HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-03, Page 4r . ns DAY. JANUARY 3, 1$90, EDITOI dealt, N PUS, Tate Oatariei Iaegisleture will meet the,, trausactloaa of business ou nuary 30th, ° ii Ea4s•rlTp WttxAx, of New York, total deliver in. addrees in London, on .tea Lith of Oaansery, on " The Three Futures of banada," Tr s ateleu., from depositors in Otfiae Sevingk Rank at Sings. by Mr. Burns have been made good ley the Dam;ii iou Government, Amine one-fourth of the whole taxes collected by the Dominion Govern- menteer $13,843,539, now goes to pay interest ou the public debt~, which bas reached the enormous total. of $2813772,00=3. There, are nominal aware of a little over $50,000,000. Tito city of New York makes liberal provision for the education of its ohi;ldreu.. It will pay in 1890 $3,291,- '443 to the teachers of the Public •Sehos ls. Thesis mere `than the sum '•wgliich was paid in 1 e87 to the teach - lire of Public Schools aid Ca11e;;iate tistitutes of Chatario. 11SIt. Enisute, the great authority ort electric lighting, befote the Grand Jury ine. New York the other day, stated that Iighting by electricity coals be condictea at ti miuiruutn of Hanger by using a current snot strong cnatr,;h to do any harem, to human 4teiugs, and he suggested that the law ehould prohibit the use of a current that was strong, enotifli to take human - W. E. Gi mseone, the celebrated English statesman, and leader of the Jit iex•al lxtrty in the English House of C ommous,celebratedahis:80t'a birth- day this week . Ht is in .. excellent -hetalth and spirits, and , replied to thousand$ of congratulatory messages seat to hitu. . May the Granit Old Mari be spared many :years to carry tis-succees'the cause to which he is :Aow devoting hie energies. Bbl'IinsT..sualvE ELT' , of Illinois, trio Czatairinan of the Committee on J.+ gauges Affiairs, in the U•uited States Oongre s,3iad introduced the following x° j'oiat resolution on the subject of C.t.uineroial Union with Canada Resolved by the Senate and Meuse l,,;.: of I",;epre.;eutatives of the United States in Oougrees assembled, that whenever it shall be duly certified to. r‘'I the l:'r. ecduut of the Milted States that the cruVetnitueut of the Dominion of t atta,,ia hes tittelare.l a' desire to . eit:w:,Iisir 00:z. retrial tTiiion with - the U.xieed .6'eates,,, having a uniform xestieee syetai,z, iuteraul taxes to be oatheeq,,1y a{id; like import duties to. be .,`s itpeeed . get a,rtielet leroaeht . into eittiat', c;ouary from outer nations wzta uo datiee upuif trade between ehe 'Juitcd, Sottas and Canada, he :shell eppuiut three Couauuseioiiers to neeet tneee who may be likewise desig unread, to, represent. the Guvernineiat of Cattail io prepare a plea fuer the l' swat.rtiiettioze of the import duties and at,terual revenue turves" of the two c%ou nerieeeetiel an teleiteble division of ritue.iats hi a Commercial Union, and said dumuiiesiuri shall rtpart to die ,Pr,,:t+,ietnt who shall lay the report heath' floiati.°,,ss. ' Yarexeter.. , '2' .0 Satiate—fa Reeve, ( aim). Conn., citt,r.s, J ft retie, 11ws ,Eternli:tilf, Tame Gilarttn, jr , win Lee, Jas. P.tat:riM Juo, S'aaide sou. P 'i'reed:tie, thee K.P,,,.b and Isaac E:liott As gram, son of t'Iuutectltor C1alt1bicl,•, of et,,.rie„ was''deowtned is Su pea: itivt:r, At;t.tntti,, on Monday, 0th nit, wane eatastugs :ill: tF:xs :4'v'vutf 11 years ail age it< ;Jeteplt Wi#litttris. ref Goder"rele isatieettaired, else right: for Out.arlo fur ,i a ,~.