HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 23Sincerely , Edmund and Gertrude. Gardner , Windsor. "Thank you for the reunion in- vitation, I'm looking forward to being there" , writes Mrs. F. M. Golden of Allen Park, Michigan. 7 Faircroft Blvd. , Scarborough, Ont. Mr. Donald Thompson, Publisher , Lucknow Sentinel. Time is running out CALL ALLAN MILLER, 5284096; JIM MORRISON, 528-2243; ARRY KOYLE, 528-2108 OR 528-3401; KEN' JOHNSTONE, 1.3013; JAMIE ELLIOTT," 528-3500; OR AUCTIONEERS, IANT McDONALD, RIPLEY 395.5353, BRIAN RINTOUL, WHITECHURCH 357-2349: I you have something to sell at the UCKNOW St DISTRICT KINSMEN CONSIGNMENT SALE • TO BE HELD iaturday, May 2 Items listed with us by &thy, May 20 will he advertised ARNOLD'S STORE GENERAL R.R. 7 Lucknow Ltines — Phone 529-7248 PURITAN TURKEY AND CHICKEN STEW .24 oz. 72e DUNCAN HINES PINEAPPLE SUPREME CAKE MIX ____ _ ___ 59c AYLMER CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP, 10 oz. 2 — 38c SEED POTATOES, BULK PEAS, BEANS, CORN, NOW IN STOCK due to yearly reports of compan- ies which leaves the mail heavy. The reunion sounds exciting, and hope we are free to attend for one or two days. See you in June. Mrs. George E. (Picker- ing Smith, Grosse Pte. Farms, Michigan. 0 -Bulk Tank & Pipe- line Cleaning Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Bovadine Dyne Iosan Uddersan Foamcheck Xleeneasy Clay -Silo .Unloaders -Feeders -Cleaners -Stabling -Leg Elevators -Liquid Manure Equipment -Hog Equipment - . - Farmatic -Mills' -Augers, etc. Acorn -Cleaners. -Heated Waterers Westeel-Rosco -Granaries Zero -Bulk Tanks -Pipeline and Parlour Equipment B& L -Hog Panelling Lowry Farm Systems AMBERLEY 395-5286 ,PrissolieirreraNtr011o""serStror tle THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Friends: I received the invitation to ,e-union, which I had of e been reading about in the nel, ope the reunion is a success. e names of promoters are all lounger generation, which is should be. Success to them- weather and good luck for eir endeavours. e any arrangements being for overnight accommoda - for out of town people? • enclosing a subscription val for one year for the Sent- one more years news of ftOrn Lucknow. Local news at keeps Bruce County news- papers more interesting than many others. When advertising, syndicated columns and sport pages - exceed those of news of local personalities, community endeavours, agricultural news, homemaking columns etc, etc. - • one might as Well read Daily pap- ers exclusively. Our town is presently experienc- ing that right now , two competi- jive papers in one small town. • Certainly there is only room for one. The one which gives the most local news, including 'local sports, will, most likely win out. Best regards to all, Sincerely, Viola Kerry , Box 203 , Elmira , Ont. Lucknow. Sentinel: I saw where you were offering the Sentinel for 2 years at the old price and while it would seem so, I am ,not begging, but I have tak- en the Sentinel for many 'years and I don't know whether I'll outlive this 2 year subscription.' I'm send- ing for it anyway and appreciate very much the chance. I'll soon be going out to pasture if I even see that far , but the Sen- tinel has certainly been a weekly pleasure for me and this happens to be a birthday gesture to me :as I was 57 on March 24. The . Sentinel is just like a letter from home and while' I haven't been there fbr quite a While , whenever I refer to it invariably•say "back home". Great to hear and read about this summer's celebration. Con gratulations in the years ahead. Cecil H. Armstrong, Port Colborne , Ontario. 0 Dear Committee , Thank you so much for the invi- tation to attend the Lucknow, Re- union.. We hope to be in Kitchen- er over that week end and, to bring our family on the Sunday to meet our relatives and old friends. Dear Don - I am sorry to be tardy in answer- ing your letter ar.d query as to the proposed Lucknow reunion. The idea is a good oae. It is a pleasure and delight to meet former friends and schoolmates, and townsfolk whom you knew at school or in the activities of the town. I recall the opening night at the last reunion (held at High School). W. L. MacKenzie, dressed in the role of an old-timer, was superb as a chairman for the evening. The program was•good - it was• held outdoors and people, moved freely as they' met friends,. The violin and bagpipes always lend-to the "nostalgia",. Even the mouth organ and Jew's Harp have their place. The churches,' as I remember , provided refreshments which were appreciated after the Sunday serv- ices. Church services might in- clude speakers or preachers such as Rev. George Douglas (now Dr.), Rev. Bill Henderson. Possibly former ministers could be invited. 'Parades are always interesting. Old time costumes, and outmoded vehicles used in transportaion are intereseng. Does anyone remernT ber•Old Jock Adams and the Stage & Mail Delivery? Does anyone recall the Wagon•- ette or Carriole which carried us to Point Clark or Black Horse Lake for picnics? As a boy I remember the good times at the skating rink owned by Mr. Jack Henderson. The car- nival, HOtkey Matches, and Skating were real events. Often afterwards we went to Mrs. Campbell's, restaurant for Corn Stew (Soup) and crackers. I was always amazed how Lorna took the orders (she never failed to re- member every item). Personally I don't think we need high ranking 'entertainment as much as we need opportunities to meet, talk and reminisce.. Possibly one of the problems Might be that of accommodation. Motels at, Wingham , Kincardine and Goderich would help but even at that the accommodation would be limited; School .bands are always interest• ing to me . Gymnastics and Na- tional Dances are features also. I notice that the Kinsmen and Kinettes' have recently been or- ganized. No doubt they and other organizations would lend energy, and direction to the celebration. How do you propOse to finance? I am sure Lucknowites (former) would be glad to help. Best of luck Don. Let 'us know how we can help. - Yours truly, Harold B. Burns. Mr. Don Thompson, Lucknow Reunion, Lucknow, Ontario. Dear Don: Thank you for your invitation to the Lucknow Reunion. I will be, very happy to attend and look for- ward to seeing you again. Sincerely yours, Fred Whitby, Detroit. "Thanks so much fix-the reunion invitation" writes Mrs. Wm'. Ruth- erford of Goderich. • • Dear Mr. Thompson: It is this time of year again to renew the paper , I believe. 'The service is very irregular. Maybe 0 Dear Sir, . I want to thank you for the invi- tation to Old Boys Reunion at the end of June. Am looking forward to being there if at all possible and wishing you every success in your effort at getting 'the Old Boys and Girls together again. Eva Champion, Exeter. PAGE TWENTY-THREE