HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-29, Page 2i• 14 e d a 4 di "., 4" 0441 ifekinde ctitov AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RATEPAYERS AND RES- IDENTS OF WEST WA WA NOSH. • * ¤ ".....1Z17CITN:On.W.thi:SH.u;reoNn..fNc.0;;Loindiry "The '!epoy 'Town" LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Second Class Mail Registration Number ow Established 1873 --Published Wednesday Member of the C.C.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance 1 $2 extr to ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 a U.S.A.... an Foreign Donald C. Thompson, Publisher LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT SWIMMING P00 ••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • ¤ • • • • •.• • • .• • WILL BE 'HOLDING REGISTRATION AT THE LUCKNOW TOWN HALL Saturday, June 1 FROM 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Saturday, June 8 FROM 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON There will be two 'summer swimming sessions — July July 26>inclusive; July 29 to August 23 inclusive. PRICE PER SESSION_ $15.00 per family (parents not included) $8.00 for teens — $5.00 for children Please Note The size of the beginner swimming classes is limi 10 per instructor per period of time. So come early to g time of your choice. The Junior, Interinediate and Senior classes are not Iricted. ON REGISTRATION DAY PLEASE KNO SWIMMING LEVEL ATTAINED , TIME PERIOD DEO IN WHICH SWIMMING SESSION YOU WANT TO BE ENROLLED — (July or August or bail DON'T ENROLL SMALL CHILDREN WhO AO LESS THAlsi A4" TALL THANK YOU 1 PAGE TW411) Editorial Comment... THE LIICKROW SENTINEL., LLICKNGW, ONTARIO The Alexander MacKenzie En- dowment Fund, one of the finest educational assistance funds, and certainly one of the most un- ique this province has ever known, remains in limbo three years after the Public'Trustee removed the fund from the local trustees,who had been, administering it for 28 years. When the late Mr. MacKenzie of Kinloss Township willed • $32,000 4o the Lucknow High. School in 1943, we doubt if he eVer imagined the "red tape" that would arise when the provincial 'government , through the Public Trustee, got their fingers in the pie in 1971 ruling that the method of administration which had worked well for 28 years would no longer apply, and that local board Again I question a report of West Wawanosh Council Minutes, that of May 15;1974; In part it reports that a Petition regaritling dust control at St. Hel- ens and from there On, conces- • lion 10/11 to Belfast, iigned by a majority ,of residents of St. Hel- ens area was presented to Council and was tabled on motion of Rutherford and Foran. Actually, using the South West corner of the only village block as a dividing point, 55.5% of the signatures were from petitioners west of this point to Belfast. These include nine names of people whO own property on this portion of Concession 10/11, but who live elsewhere. We apprec- iate such unselfish support. The remaining 44.5% of the tot- al signatures are those of St. Hel- ens residents who deserve the same consideration as the other 55.5%. This should prove the distribu- tion.of petitioners in the areas. The definition of "Tabled" is to receive as a report, or petition, etc. 'but to agree to postpone its consideration indefinetely. It is about what I expected. Does our ToWnship Council realize they are- Representatives of those who hold voting privileg- es and that they are responsible to them and not a law unto themsel , ves? It is to be hoped that.in the next Nomination Meeting and Election in this Township, there will be competition from progressive, concerned ratepayers who will accept the responsibility of run- Mu for Office and . providing us with fair, local governMent. Please consider this seriously. The Township needs you. , Dorothy McKenzie, Lot 14, W. Wawanosh. May 24, 1974. In April 1964, uncNi the Secur- ities Commission Act, the $32,000 ( capital fund) could no longer be accumulated and inter- est on the capital fund had to be all given out in one year as bur- saries and loans to boys request- ing assistance. The loans were interest free but a father or guard ian of a boy had to co-sign the note. At the present time there is over $20,000 outstanding, out on loan. With the fund in a state of limbo for 3 years, rib attempt has been made to collect this money. In 1968, when Lucknow High School students were transferred to Wingharn, an ad hoc commit- tee was formed from the Huron-Bruce High School Board with William G. Hunter as its Chairman and Mrs. -IviacKenzie as secretary, Members of this committee were Charles Webster , Virden Mowbray, Frank McQuil-, lin, Harvey Houston and Clarence Medley.. They gave many hours of their time in looking after the , details of, this fund. .In June of 1971, the Public Trus- tee asked for an accounting of-this hind and that it be turned over to the Public Trustee. Elmer C. Bell, Q.C. of Exeter, board solic- itor , asked the Huron County Board of Education to take over: the administration of this Rind and the folloWing motion was made: "ResOlved that the. Huron County Board of Education-do thereby consent'to its appoint- ment as Trustee of the Alexander . MacKenzie Education Endowment Fund provided under the Will of the late Alexander MacKenzie, and doth authorize the execution of a Consent by the Chairman of this Board and doth further atithor- ize its solicitor to make appliCa- • tion to the court to have the funds in the above, mentioned trust trans- ferred to it as Trustee forthwith. after a Court audit thereof." Mr. Bell then read the motion in the Supreme Court of Ontario on the 24th day of June 1971 and the Outcome of this was as fallows, "That Mrs. Isobel MacKenzie do pass the accounts and transfer any property or securities of the Alexander MacKenzie EndoWment Fund to Victoria and Grey Trust Company and that Victoria and Grey Trust Company act as a trus- tee for the Fund." In a letter dated August. 