~,trim 'uiwrii't wttdi' prinkkaWd to e..teett•a.hle inventt•itt. It will be pelt. itee mieriv ,~'eel for arititrping attwp'.e'e, bi enter s"° ttae,l .for >xlhti.,rat. w6ityL5eiat tax. dl' *E aArttalw, Nominations s BXeewhe 'e" 33twetteati-e Reeve — 1 Graham I Oounciljors--J At Molntosb, D Arc• I#rtash, Wirt F Stewart', W Ainley, 3nx t--Benvo-1? telly, Cl Muni!., ton ; 0autteillore -- J Willard, B Symonds, J 11lcGee, NV Young, F W Tanner, 4 Taylor, IE' Metcalf. Exiernar -- Reeve — Dr Rollins Deputy=Reeve--W G Bissett, T ld M00014m Couneillors--T B Soar - Mermen,, 11 Soling;! and Jolie 'Welker~. fi tea ' can- Mayor ;Oho Brown and John Gibson,; Aldermen, 'aistaff Ward, I' R Jarvie,0lealand,Dunsmore, Larkworthy, t7ollina, !heat, Hearn. Harding; Mon ward, Duggan, Hep- burn, Sayer, McPherson, Watson, Mowat, Wilson; Hamlet Ward, Davidson; Dempsey, Sntith,Barnsdale, Baker ; Shakespeare Ward, Ubelacker, East.virawanoah• The entertainment held iii S. Na 0, Fast 'Wavyauosht o>►' Ft'rtlay. Dec 20t1t, was a decided Success,- al- though the weether was unfarorablo. Although the rain loured down all evening, a large amebae wet;' present considering the evening, taome coating Morel. A very well attended public echo exam.inrttion was held'ott Dee, 13t . in le $eo.. No. 8. The pupils were examined by Mite Kane, of Gerrie, - Miss Lowry, of 'I3tttevaln,, and et L Stewart, of 5 5 No. 7, Some beitati fail singing was done ;lty the children. a long distance The programme open. In their manner of atiswvering the ed with music by the Mr. and Misses •queatione they showed that they had .. Porterfield in their usual Qxeelient received good training —A Ohristrnaa• '.Gree entertaiumrecit .was held in the ttone school house on Dee. 19th~, The. chair was pleasantly tilted by Mr J: Elston. Tie greeter part of the pro. gramme was Vied by the ehildren of the school, who, having a very short time for preparation, did very nicely and had.an enjoyeele time. o. After all the presents had been distributed front the tree, the teacher, It S'towart, ,were presented with a beantifnl ray • chair; All things pertaining to the entertain- ment, inchoate that the people of the section take a deep ,interest in their chi dron's pleasure and profit'—Reeve, A Mooney; Deputy .Reeve, Ohais.E3owee . uouxcillors, Geo Kielty, Semi Oelhick and Jae Pi rioter, the old • Council; were all eleetad ley acclamation, ort: s'tlonda.y. • ling,. Jas. Oke, ll.upaekman, R Davis, Morris, Bergott, Steel, Mncdnnald, style. Then followed a dialogue en, E O.hrietie, 1G Sanders, J Gillespie, D Iles+ Hood, Mo!Jteith, Dater, . Rigge, titled " wee by strategy, " sang, A Ross, Wsemtneero*---•Itlayor--•- David Rob - stetson, by, acclamation ; Reeve --• Reuben Truax, Wm " ,E iobardson; DDeputy-Reeve-- Andrew McLean, q W Stovel, pouaoillors ;--Plast Ward —Amity Todd,. George Rife, J 13 Ritchie, Ilonry$acon, Dr Stalker, F. Guggisberg ; Centre Ward—J Stand- ish, ft Buse, D McKerracher, J. G Pulford, John Georgen: George Brad- ley, J P Johnston ; West Ward—D iFi+eI ay, P felfermau, Hugh Beattie, P 'Swartz, F Lippert, KInoe.ani —Mayor -- R Baird, Agdreve Malcolm. Reeve --Robert Walker, DeWitt H Martyn. 'Deputy Reeve—John To]niie, J H Scott. Councillors --St John Ward -=-T S Fisher, John McLeod, Wna Murray, Geo Shaw, A W Stewart; St Patrick's Ward ----eV J Henry, Alex Gordon, Alex . Luttrell ; Se George's Ward-- Robt Hunter, Jas Ballantine, .Joseph.. .lsarkey; St Andrew's Ward --D Small, A J -Evans, 1t Hepworth, Jacob Bur- ley. School Trustees by acclamation —John Ti.uettel,. B, Madden, 3' W Replay and E Miller. d Ei;e ox -mayor — Wm Doherty, Jolie. McGarva, . Jas Whitehead. Reeve --A McMurchy., D'• 0antelon. Deputy.Reeve—A H Manning. t);oun ;son Willie Pickett