HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-29, Page 12Six (SIT. Gids Graduate At
Sunday Evening Service, Present Gift
To Dolores Nicholls For Leadership.
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10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m. Service
(Dutch, 1st Sunday of
the month)
On. Sunday evening, May 26th,
parents and friends gathered in the
Lucknow Presbyterian Church for
the graduation of six Canadian
Girls in Training members.: The
congregation was asked to join in
singing the songs Allelu, This'Is
the Day and Kum Bai Yah.
The C. G.I.T. girls sang
"Feelin' " to open the service.
Mrs. Laura Lee Cayley and Mrs.
Dolores Nicholls read throughout
the service' on the theme of a
sense of identity and values of
life. Mrs. Lloya, Nicholson led
in the prayers. Mrs. Donalda
Scott accompanied on the organ
for hymns, Thank You Lord,
Psalm 8, and Pass It On.
Chevrons for completion of
the year's three studies were pres-
ented to each girl by Mrs. gay-
ley . Prizes for attendance went
to Barbara Loree, Glenda Jamie-
son and Sandra Henderson and
were presented by Mrs. Nicholson.
Mrs. Hugh Armstrong.; Secret-
ary of Girls' Work for Maitland
Presbyterial W."M. S. , led in the
Missionary Affiliation Service.
Brenda 'MacDonald presented the
W. M.S. with a gift from the
C.G.I.T. to help with its work.
All first year mem-
bers, received W.M.S. Affilia-
tion cards and World Friendship
Badges. The symbolism of the
badge was explained by Mrs. Nich-
Four senior girls sang 'a selec-
tion from Jesus Christ Superstar.
Mrs. Nicholls and Mrs. Nichol -
son then presented the
graduates Cathy Jamieson, Susan
Clark, Nancy Ritchie, Audrey -
Ritchie, Mary Ellen Havens and
Brenda MacDonald with certifi-
cates, pins and corsages. Mrs.
Raynard Ackert, from the United
Ch Women, Mrs. Harvey
Mole em the Anglican Church
Women and Mrs. Jack MacDon-
ald from the Presbyterian Mission-
ary Society presented 'a gift Bible
or .Hymn Book to the graduates, of
their respective churches. Con ,
gratulations:from Rev. R. G.,
Nicholls 'was read to 'the girls.
The six girls who were graduat-
ing each told some of the C.G.I.
T. activities which she enjoyed
through the years. They
thanked their leaders and present-
ed each with a gift. Mrs. Dolores
Nicholls was presented with a cor-
sage and a gift froM the C.G.I.T.
'group in appreciation for her
leadership in Lucknow for the past
five years.
The graduate presentation was
concluded with the girls singing
The Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. Cayley introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Bob Camp-
bell of ,Winghame She used an un
tuned violin as an example of a
church drop-out. She then told,
hoi4 .important. it 'is to be in tune
with God and the world for a
richer and fuller life. Barbara
Loree thanked Mrs. Campbell.
Everyone joined in the' hymn
"He Giveth More Grace" with Mrs.
Nicholls at the piano, accompany-
ing' Mrs. Scott. Shalom and Taps
closed the. service.
The ladies of Lucknow and
South Kinloss Presbyterian W. M. S .
provided lunch for the girls and
their guests.
Kinlough W.M.S.
Hostess for the May meeting of
Kinlough Presbyterian Wome.n's
Missonary Society, was Mrs.. Don
Robertson. The President, Mrs.
Sutton, opened the Meeting with
a poem "A Sure Way to a Happy
Day". Hymn 146, The King of
Love My Shepherd is, was sung
followed by the treasurer's report
and the business period.
Roll call, Mother's Day verse
or thought, was taken. Mission-
ary report on Misi Isobel Taylor
was given by Mrs. Betty Bushell
followed by a film strip. "The
visit to Mary and Martha".
Mrs. Bessie Maulden was in
charge of the program which open-
ed with 'singing of Hymn 796,
Mother's of Salem. Mrs. Hark-
ness read scripture from Proverbs
31. Prayer was given by Mrs.
Maulden and Mrs. Joan Barr read
"Only one Mother".
Mrs. Nina McDonald read ib
"The Blood Stained Lentle". A
Bible citliz was conducted by Mrs.
Sutton. Mrs. Ruth Wilson read
"Call Her Blessed". Mrs. Mauld-
en followed with a' Bible Quiz on
Mothers of the Bible.
The 'closing hymn was 708
Happy the Home where God is
there. The Lord's Prayer was re-
peated and grace sung. A delic-
ious lunch was served by Mrs. Bill
McPherson and the hostess.
A very successful Bake sale
110th Anniversary
At Chalmers Church
On Sunday, May 26th the 110th
anniversary of Chalmers Presby-
terian Church was held with guest
speaker Rev. Charles. Shaver B.K.,
B.D. 'of Hanover and organist and
choir leader, Mrs. Don Ross.
The morning'service was held
at 11 a.m. Scripture lessons were
read from I Chronicles 29 and
9 followed by prayer.
The children's story was "How to'
be 'a Saint".
A duet, Jesus and Me was sung
by Mrs. Ronald Forster and Mrs.
