HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 6Help Your RED CROSS TO HELP REAL ESTATE CAREER We require a person, with a license, who is experience!) selling Real Estate to represent us in the Lucknow area. If you have a proven record of sales and.wish to•become part of progressive real estate company and want to ear'n's than average income, then contact Bill Clifford, 524-909/. —Appraisals —Property • Management —Investments —Farms —Business —Resort P.roPerl GODERICH bawd 26 THE SQUARE REAL ESTATE BROKER SALES THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CONSIGNMENT SALE CONSIGN YOUR extra or sur- plus equipment to a large consign- ment auction sale being held at Ronald Stanley Farm Supply at Bervie on June 15th. Tractors . 1100 Massey Ferguson; 101 Massey Harris with snow-blower; 2 WD Allis Chalmers; 2 - 550 Olivers with loaders; Minneapol- is Jet Star; 540'Cockshutt; 411 R Cockshutt; 990 David. Brown; 2 - 1250 Cockshutt with loaders; '2 - 333 Massey Harris; 2010 John Deere; ED 40 Allis Chalmers; 770' Oliver; 384 Leyland; 550 D Cock- shutt; 430 Case with loader; 1450 Cockshutt 'with loader; 8N Ford; 30 Cockshutt; UMM; 460 Nuffield; 990 David Brown; 950 David Brown with loader; 1355 4 wheel drive Cockshutt; 1550 Cockshutt; 434 International Harvester; 411 R Cockshutt with loader; 1800 Oliver. Ti Mi aagees e y. • F.erguson • corn culti- vator; 4 furrow Oliver plow; 11 foot FB land packer; 21 ft. Cockshutt disc; 186 Glencoe cult- ivator; 'B disc; Case plow, 3 point hitch; Case disc with 3 point hitch. Hay• . . 68 New Holland baler; '30' ft. George, White bale elevator; Ford baler; Ford mower' with 3 point hitch. Harvest . . George White grain auger on wheels; 34 Massey Ferguson swather; 770 New Holand harves- ter; 'Dion forage box; 'Self-pro- pelled Fox super D forage har- vester; 34 ft. Speed King grain auger; International corn picker. Miscellaneous . . . 37 John Deere loader; Dion box mounted on 60 Chev, 5 ton truck chassis; Dion box mounted on 60 Chev, 4 ton truck chassis; Dion box mounted on 64 Mercury, 5 ton truck chassis; Case spread- er.; International harvester trail' spreader. Several chain-saws; lawn mow- ers, etc. Call Ronald Stanley at 395-2434 or Auctioneer Grant McDonald 395-5353. WEDNESDAY, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Machinery, Household Effects and Antiques will be held for THE ALEX CAMPBELL Estate S.H. Lot 14, Concession 1, Morris Township, 1. block south and 2 blocks east of Wingham SATURDAY, MAY 18 at 1:30 p.m. Chesterfield; radio; daybed; Small tables; organ stool; round ,mirror; picture frames; arm —chair; rocking chairs; row! walnut table; extension table with 6 chairs; china cabinet; buffet; gramophone; heater; wood stove; kitchen table;- electric stove; Philco fridge; washing machine; antique dishes; cutlery; appli- ances; clothes stand; iron bed; wood bed; dressers; washstands; wardrobe; hat rack; trunks; quilt frames; books; coal oil lamps; lantern; coal pail; crocks; jars; bedding; linens; wooden malet; copper boiler; 1968 Chev car , (as is); sleigh bells; light sleigh; single harness; buggy and wagon wheels; 7 ft. binder; one furrow riding plow; disc; wagon spring seat; wagon with, box; walking plow; bag cart; wire stretcher; sledge; , lawn mower; gate; ladder; chain; tools; numerous antique articles. TERMS CASH Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE ' Of Household Effects, Antiques and Real Ettate will be held for MRS. HOWARD ROBB AND MRS. HAROLD CRITTENDEN Lot 16, Concession 7, Queen St., Ripley .On SATURDAY, MAY 18 . • at 12;30 p.m. •Household Effects . . . 