and Miss Alegre eillers :—,St Andrew's Ward—Alex' Armstrong, Jos Angus, John Johnson; Simpson. hour, ations'wergiven by Mr. 1 . ,Barbour, Master Fred ed Well - O'Donoghue, Bannaclt ; Romeo ward ,,, The Old red cradle rooked mall," try Hogarth, Scarth, Goodwin, Butlor, Air, and Misses Porterfield ; diitlagne, Yoe g, Pratt, Roberts. The runaway match, ".consisting; of Culroes. three scenes; reading by Miss Sarah A very pleasaiat and successful Perdue; ittetroiuental rrrusiit by Mrs. school examination was held at eta 3, A. -Elliott and John Young; recite Culross. A very gotta representation tion hy* miss. Oatnphell-; music by et the families of the section was Mr, and -Misses Por ertield ; dialogue present, and seemed, well pleased with "Three .brave men, „ aonststin;; 0 the manner it; which they were receiv- three scones: ; music by r. and ed by both teacher and pupils, The Misses l'urtocfielit reading;, „MJohnny aoveral classes were examined ley the Saftie's second wife, " by John , • J. Messrs. A, 11. M.nsgrsive Whitea hurah , hliliotix instritnzental muaio. Harp R. harbour, Kinloss', A. A. J Simp- followed the feature of the evening, a son and J. J. W. Sianpson, the teacher dialogue entitled . " gittiltiti Ridge, " of the eobool. The more serious work containing sax scenes and eight oharae. of the day was enlivened by recitations tet':;. The programme was brought to grid music by the scholars, . In the a close by instrumental music on the evening ~lamas Tree Entertainment organ and violin by William Elliott was held in the school house, which and John Young and all wended their was prettily decorated for the occasion. way homeward, well pleased with the Mr. J. Wellwood occupied the chair,evening's"aniuseirent.—A p:tblic ex- "1'he. meeting was opened by the child. amination was held in S S No. 8; on ren singing, "Hark, the Cirriettnas Friday, December 20th and although Bells," in which they did bath them the day was very .disagreeable yet the selves and their teacher credit. school was filled. Lunch was ,served Music was also well rendered' by at noon, and during the afternoon. Misses 'S}aarpe, Pani and Header- classes, recitations, inusie and singing son, of Whitechurch, and the Misses formed the programme, and con, Merchant, of 0ulrose. Readings w ,re eluded with the pupils presented their given by Messrs. A. i ,Musgrove, ,, teacher, Mr `E Richmond, with a Simpson, J. Simpson, Aclau1 Simp, beautiful alhnni, a gold pen, and an address.--Charles Wightman has returned -from Michigan, where he has beep' visiting his brother Richard, for the last six weeks. --A L Budge, of Clinton, is visiting friends on the sixth.—Mr Joseph Stonehouse • has taken a large contract of cutting wend for John Coultes, sr.—The annual meeting of the members of- the East Wawanosh Agricultural Society, will be held at.Scandrett's hotel, Belgrave, on Thursday, January 9th,' at 1 o'clock p. m. The annual report will be presentedandeleotion of officers for the ensuing year and other busi- ness transacted.—Reeve—Robert Cur• rig and Thogrtas . Taylor; Deputy - Reeve, Anderson, by acclama- tion. Councillors, Wm Roche, John Coultes,`Donaid Patterson,John Bone, hot t Sheill. ---Mr vim]. McBurney bas returned • from Manitoba—Mr. Geo. Shortreed., teacher,of Turnberry, spent a eottple of days at 11ir. W. Scott's last week.—Mr. Jas. Nethery had a large party on Friday night of last week.—Mr, Jas. A. Anderson is recovering from a severe illness -- Mr. Geo. Hoshel, of Livingstone's' Mills, spent Christmas at his hogle in Stretford.—The roads throughout the country are in a very bad condition, owing to the incessant rain of late.