HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-03, Page 5• i1 rielmore, 'Oust meeting of Delmore story was held in the temper. anon hall, December 24th, Consider.. big the inclemency of the weather nod there being a Rale in the locality; the attendance was fair. While Many deplore•t its gloomy past, yet many were well pleased with its ,healthy present and looked forward to a bill brighter future. All passed off pasaIy. until. the pure hopes of its honest pati rs were, damped by a scheme..come:ptea by seine of its ex - directors to oust those who labored so honestly and economically to promote its interests. AIthongh they have succeeded, we sincerely hope that they will have no effect to .marmot its .past ; and dince thorn who. have been 1, re-elected 'have passed through the fiery crucible, •we expeot ne high= handed business frons thentile annual meetinxof the Belmore Cheese and Biltter _ 4ompanv was held on Tuesday, the 24th ult. The officers , elected for 1890 were ; Jas Johnstnn, Jas Clark and John Johnston„ direr. tors. John Johnston, salesman, and D N McDonald, people's auditor. The Old board re-engaged 31r S Renton as •cheesomelrer, 144' Renton, as a cheesomaker, cannot be excelled. His I. cheese stood among the highest in the market. As a man he isirreproach- able in character and is a general favorite among the people.. We en- dorse the action of the old hoard with regard to the hiring of Mr Renton,' . Listowel. ° • An unusually large number of peo.- rle are spending the holidays amongst tneir.friends. Besides the youiig folks coining home front school, . college and' university, nearly ever. train has brought visitors from a ' distance, as ell as from neighboring towns and townships. The absence of sleighing, which is such an important factor in making cheerful the Christmas holi- 't days,,,Ias had the effect ' of lessening • the pleasures of not a few.—The nominations for our municipal offices t o place on.Mondny forenoon and a P ; .ic meeting was held in the town a ter, a in which fill di e ,vain wased g, to 8uo11 and extent that standing room email not ie obtained. The speeohe3 tfiec, of the candidates who lead been aminated for mayor were the attrac- tion and those of Dr. Philp and, 3 0 Ray were exceptionally good, But 'that of . Mr, P Lidice showed a lack of actual kutiwledge of the . subjects on band. The nominations are its follows.- Mdyor—PLillico, .I 0 Hav, Dr Philip retiring in favor of Mr Hey. Reeve T E ;Stay S 'Bricker. Deputy - ye — A W 'Featherstone, W We eh. Councillors—Gladstone Ward —S M Smith, 3 A Backing, by.. acclamation ; Bism:ire Ward—,T D .Laing, J W Meyers, J W Sent t, R 'Both, L &ige r°, A. J Collins, G +' .Ballard, John Gabel; Victoria Ward—W Dixon, J 13eppler, by ac- clampation; Dufferin Ward --R Wooers, W 4Arard-John titviLandsdowne R TKeml ,p, .Ne rx McKeever. • 'The old solioo1 trustees, wm Elliott, A. Little, T lliale and w 11 Olayten, were elected ,by acclamation, Sri. also were wm 13radley and 13 F Brook for Victoria ward, in the places made vacant by• H Keen and. 3 i' (Jerson, resigned. • Turnberry. Schools open Monday. -Miss Fanny Cowden left for Toronto this week,-» Mr Litligowmade New Year's galls on his many friends in this vicinity.-- Miss wightman, of Clinton, spent' Saturday and Sunday At the residence of Mr Geo Blaekwelr, returning to her home Monday. The nominations on Monday last, were as follows: Wm McPherson, reeve, by acclamation. Geo Thomson, John harrow and John I)iment, deputy -reeve. Mr Dement retired. Roht Maxwell. wm (* rnmiII, wm Oruickahenk, Gnstavus Barton and Gavin virlson, MI those nominated addressed the rneeting,Mr .MoPherson, thee reeve, going, pretty fully into township and county affairs • The poorhouse question. was discussed, most of the speakers being in favor of the erection of such a building for the onenty. A vote was taken, and the rneetinie decided, by a large majority, that 'the township's representatives at the County ()ouncil ahould oppose the scheme. Mr Barton was strongly in favor of retrenchments; and said if he were elected to a seat on the board,. he would iro in for reducing the salaries of all officials, from the reeve to the auditor. ' w add stop all road impr• vHetnenta, and if work was need ed to be don©, let the ratepayers peti- tion for it, and then the