil -Big Bb ei of et a }coda just reoeiv seg, J.sq., Preside b, in the chair, and ed at hft•IIclvie'a Star taurant. Factor shut down tibia improve .:ata and necessary sing made, s Robinson, of Dungannon, d the butohoring business of Sinew,, and has taken posses r exchanges ;are ehow3ng rep treneaotions.of agents of the ut Life and Live Stook Aseo- orontc. , ' ouitutrad Society. Pe ireotors ol: the Wing- , Mr .1' A. Morton ojety vee held in the , aims. tended the tries' the Etta lined. Farmed;` tntit+. Wroxeter, ort ' Tuosday..A1r `,Tc Myles, who has. ecu in the employ , • :? R bI .R:obiueon, in is foundry, for .•c time, left on Wedge day for Welke. * 11fr.11d Green, form • rly of Lowiol now of Dakota, is , visit to his 1 iu•Iacea, Mr.Rober rCt ln, Whitecte :.'_ Ur Joist Bullar ` of ,Portage 1a. P Manitoba, was , . a visit to hie br, Mr .Tae Bullard, this town, last week Teter Scott,. f Teeswater, is v = e elatives in to _ . , Mr Chas Thornea Teesweier, was in town on busine Weduesaay..M ' W' :I -Chapman ap ` day or twain I'ip. • tide week, Ye reiativee..,3iiea'Na lestem, of fort is visitiug at ,,ire Jar i ngus', at pre= err II Davis and wife ref for Mitchell on Tl , whew they have been c IIei.on account of th•• Hess of Sir Davis' mo ler.,fir .."rank Meta who has been engage( on the 'Advance' staff L past three .years, lef for Detroit, en Toes,' try his luck la Ilnei Santis do,nains. He is a marl of promise, d we hope ho will glm success Mr rs,AC,fitrathdeeleft on T for th8 bedside o Hr St:At:idea's lather, i''= • , very 111..1fr Geor, • Potts spent a few days is ?' obell recently with r Ives•.Seal:nth'Sun George Silis, of Winghan is visiting his relatl 'towu.,Dfr Walter Green, • t the 'Union Factor ' "'' ' for,,Kontrcal on Monday, n a business ti,p • tends to visit Toronto, Ilamilton;. Brantfo 1 rs Woodstock before be r+ urns,. Mr J A IIa'st 4. 3ihnutForest,was in own a couple of day. week—Mr J SIcfielrie of ToroutM, and Mr S lietvie, of M;ld,vay, ere in town last week, vi•x:= c.• Mr James Melterrie, nd gave the Touts a call, T. W. G. T. TY. Sb ' ' ERR AND CONOt s .The following is he programme; _, . hill of fare of thsi`Su',per and Dance "4 s the Y. W. C. T. '0to he held: in e. r Town Hall, this (F icht) evening Pito PART I Tableau*......' Dairy daleane Chairtuau s Add ess ... ,• Instrumental Buett•—Thep IIFrde Doea.n� 0, who will o'er the CAVIi" Sirs, Orr and bats Leilis,Agnew, - Music .......," "Select d',..�lyipnoltnocy rQue anrtaettitoenAlice L Jennie C at .. - P..BT 1 211straldentnl ext:." S Ectad:: . . Atissoe ul star( y Ileyrh d+ necItauon•.•,.•"Iyl)aandin,ctl` Alts A A eve Duett ," Larboar ..3yiephnnyt Reading,—.,"Set t Mi(#rcct Music.... IlarwoltF.. v 3i oieff.A.t a late teent,l'To 47, wero elected 'I McGregor, C Manuel, H 1P Scribe; W 1' rock3ushue, Tteas. Nice misemelitis freta 12e to ac: caste. ,ler pseud, at, 13, HON. -A lady sub ember, ' in wenxitfitrg bee subsoriptiou for the Tisnss for 1890, com- gllimesisusthu eI bave noticed un' 11111- 1provotuout in tit . Tines iu the paetyear and • 7 look forward wi b pleasure to its coming, -having lived in Vingliain very many years .prior to our col lug here," A -A. special eetiug of the t W C T U ' was held oft feudal evening, Jan 18th. It svgs decide to assist the >V ,L T U • in petitioning th town to lesson the number of Labels, as w raotioal atelx in the aid of tempereace nal arraup etuonts for the sentertaiunheut . erg rn'atile. Apples by the barrel, bueleel or peokeet 1 eKelvie's. . -We wera'pl sal to notice iu "the list of suooessful gun idatee, ab the recent ex- tamin:.tion for dolt school teaoliers and aassistauts, the name