The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 2are all members of the Lucknow Agricultural Society and 'are' inter- ested in the best possible way for both the. Festival and the Fair to prosper, each complimenting the other in its function. We solicit the support of all concerned citiz- ens in keeping the Festival and Fair both flourishing organizations in our. Village and working co- operatively as indiVidual groups, but for one common ideal, the concern of our community. SIGNED: The' Ten Charter Directors ,, Lucknow Craft Festival. High Standing - In Music Work Bob Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hall of Owen Sound and formerly of Lucknow , was quite successful in recent piano classes at the Owen Sound music festival. He received firsts in all his piano classes and three firsts and one second in vocal solo classes. Bob was awarded a scholarship, for both piano and vocal and one of the special awards from the Ki- ranis Club. The awards OW $300 to be used in further music studies. Bob, who is 19, has just com- pleted his first year in the Hon- ours Bachelor of Music program at Wilfred. Laurier UniverSity in Wat-, erloo. Death Touches This Community NOTICE _WCKNOW ROSINESS PLACES ARE NOW EN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. THE-LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY Brush-In 1-lighlig ht Of Morning School Activity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t The LUCKNOW SENTINEL t • i •• LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • *• i "The Sepoy Town" ..-- On the Huron.Bruce Boundary • • • 1 Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 i Established 1873 ,— Published Wednesday • I • Member of the C.C.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. • • • • Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance • $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign • • • • Donald C. Thompson, Publisher • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *4* • 4,4. • 4 A -04 6 The murder of a young nurse in Kitchener last week touched this community on a more personal - basis when it was learned that her mother was a former resident here a number of years ago when she worked at the Bank of Mont- real. Joanne Anstett, 24, was found murdered in her apartment in Kitchener after returning from her work at St, Ivlarys Hospitai. She was one of five children of - Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Anstett of Waterloo. Her mother is the former Thelma Schluter of Chep- stow and was a member of the staff of the Bank of Montreal here at the time J. A. Thompson was manager. She boarded at the home of Mrs. foe MacMillan. LETTER TO THE EDITOR 'State Plans For Craft Festival For This August Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow Ontario. Dear Sir, . The Lucknow Craft Festival will be held in the Lacknow arena on August 2nd and 3rd with Crafters from across Ontario once again buying space at the now, popular event in Luc know Space at this time is at, a prem- ium and With all the crafters from previous years having been given first chance, a first come first served basis will be the way in which they will be accepted at this point. Many new Crafts will be dem- onstrated and for sale this August. A poster contest will again be held and a new feature will be a prize for the best promotional idea by a Crafter who has purch- ased space in the show. The, Craft Festival committee are all volunteer workers and all are community minded citiz- ens. The Lucluiow Craft Festival, a registered , individual, non profit organization, with a 'constitution and by-laws to govern its opera- tion, will operate much as it has in the past, for the betterment of Crafts its prifne interest. Any money raised will be used for Community projects and enough. to operate the Festival will be re- tained from year to year. No member of the ten directors in control will receive payment for services rendered. Each director will promote Crafts to the best of their ability in the Corn- munity and will help develop int- erest in them during the year. The Lucknow Craft Festival directors welcome your patronage and help in' keeping this popular event in Lucknow , the show it has proven to be, and the annual event it has become with its mottc Ciadh Mille Fealte. The ten Charter directors are: Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes, 'Mr. and Mrs. Russ Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks, Mr. and 'Mrs. Oliver McCharles, plus the membership f several Crafters numbering 50. The directors have all been members of the executive from the first Festival in 1971 when the Craft Festival was founded by a group of six people and who were self sufficient in that , at no time, money was received from any or- ganization. Individual business people gave generously to the 1971 and 72 Festival and each .year the Festival has started from scratch, as all money was turned over to the Lucknow Agrieultural Society at the end of each year with the exception of 1973 which remains untouched in the Lucknow Craft Festival account. It was recommended that $2,500. of this be given to the Lions Club Swimming Pool. fund by the Craft Festival committee and in this way the money be used to the benefit of -.all. citizens. The Craft Festival committee wish to make it clear that this , money is in a separate account and the 1974 Festival will be run without financial assistance from any part of this, or from any individual organization. We, of the Lucknow Craft Fest- ival, wish to make it clear, we LETTER TO THE EDITOR Do Research On Shore Railway Box 486 , Kincardine, Ont. , May 8, 1974. The Lucknow Sentinel, Campbell St. , Lucknow. Dear Editor . In May and June we will be re- searching the history of a railroad that was to have been -built from GOderich to Kincardine; This project is being financed by an Opportunities for Youth grant. To our knowledge -the railroad was begun around' 1910. We be- lieve that it was generally known to the residents of the area as the Lakeshore Railroad.- Before con- struction, stopped the tracks were laid from Goderich as far as Amberley. • We would like ,to hear from any persons who know anything about this railroad. This includes any- one who worked on it or who knew someone who was employed in the construction. As Well, we would liketo speak with persons who observed its progress or who,have any information at all about the Lakeshore' Railroad. Yours sincerely, James Ivloore, Sandra Robinson. Letter To The Editor Lucknow , Ontario, May 13, 1974. Dear Don, The Cancer Campaign is over for this year and I'd like to thank you and the many volunteers who helped to make it a success. ,The generosity of the people of this community and theirconcern for the cancer cause is' evidenced by the increase in donations above last year, by $161,„00.. This year and next year, and for many more, may your active ser- vice in the struggle against cancer bring you, the volunteer, lasting happiness. Yours sincerely Carroll M. McKim, (for the Lucknow sec- tion of the Canadian Cancer Society.) LETTER. TO THE EDIT Spoiled Childro Parents Are Fo Clinton, 0 May Mr. bonald C. Thom7Ps1on Editor of Lucknow Sentine Lucknow., Ontario. 'Dear Editor: For some time I have 'h ing your part of the coun must say this that the wet bad shape , if this is an ex of what, is' going on in'the y ddo aI ! wling out rolls of money saw. in my travels par• their .children, net' once a but once or twice a week,' are parents, so foolish that spoil their children? Whe and I were young, we had •out and earn our money f week with some kind of a time job.. To any parent who rea I tell you this; YOU ARE MA k ING , A BIG MISTAKE ed to give my children m the barrel far several year then I findlly woke up soa enough , I saw that they w ting everything they wan they wanted it. I have a girlfriend wh was never spanked, never anything , and do you kno he is today? You guessed itentarrl •He has put both mother and father though hec tic day , I know as I ha him in action. He would and bother his family an were all crying or nextt taking a nervous breakdo Omit know if he willeVer of penitentary, but if he is 'hoped that he learned ache he gave his family w was in ptnitentary. The youth of today,ho too far and have a warped ed mind which is evilto Some peoples may write criticize this letter but b do, Think ; Did you ger given to you on a gold.pl know time is changing, need not get out of hand, time will come when am be hard , and the general! everything down, what it. wdaiylnwill not, be.able toe of I can n hastoseceomit ectItonibrinigni sio ythoaunr cithiisldrisoddoling more Just remember pLaorreli8 nl: Sincere