HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-22, Page 24NN a .1 4. • Reunion a Reflections Cr IFA.DRICS LIMITED Custom Draperies and Drapery Hardware ,.• •,.•ki:‘3,%` I Armstrong Cushionflor and Inlaid Vinyls HARDING CARPETS • YOUR COMPLETE 11011E DECORATING CENTRE FINLAY DECORATORS CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM CARPETING LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND PAINTS DRAPERIES PHONE 521-1434 04";414"04,44,1"" SEE . • By The Sentinel •••••••~0044.***..0**4.0~"*".4 THAT Mrs. Jim (Susan) McNaugh - ton of Lucknow left on Wednes- , day, May 15th by air .for Markindh, Scotland, due to the serious illness of her aged father who had suffered a stroke. THAT Lucknow village. works de:- partment will be flushing the wat er hydrants on Thursday , May 23rd all day. THAT because of the Monday holi: day, and ;he resulting flood of news copy on Tuesday, a num- . ber of 'terns will have to be held - over until next week'because of lack of time to process them. THAT the fire siren in Lucknow was set off twice on Thursday night of last week at the height of a severe thunder and lightning 'Storm.- 'Neither call was a fire call.. The storm triggered the alarm. Firemen were at the hall the second time it happened .and succeeded in stopiing the sir- en after about, "half a wail". THAT Mr. and Mrs. Tony John- stone , Mr. and Mrs. Brian John- ston, Mr. and Mrs. Ken John- stone, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Guay and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry McRae attended the District 1 Kinsmen Spring Convention held in Niagara Falls from Friday to Monday. THAT Mrs. Robert (Hazel) Purdon of Lucknow is a patient in Univ,- ersity Hospital, London with a • fractured right hip. Mrs. Purd - on who resides in the Anderson. Apartments on Main Street, suf- fered the fracture in a fall late Sunday afternoon in her apart- ment. Day week end. I will be most honoured to re-visit the village and .partake of the activities. Brian Keith, Toronto. LUCKNOW : FRUIT MARI YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND FOOD SAM BRIMFUL 14 OZ. Spaghetti Sale E. D. SMITH 28 OZ. Garden Cocktail DELSEY SOFT Bathroom Tissue • SAVE HE 4. Tins? SAVE 10 Only Jar 3 SAVE V 4 Rolls ERIN 24 OZ. WITH PECTIN' REAL GOODY Rasp. or Strawberry Jam •••••\ \N. N. N. \ \1.•,•.••.\N\ '••••••••• \%\\\\\\\\\- OLDE TYME SUPER SPECIAL • SUNSET Sliced Breakfast Bacon 16 N"\\\\\•••••••‘\••••••%\••••••••••••00,004.\\NA\\\\\\\\\\ Open All pay Mon. Through VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDA MAY 23,24,25 • PHONE LUCKNOWS le Clilhom• LA YE - ANDERSON. Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Luc know are pleased to nounce the engagement of daughter , Joan Marie, to James Donald Laye of fond son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. R. 8 Parkhill. Thew will take place on Friday, 21st at 5.00 p.m. at Lue United Church, Lucknow, FERGUSON - SIR° Mr . and Mrs. Robert IL Simpson of fantail anna engagement of .their daug Margaret Eileen, to Glean Ferguson, son of Mr. and Gordon Ferguson of Delhi. wedding will take placeOu day , June 15th at Ashfield terian Church, at S Mac KINNON - Colleen a MacKinnon of Kitchener announce the arrival of th Scott Douglas, on May 13 at K- W Hospital, a bro Debbie. TRELEAVEN - Robert and (Baker) Treleaven ate pi •announce the arrival of 1, daughter Robyn Lynneat Hospital London, on Mg 1914. A dad for Catha Brian. Gra ndmottlets- ate 41a Treleaven of London Mrs, Neva Baker of gatina If THE IAIC.KNQW SENTINEL, OWFAR19. _WEDNESDAY, AtAy.i& PAGE TWENTY•FOUR Mr. Donald Thompson. Dear Sir: Thank you for sending us an invitation to the Re-union in July; Connie and I will hope to be there. We enjoy receiving the Sentinel. Received the Invitation before the mail strike. Yours truly, Tom Morrison, Little Current , Ontario. • • • Don Thompson, Invitation Chairman, Luc know Reunion, Luc know , Ont . Received my invitation to your Luc know Reunion some time back • Many thanks indeed. I felt quite honoured to realize I had not been forgotten for tis over 40 years since I left home first to settle in Saskatchewan and now having been living in B.C. since 1959. I've been very fortunate having the Sentinel sent to me for years now from a schobl chum of which I appreciate reading every week. Though there are lots 'of changes over the years, there is still lots of interesting news and especially on the 2nd concession of Kinloss and surrounding districts.. Can't say yet what my plans will be for holidays. Again many thanks and so wish- ing you all every success, Yours respectfully, Mrs. Alex Sealy, 111 - 6950 Linden Ave.., Burnaby 1, B.C. Dear Don: Thank you for the invitation to the Lucknow Reunion on Canada Hold Spring Flower Display and Tea Over sixty ladies and gentlemen attended the spring flower display and afternoon tea sponsored by the Lucknow and District Horti- cultural Society on May 15th in the Lucknow Legion Hall. Mrs. Clarence Bell convened the committee consisting of Mrs. Jim Henderson, Mrs. Stuart Col-• lyer , Mrs. Alex Andrew and the President Mrs.. Harvey Mole. Mrs. Noble Johnston and Mrs. Jack McDonagh assisted in the kitchen. A hand painted table cloth and a floral arrangement adorned the tea table where Mrs. Morgan Henderson poured tea. The guests were served lunch at atttrac• tive tea tables. These tables were set with fine china some of which was very unique and ant,que. The waitresses wore long dress- es. The guests were welcomed as they entered the tea room through a cherry blossom and artificial rose decorated arbour. The visit-, ors were delighted to see so many floral arrangements and p potted lants. ' . In the centre of the team room was a bird bath, complet,e with artificial birds and surrounded by geraniums. Elmer Umbach accompanied Dr, Jas. Little's several violin selections which delighted the guests. Throughout the afternoon Mrs. Alex Andrew supplied soft record music. Miss Ada Webster' distributed premium gladioli bulbs to the horticultural members who were present. Dear Sirs, Thank you for the invitation to the Lucknow reunion. I'll look forward to being present for some of the celebrations planned for the July .1st week end. Enclosed please find cheque for $12.00 to extend my subscription to yourgreat little paper , for another two years. Allgood wishes for continued success to the re-union commit- tees. Sincerely, Mrs. J.A . (Marian I.) West , Don Mills, Ont Dear Mr. Thompson, "Enclosed you will find a dona- tion for an extra 'roar in '14'. I enjoy getting the. Sentinel". Yours sincerely, Louisa B. MacDonald, Weston, Ont