HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-01-03, Page 1•
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tic .
, . .
a num et had:teat% '00s of
* mile time r orted it Lawton.
Oysters aone up in any style et It Tdillts,
-next door to Meet: • ' bet ltstere.
—The W 0 T will bola its regular
meeting aa Tiseee. / SeXt•irilt the heave of
Mee I 'Whit:, tla t street, at 3.30 p
a Calblek, ober about to remove from
*soil bio ho iloittiscoitoro and otots by
Mort, ou the to•Oxi* oinwo, on Satorday,tho lith
4-kiesers Gileh st, Green & Co. ship; ea ,,,iito et e Weld:ay. er :
nine oar loads of ruitare last stook, Blit
going by the G T • and one by the C R II.
----If your subseriptieu to the „Titles is in
arreare 0,0 •early payn'aeut of the indebted,
trees will bnappreciated by the proprietor.
atIit -arrived, 20 boxes nice oranges for
Xmae trade, ftont tato 10 °elite ver dozen
it R itilatit • \ ,
—Vie regular nt ting of the il. W 0 T
. . U will be held ia hall, on Mon,
tley evening uest , at 7.80 a•olook. All
otembere are urge tlyiuvitea to attend.
--Evant:e,ist. DI ay will. be fo Loud
for e., week, aeorn aided by the celebtated
%door, Mia Stelthi tv. Their first meeting,
will beheld atm turday, January 4tIrs
18Z.O. • •
• --7,;11 are iuvitea to call at WT Yatt..s,
and iuspect the lir est dirgslay of tablet:hi:la
and g,lats ever shownin Winehara., Prices
as,v1„y dow.a.
—Mr Peter imlay . through Mr S You-
hill, land agent, sold a neat cottage on Pa-
rick street, eee clt . his week, to Mr John
Ellliot, of the chair factorY,
Mr. H. Davis esti family , were at
Mitchell on New Years, theee being a re-
union of the Davis family there titat day.
Forty-two were eOU.
• -e-Choice pettee Meal for broae at A. H.
Cart's. Gall awl try it.
:.The Quarterly Communion Service
Was held. tat Sa ath in the Congrega
tional church., T e, 0 was a good attend -
ace, uotwithst udiag the inclement
t..nr4 •
leading New York physician says
t rci4eay or the Russian in-
fluenza-a mile.type of will& appears to
• have reached srne pointe of Ontario—is
. •
a mild eolatton tea:ft:olio acid and cam-
phor inrefined vhite veteline. • Thie may
beavorth rota°
1,To man tr w men tine, livieg is ever
<, likely to date documeut without tieing
the figure 0. I now tands in the third
• place, whore it 11 remain, ten years. It
wiIl then mov bp to the second plate,
e--" 1800, and there, t wifl rest 100 years.
• jimmy Mcelvie. of the Star restaurant,
takes the lead in all his Bute.
—St. Marys is lit by the eIectric light.
The are lights are 1000 candle power, and
cost 121 cents per light pernight and the
incadescent ar 30 candles,powet, and are
furnished at 5 c ts per light' pe ta night.
Thapoeter is fur iehea by the Ball Bleo•
• trio Light Comp ay, and is said to give
good satisfaction
WING1:1A.11, ONT.1. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1890,
par John Bailie
ran into Wingham
atter deco that r
superannuated, a d his place will be Ailed
by Mr W K Snider, who will eside in
Wingham Mr Snider will ran ate „Ant
Oda in tin it day eveniug next.
—'ort nice hristrnas Present,
the Wingham furniture Factory where
you eau get Pa or and Bedreern Suites,
Centre and Extension Tables, Sideboards,
Raney Chairs, M„ eta,, which Can be
bdught at very w priees. Thos. Bell,
--On Taestlay ye:stag—New year'e eve—
Messrs Gilchrist 'Green & Co., ae a new
year's gitt, paid. 11 their men every cent
that Was due the fu r wages. Stich attion,
on the part of tl, e firm, is commendable;
more•eppecially a it wasvolnutary ou their
part. •
of Canada, hay
flax mill rop3i
mill there next
will grata them
ten years. An eff
flax estahli
Board uf Trade
et couductor, who has
from Lendon,we believe.
tcl watt openea, luta been
Livingston, the Aux kings
purciyased the Seafcirth
, mad intend erecting •
ason, providing the town
emption from taxes for
rt ehould be made to get a
oil Winghttes. The
hoard take this matter
Nice mixed candies from 12tt to 25 cents
per pound, at B Hill's.