of Mr T A Iteid, • pr`iuoipal of Te water Public Sellout, who obtuiued a pro signal first-class oertiii- vete o queilifsc tion. The influe me alit has quite a number ..Pill W ' its grip. •0f our towuapo L,le x g P Groves, princip til a the; public school; and severe' of its a sistants, have been tumble to attend to th it duties this weend the school has een closed 'lentil 1lfonday, the 27th bat, i consequence. Fresh mince troeat, for Christmas, at et Ifi1l'9. asses. ,Told nd Edward Brennan are s•., reeving to Cheek, this week. Mr M Brew nen- moved the a few weeks ago. -Mr d'ohu Brennan, tv short time ago, decided to go into businee iu that town; and he has his tannery now ell under way, and Wil be randy for op alone in a few weeks , We are sorry to 1 se'the'Messrs. Brennan, as they wee eat prising, straightforward • bud as men. - Tho annus .meeting of the Loya 't ' tel c • District, 1 C)rauge AaSoaiat n ol'. 7-Iarnber Y,, the ;was held in th town on Tuesday, 15th, when the f Bowing officers were duly elected end fust ted for the ensuiug year; District Master, eo Peteypieue; D Deputy Mester, Jos Wil inaou; 1) Chaplain, Robt Bloomfield; I) It e, Seo., John Kerr; D Seoy. J Drydges D Treaatlrer, Thos Abra- .ham; ]') Lecture , Joseph Curtin; D D of 0, Jahn Davidson. -A, le Macdonald still takes the lead in the flour and feed businese. Ile isoudtes the very best brands and sells cheap, wholesale and retail. Mr 3ohu Leah', of INiunipog,- son of htr.'T"hos Leslie, o . this town, is v1sititig his partents this welt. ' .Lir Leslie says .tlntesaro ',pretty and la Afcuitobe this year,, on account of the poor crop last - .y ear, bub belies go at faith in the conntry, awl ltesb0uld bath a position to soak with refeteuoe to the c ' utry, as he has been >t sa •e kI e e rs. 5 e► u fr tit of it Y idea t tea an Outatio taste :wine bee a good term, esed it puia.tor, uld be foolish to lereve this liroviate .or auitoba, but, those iri want of laud Old not Ito better that go to that country, The Dui week, whit ie Ira are �r Char has puroha Dir George sign. Some of the "shady Lion Prod elation, of Mr 'Cam nosh, a bro this town, c on Weduee -Mr John Tin carried on the t>: operated by Mee accidentally kilo, Deuver, Colorist deceased was eh man, al' the Wi considerable a ham, but hisb, he wentsouth ton is still iu ell Mune, of East Wawa - her of Mr. John Hanna, of witted suicide by drowning, y; a full account of which p2essre Thos Bell, hos Agnew, .A. Roe. Geo McKenzie, S ' ou ill._'W Taylor, d'as A Cline and R E lot The minutes of previous meeting ' ere read and adopted. On motion, Ur S ouhilll was rer,;ppoiuted. Secretary andMr' A Mills, •!Cr9aaurer, of the Sopiety. A o• ple of smallaccounts were ordered to be• paid. The question of the disposal of bit present grounds was then discussed at le gth.. Mr IX W 0 'Meyer was present, and , (dreesid the meeting. He was strongly i . favor of .the ',Eowa of Wiegham tolkin • over the grouuds and relieving those w • o were ou the- bond to the loan comps y who held a mot:We e against the prop rty. Thought the town was locally bon d to babe the property off the hands of the society, as it was in the interests of the to u that a portiou of the property had been s• d at a low price for the C P R station gr undo, Messrs Mc- Kenzie, Bell, Roe and others spoke in the same strain, when it was moved by : S'. Touhill,seconded. by ,Chas Bell, that the members of the Wi ghadt Horticultural Saoiety who are ou e bond given to the Caned e. Permaueu Loan Society be a Committee to wait on the Town Council to ask them •to as anie the reepousibitity of the mortgage an interest, and relieve the