HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-22, Page 6CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Feed will be held for JACK MacLENNAN Lot 34, Concession Lake Range, Ashfield Township, 3 miles south of Amberley and_Lmiles north of Kintail ori -Highivay 21 On' SATURDAY, JUNE 1st at 12:30 p.m. TERMS CASH, FARM SOLD Auctioneer Grant McDonald Ripley 395.5353 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, will be held for SARAN JEAN GRIFFIN Clyde Street, Lucknow TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 28 at 7 p.m: 2 couchei; T.V. tables; parlor . 'tables; buffet with mirror; odd chairs; kitchen cupboard; wood table and chairs; chrome table with 4 chairs; 6 press back chairs; cupboard; hot plate; el- ectric stove (as is); electric stove, (working); vacuum clean- er; floor polisher; washing machine; ironing board; toaster: electric kettle; cooking utensils: sealers; wardrobe; chest; iron bed;, wash stand; quantity of coal; numerous articles. TERMS CASH PROPERTY SOLD NOTE TIME OF SALE 7 P.M. Brian Rintoul, auctioneer Increased. Yields Control Weeds IN CORN * SUTAN * ATRAZINE 80W * AATREX 90W * MARZONE * AMITROLE T * 'BLADEX * CORN OIL BEANS * AMITROLE T * COBEX * EPTAM * PATO RAN GRA INS * 2, 4-D AMINE 80 * MCPA AMINE 80 ASK ABOUT SPECIAL DISCOUNT AT KJ, Smith SEED AND GRAIN CO LTD. PORT ALBERT PHONE 529-7135 4wessiesommenommwm-- • SAVE YOUR SOLES IN THE WANT' ADS CROP SPRAYS .Autrex 90-W — Sutan - Las Bkidex Patoran - Eptani - Af 24D MCPA Embutox, etc • AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES CHRIS COOK & S PHONE 529-7644 4 5. • 4 A THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, oNTARICI PAGE SIX CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Some Antique Household Items will be held for JIM McCALLUM Lot 39, Concession 8, East Waw- anosh Township, 11/2 miles, west . of Belgrave TUESDAY, JUNE 11 at 12:30 P.M. TERMS CASH — FARM' SOLD Brian Rintoul, auctioneer AUCTION' SALE Of Household Furnishings, OffiCe, Restaurant Butcher Equipment and Supplies will 'be held for LES HORTON Lot 45, Concession Lake Range, Ashfield Township, Gore Road, West of McNay's Store at Amberley SATURDAY, JUNE' 15 at 10:30 a.m. Brian Rintoul, auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery will be held for VERNON , HUNTER Lot 15, Concession 14,, West Waw- anosh Township, 1/3 mile' east of , Lucknow • MONDAY, JUNE 10 at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Modern Farm Machinery and Complete Household Effects will be held for LAWRENCE .McLEOD Lot 25, Concession 2, kinlots, Township, On Langside Road, 3 blocks East and 1 Block North Of Lucknow On MONDAY, MAY 27 10:30 a.m. Livestock . . 25 beef cols with' calf at side; 8 B.W.F. (500 lb.) cattle. Machinery ,. . . Ford 3000 diesel tractor with cab and chains, 1100 his., 2 yr. old, like new; 50 Massey Fergus- on diesel tractor with Freeman loader, good condition; M.F. No. 12 baler with bale thrower,, 2 yr. old, like new; Clay- hayliner 7 ft. (mower and conditioner combin- ed); New Idea 4 bar rake; M. H. No. 11 rake; 32 ft, bale elevator; 2 wagons -with bale thrower racks; 1974 wagon with 16 ft. pine flat rack; Allis • Chalmers No. 72 pull type combine (gook! condition); Mildmay 24 x 36 thresher; Massey Harris 7 ft. binder " with canvas; Massey Harris No. .20 seed drill; Massey Ferguson 12 ft., 3 p.t.h. disc; Viking hanunermill with 3 h.p. motor; Massey Ferguson 3 - 12" trip beam plow; 10 ft. chain har- row, 5 section. harroW; 4 wheel manure spreader- with 100 bu: grain box; 14 ft. grain auger with motor; saw frame; Homelite chain saw; fanning Wall; grain aerator; Smith snow blower, (1 yr. old); Smith 14 in. post hole digger; 2 roll heavy 'barb wire, 3 roll snow fence; corn scuffler; cattle oiler; quantity pine, lum- ber; truck racks for .8 ft. box; 87 sheets of new steel roofing; steel and cedar posts;. 28 ft. ex- tension ladder; bunk feeder; wheel barrow; lawn mower; 15 bag baler twine; 4 bag cattle mineral; 5 bags fet'tilizer. 