HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 22SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 200 A 38% Swine Supplement used at , 200 lb. Per ton—to 'make 15% Dry Sow Ration and a 14% Hog Grower. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 300 A 40% Swine Supplement used at 300 lb. per'ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 400 A 42% Swine SupOtement for use with corn. To be used at 400 lb. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. Three new supplements to keep feed quality high and feeding simple. Ask about SHUR-GAIN Swine Supple- ment 200-300 and 400. SHUR•GAIN .PAGE TWENTY-TWO Three Guides Presented With All Round cords At Mother - Daughter Banquet • r. os 0 11 The• Mother and Daughter ban- quet for the Lucknow Brownies and Girl Guides was held in the Lucknow United Church Thursday evening ,, May Some of the Guides played piano numbers while everyone gathered. Mrs. Jack Mc'Kim welcomed. everyone'. Grace was sung by the.. Brownies. A toast to the Queen was Made followed by the singing of 0 Canada accompanied by Susan Thompson at the piano. Following the turkey dinner Mrs. Don Cameron read the minutes of the last year's banquet and report- - ed on other meetings, and the Bake Sale the Parents'. Committee held this year. , She reported a good year financially. Mrs. Don Thompson „thanked the sub-committee of the Parents' Committee for planning the banquet. Mrs. Gordon Brooks; Mrs. Barry Hackett, Mrs. Bob Struthers; Mrs. Harold Greer, Mrs. Bruce Raynard, Mrs.. Art Gilmore and Mrs. Don Cameron, secretary• treasurer were on this committee. Mrs. Bruce Raynard will be chair- man of this committee for next year. . Mrs, Alphonse Murray, reported that the Lucknow Guides and Esownies had sold 62 cartons (744 boxes) of cookies this year. Cook- ie. Day was May 4th. . Badge Secretary for Lucid:low , Mrs. Don Thompson, thanked the mothers and others present who have helped with testing and teach' ing of badges. Mrs. A. E. McKim of Lucknow was introduced. Mrs. Angus Mac7 Lennan of Goderich, Division Commissioner was unable' to attend. Mrs. Jack McKim 'of Family 'Day service was observ- ed at the Lucknow Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Assisting in the service were Michael McDonagh who gave the Call to worship; Grant Gilchrist, the responsive psalm; Barbara Wilkins of Trinity Church in Ash.7 field, who gave the•children's story; Mrs. Nancy Brown who sang a solo, "This is Our House"; Barry and Brian Elphick, Rae Cun- ningham and Wayne McDonagh" who received the offering; Torn Henderson and Annette Elphick who gave the lessons. This coming Sunday, Rev. Glenn Noble will exchange pulp- its with Rev. Harold Colvin of Maikdale. Skater: Lorna Boyle, Edith Greer, Kathryn McKim, Ettabelle MacDonald, Nancy Thompson, Jill Murray, Margaret Ann Whitcroft; Junior Camper: Janet Wilkins; Aqu'arisr: Debbie Bolt; Birdwatcher: 'Lorna Boyle; Photo- grapher: Kathryn McKim; Cook: Edith Greer; Baker; Edith Greer. Keept Fit: Nancy Thompson, Kathryn McKim, Kathy. Brooks, Lorna Boyle; Naturalist: Edith Greer, Ettabelle MacDonald, Lorna Boyle; Seamstress: Kathy Brooks ; Kathryn McKim, Jill Murray;. Native Lore; Lori McKim; Suzanne Kirkland; Campfire Lead- er: Jill Murray; ,Emergency Help- er; Edith Greer; Public Speaker; Lorna Boyle, Kathryn' McKim,' Susan Thompson, Helen Wisser, Edith Greer, Kathy Brooks, Jill Murray, Ettabelle MacDonald, . Family Day At Local Church Lucknow, Dittrict Commissioner • spoke.. She introduced the Brownie leaders Mrs. Harold Greer, Mrs. David Kirkland, Mrs., Harold Nicholson and 'Mrs. Harvey Web- ster who attends the Brownie. meetings once a month to do test- ing; the. Guide leaders Mrs. Evant Helrh, Mrs. Brian Johnston, Mrs., Jim MorriSon. Mrs. McKim told about the. Cadet group that is being formed in the District. • Sandra Finlay will be one of these cadets. Sandra Made decorations for the head table as one of 'her projects to become a Cadet. The Brownies made individual decorations for their mother's places at the table, Marian Raynard proposed a toast topthe mothers and her mother Mrs. Bruce Raynard replied. Kathryn McKim proposed a toast to the Guiders and Mrs. Brian Johnston replied. Mrs. Art Gilmore thanked the LucknoW U.C. W. for catering to the dinner. Mrs. Allan JohnSon replied on behalloi the U.C. W. 'Mrs. Harold Greer and Mrs. Harold Nicholson presented the following Brownie badges; Collector: Tracy,MCDonagh; Toymaker: Sharon Struthers, Tracy. IvICDOriagh; Canada: Anne Hamilton; Neighbour.: Judy Hunter; Craft': Sharon Struthers; 'House- keeper: Anne Hamilton'. The following badges were „pres7 ented by the Guide leaders to the Guides. Health: Lorna Boyle, Jill Murray, Susan Thompson, Edith. Greer; Collector: Kathryn McKim, Marian Raynard ,. Suzanne Kirk- land, Brenda MacLeod, Kimber-, ley Cook; Musician: Ettabelle MacDonald; Toymakers: Ettabelle MacDonald, Kathryn McKim, Nancy Thompson, Jill Murray; Hostess: Suzanne Corrin, Lisa Pet- erson, Kim Cook; Kathryn . • ,INEDNESDAY, MAy "weft' A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fir Plywood ALL WATERPROOF GLUE LINE IN...1MCI KNESSES 1/4" — %;" — 1/2" — 5/8“ %,, Sheathihg •..Plywoot1 In 5/16'a — -- Vs " Aspente Panels 4' x 8' x 1/4" Size PHENOLIC BONDED WOOD WAFER PANELS of 101 Building Uses ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND AND MASONRY IN STOCK 10HK't :OINKED' LUMBER LTD. PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNO Lori McKim. • Nancy Thompson, Marian Raynard, girls, Lorna Boyle, Ettabelle Donald and Edith Greer, to the daughter- of Mr. and NIr l Little House Emblem: Edith Boyle, Lucknow. Ettabelle' Greer, Kathy Brooks, Jill Murray; the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Challenge Emblem: •Lorna Boyle, Ma cDona ld Lucknow. Edi Etta belle MacDonald, Edith Greer; the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Physical Fitness Emblem:' Lorna .old 'Greer, Lucknow. Boyle, Ettabelle MacDonald; Craft Emblem Kathryn McKim. A film on Guiding was sho Service Stars were presented to Margaret Anna Whitcrofttha Faye Forster , 1 year; Lisa Peterson ; Harold Nicholson for showing 2 year; Janet Humphrey ; 2 year; film and prestnted him with Suzanne Kirkland, 3 year., The evening closed .witht .singing Of Brownie chimeA1' Guide Captain Mrs. Helm pres- ented. All Round Cords to three Guide taps. 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