bondsmen from t eir present respond. bility, and that the .aid committee be empowered to offer th • Council the prop- erty in fee simple- arried, The meet- ing then adjourned a the call of the Prod - dent. Ade roes and rosentation, Avery pleasaute'v: ting was spent at the residence of Mr,,7as Creight, on Tuesday: evening, the 14th inst, where a number of friends ofMr Johnstoi ;}tyles had assembl- ed to present ihiinwith nacldressandhand eorue album, -•on the = e of his departure from amongst us, -as a token of the esteem in. which he is hold by 'he hosts of feiaxt he has made during his: ay in town. After justice lied. been don to the good thine, Mr Jas McOreigtttw s called to the chair and road the follow' g address: Wiu ant, January 14 1800. Mr. ,Tohnaton 31yiev. Dznit Sc:t Axii .'x xn:-W ," few of your friends, n the eve of your de - tore rete among. i us, 'isb to express our of a, regret at the aev> since bond of frieud• ship which we know i is always existed between yon and tis ince your advent I... ,., ,c Brad, amongst us. We trust that your future some labors will be crowned with the moose Tea, Cokes, 5 eh we believe you are justly . mit with whl Y titled and richly des ve, We beg ye: to GNTRA-rroshnoilc1 I. as -Two ler 5ttents, accept this elbow as a tokeu'of ger eeteern re l Supper P ; Nora open at'0.3e p, m. ` Gan Sava will be fou d iu the ,. Raaf Wawauosh corrospoitlen e. Text funeral will take piece to -day , 010 a. nm, to the Wingha1ii cemetery. --.Public eel ool teachers would 10 well to note the 'foliowinn, astho literature selections req ired for entrance in July, 1890: - r The st 'rza-- it Visionf T2t 1a >~ e 1 h. Beadi g,. • pp, 63- 66 2 TheVision o Mirza. -second Read'i .. " 68— 71 3 Ti Mary in Heaven..., ,. " '97 — 98 4 Flow Gantl Sweet Afton. " 98 5 The Bell of tri...,...... " 111-114 6 Ring out, W Id Bella '" 121-122 7 Lead, Kindl Light.:.,..," 145 8 The Heroes •f Long Sault " 155-161 9 Lochinvar ........ ..... " 169-170 10 A Christma Carol ... " 207-211 11 The Herita: e...... , ..... " 212-213. 22 Song of the Haver " -221 13 The Ocean . " 237'-2491 14 The Song o the Shirt..... " 263=265 15 'rhe. Demo of the, deep... " 266-271 16 Edinburgh fter Flodden.. " 277-281 17 Canada an United,States. " 280-291 18 The Forsto en Merman`c 298.802 N . Pu» a School Board. %- The'.regula- apnuel statutory meetiog of the publics. '• col board, wits held iu the town hall, on ,Wednesday, ,,the 15th inst., at 1 p m. eases Thos - ,&brallain, Wm Moore, Thee 4 hieholm, and D M Gordon made the stet tory deelaratiofsof qualifica- tion andante anti took their iteiets et the board. Move by 3) ill" Gordon, ,seconded by J A.12orto • that Mr Thos Bell be ap- pointed Chair on for the current year. Carried -Mev- 'byl.)M Gordon; second- ed by Thos Chi holm, th.t lir Wm Robert son be appoint. Seoretery,,at same salary as last year Carried. Moved by Geo P.ettypiece, see tided by 7) iv1 Gotdon, blab Mr J B Fergus • be appoitted Treasurer,. at sate salary = e last yee,i-Carried. On motion of 17 11'1 ordon, secotded. by Thos Chisholm, the f flowing Comccnilittees were appointed: Fi.Mace-u:Mesers- Gordon (obairmatij'Chia torte and' '1'XOYboa; School Management- t esers.T' Bell (eliaixman), Pettypieee, Moo e, Abraham, and Inglis. Moved by Tho . Abriaham, seconded by Wm Moore, the the school be otosod until Alone ,y, too 270 t dist., on account of 'the prevailing' epide • io-Carried. The prin- cipal's report fo the year 1889 was read. It showed that t o school' was open 267 clays. Total nu - " roll 665, boys 800; n 20 girls, 265. Pupi s ding lass the dayis, 31;:bebwee t • 50. days, 56; be- tween 51 and 10' ad; between 10I and 150 days, 9 be ,151 and 200 days, 3 ovo0 900 da, umber of pupils) 273; in 1st part of it„��1a der, 109 of first reader 8 x tri reader', 79; in in 8rd reader, tom,. ' 'Eiu 5 5th reader, 50; in 1. g, 66; iik. aeith- metid, 565; in d •awe 65; iti geography, 871; ill ilittatp, 4 6 in. aPnmar and cotn- poeition, 452; i king le History, 120; in _ Oauadfuu His .ry, i •.' 