2 chesterfields; coffee table; oc- casional chairs; lamps; dining room suite — china ,cabinet; buf- fet; table and 6 - chairs;- antique buffet;. kitchen table ,and chairs; wooden chairs; writing desk; 2 dressers .and chest of drawers;, antique chest of draWers; single bed; several beds;, 2 antique wash stands; Frigidaire freezer;, Westinghouse refrigerator; West- inghouse clothes dryer; 2 'Frigi- daire automatic Washing mach- ines; 2 electric stoves; electric sewing machine; footstool; radio; books; dishes; corner book case; lawn mower; cement mixer; lawn fertilizer spreader; garden tools; garden tiller; bicycle; Other articles too numerous to mention. Real Estate . . . Consisting of a lot measuring 91 feet x 157 feet on which is situated a modern 1 1/2 storey house with modern conveniences. Aluminum siding, aluminum storm windows and screens throughout. Two bedrooms up, kitchen with built in' cupboards, dining room, living room, 1 bed- room and 3 piece bath down, also full size basement with good head room and oil furnace. Garage measuring 32 feet x 20 feet. House and garage in excellent • condition. - Real Estate can be viewed from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 17 and also morning of the sale TERMS CASH On Household Effects and Antiques Terms on Real Estate 15% Down • Balance in 60 days Owners or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injuries on property day of sale OWNERS: Mrs. Howard Robb, Mrs. Harold Crittenden , AUCTIONEERS: Grant. McDonald Ripley, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Phone 3924170 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Machinery ' Feed and Some Household Effects will be held for EWAN McLEAN North Half of Lot 10, Concession 14, Ashfield Township, .9 miles west of Lucknow and 3 miles east of Arnberley on Hwy. 86 TUESDAY, MAY 28 at 1 P.M.- TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Auctioneer: Grant McDonald, Ripley, Phone 395.5353 AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishings, Office, Restaurant, Butcher Equipment and• Supplies will be held for LES HORTON Lot 45, Concession Lake Range, Ashfield Township, Gore Road, West of McNay's Store at. Amberley SATURDAY, JUNE 15 at 10:30 a.m. Brian Rintoul, auctioneer THE COUNTY OF 'HURON ROAD DEPARTMENT WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT A. PUBLIC AUCTION TO BE HELD ON EACH SITE THE FOLLOWING: — 1. The demolition or removal of the former Westlake house at the top of the Saltford Hill just off County Road No. 31 - 1/2 mile east of Goderich. The land* not be' sold. At the time of the sale , the successful bid. der will' be required to deposit a $500 certifiCd cheque as a surety deposit and enter into " an agreefncnt to demolish, or otherwise remove from the site the ea tire house within six weeks of purchase. 'A quantity steel siding removed from the County MuSeum also be offered at this sale. Time of sale 5:30 p.m. 2. A cinantity of structural steel (I beams, etc.) awn 4" timber flooring at the site .of the old' Goderieh'• Stanley Township bridge over -the Bayfield River hi Lot 40, Bayfield Concession, Goderich Township — % mile south of County: Road 13 on the, sideroad' bud, iately east of the Elmer Trick farm. Time of sale 7:30 p.m. COUNTY OF HURON AUCTION SALE Household Effects . . . Chesterfield (like new); 'coffee and end tables; odd chairs; small tables; cabinet radio; RCA 25," colour T.V.; lamps; 2 studio couches; dinette suite; chrome set; electric stove; fridge; vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; carpet sweeper; wash- er; 15 cu. ft. Woods freezer; 3 bedrooin suites; numerous arti- cles to complete household items. Which sell at 10:30 Sharp TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not • responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, auctioneer Whitechurch, Phone 357.2349 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Modern Farm Machinery and Complete Household Effects will be held for • LAWRENCE McL EOD Lot 25, Concession 2, Kinloss Township, On Langside Road, 3 blocks East and 1 Block North Of Lucknow On MONDAY, MAY 27 .10,:30 a.m. Livestock . . 