3rd 1971 to the Huron County Board ' of EduCation,. Mr. Bell stated the following "It is my opinion that while a Mist company was proper for administrative detail, ultim- ate responsibility for policy should lie with a Board of Education. However, , while the Bruce Canty Board of Education . did not want to act, it opposed" the appointment of the Huron Board. It appears that no audit. of the accounti*can take place until Septeffiber or October , so that in that time no action of any kind - will take place in connection with the Fund." As we see it, the fund would have been best handled by the local committee who were more aware of the local needs and the original intent, and were prepared to administer the fund as a ser- vice to their community. Failing this, and as a second choice, the fund might well have been handled by one of tlAe Coun- ty school boards involved , either Bruce or Huron. Bruce was not willing to act, but opposed the appointment of Huron, who was willing. Our observations of past agreements and disagreements between these two county school ' boards would seem to make this Kedictable. In turn the. Public Trustee award- ed the responsibility of the fund to Victoria and Grey. Victoria and Grey is a business interested in showing a profit and as such would be expected to charge the normal administration fee for such a ser- vice. No one would expect other- wise. However they are in no position to know the education needs of the area and the result will likely be an advisory committee of some type , who will , be paid in all like- lihood. The administration costs of the fund will continue to , spar and Mr. MacKenzie's original intention of assisting, students will be, lost in administration red tape. All this to replace an effective local ad- ministrative body working in the community interest, at no charge. Will we ever understand the thinking of the Public Trustee far removed from the local scene and about as unaware and linc,soncerned about the local fund as anyone could be? Whether the fund is .any closer to becoming operative again is anyone's guess. It has taken three years now to transfer the fund from one administration board to an- other.. While bureauctats drag • WEJINESIDAY, gAY their feet, students, who need of these funds and e them are bypassed, The fund now contains $30 ,000 representing the capital investment, alon $10 ,890 in the bank and $20 ,000 out on loans, Time will tell how sue Victoria and Grey will be arranging for the repaym these loans of $20,000, board were doing very to when stripped of their po years ago. What was a very unique valuable education fund area has been fragmented eroded thanks to, the PA Trustee, sitting high into Towers of Toronto, and caring. about an education a town called Lucknow, We had people in this ity who did care, but the Trustee wiped them out a efforts have resulted, in a 'which has been frozen for A disgrace I This would generous comment on the ling of the matter. • r. Students , Wait... Bureaucrats Twiddle.. Public Trustee Puts Alexander MacKenzie-Eradowment Fund in Limbo For Past Three Years members would no longer be able to administer the fund. • The result is that, this fund has sat dormant since June of 1971 without a dollar being used for rn the original purpose intended by Mr. MacKenzie. In June of 1971, the Ontario Supreme Court ordered that the records be transferred to Victoria and Grey Trust Company who would act as trustee for the fund. That's three years ago, and during this time money that had been promised by the local administration board has not been paid to legitiniate bursary recip- ients arid those who were to re- ceive loans. The local board has been helpless in the matter. We said that the fund had re- mained dormant, but this is not altogether true. In that time leg- al fees of $3,553.25 have been sucked from the fund, expenses incurred in the change-Over from the local administration to the new trust fund. It should be pointed out that during the '28 year history Of the fund , local administratorS worked for nothing, in the interest of theit.corninunity. Perhaps a brief run-down of the fund's history would enlighten Sentinel readers who' may not be familiar with the matter. • In the will of the late Alexand-7 er MacKenzie of Kinloss, who died in 1943, $32,000 was left to boys graduating from Luck- now High School area in order ". that they could obtain educational financial. assistance to further their education. W. B. Anderson/, Thos, Smith. and P. W. Hoag were the first ad- ministrators of the Alexander,,;v1ac• Kenzie EndoWment Fund.. The original amount was invested in • various securities and bonds. The fund is unique in that boys only were to be the beneficiaries. The late Mr. MatKenzie was a bach- elor. In 1961, the Lucknow High School Board took over the,admin- istration and Mrs: Robert (Isobel) MacKenzie was their secretary. As there were only.a few boys at that time availing themselves of this money, it soon accumulated to over $60,000,