HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-22, Page 7TICE ommencing, Saturday, May 25 AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE lucknow Machine Shop WILL CLOSE' FROM TURDAY NOON UNTIL MONDAY NOON NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in possession of lands in any Municipality in the County of Huron. In accordance with the Revised Weed Control Act, 1972, Section 4, 14 and 20 and amendments thereto, that unless noxious weeds growing 'on' their lands are destroyed by June 15, 1974 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter' upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs vainst .the land in taxes, as set out in the, Act. The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. ALEX CHESNEY, Weed Inspeetor,, County of Huron .' • VVIMITADS gliBBIT our avid Magee B.Sc. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE ' )RTHCOMING ESTABLISHMENT OF AN OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF GENERAL DENTISTRY AT 175 John Street East Wingham, Ontario Patients May Call 357-2021 For Further Information NOTICE RE EUNION PARADE All those who have not sent in their form indicating their intentions for entering a float in the Reunion Parade, please do so at once so that the committee may make final plans. All those who might wish to enter in the parade, please advise chairman Brian Johnston as soon as possible. Espy MAY 22nd, 1274 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ieties in Europe so that all new varieties had to be developed to resist the disease. Hop plants coming in from England and Wales have to be accompanied by a 'certificate stating they were grown in an area where the Progressive Vert- icillium Wilt disease is , not known or even suspected of being pre- sent. Root crops horseradish, car- rots, beets, parsnips, turnips, all need certificates before they can come into the country, unless they're coming from the U.S. (except the state of New York), ' Bermuda or the West Indies. The certificates ensure the plants are packed in new containers, free of soil, to make mite they are not infested with pests or diseases. To help make travellers aware of the plant import regulations, Agriculture Canada has produced explanatory pamphlets to be is- sued with visas and with tickets for people leaving Canada on a return trip. One of these pamph- lets has been made available in 12 languages. "One of our dutieS is to ensure maximum returns to producers " Dr. Campbell says. "And one way to do this is to ensure the control of pests and diseases which would destroy our own crops." M. R. Bolton Agricultural Representative Mr. and Mrs. Miller Peart of Willowdale were guest speakers at the Bruce District Annual' meeting of the Genealogical' Society on April 23rd in the United Church House at Port Elgin., .Mr. Peart outlined some methods of research ing for Family Trees and gave many places where information may be obtained both' in Canada and overseas. Mrs. Peart explain. ed the means of using the many - books and exhibits which she and her husband had brought. The Pearts were introduced 'by Mrs. Percy Warrilow and thanked by, Al Williamson of Port Elgin. Mrs. Bazil Underwood outlined the' meetings and projects attempt ed during the four years she had been president. One big project was the recording of cemeteries, especially old unused, ones, of Bruce County and this is going well. A second project was the re-printing of the 1867 Bruce Dir- ectory which is an interesting and useful book for, any resident.'`Rev. John Fortier had done -a fine edit-,• orial job of getting out the Bruce Bulletins. George. Cluley of Port Elgin con ducted the election of officers which 'resulted as follows; Presid- ent , Al Williamson of. Pori Elgin; Vice President, Mrs. Percy War- rilow of Owen Sound; Secretary, Mrs; Jack Underwood of Port Elgin and Treasurer, Mrs. Al Williamson of Port Elgin. The Ontario Genealogical Soc- iety will meet in Port Elgin on the May holiday week end as guest of the Bruce Branch. Attending the banquet and meeting from Lucknow was Pharis Mathers. support the mentally retarded REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK BY MURRAY GAUNT M.P.P. HURON - BRUCE - The Ontario Medical Associa- tion misrepresented scientific evidence in ,an attempt to 'prove optometrists should not be allowed to administer diagnostic drugs, Albert Roy - Liberal Health Critic, said this week. Mr. Roy said he was appalled that the medical association would resort to misrepresentation and scare tactics to keep diagnostic drugs, solely in the domain Of eye doctors. He explained that last month the association sent a brief to all Members of the Legislature attempting to show that optical anesthetics and dilating drugs could have serious side effects and that optothetrists should not be allowed to use them. Mr. Roy, P P . for Ottawa East, said there is overwhelming evidence that optometrists, with the proper care, can use diagnos - tic drugs in the same way as eye doctors. The Krauss-,Maffei Go-Urban 'test track at the Ci\IE has been Under almost continuous fire since the Legislature operied. This nice Farm Report WED PESTS following news release Canada Agriculture should interest to everyone. might think those gorge- , ,,,,: would look great in backyard' garden. And you think that,while you're oning in urope, you'll ack a few cuttings in your and transplant them in back home. et it. The move Wouldn't y with. the Plant Quaran- port Regulatons of Canada protect the country from dating unwanted pests and diseases. plants coming into Canada all countries must be ac- "ed by a certificate saying are five from disease and year, approximately half significant interceptions coming into Canada were • after searching baggage," Dr. W. P. Campbell, chief inspection and quaran- of Agriculture Canada's 'Protection Division. is and immigrants are not aware that they can't plants, and the soil. cling- Ahem, into the country t a certificate and a per- ist 'of the' plants people o o bring in with them can ught in legally under per- d certified, " Dr. Camp- tains. the same token,. plants that a is exporting must meet ease and pest control stan- set ,.by the . importing ies. don't want soil coming in , aay country, except.for U.S., Dr. Campbell says. Aarries disease and/such un-ble things as nematodes. tree fruit plants must be of viruses before they're 1 in our orchards." rt regulations are needed let viruses like Sharka, own as plum pox, which yed the usefulness of many , plum and nectarine var- Genealogical Soc. Holds Annual . week it came under criticism again. The cost Of the experiment has increased from the estirnated.$16 to over $25 million and that is ex- cluding the main station, site adjustment and utility relocation costs. The Goverhment has argued that inflation is the villain. The opposition has rejected that by saying , the cost of building the North Yonge Subway increased only by 20% in eight years while the Krauss-Maffei experiment has increased 100% in-12 months in re- gard to the civil engineering costs alone. ' There have been a number of calls for the Government to aban- don-this costly transportation sys- tem in faVour of a practical and cheap, flexible, light , rapid tran- sit scheme.. Following my weekly report on the 11th April I haVe received a number of inquiries about the guaranteed annual income system as it applies to seniorcitizens, which comes into effect on July 1st, 1974. By way of clarification I submit the folloWing,example. A single, old age pensioner who has no out- side income receives a maximum old age security and guaranteed income supplement of $191.06 will receive from the Province $25.61 per month to bring the pension total to $216.67. The Province is guaranteeing an in- come of $216.67 per month to each single pensioner. 'If the out- side income, plus the old age security and guaranteed income supplement equal, or exceed, $216.67 then the Province will not make any further payment. 1-lowever, if those three sources of income do not exceed $216.67 .the ProvinCe will make up the difference. To calculate a pensioner couple's new "guaran- teed income the same procedure as set out above is followed. Their new guaranteed, income is $433.33 per month. At the moment, a couple that have no outside ,income receive a maxi- mum old age security pension plus the , guaranteed income supple- ment of $364.49. To this will be added $68,84 to make the $433.33. As long as, the outside income, plus the O.A.S. and the G.I.S. do not exceed $433.33 the PrOvince will make up the differ- ence to that point, INE110660111111111111111.11e