—One of the 1. test railway schemes is a
road from Owen Sound to Goderich, via
Tara, anti Paisley villages, and from Goder-
ich to some point on Lake Huron near
Kincardine. A compay called the Owen
Sound and Lak Huron Railway Company
lute been forme , and they will ask the
Dominion Parliament, at its coming - ses-
sion,forincorpo tion in order to build the
—The Methodist Sabbath School review
and Christmas service on Sabbath after-
noon last, was well attended, notwith.
stooling the v
singing by the
showed that t
tyttudement weather. The
ohm:lavas 'well done," and
achalarst had been care;
fully trained'Ale-pikes sung were
appropriate to, theseason.1Dr Towler, the
aupsrinteuden of the schme, in his usual
happy manne erdueted the. review of
the quarten • aeons. Tc blackboard
illustrations- • re neatly done, showing
a good deal of • se. The orehestra con-
tributed grenal to the stecess :of the ser-
• viee. A. couple of deal:tin:lac:tat Were, ran
tiered in good style by sevetalt;Of Abe;
scholar. Miss E Mason gave a *rs:i(die*
entitled "Chris rnas .Sheaves,” Mr. J.
A -Flack gave a hort address. Mr R Mc-
sty of the salted, read his
st quarter, which showed
asin a very flourishing
Indoo, the seer
report for the
that the school
-For a doe
the Winglaam
you ODJI get Pa
Centre and nat
ranoy Chairs,
bought at very 1
—We beg to
hristmas Present, go to
Furniture Factory where
for and Bedroom Suites,
nsion Tables. Sideboards,
to., etc., which oan be
w prices. 'Ines. 13aexa
w our readers' attention
to the great str: s which Poultry 'Culture
hart taken in Can de, of late years. This
jaclee.rty evince by the teeming columns
M our prospe °us contemporary, the
OD/AN PounT Itevraw, published
Toronto Out y 11 B Donovan: The
t, for Christmas, nt R 'Review has iso reached the close of its
• twelfth year, nd is invaluable to all,
. _
Fresh garter: =et
--The annual tt:
rtiotxlturai Soei
Mechanics' Institu
Ott TInsasday, Zan
ant, for the purp
and aireetore for t
transaction of any
confit before the it
eting of the. Wingheen
ty will be held in the
roones,•13estee Block,
ary 9tb at 10 o'elock
ill o pletting office -re
eosubig year and the
her busittees that may
—if you waut a genome good clothes
wringer go and see those kept by Janes A
Cline & Co. Something new, very cheap.
—The Town r4ozurer, Mr -John Dick
son, has itimied his
retleipts and expo
• the year1,889, UP
From it can be gf
f. OrMatiOnl atatli
• the Intaide f aver ratepayer. The assets
mad liabilit a are leo given and the, de.
"btenturt: had , teat: of the town. (The
liatillitiee are\ ftiv as 3,81,860.52, and the
asset at 1,50,q10. S. The debentute in -
'4 itehatedteass it: ,660.52, including the
' • 420,090 Weed to to factories lett year...,
Coo Aestivates For Baia.
Tie audetcnened offers his commodious
naiad:toe, situated on the corner of Pat
sick and naiads stteets, for sale et.
,•*' ressonshlo terms, The house is one of
*the best in Wingliara,ssid is aunt desirably
tweeted. Every ewavenitatee; 1 acre o
oit th good stable, eta. Parties winking t
3 egh the house can do act by call.