council could rise their judgment tie to whether it. should be done. The gravel .used by thee township cost them nearer ten cents• pet yard then five, Reeve McPherson said that be wish ed to say that he had not overeha teed. the township for hie services in. the past, in fact he never charged, all the law would allow hint -to charge. Did not• think the councillors made. money out of the township's bu'siuess. when Mr Barton was in the council he charged all the law would allow him. He did not think Mr Barton should accuse any one• of overcharg- ing the people, Air Gavin wilson retired from the contest, and the meeting; was brought to a close by a vote of thanks' to the chairman, . the Rev A Y Hartley. . n Zetland. Oii Christmas eve, Zetland ,,was again the scone of a happy°aiid enjoy- able event, it being the marriage of iss Saha" third daughter of one of oldest sclttlers, Mr. Robt.Kennedy, tat Mies Newton Menagh, of Kings- ton. Although the- weather without was disagreeuble, yet the happy faces within; the mingled sound of mirth and tatighter, the long tables, heavily loaded with cfainties, gays such a pleasing effect that alt was forrotteii save the occasion for which they were aeseinb1ed, Precisely at 6 o'clock, pgroom entered the parlor, escorted tthe bride's 'brother, Mr. Win ,Ken- g,,, and being immediately followed he bride end ter ''sister; Miss pre IC.eunedy, who were beautifully :red in cream face dresses and orange blossoms. The bride looked" most charming under the long -white veil wlrich,eneircled liar head and fell in a cloud en the floor. After the. usual ceremony, the Rev. Mr. .Moor - house t rorionrroed the Happy couple Tuan and wife and amidst the showers-. of ongratiilations and well•wiilhes telt repaired to ' the dinning room, where ample jrlstiee wee 'done to the good things there provided. The remainder of the evening was pent in amusement, Ltd, quite neoeeasery of the enjoyment young people who we a present. The happy cnnp'el 1. la OP for their future borne it* ',Meistert. 4 Model Exarriinati0ns. Inspectors Malloch and Tom, Mr. J. Turnbull, of Clinton' collegiate, 'Mr. S. P. Halla, of Goder'ioh .Etigh School, and.M.r. P. Adamson, enmity clerk, comprising the Board of Ric. atuiners, met at Clinton,, laat .week, and reported the. following as Model students who will be•^eetitlerl to third - elites professional certificates as teachers: ' GonAs if. Addison, Emily ....,.....710 Carey, IVlay • 569 Cook, Annie.... 619 . Oraig".e, illery672 Dalton, Bridget 621 Finlay, Lizzie • 735 Govenlocl;, Jean 667 Hawkins, I+ Teiia. 682 11iimilton, Meggio.........669 Jones, E Martha • "681 Mesa:lath, Ellen;,.., 66G • ]Vrel,earl, ....... 686' O'Leary, Louise .....—.676 O'1lrien, Maggie 674 Pollock, Sarah ..618' Stafford, ,tnrah :..........545. Watson, °T.elearor...669 Watson, tiiarion 694 - Bloomfield, Geo 653 Omar, Charles.., ..... ..,559 Downing,. Johu 66 Durbin, Charles ,...;579 Elliott, Hector 552 Frazer, Charles... ...... Y603 Hays, 11 Robert 661 MoOluskey, Wm ....... ,638 1VlcLaugHin, T 438 McKay, telae 668. 11roDoneld, "Jas- ,..606 Nobb, Chris .656 Pictereon, Thos ,,.515 Smith. Wm r... 604 Smith, Albert,..........6.47 =more. Bleck, Jane ... .....651 Cargill, ',Tennis Dickson, 13e11 ... ...........691 • .Frazer, Jen Y.....,t........,692 Fulton, ......638 lrindlater, M........,.....698 Gary, -Nellie–. .. . .....:708 Kelley, Nelly 544 IWartiti, 011..„ 627 Mureb, 1 da,, ,.,.,,693 YcLeari, pian.... • 691 �Panliii, Ntllli.o. ; J'ulloc11, AY,.... i Y.,.•r Simpson, A . ::.. 604' Tit/meth, b1;rx... .,. ....q:'6x5 , Beau.. Rob't.........:.... 603 Dodds, .Mantel...... 612 • fdds, .q l;`f g'ltt John irgram, Jtra,............../20 :ones, !Moore... .4...664 Ilellstis, 4 Mfit liow, I6'e.... e...