— Mr. Elam Livingston, vim has had his saw grill and hoop factory shut down for some time past, fur the purpose of making repairs and im- provements, hal it now in running order again.—The literary society promises to be a success again this season. A large number of names. aro now on the members' list, a new organ, has been secured from w. Doherty & Co., Clinton, and the ofiicere and members are doing their best to make t more' attractive than ever, the chief object of interest for to night (Friday) will be a mock trial. St James' Ward—Thos. McKenzie,. W Cooper, A Couclr; St John's Ward— D 13 Reneedy, Chas Overberry, 0 S Dean;. Se• George's Ward—Stewvart Plummer, W E' Searle, J Andrews. School Trustees :—. St Andrew's { Ward—G- E Pay ; St James' Ward— McGarva, PArw in,. J: W brain ; St Eeorge'a. Ward --S; 0 Detlor, 3 Stevenson ; St John's W aeci--Chas Overberry, Jas Scott, Win Jones. Siiayosexat, Mayor — lfi. Wilson Reeve --U D Wilson ; Deputy Reeve —Geo Hendereon,,A Strong; Coun- cillors : 7. ;!girth ` Ward--Jatnes Vl at son, Win. Smith, R 'Willis, Jaynes :Beattie, John A Wilson ;•-Beet Ward —J Darwin, Geo Gond, John Dorsey, Davidson,. E C; (Joie:nat , Andrew Youitg, rittE Coletntu ; •Senth \lrttr l-- J Gillespt ,•. 1:1. J •$niichard, T W Duncan, Findlay Ross, P. tutnaden, J Weir, W. H. Hastings, M O'Keefe, Usborne;--Reeve, Thomas hl Kay; Councillors,James Halls, J Shire Thos. Cameron arndl. William Kydd--ali.by Acclamation... Tuckersmith--Reeve,. R M McLean (rico) ; Deputtcs, Geo MCKay, J \Veber )wird Peacock. Councillors, Dallas, Sproat, *McKay, Walker, Mason, Mc- CarttiNy, Me`i'osis, and Wood. Stephen-Reeve, Ratz ; First. Dep- uty, :Eilber,,i3eaond•°Deputy, Sherrit; .wood, Mary Wilson, Willie Gillies, and Miss Ethel A. M, Musgrove exalt ed much admiration by reciting, "Lord, Ullen's daughter" in a manner almost wonderful for a child of her years. After the programme was finished, the "Tree" was relieved 0 its precious load, and the gifts distributed among •school the children; who attended during the yen~.,, This is the first entertainment 0 this kind, ever held iu this place' and we hope it may not bo the last. ' Evergreen. Culross is a quiet, peitoeable, Indus, trous, civilized and prosperous town- :slaip ; but we fear, of let& years, some `peculiar. emigrants, have • come aibongst us. . Peculiar, did .k -say S Yes, beea.use their,. thoughts are 0 a nomadic nature. Their inquisitive. tress soars with eagerness above the heights 0 theirown business, look- ing for something somewhere else ; and after all these tittles are eo'iected they are not even allowed a calm season 0 repose, but, are pulled =and stretched and augmented and after all this is done something is attached to theta .until they become so material- ly disfigured that no person would know them: Peculiar ! yes, because tbi y base their fundamental princi, pies on 'hearsay; which i$ contrary to Ct,uriotllors, Vui,rtlt, .and 1Vliite--a11. logic. peculiar ! yes, on account of by acclamation. klac remarkable' reception 0 their ears Mo,rxs" F'oniter—Mayor---W Col- eteugh, Drr.Jones. .Reeve—Josiah Haighton ; Deputy -,Beer e—. William Greer, Jas Reid; Councillors --North Ward ---A, Marshall; M 41eNiven, McCulloch, J A Halsted, Johia Rey - *needs, W .H Jones; ' Sc,uth Ward— A T - Gregory, . R Scott, W Con- ner, W t'Flt:Mallen, L H. Yec- uiaris, W G Slott ; west Ward -4 P LS&untag, John Boas, John• Corley, t le° Scott,' Jas Hughes, A Jamieson Robert Niven, W Tasiter ; East Ward -w '( • l .Eingston, John tringle, John Sheppard, Thos liyart, Mierrnem, -•-• ttlayoe---.T 