600 bale hay, 200 bale straw. HousahOld Effects . . . Chesterfield (like new); coffee and end tables; odd chair* small tables; cabinet radio; RCA 25" colour T.V.; lamp8; 2. studio couches; dinette suite; chrome set; electric stove, fridge; vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; carpet sweeper; wash- er; 15 cu. ft. Woods freezer.; 3, bedroom suites; numerous arti- cles to complete household items. Which sell 'at 10:30 sharp , TERMS CASH —FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Lunch Counter on the grounds in charge of the Kairshea Brian Rintoul, auctioneer Whitechurch, Phone 357-2349 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT KINSMEN CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, MAY 25th Beginning at 10:30 A.M. In the Lucknow Arena The sale consists *of 'Household Effects, Antiques and Farm Items The following is a brief list of some articles: A number of electric stoves.; washing machines; washer and spin dryers; number of televis- ions; number of antique rocking chairs ; lamps ; snowmobile ; record player; numerous tables, antique & modern; chesterfields and chairs; gramophone cabinet; antique turnip planter; antique sewing machine;, hot water tank;:: toilet tank;" baby cribs; play pens; stroller; Hoover floor pol- isher, new; Hoover vacuum cleaner; Pioneer chain saw; walking plow; lanterns; blow torch; silver cream, sugar and butter dis he s; shuffleboard game; lawn mower; 110 D.C. power unit; 2 new mufflers; car tires, some new; number of wagon tires; pair mag moulds, 4 stud; 100 amp. D.C. generator, 125 volts, 1750 r.p.m., heavy duty; wooden extension ladder;' antique pump organ; Kelvinator washer and dryer; sabre saw; storm windows; Kelvinator dryer; Ad- miral frig; load of crushed grav-' el; 1969 Plymouth Fury car, as is; Allis Chalmers pull type corn- -bine, 6 ft.; and many other items too numerous to list. Articles are still coming in. I f you have any- thing that you want to sell con- tact one of the: Kinsmen mem- ' bers. TERMS CASH The Kinsmen Club or the Auctioneers will not be responsible for accidents or injuries connected with the sale Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley and Whitechurch Lunch Booth The Kinette Club will hold a Bake Sale and Bazaar at the Arena on Saturday ----='!”..11111.111111IN. wienttmsDAY,MAY CLEARING, AUCTION Sw Of Livestock, Machinery,) and Some Household El4 will be held for EWAN McLEAN N. H. Lot 10, Conces000 Ashfield. Township, 9 min of Lucknow. 3 miles Amberley on. Hwy, ii' On TUESDAY, Ay at 1:00 PA, LivestoCk' . . . 6 crossbred Charolaie approximately 500 lb.; 11 bred B.W.F. steers: app, to 800 lbs:; sow due Juni sow due June 25; 2 litters weaned. Machinery' . . 434'. International diesel. with heat houser, belt poll chains; triode' 74 three p,k sey Ferguson plow; 3 fine 14" bottoms; John Deere ator on rubber; tractor seeder; model .894 John rake on rubber; McKee h with 24 ft. self unloading heavy duty wagon and 44 pipes and flexable elbow; tion Of diamond harrow4 Weber mixmaster mill, like New Idea 'manure s ,ground driven; 7 ft. Inte binder on rubber. trgs; 'Harris wagon %dill' rack; hitCh weed sprayer, 21 ft. :hay teder; Helm post hole 6 ft: Turnce scraper hla water troughs; lumber; kettle; electric hydro fencer weighing -box with mins; dizzo; dehorners7 and ice Feed . . . Approx. 200 to 300 bales Household Effects Recliner chair and foot dresser; smoking stand; chair; crocks; 3' antique wash basins; 4 dining chairs; antique grain other items .too nume mention. • ,TERMS CASH -- FARM Owner or auctioneer ri i neisoproi no ss i bl AUCTIONEER: GRANT. McDONALD, RI one fperro paenrtyy a:sty PROP. 'EWAN W McLEA Phone 395.5353 OUR FACTORY BUILT HOMES AND COTTAGES are engineered for lasting value. • USE OUR PLANS OR.*YOURS "TO DESIGN: THE HOME . OF YOUR CHOICE • YOU CAN. HELP BUILD IT AND SAVE MONEY • Ask about our factory built . SELF HELP HOMES For further information call: Cliff Emmerton, Sales Representative - Point Clark — R.R. 1, Kincardine, Ontario Office 395-5020 Home 395-5544 YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK cf JCL!' IF YOU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. Help your Heart... Help ,your Heart Fund * CORN and GRAIN * WEED SPRAYS FREE SPRAY GUIDE * BALER TWINE • SOYBEAN SEED FARM SUPPLY 'HEADQUARTERS * CERT. ALFALFA * RED CLOVER * TIMOTHY * IMPROVED PASTURE MIXER! ANDERSON'S FERTILIZER NOW CONTRACTING * WHITE BEANS * CORN Order now and 'be sure!!! M.J. SMITH Port Albert Phone 5290/1 35 • (aoderichl Limned