25 beef -cows with' calf. at side;. 8 B.W:F. (500 -lb.) cattle. Machinery . . . " Ford. 3000 diesel tractor with Cab and chains, 1100 hrs., 2 yr. old, like new; 50 Massey Fergus- on diesel tractor with Freeman loader,. good' condition; M.F. No. 12 baler with bale throWer, 2 yr. old, like new; Clay hayliner 7 ft. (mnwer and conditioner combin- ed); New Idea 4 bar. rake;, M. H. No. 11 rake; 32 ft. -bale 'elevator; 2 wagons with bale thrower racki; ' 1974 wagon with 16 ft. pine flat rack; Allis Chalmers No. 72 pull type combine (good condition); Mildmay 24 x 36 thresher; Massey Harris 7 ft. binder with canvas; Massey Harris No. 20 seed drill; Massey Ferguson 12 ft.,- 3 p.t.h. disc; Viking hammermill with 3 h.p. motor; Massey- Ferguson 3 - 12" trip beain plow; 10 ft. chain har- row, 5 section harrow; 4 wheel manure spreader- , with 100 grain box; 14 ft. grain auger with motor; saw frame; Homelite chain saw; 'fanning mill; grain aerator; Smith snow blower, (1' yr. old); Smith 14 in. post hole digger; 2 roll heavy barb wire, 3 roll snow fence; corn scuffler; cattle oiler; quantity pine lum- ber; truck racks for 8 ft. box; 87,' sheets of new steel roofing; steel and cedar poSts; 28 ft. ex- tension ladder; bunk feeder; wheel barrow; lawn mower; 15 bag baler twine; 4 bag cattle mineral; '5 bags fertilizer. 600 bale hay, 200 bale straw. . I wish to express a most sin- cere Thank You to all who re- membered me in various kindly ways while I was in hospital. Austin O'Donnell I would like to say thank you to those who remembered me with cards and visits, while a pat- ient in Wingham Hospital. Grant McQuillin We wish to 'sincerely thank rel- atives, neighbours and friends for beautiful gifts and cards received on the occasion of our 25th wed- ding anniversary and for she social evening held in St. Helens Hall in our honour. Jean and Russell Phillips WO wish to thank our relatives and friends for cards, letters and gifts Cordon received while a patient in Wingham Hospital; al- 'so to express our appreciation of the attendance given by Drs. Mc- Kim and Corrin and the nurses in Pediatrics. Jean and Bill Farrish I wish to -express my, sincere appreciation for everyone 'for cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and ,District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin and Dr. Mc- Kim and also,nurses on 2nd floor. Mrs. Georgina Hunter CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Some Household Effects will be held for ALLAN IRWIfiff Lot 20, Concession .4 Huron Township, 21,4 miles south of Ripley or 21/2 miles north of Highway 86 on Bruce County Road No. 7 and I% miles west on Concession 4, Huron Township On SATURDAY, JUNE 8 at 12:30 p.m. Auctioneer: Grant McDonald, Ripley, Phone 3954353 • CARD OF THANKS For further information call: Cliff Emmerton, Sales Representative Point Clark -- R.R. 1, Kincardine, Oats Office 395-5620 Home 39S-5544 Wednesday, May 22, 1974 AT THE TIMES NOTED Anyone wishing further particulars on either item an particularly those interested, in demolishing or moving the Westlake house should contact the 'County Engineer between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for an appointnretto inspect the house and to review the terms of the required agreement. are engineered for lasting value. USE OUR PLANS OR YOURS TO DESIGN THE NOM OF YOUR. CHOICE YOU CAN HELP BUILD IT AND-SAVE MONEY Ask about our factory built OUR FACTORY BUILT HOMES AND COTTAGES SATISFY YOUR NEEDS BOTH SALES WILL BE HELD ON: -- SELF HELP HOMES J. W. BRITNELL, P. ENG., HURON COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, GODERitirl, ONTARIO N7A 1M2 524.7412