8 Ford Janes 1) herty ; Iteexe—S R Stuart, 'Davie Reeve-eIsaao- Hord, W R Davie ; Couticiltors :—South Ward— John Coates, Alex Cameron, John 4VIryte, jr, Geo Davidson, Jas G Wltawon, Win Forrester, 13 F 1fastner; ' "ortir Ward-I3eury Fisher, Abraham Dot, Dr 1t W 13arlburt, G K 14 lathe yon, John Coates; West Ward—W W Make. James Wilson, Robert •A Bel#,. Alex Murray, Joeuea Boyd, George Raines, John Skinner, ' Gout:ton-- Mayor --•' John. I3utler -teec) ; Reeve—De Whitely,' 'William E'rotr'dfuot; Deputy Reeve—A. Smith, li lioLcan; O'ounciilors:—St: iidrew's Ward — Bola, Rttftel, 'Cantelon, Strachan, St David's Ward, i1oniber, t ' r 't " ani to 1.1 of r t ii sin face.); t. • nr , lr r ), S Ge ge =i Farr!, Dunlop, N'ioholsotr, t win aiou (ace); St Patrick's. Ward, McKenzie, tcolt, Sloane, 7)awvdiri•r, Pridhatn; Alt sere. T. Stewart T. Jenkins and R. School Trasteee, 13ell r Nichol>ion, Muxwuli wereenee ritxttul and on a Jeable, ,A:ciieauu, Ly act:latnution. Jvote bui.,g taken Mr. Stewart was I€ate--i►snve, Iii ifap tel and J dI. elected.—Mr welter Pet::rs in has been s Jetts; Deputy, Win 13r•,:hatiatn ani }~sial tel, witli,*itt:3im 0 the lunge t awry fir,yraeir; t,otinoitlort, late bat we are p,raaed «..• 1t. sLr tlz,it he is p Fielder, ti ..nik :. t ' tn Moir. slde a • tri +tet and transmutation of their vocals., Peculiar l yes, because 0 the :almost contra -veracity and fecundity of their remarks. From the above you will learn that these must be very peculiar folic indeed, at least for . this part of the country, «-We would rather hear something good''; the occurrences 0 the tithes; or abeue • something more pleasant end agreeable - to the ear. titan those uproarious epithets which appeared some tirpe ago giving to the whole world a wrong, appellation of us.. If there is nothing good to say; would it not be best to say nothing at all ?• We hope now es Christmas and New Year's festivities are -teeing enjoy- ed, to have something more inviting to lists i to ; and to hear no.more of those forbidding barbarisms which are so shorkirt to polite society. Reeermettne rY. I3luevalo. '' 1:t is our gainful duty to record the death of a respected neighbor, . in the p- ~son of l:rs. ,John Narrow, who passed away about seven o'clock on the last day of the year 18894She had been ailing. for a long' One and has suffered a great deaf, Sb was highly rewpeoted. by till °wnho 'knew her u d will bo much missed, She Was in her •40th year, The, futtera' tapes place today (.belay) at 2.80 p, Oar school nieetiaig was held on Thursday of "Beet week Mr, J lin, !Thant was the retiring trtt9lete, Gorrie. Mr Dane's mill dam came very near. ly being swept tbwrtyi i,y the flood on Christmas.—A very successful enter. taininent in connection with the Sabbath school, was held in St. Stephen's church, Saturday week, The programme consisted , 0 surging, recitations, dialogues, music, etc., and all who took part in the entertain- tnent• acquitted thertteelves in a meet creditable manner. Rev T A Wright, the incnurbsnt, was presented with. a gold headed cane by the congregation, as a token of the estestaa in which lar•, is held by that body", Mee Wright - was also presented with several hand;. some pieces of silverware,"• -lir Res, wee re elected egtiool trustee en seltool Dawson presented blas chain. Mr meetrn day—the 213th telt. --Tho diusgrcive responded iiia very stiiti tble Methodist Sabhath Scheel pater• address, in which he encouraged his. taitiment, on Ohristtuas tight, was a, scholars to go on in rho riglit grand success. troll~rind tlrtinkect Client fete their kind- ness