Lalli pattror.larn, apply to
"Waraent tivoee,
• Oa:Atria Priaaa, rorouto, Oath
annual statement of the
titutsroof the town fo
I the 15th of 1)ecemberj.
ued a great deal of ha
Statetnent should be in
•who take an inh
or Fancy Poo
trated, contrib
rest in either C onstterci a
y, /t is beautifully Mus-
ed to by leading experts
all over Ameri
England and France,
and makes a ecialty of its "Medical'
and "Question ' departmentS. The price
is only 31 pdr year, pr trial trip, 201:12.
MONTHS, tea 2 ental.
Munint, p blication, and one devoted
to VIONONS d suAtx, PETS are also
issued from t same office.
• —For a niae Christmas Present, go to
the Winglaems nroiture D•ttotory where
you can get Pa for and neartioin Oftitcut,
Ceutro and Ex. nsion Tables, Sideboards,
to., etca, winch can be
w prides, Taos. Boar,.
Fancy Chairs,
bought at very
Mr and Mrs
Mrs Grove's par
t num latent
rears in town..
lin, Shuter stre
Bruseele.. Mr
itIgiriends ana
visiting in Lie
main, of ListoWe
tart in town, wi
•1 4 A. Morton ha
• days in Entrap
1 teaching at/atf '
47 gala, le for ;.,
#1 who ill 06'012
Goo :tioldruno,
his brogro, Dr
B Groves ate visiting at
ts, Norval, Out —Me Ti
he Tome staff,spent New
r and Mrs J as McLauch-
t, spent New Years 'in
Toting, of Britt, is vitit-
latives in town and Bast
and Sire D Sills ere
wel.*Master Adan Tre•
, hat been spending a few
reletivett.,Mr and Mie
beea spending the holi.
„Ale Writ /rveln, of the
the Listowel high school,
'siting in town for some
towel on Thar:ratty...4ft..
elatrietort, was visiting
tits, &few aa,yo lest
The municipal uominati uafev the town
were held in the town di, on Monday
evening, at 780 dolock. Town Clerk Fer-
guson, promptly an time, announced
that be was ready to re ' nominations
for the different oftlaes. The following
were placed in nominatio :
A,011 DIA R,
w2110_tt, brora490 w proposed by R,
Davis, ee'COnded by P ter she W P
knottgoatitse, propo ed by S
seconded by Wm Littl
Geegory, propose y Peter Deans
sem:ruled by 'Phos Bell, „o13nAttaea, pre.
posed by F 11 Bodetus, eopn-dred by Jelin
John IsTeelando
pis. oaed by Geo Petty -
piece, seconded by T S ,Terome. afietirge
Meliatezte, propoeed by Moore, eacond.
lid15-Y*M Eolm es.
Ward No, 1—Thos A ew, proposed...by
Chas Barber, Set:rude y.11 M . Robinson;
Alex Dawson, prop'tied by Geo Petty -
piece, ao'conided by 1M Robinson;
gobioson propose by Thos Abrabam,
seccaed by Chas thew. Elected bY ac-
clamation. *
Ward N. Hill, proposed by
Wo MoClyrnenb, secon d by James 091 -
tins; E primes by Wm Moore,
seoouded by Jae Collins'Atr„,„.t„P„Altaaake,
proposed by James Co ins, seconded by
Wm 11c0lynsont:Ejoyoky, proposed
by 11 Clark, secontit: by Jos Bradwin;
j„.„.,411ottinth, prapo, d by Soo Bra:lain,
seconded by U Clar taY4LLP..F•tegittle.14.1",
proposed by Wm core, seconded by D
Campbell:" . -
Ward No 3-ktng, proposed by
George Itussellase muted by David Ross ;
adm,2,l,ttLetp, pr pOsed by Wm Clekg,
secondedYi Thos ell ; 9bie, pro-
posedby Wm Moore, ec uded by George
RussellYPeter Deans, ropeeed by D
Gordon, #irtrorinTr0 Clarks
Ward IgoW 3glis; proposed by E
IrDicItioson, secon , Henry Davis;
OE Wiuiarns propo t L ,Dickinson,
paeposed. by W Reber seconded by, -1)
Mellinley ;Ma, EOIM-411 propeied by It
seeondid by 'm' Robertson jet%
proposed by p ter Deane, secomfed
by tones Arigns ;
R`roung, seconded
oKin ,ley proposed
John, Gray. '
Ward No. 1—Tho Abraharn, propOeed
by Chat Barber, se radirfIlex Fergie.