Bill Gibson. The sermon was
The Glory and the. Covenants.
Choir anthems were "The Love of
God" and "The Church by the side'
of the road". The closing hymn
Faith of Our Fathers was folloWed
b; the benediction by Rev. C.
In the 'evening the hymn was
Thou shalt guide me with Thy
Counsel. Scripture lessons were .
from John 11 and Romans 6. Mus-
ic included the' anthem "God is
still on the throne"; a duet by
Mrs. Bill Gibson and Mrs. Ronald
Forster "Down from His Glory";•
and a number by the men's choir
"Will'your anchor hold".
The sermon was "Living Before
You Die" and the closing hymn
was Saviour, breathe an evening
blessing. •
A change, in service tiMe next
Sunday, - the service at Langside
will be at 9.45 a.m. and at °
Whitechurch at 11.15 and Sunday.
School at Whitechurch will be at
10.15 a.m. United Church Anni-
versary at Whitechurch will be
Sunday, June 9.
Ashfield W.M$.
Mrs. Lloyd Collins opened her
home Thursday evening to the
Jadies Of Ashfield Women's
Missionary Society for'their May
Mrs. Ewan MacLean opened the
meeting with the theme "God and
His Wonderful Creations"pertain-
ing to birds, trees and flowers,
followed by prayer, then a poem •
"God's Garden - Sermon to the
Birds" was given. Scripture tak-
en from. Solomon 2 was read by
Mrs. Donald Simpson and itnedita-
Orrie Gingrich, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Mrs. Raynard Ackert presided
for the general meeting of the
Lttoknow United Church Women
held in the church parlour on Tues-
day , June 21st. The meeting was
opened with a hymn and two short
meaningful readings by Mrs. Ack-
ert : Mrs. Wes Ritchie was,pianist
for the meeting.
Correspondence was read by
Mrs.-Ken Cameron. Mrs. Robert
Finlay, treasurer, reported total
receipts of $1438.49 to date, ex-
penditures $695.69.
It was the unanimous decision
of the meeting to pay for the
aluminum,bronze doors to be in-
stalled in the entrance of our
church with the Miss Elizabeth
Murdi.e legacy. These doors will
feature, a church symbol and a
suitable plaque will b used to
recognize the legacy. 4400. was
voted to the renovating program..
Reports were heard from the
different conveners and members.
were reminded 'of the needs of
the supply work to be in by June.
Mrs. Allan Johnston outlined the
Lion was "Sermons In Trees" and
was followed-by prayer..
Roll call, name a favourite
flower and how to care for it, was
answered by eleven members and
two visitors. Mrs. Jack MacKen-
zie had- a contest about plants,
flowers and spices from the Bible.
Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave the
offertory prayer. Mrs. MacLean
gave "Truth About' Mothers" tak-
en from Glad Tidings.
Mr. Sand , our student minister,
was present and conducted a
Bible study, with the ladies divid-
ed into two groups a discussion
Mrs. Jim West conducted the'
business part of the meeting. Mrs
MacLean had the closing prayer.
Grace was sung , lunch aid a soc-
ial time followed.
work of the social functions
mittee for the Month of,
and ,alSo said she had Pled
port to the 'Old Boys Reim
Committee for Monday', j
from our U. c. W. to help
'The president asked fait
fOr clean up day at Silver
June 2, and urged members
attend the Mini SchOol at
water June 6 ; which will
leadership training. 'Theo
was received by Mrs, Alb
ingstar and Mrs. 'Ken Cam
dedicated by Mrs. Clarenc
.Mrs. 'Robert Nicholls wa
to the front and after a few
ments by Mrs. Vernon H
lovely gold cameo bracele
presented to her by Mrs. J
Treleaven on behalf of the
W. Mrs. Nicholls fittingl
plied. Mrs. Peter Cook f
ed.wiih a lovely solo, AS
ship program was presented
Mrs. Eldon Ritchie as cha'
Music, scripture, medif
prayer , a skit and a disc
revealed the many
meanings of Stewardship.
Members were left widish
tion "Are we using our to
the best of our ability, art
ting God's work first. Th
ticipating in th.e program
Mrs. Doug McEwan,'Mrs.
Morrison', Mrs. Al Irwin,
Ada Webster and Mrs, El
Hymn 356 and prayer by
A. Webster closed theme
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, LA., B.D.
Phone 52872740 •
JUNE 2nd
10 a.m. Stmday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Anniversary Services
Sunday, June 9
11 a.rn. and 8 p.m,
Kincardine, Ontario
United Church Women WM Use Le
To Install New Church Doors, Pies
Minister's Wife Prior To Departure
Rev. Robed Nichelle,
JUNE 201
*The annual eongregati
•nie and Sunday School
•sary will he held at SIN • •
j 11:00 a,m, Moraing
A fosh
4t: Anyone needing b'
• and anyone who cant
!passengers, meet at the
1n the evaetn1t0:o3: ai;oani; •
¤ everything will be held
at the camp.
• g TOroPviOslegr
iNo lifPeOeINTver
ised.'f ocusedi dedicated
:::y E.Emerson