1; temperance epe a rel *obits Pacer ser /nous or 1 i orris' We Metal sin hygeiuo, 431; book-keeping, , b receipt of a copy . y years &n 50;totj, lb • qty, 50; physdes 60. Otl,'meal for 1800. Tt fort thie thiotian, lb we. Adopted. Moved by VI14 at t Moore, secant d by t e•o na taltploub,Com- sresent farm f 250 pring sine° Ur 2a•isca,inear.:ooh©t r, rho Chairman ofrthe Ada g , p Wittee pnrsh- ethou0ou r'od,gtiat tit rd Iv. 'I . •k'or ton ,year -. ho was editor and wood for the ..hoof C proprioEax' of the nosed Farmer. ldis then adjourn• i.. _ ,. Walks and Totmks ou time k'arm,'” cora- • Toroiitn Side. meneed in the Gene. .e Fanner, antd son• The reccipta 4 odi•tt8 Reddened sec mal larger that Cbl cal in the m kflo err 'rho 00dd:wined offers his coy: maliow ,tinned for many y luRlier. 1Vheat ova at do Iiia farm kGowu yelling 88a to 891 L teatime, who will ter, at S8a to 1't1 . f h Rural Au for goose Diu tend his or her `29a to 310. Yea :address, Sosattls bualt ut fi?a Ci .i rntou, who at one time nnery in this towu now s Hyman es Co„ was by the street oars, iu on Friday last. This uu01e of Mr W S . Chap 1gbani tannery and spent last summer In Wing- alth not being Very good, or the winter. Mrs Thorn- enver. .-Oysters in any style,' at AfoRelvie' Star Rest:wren Mr G H llackwell nailed et the ylacltauiC8' Tu titute' Pre the evenings of Friday and turday .last, 11e speaks in glowing term of the soap, viers. iuid go of. hie pupils at •nnshine. It is: to be hoped that lie will • spared to reap the fruit of the good seed' sewn by Lfr: JohnOornyn, an earnest '.aoher and. thorough-goiug. student. MI :s Seraph Blackwell nl;ay have rejoined the family circle ere this sees the light Mr Scott, of the Hapset Block, is cony= iescaut after a serge spell of le, ir.e. W. L. 'first =On'i'hnra y of last 'Neck, the fx outline, snatch • the season ou the tow's' rink was player It was between Messrs J Inglis' and To u Heelo nds' riuks, and re - suited as follow': y Nice A31na' Rs. tr. teems'-Bxiut. , G Hughes, B Stiles, D Sutherland, - J Dinsley, -F Paterson, k' Latimer, J Anderson, 9 Kent, • J 1'ieelands, ski -11 J Incite skip -8 evera ria s o • e own curling club intend taking par in the grand bonspiel pt Stratford, on. February 10th. if ,the weather is favora lo, -If your subso ption to the Trines is iri: arrears an early + element of the indebted- ness will be appy: •'Deed ley the proprietor. .A:challenge . aught match took place, oa - ou '.Cuesday tiveni � g, between sides p rained .bv Baili Paterson and Farmer Angus, which reau bed as follows: Altera' SIDS. P2T1nso0's DMZ. won, Won. Drawn. I) Sutherland 0 W Bidd 4 1 I+' Paterson • 1 W Dore 4 - 0 1r' Hughes 1 • J .A.ngus s a eta 'thy` loturtk will r 1a aloe take place before 1, ig, as the vanquished desire an opporttu ty to regain thole lost llroatigo.. ,;est kt Hain, ?;cls �TiitKila. Buts•`*, 'sv, Muster 1, •. Ph:irlss, Celt t Corned 1, e itomeniacle Currant L de Buns. set Milk , Butter 111: m and respect. "4VH u � vv join in wisliina you n pleasant journey rough this life and at last a happy eisteet > into that better .lr,d where parting shall no more. see ed oil behalf of your roan friends. T) Arlan. Jas McCaEiO1iT. Mr Myles thankoc his friends for the kindness shewu hin an