WadNo 2—W Modre, proposed by
R Letemex, secliide F 33rooken.•
shire. • •
Ward No. 3—Thos Cl shohr, M D., pro-
posed by Samuel Yo bin,- necon.ded by
Wm Little.
Ward No. 4-12.
by H Davis, secolidii
The Town Clerk
hatn, Moore, Cliish
ed school trustees
dared Messrs Abra-
m and Gordon elect -
for Wards 'Nos. 1, 2,
8 and 4, .respeet vely, by acclamation.
Also, Messrs Agne , wont arid Robin
son elected Counoillore 1 r Ward No. 1.
Ott motion, Town Ole Fergason was
called to the chair to • reside while the
candidates and othe addressed the
ratepayers: Messre Davhattnd Peter
Vieher gave shorb ad ressee.ia "subport of
their candidate, Ala or MoLidooand Par le
of Mt W P Erockefi.
blt 0 E Willi me, chairman of the
Finance Commit e of thei Town Council,
read the folioari. g statediant of the ex.
penditure fat th year 1880t
Interest on de eufdrefs, payable Ta,
1889, as follows
Waterworlse . .... .. ....... 3480 00
Cemetery. ....... ... 105 00
M arket. , • . . .. . a. • 4. 113000
• 446•Y 42600
out**. • .• 69 68
•4116••••• .4 250 00
6184. •• •• . • .. • 200 00
. • .. 41.• 500 00
1.4•• • 250 60
11"410 •••••••• • • Is 00
oulaill, as propose
Boundary li
Cash on' h
Batra tasee
O appropriation,,,, 32 00
• • • • *,* •.• • ..• 2177 15
the from ball ... . 100 00
dded to roll • 96 30
'Making a tota
Prom whish tab
Mr Williams
pared to ',give
of the etandi
• * • • I, • • ..... On 119482 74
expenditure,.. 81354 75
„ . . .. ,11127 90
aia the report hadbeen po-
w electors a true etaternent
g of the town, and he could
assure the neetieg that it was correct.
ge was a
Ward a
Oren hi
in the fu
OX aseso
with heart
ncliaate for odincillor for No. 4
it the ratopayegs eaw fit to
,Ite would serve them as faithfully
ure as as in the past. „
MeIudoo was then called for, and
ing the platform, was greeted
,applause: He said he was
pleased at m Wang eo an of athe rate-
payers. Duri g the year he had served
them faithfull , aud now was before them
to ask their ffrages for another year,
Re had every espeot for his opponent, Mr
Brooke:1st:1r ; he bad always found hint a
gentleman ' every respect, Li -most totVus
it wee oust wary to give the mayor the
seoond you by acclamation. Ile was prcind
of the rap rt just read by Mr Williams;
chairman the iivance .cornmittee. It
showed that ur town was In a prosperous
The mussel 'Mu
creased. during the
r tow zie are going back.
tof the town had lu-
st three years 870,-
502, and there we, no doubt but it would
increase in the s • e tittle next year. Vhe
taxation per hiei of the population,
ing oirr pupnlat on at 2300-ewhieh is a very
low estimate asonly 48,80, while sorti'
of our surrou ding town:: were ,aa high as we needed a t and he felt euro wa
45, and none' ower than 44,81. All the did. The eounea a tea the best plan"
industries ttid d were doing well, Mid he and they had stuck to v: There is pteetr,
thought -it wa one of the wisest moves ever' of fiat stone for th foinulation, in the,
vicinity of Witighe, , and as no stone
a less surface than 8 incites would be u
helelt sure that t e foundation would b
all that could b. desired. The roof wool
be safe, in Tett the hall would be a oreeit
to the twn, a d would be epetteu of liy tii
with /wide. Re
fully, and solicited
for another teem.