„en, , .024 MoLeoth Alex McDonald, J ....1991........556 Sloan, win..,,•., walker, 'Day xeeswater, The Rev. John Gray, of Rincardine, will; prerch in the Baptist Church in this place, on Sunday next, morning and evening. He will also lecture on Monday evening in the sante pence. • Huron Items, The ilessions of the Peace will hold an adjourned meeting on January 4th, to complete the rontioe business. The 1'resb'ytery of Huron will meet at Seafortll on t • e 21st of January In the evening a special session will bo hold ffir the discussion of Sabbath. school topics. • Mrs Tier►nan disposed of her 04 acre farm, being lot 26, concession 18, Morris, to Duncan A:LoPuaig for the sum of $2,725. The late proprietress proposes moving to Turtle Mountaie. district in the spring ' The .barn and contents of E. A. Ferguson, 7th concession West wawa - nosh, were burned on the 80th ult. Cause of the fire not.i:nown; no insur ante. A Morrow, B A, has been engag- ed as classical master. for the Clinton Collegiate Institute in place of S w Perry, M A, who is now principal of the Kincardine 'High School, The' jury in the whitley poisoning case at Clinton decided that the H. J. whitley came' to his death from arsenic criminally administered. ' One of the first pioneers of the township of IIowiek, Mr Robert John- ston, was laid in his last resting place in the Presbyterian cemetery, F.rrd- wioh, his six grandsons being pallbear- ers. Ile passed away at the good old age of 85 years, December '20O.' He leaves a wife and six children; 82 grandchildren and 25 great grand- children to mourn leis loss, Farm- for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, being east half Lot 22,.Con. 10,.Turnborry, containing 00 soros, rnoroor less. There are seven acres In fall wheat and all the land.°leered is seeded down.. On the premises is a good frame barn and a loin house, and a good young orchard. The farm .is splendidly lo.. cated, being only three miles from the flourishing town of Wingbam. For further .particulars, apply to ANDREW MITCHELL, near the farm, win. ham P0,t'ellice, or to the proprietor, W1I. MITCHELL, Grnndin, Cass Co., .North Dakota, House and Lot for Sale. Tho subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot on the corner of Patrick and Catherine streets, Wing- ham–the finest location in town. The house is a large new cottacre„Containing six rooms': good cellar, well, etc. Also two. good building lots containing one-fifth of an acre each. Will be sgld on easy terms. For full particulars apply to the proprietor. 1IOSE1T D. YCUN6, • . • • Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale Lot 18, Concession R,flo« ick and 0 acres off the east end of Lot 19, making 100 aired There aro between 80 and 90 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation On the premises are good bank barn, two frame houses, and good outbuildings. Situated about four miles froin Wroxeter. For particulars apply to CROcmnT WILi',ITS, Wroxeter P. 0 WINGHAM • TANNERY! BEST BItNDS Or Sole, Harness.. and. Upper L Era` ..T FIE R ALWAYS ON Htr:ND. Manufacturers would do welt to examine stock and compare prices. Ladies` & Gents.`. Driving Glove, In Dog, Coon and Astrachan, made to order. Also Strong Workingmen's Gloves, In Deer, Goat, Calf and Sheepskin.. £tighest price paid: for 'Five, fiifies, Sheepskins anti Wool, : -tl .CHAp AN. THE:, it- WITNESS, 1 I APORTAMT AMMOU?10EMFNT, Over:198 PREM1 UMMs to Select. Frpri, 61tL'"5:' '' INDt7CICItUPITs FOR OLD ' AND N i W St711SC.11I1311118.. See the prentirim Aasym0. kitniscar1i Loan Daily *Knees.. *3 IV %veekly �Vitueas. $r 00 The 140wtirt sti aliiesexctatre only 30o. per angor», is the .cheapest illustrated piper in the World* Contains the itunday Schoo!, Geelong, end has abundant Of 'interesting informati0ii for cid and young}. Seethe list of prem1,nf .boolts for gid end new tabs;•; ibert, . ' Agents wanted, SeifPle copies fete . , Jonx, DOi1"GALL 8c- ”- Witeese” Office,af,ONT leg AL; ' Gordou e;lnt THIS M0NTH,. And Must ilavo .It 0 Therefore they.have decided to OFFER THEIR. a ENTIRE. STOOK. OF RY GOODS,: ,Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents Purnishings,, Boots, Shoes,. Q,ver thoes and Rubbers Also a Splendid Assortment of BRUSSELS,, TAPESTRY" AND WOOL CARETS}. AT --_ COST •FQR CASH'!. Our friends will confer a great favor upon us by settling their Ns,tr•s- and Accounts during the month of December. CORDON & IVVINTYRE, SIGN OF THE BROWN ANCHOR: WI NDHM, CLT. UFFIECD ASC M .. ,. ., .. NEW PATENT TOP. MILS CANI Cream. Cans. Milk. Pains: Sap Buckets, and Milk :P :n s, T1 f6U II• A SPEC r ,a • a rai l' 0 -it estaurant. ste .f.ysters Fresh, and ;oaten up. in Every, Style. FRUITS. FRUITS i A Fiero Stock of GRAPES; APPLES, ORANGES : Etc. CTGARS , $ MOM'S, '8, SOD : ,a sir. C O, N F QTI N' RY he ►post cowplete.stook #r► the .county. :Pure Crews a irp'oielts' and see Ine, RILL'S CITY RESTAURANT".