this and other occasions. • Was so y to leave Wingllam, where ho found eo any warm friebds, but thought ie justioe to 'wolf it was better that he•ahould do so. r Jas MoCreight, in a few words, told of e respect ha, had for the guest of. the ov . = 'ng and how very sorry he was to part ith hire, Wished thine prosperity wher or he might looate, Mr John Kerr lead al • ays found ]fir Myles for- ward a true friend arid an. � onest, straight ward man in all his ' aye. Was pleased to h9;present, batt sorry o part with his friend. Ilfr 3 II Chi •lora and titters spoke vary highly, of , r Myles as u. citizen and chriatialt. Wer sorry to part with one ivbo Itad so enti ely wou'their estoetn attar resp'eet. ItIrMy :e left on Wedheeday morning for Walker. n. . Atte I1tr A Chryaler,. Teetiiberiy, Britt s his p`remiees, on ,%Iaiitiary,189f);rhL tneu'ta, Sino at' tnoutha ei edit'on ton, auotialseer. • dry A noes A 1i ti SG,goil soa,itnplo 1,, boneossion lex 28t i; 18:16. 12 nituitheoredi firoltrie fold Sale, f lot 10, oonoossion C, 1 by public+ auction, on Tuesday, • the 21st of farm stork and Cmpio. 2 ti'otonlr. Terme---X9 u 45 G Dar. taa;i. i�g to .``»o Cc frun Xei1t'S •3mfa 1 itV0r. Grip began its thirty-fourth rel eas . with the New Year, which rnean3, move little journal 'as celebrated 1 sevoitecitt/e birthday. 'Ven we say - we can without hesit iot't--that its abili; both. literary and arti is has been kept t, . to e uniformly high s auilard tltroughot• this long perlod;'iaud hat to•�day' it is t :. bright as ever; t e'ni.ution a fob eeeep:.: ingly Creditable, pot. -ly to the eonducto'.'.r of Grip, but aiso to t11: Canadian peopl without whose appr elation and suppos e this phenomenon of ournelism wouldhen .•', er. been imjeoasible, e (;ill ib a Qhenom ou advisedly, for to r as tvo " ate %VISO. there is not another ii nary at Canada'.•. wee -•-certainly no00he :Cu'oiry-that eat,, boast of n sistenll l ew -old Comae Journa. Grip has well deoez,v-a' its'succese. 1t it not Merely u clever e d amusing paper, i+ is also a recognize . Power in Uteradra� glad. t say, , is a1nd' et ve* cont heh. eve ate right aid' ' Klad to say, . where questions of'• oral prinoit+le ar. concerned, ItGougi.t o be a pieasure t, every ' Cauadien to contribute, to th stuccoes of suctl, a jo rnal, -and the men practical way of dot this is'by.auberdbl ing. The price is 0 lv Two Dollars pe year. - Subsctiptlon= to be scut direa.t 1 Grip, Toronto., rose A/at-kart. ;;rain W'.luostithy and priees of wit n good Jernaml,. 500 b for fall and red wi ter spring, and fib to 2 o the era , , ey steady, theca Poet nna to t.ny reader sates of 5;000 b: 11 at 37a to iso. 4)r tlotivoand Stun, 1111 1.00J buih sellfuagt, testier, with oleo of 1. MO tf ettleA 1 r R f� 14}f at Prettied } ton, .Vuorbe C o.,'' sales at 10.10 to 6 u0 for Yp ante, aar.di. 11G lar thein' i. l . bat: Avuat les over o, ,esidoueo, situated' on the corner of 1'at Agriculturist, h rick and Sit ane etreets, for Halo on eo tens of thousands aeouablotorins..'Phe house is no of auction° solo of farm ro'ttobastiriWitighatn;audis inost desirably bo glad. to get a cop willbe sent, f ti e U Is acre . I. a l u•► 'ego e• t r • yeti , '} ver you • tad y _. oc,a • on v_ 1 e )tolda +, eats •(vitt bof the txataws alio veil turntisrry, tin Tueadity, tend, good etablo, etc. : .Parties viishiuy'C to a oloolt q erinii�-- mob tl;roui111 tIla hguao Darr do.53e., by aa1C• n•4,m0 bb the publishers. oto ati 12 Cog, 1 or full particulars, Apply ttr 1)a'vidj W vett ilcotlr, 1i11Y#RIs Srlu Co., >lfat till alhl�s'vVel` �J, v + tint. �' r; fosi•CQ steal uuatibueer. i„ f cutest Prisou, Taranto, N. • • •