john annas:lad
VROL NO. 936
vault was let out, the u.
y stonet fo
feundaton, -cresting f e eilla foi
window s4 &o., were 11
still the /Oweb tentiar X,: IsOuteanb:144nItea bh
voted. He opposed t etriking
vault and the quaril tone, The
had been promised a to n hall completed
with vault, &c, for 38000, and be was iu
favor of giving them what had been
mised. The walls of glebe Iding bad been
lowered so that a gallery c 1cl not be put"
in if one were needed in tl future. 'I'he
hall should be heated by wo furoacee arla
properly seated. He h been told by a
reeponsible party in t u, and one who
should knew, that a uilding larg/eas
the hall proposed t a bilt, can be eeet.
ed, heated, seate and with vault in it a'
for the 08,009 v ed tb0 people. Ire
was in favor ef sting that doge, and if
the electors tho ight he was the right man
for their interes
Thou Grogoryeaid lo
the oldest settler in Wingham,
essistea at underbrashie the roaa north,
from the town, At that time a few of
them got together and raised 310 of *
subsoription toward d fig the , work, Ana
het could asaure them that ib Nsraa truelt
easier to raise 420, 0 now in Vin3hatil
than it Was 010 a- As to the town ban,
hos FAid there.wa no one opposed to the
by law When. it as before the people, an d
as he thought 11 were in laver of it, be
fell in with t nt. .9,11 seen3ed to think, •
asked Ahern. for their ,.,.
unn that. he would "work
t ' the best of his
WaS, he „thouhr,.
Consolidated deb
Tutnberry Settle
Kincaid Ba. Ion
P It bonus....
Gilchrist, Green
Thos Bell
Gileheiet, Oren
"Salt works....
de .. ... 120 00
46 31
Kincaid Bos. 41,1,14 tr•I1,4 .... sop 08 OCr
rrYtnhtlitg Ga••••••••••••••01$114#1 157 50
made the gran •ug of aid to these firms to
extend their wor WO also have Messrs
Lloyd. & Sons'
Chapman's ne
of confidence
the activity i
Acscounts paeft0 ,285 39
Kinottid 144 92,
1,0t00 Bank. • • •••••••••••• 4200 00
Soliool Bo rd.....,..7500
Probable expeu. t 1011-130
door factory and Mr W
brielstannety as a result
nd preiress etimulatecl by
bilcliott,in" town. Betides
lin g honses ereete lin 'own during the year, gerved the town fai tit
e 'vote: of the °Iodae
these incluetries,t eretad been forty dwel.
In regard to,the ow town. bait, he Said
that after the by. lee ;Itor 'MOOD had been e was Ifoittse bond
voted and tenders askea 1 or the builaing town hall. Re baa en at it for the Jest,
of the same, they found pet a hall such three months. All 'admit we need
et the council thought we shoula build 38,000 town hall, but the 4450above the
°Mild not be trenal for the money they appropriation is wh t some stick at,
haat° spend. Tl plansweee remoddelled need the streets 11 ted, and heped4 th
and the' contract- et for 48,450. Objectionwho had the matt e in hand'wonlattgb
htabeen raisedJo the council going on I work, andnot I " so much. He II
with the buildiifg because they sera goiug served on the sbhoo board, as Conncil
topaythe coat otor 3450 mere than the ancl DeputY*Ittiete, and now he asked
people had ed for that purpose. Ile ratepayers to place/hi in the pOsitiOn,
wished to so that they intended to 00fia Reeve, • I:feu:aerate a municipal laavtal
the hall, anfi tliey.would not ask the rate- if elected would net stray the, trust of firtito'
neyers for a single 'cent more than the ratepayers,
38,000 of ebentures voted, They expect, , jelto Neelands aid e appeared 'Were, •
ed t beutures at a premium ot the debtors as a ate for thDepbby.4;
between 4800 aftid 3400 and there tvas 4150 Reevostipt Ile er ed ii. the countill it*
ten yams, tight cool:either gaud tiWo*
mayor, and the r- te yers knew his at:Ili-et
ties. The part fear e had •been,obtiAtnattoe
of, the Property ittee,and during thtt;
year considerable i rovitments had beete,
efteeted at the Own ,ery, in the way o
gravellitg the wal F&c. The town pat
had been fenced d bettutliiied„ "entl tetOtt
a credit to the to n. Wetuld not take .
affai re tato
s ute the electors if th
eputy•Reevp their in.
fade in their halide.
