The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 1Fluoride Treatmenj For Students At
Lucknow Central Public School Brush-In
Beldom, each of them dipped
their toothbrush into the vanilla
flavoured toothpaste. They then
brushed their-teeth for a vigorous
two minutes.
• These few minutes of brushing
should help eliminate approxim-
ately 50% of dental cavities - -
depending on how much fluoridat-
ed water they drink, and how well
they practice daily dental hygiene.
All equipment and materials
were supplied by the Dental Divi-
Overseas Visit
Was Postponed
Plans of a Kinloss lady to return
to the land of her birth for a Visit
were changed last week due to
the illness of her husband.
Mrs.- Dan (Agnes) Thomson of
Rapid City had planned to accom-
pany her. sisters Mrs. Art Camp-
bell of Kincardine acid Mrs. Bill
flabkirk of Aylmer, and her
niece Mrs. Jim Haldenby of Cul-
ross on a trip to England and then
on to Scotland where the three
sisters were born.
Due to the illness of'Dan Thom-
son, and his recent hospitaliza-
tion, Agnes postponed her trip
until a later time. The three
other women left Ivlay 5th and
will return on June 4th. They
plan to visit relatives in both
England and Scotland.
It is the first time back for
family members since coming to
Canada in 1928, Their parents
settled in the Kinlough area work-
ing for the Malcolm family, lat-
er working in Kincardine for the
lion, James Malcolm where Ag-
nes' father was killed in a seeding
accident in 1086.
jiday, May.6, at Luck-
tral public SChool, Mrs.
fiddle's class of grade .
'five students, participat-
Ireventive Dental Activ-
d a "Brush-ln".
cbssroom , the enthus-
tdents each received two
pi (one filled with water
fig and one empty to be
their sink), a new soft
0, a napkin and a small
if 9% stannous
toothpaste, Only those
bed parents' signature
in the "Brush-In" .
signal from their Dental
liss Darlene 'MacDonald ,
the aid of Mrs. Dorothy
tangly In
k West Africa
habeth Stothers of Luck -
lits. Harvey Webb of
L, formerly of West Wawa-
I last week for Accra
Vest Africa to spend some
'their family.
9e, son of Mrs, Stothers
ife Ruth, daughter of Mrs.
Dog with their children,
in Ghana fo(the
!years where Dan is in-
agricultural work on an
basis with that country.
agricultural representa t
e Rainy River District of
efore accepting the two
lag, and then a further
Pasting in Africa.
Klkirs. Rose and family
lilted to return to Canada
t6thos and Mrs, Webb
coon , England and then ica,
Return From Three
Months In Asia
Dr. and Mrs. W-. V. Johnston
of Toronto visited with friends in
the community this week. They
have just returned from a three
month visit in Kabul, 'Afghanistan
with Dr. and Mrs. John Mowbray
(Catherine Johnston) and their
youngest son who is attending sec-
ondary school there.
The two older Mowbray boys
are living in Western Canada.
This is the second term fdr John
with CARE Medico in Asia. He
John de Boer, son of Mr. and,
Mrs. Peter de Boer of •Kinloss
Township, will receive an Hori
ours Diploma .in. Agricultural
Production and Management and
the Ontario Trustees and Municip-
al Councillors Trophy for profic-
iency in agricultural economics
at the graduation exercises at
RidgetOwn College of Agricultural
Technology on Thursday of this
week, May 16.
The speaker for the occasion
will be T. R. Hilliard, Deputy-
Minister , Ministry of Agriculture
and Food.
is teaching fifteen interns in a
post graduate training program in
medicine at the Avicenna Hospit-
al in Kabul.
Dr. and Mrs. Johnston found the
country and city a fascinating one.
Natives of the country are of the
Ayrian race and' their religion is
Moslem. .
Langside Couple 50 Years Married
$8.00 A Year in Advance — $2.00. Extra To U.S.A.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th, 1974 Single Copy 20c 24 Pages
dent of the Lucknow Dist:
trict governor .
.6, was recently nan-1.•
district governor of the
bs of region three , dist
tisholm, a member and
as elected at a meeting
of Chisholm Named Lions D
About 185 Lions attended the
club's annual spring rally. The
district is made up of clubs from
Clinton, Seaforth l, Goderich,
Blyth. Lucknow , Ripley , Tiverton,
in Zurich. He succeeds Richard
Erb of Zurich;
eputy Dis •
sion of the Bruce County Health
This year all grade four classes
or mixed classes in Bruce County
have been'given the opportunity
to participate in this preventive
dental treatrrient.
These "Brush-Ins" will hopeful-
ly be repeated for this group and
others in future years. •
Trio At Meeting
'Recalled Some Of
Past Service Work
• Howard Agnew of Lucknow had
as his .guest at the regular meeting
of Lucknow and District Lions Club
on Monday night, Dr. W. V. '
Johnston of Toronto, formerly of
Lucknow .
Dr. Johnston was president of
an interdenominational young
men's Sunday School class in
Lucknow many years ago whose
members conceived the idea
that Lucknow should have a new
In 1937, the Lucknow Arena
Club was formed with Dr. John-
ston as'president , !Toward Agnew
as secretary-treasurer ancUlarVey
Webster, also present at Monday's
Lions meeting r as a member.
The Arena Club saw its goal •
completed and later became the
Clansnien Club with Harvey Web-
ster serving as the last president
of ibis club before it disbanded in
favour of the Lions. Club.
With the trio present at Nton-
day's meeting, it recalled some
of the many good works of the ser-
vice clubs of the past 40 years
gone by and many 'of its members
who arc no longer living.
Shoulder Injured
By Falling Tree
Lloyd Whytock of LucknOw is a
patient in University Hospital in
Landon with an injured shoulder
suffered . in a bulldozing accident
'While doing some work with his
bulldoZer on the farm of
Gerald Murray, Kinloss Township,
Lloyd had a tree topple ,on him
separating the shoulder and injur-
ing tendons. The tree grazed his
faCe and head.
He was scheduled to undergo
surgery on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Top celebrat-
ed their golden wedding anniver-
sary On Thursday ,' 'Nlay 9th. They
were married-Fa urootegast
land on May 9th, 1924. The fam-
ily came from ,Holland in 1952
to farm near Winnipeg. Later in
1954 they moved to Kenora , Ont-
ario. They now live on the Parish
Mbffat farm at Langside where
they moved in_1968..
Mr,. and Mrs. Top have a
famiiy of four sons and two daugh-
ters, Wobbe and Willi'arn at home;
Wietse of Acton; Henry of Bramp - •
Honours Graduate
ton; (Janette) Mrs'. Hans Dyke of
Keriora; (Jane) Mrs. Jerry Kars of .
Belmoral , Manitoba. One daugh-
ter deed-fa-Holland.- -
A large crowd- attended open
h use Friday evening held in the
asement of the Lucknow Christian
Reformed Church. The guests
were entertained by -songs, skits,
contests and singsongs.
Among the many gifts received
were a stereo, towel sets, flow-
ers, blankets, cup and saucers,
Dutch recorth.
Teeswater , Brussels, Win ham
Bayfield, Exeter, Zurich and
Harvey Howard of Clinton was
elected zone chairman of Region
three,south; and Whitney Craw-
ford of Tiverton is chairman of
region three,, north.
Grant Chisholm has just comp-
leted a term as zone chairman of
zone 3 north during which time.
the Kincardine Lions Club was
formed. He has been recommend
ed for an award for this work in
the chartering of this new clUb.