to.bins, tend also the people of the ooni.nunity for their respect to. hint during . hisw p Addesaes followed uby in theft, ev. Mr ' Carson, itlessrs J Dewar n, 11 D Hew WhiteChurch 'Messrs. John and James King, of .la i g Dominion City, Man., are spending the holidays with ° their re!ativcs in.. Culross Bath look as if the air 0 our prairie province agreed with diem.; --The annual closiug meeting 0 the Whitechurch cheese and butter manu- facturing company was held rn the Foresters' hall, on Friday, the 27th ult. • -Quite a large number 0 the shareholders . and patrons • were in nttendano. , and all appeared well pleased with the result .of the season',a work. There were also present quite a number who had not heretofore been patrons, and who came to study the working of tire, creamery, with a view to patronizing it,' if satisfactory. They appeared we lsatisfied with the explanations given thein and signified their intention 0 sending their' crearrn next season, Title institution hes been in operation but four seasons - but has already 1 eady proved a boon. 'to all parties: interested. `There is only a, small debt on it now, and with the prospect ofet much Increased patron- age next season, the outlook is bright- er than ever. Mr. A. H. Musgrove, who, for the past three years has filled the office of Secretary, resigned;.' much. to the regret•ofall. During that time he liad•fulfilfed the 'face to the entire satisfaction of'all parties. -According to reports, they can "beat the second" for bolding sohoolxneeting; i, - clown at No. 14. Ott Thurerlay, the 20th, a" meeting consisting 0' ahout, twenty roan and two dogs, ,was `held in the school house,and x stranger coming in and trot beiiig. aware of the perp' sw for which they Lad aeseinhl,'d, ~night i.e excused for thinking that lie hall• stumbled on a inrefiug of a white Lime dila Club. There was an al•- most uninterrupted How of ' "t natural ems" which, however, would scarcely be available for lighting purposes, as it shed very little light mentally, morale ly or materially on any subject. There ,wits a very successful ex- amination held in S S No. 10, Kinloss,, on the 20th, In spite of the rainy , weather and muddy roads, a largo number of visitors wa- preeent to Nits naris the proceedings 0 the day. The schoolroom was hand.aonily decorated and everything passed off in.. a most agreeable manner, The classes were examined b • Messrs A Simpson, y4G Musgrove and J J W Simpson, and the creditable manner i:, whieli the pupils read and dxiswored, speaks well for both teacher and children, The_ school, though very large, is inet very 'thriving eondition under the itistrac- tion of Mr A H Musgrave, cud•his do- parturo is deeply regretted by . the section, A largo number 0 ladies. ;Isere also in attendarioe and had many baskets well filled with the riecessaxies of life, At the close .of pail the day, lslr A II Musgrove; was pre. otli- ,seated with a beatitifut. i` old chain sent from the scholars, Miss SI'r1nicOlenn- aghan. rated the address act( Miss 11% . The queetion r f granting tr, bonus 0 $25,000 to the Doherty Organ Com- pany to engage in the manufacture of pianos and organs in London, will be nbniittsd to the peep' 0 that city, 'n the 8th cf Jan. ligation will ba ma attire lar & of eaia1 * i' , .stat , i , x r, o eft 1 r: r. ,".,tee . etet ase. tderson and .others l -resent, anthill bed 'nothing lint good to elle about the school. 1! r llfussrrove carries with, If earned, are. { hien the best wishes 0 the cetmmanity, to the; I.eglia The day was closed by the singing of. ratifying it. the 'National Anthem.'