Id he bed often aptee
, Ale had, alvea
i the proeptjtiPet
respaiit bad edema
oommitteest, He ele
soll by-law, beeaute:
relent would not p
be bot little revel:110$ 0,*
ad Opposed the loan
n Cosbeetnise ha Wng,
lying in the t we treasury that luta been
granted for lookup, which they would use
if necessa . The hall, bethought, would
be about elfaaistainin, and it would he
an orna ent to the town., The question
now is, a, we•tigeing to keep the tows
boornitg? Be reneged that ftity of the
business men 1 01 a Circle or aesodation
and Ova they each yeatel
bseribe $106 spa he would
or some industry to start in tetbete Would b
e would like to see such a Geo Diel(enzie
led out, *ad although, •he was ea were the ole
ass, he would coatinue giving tdetetnowandettexdhiinteg
and each oeb
subscribe 320
give a bonus
the town.
scheme oar
not in husi
for ten ye sa the business men woula go
ppone that in that time ten foe.
• from DO to '100 hands
lied, all the property
largely benefited, ahd
tha biliefit along with
them. Ile wee ve y anxious that the town
should continue o prosper,. anct Would de
all tin his power t that end. Ile inticl be
was a candidate for the mayoraley, ana
he would feel til nkful for the oupprt of
the electors for nother yoar.
into it. 8
ories, emp
each, were estab
holders would be
then he would Ten
Mr WV Piro enshire was glita to Mot
the electors, at to seelhat they were' telt.
ing an interest to the toven's afair& aa;
had sertted4the four years as Coun.
calor, and nowte a peered before them
sit t4arsAil1at5 for th position of Mayor,
11014 supported notitdoo the pant
two yeare, but aur ng this year oertain
things hula tranopir
the town hall build
agree with. At the
railWaV and 'other
opposea tbe town
thought the love
that there Wonl
rivea from it.
Gilchrist, Gre
• ..• \
.., a
the Arm wont not be able to cat •
their part of 114 ageeerrieut, but was
to know tha the tea wed pa:Apart:44
our factoties N reiit tothe to ,,';• ,o... I
hoped the/ Otild boutinne to do t,ri
during the pest ree mohtluse
and covered o 5 :we of odt LI n ,f.,Y,.
been it: every tow nd village wit
raditte of forty mi , a of Winthamaan
not been in a pia , ; were then were A -, a
signs of prosper: y and progress. ,Idad. . ,,,,
way put his mo ey into town °per .
dodo coming e Wingheen la
s 4 , . , a ..# ,
" 6' livt A
'year erode baildingt tat the Nrra 74 ..4"
oould t ot anvas pr va y bd6 aelted
1,500, ana tended tee ieereshe hi
ham and ist in • burmr, It gp,
ratepave 'for e r i upofrb, if
tl ht •
'11.1r:isral:s°oufticitYilai; a I1;17::1, '
favor of the or , fei-ii rd4
1:v1)031,11reiti Ile::
, •;/ t ,,,, _
44,-; In • to ,,
a ht connootion with DoPaY4teci....ve.
ug that be oould not asittettiole i
tile hplaw was I 0, pot hem% itt.
11 he eae
being prepared, lie au eated that ib should :laid he Wee in
•• "" • • • • • • 335426 be eubraitteid for mor than 48,000, said Mt& it hufficli
go was told tbat that
"st. Gamin &Co, • 509 00 drat. whet the tr•tt
tiell••••••••••••• 230 oci- foaud that tt roma
ar°111•" " *' • • • "Q 00 O. Thi plaiatt were t
tint wougl. be sut- 613 e'
ors were esd,they
•ill Mafia
• •110111"1"151