HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-08, Page 2WED.NESDA!V
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"The Sepoy Town" — On the Huron.Bruce Boundary
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847
Established 1873 PUblished Wednesday
Member of. the C.C.N.A. and 0.W.N.A.
Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance
$2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign
Donald C. Thompson, Publisher
Approximately 50 residents on
the Belfast/St. Helens Road :and.
the, Village of St. Helens were
canvassed to support a Petition
which is detailed below. We ob-
tained 45 signatures, which is
roughly. 9070 of the Ming popula-
tion of this area.. The signed Peti-
tion in the, following terms was
read and presented to Council at
its meeting on May 2., 1974:
"In your letter dated March 12.
1974 to Mrs. Dorothy McKenzie you
stated' that 'more atiequate dust con
trol methods would be studied and
considered by Council'. As the
time for dust treatment of the
roads is approaching and no report
has been received on what was
decided'by, Council as a result of
its.'studies and consideration' ,
WE, the undersigned', petition
Council as follows:
(1) THAT the St. Helens/Belfast
• portion of` Concession 10/11 be
fully treated for dust control in-
stead of Spot Treatment.
(2) THAT the quantity per mile
and frequency oftreatment be
equal to that of County Road on
Concession 8/9.
(3) THAT St. Helens be included
in above, requests #(1) and (2).,"
Without any discussion. by Coun-
cil in my presence, the Reeve re-
plied to the Petition in decided
tones "the answer is no" ,. on the •
grounds that if Council complied'
with this Petition it would be forc-
ed to treat all of the Township
roads in the same manner, and
this would necessitate a plebiscite
(vote of the whole Township). To
put a minor undertaking such as
proper dust control to a plebiscite
would seem to be a contradiction
of former policy as , without a •
plebiscite , Council took the re-
sponsibility of a major undertaking
upon their own shoulders and spent
thousands of dollars on the .erecr
tion of a Township Garage and on
a tremendous amount of gravel and
fill on the access roa dc thereto,
which road, incidentally has had
very little traffic'. I can only
4:16.16c.k4. GIFT
Whether It's a
Ypti ate rairnarnbernaa a loved one.
Halo you dicta, on your mernorta4
rao4ainunlants • kn GOdiatidi get
Don ,me 77 marniton. 52.44761
dellelatInemeoweeesomm entelnewfteeamannomma
It is difficult, for us in North
America 'to comprehend starvation
on such a Massive scale, but .na
tons are, becoming increasingly
aware that desperation in 'food'
short areas can generate massive
political explosions and, this in
turn can affect our way of lifer;
Bailey criticizes India for
irs sacred cows while some people
r.hatTcountry are hungry. We.
probably don't have hungry
-ieci.-.1e here yet', but we do have
11,:ittitiOn in areas and we do
our Pets. More pet food
baby food is sold in both
' • and U.S. The dog popti7
Canada is somewhere ▪ five million. Pets are a
rr,illion dollar industry. In
.za a:eas dogs running loose
livestock'and poultry and
the owner cannot be found,
.axpayer pays the bill.
• is estimated that there are
acres of farm
Dear Editor: .
In last week's paper , Mason
Bailey stated that there was no
shortage of food. He probably was
speaking of Ontario only where we
are rich in Agricultural products:
Predictions last November were
that 150,000 people would die
of starvation in Ethiopia. These
figures came frOm the United
Nations Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO) when they
mei in Rome. The world carry-
over of grain is the lowest the
world has seen in many decades,
only a Z months supply. This
year's crop then, is critical to
world food supplies according to
30 vehicles per 'day.
Mr. B lives 200 feet from road
B. where traffic is approximately
60 vehicles per day.'
For. Mr. B dust control last only ,
one-half the time it,does for ,Mr.
Is this Council's definition of .
equal treatment to 'all Township
May I say that I was overwhelm-
ed by the almost total response of
all residents upon whom I called
for signatures to the Petition, as I
had felt I was alone, in the :•trug-
gle , and I wish to express my sin--
cere appreciation for such support.
I feel sure that your strong
response to the Petition will be
recognized by Council as some-
thing to' be considered in its future
Letter To
The -Editor
Lucknow Sentinel,
Lucknow, Ontario.
Dear Don,
Members of the Kairshea. Wom-
en• 's Institute wish to thank the
Lucknow Sentinel for publishing
minutes of their meetings each •
month, throughout the year. We
appreciate your interest in our
Mrs. Harry Layis,
Public Relations Officer ,
Kairshea W.I.
Questions Remarks
On Food Shortage
Dorothy McKenzie,
Concession 11, Lot 14,
West Wawanosh.
Some confusion has ekisted a's
to the meaning of the notice in
last week's and this week's paper
concerning the Lucknow Agricul-
tural Society.
The Sentinel has been advised
by officials of the society-that the
purpose of the meeting is for the
board to get permission from the
members to set 'up a constitution
and bylaws to be ratified by mem-
bers at the next annual meeting.
The society has been operating
under a provincial constitution.
land In Canada , and the, best 100
Million is now in use.., PrOfeSsor
Norman Pearson, a along advo-
date of land use planning claims
Canada has only 24 million acres
in' climatically favored areas: As
this number is reduced we will be
left with lqWer•classed land requir-
ing More investment to,produce.
Mr. Bailey asks whose respon-
sibility 'it is to maintain this land
resource for future. generations.
Land use planners agree that farm-
land must be saved. Land' speau-
lation benefits only the selfish
interests of a few. "The members
of the generation which are in
power must not treat the earth as,
something.given by their parents,
but rather as something borrowed
from their children." This quo-
tation was used in the Land Use
Policy statement in December at
the Convention of the Nationai
Farmers Union.
Mrs. John Austin
Clarify Ad
5-20-20 8-20-24
5-20-10 10-10-10
15-15-15 16-8-8
Everything available except nitrogens
Lucknow- District
Later a draw was made anti
fish, being won by Elizabeth
Ritchie .
Mrs. Bill-Arnold of Ripley
of her trip to Banff whereshe
attended a convention for
Women's. Institutes across Ca
Also present was Bruce
Home Economist, Miss Barb
Vissc her to give helpful kill
ideas for other meetings.
A lunch was served, durin
"which the girls wrote down
own ideas for other meeting
Many good ideas were fecal
which will make meetings
interesting for anyone,whow
like to attend, Mrs. Jim
patrick of Ripley gave a few
of encouragement to the gt
The next meeting is sch
for May 21st at the Town
'p.m. Anyone interest
coming , may contact a nit
on the executive for morel
tion. It's going to be fun n
educational, so all you gilt
on out to the next meeting!
ing auctions in this mak
time and have secured much
their merchandise in this'll
The Calico Schoothopseis
ated in the former Kintailse
which they have rented for
1974 season from the pintail
munity committee in charge
the property.
Petition Presented To Council Concerning
Dust Control On Township Road
assume, therefore, that Council
has' used a flimsy excuse to thwart
the inipledientation of the request:.
of 900/0 of the area voters involved
in the Petition.
Asa result of Council's refusal
first', of the Petitioners' requests
and Second, of our earlier person-
al request for, treatment of the..
road area to the West of 'our resid-
ence at our own expense, we ar-
ranged privately on May ,•1974
•with a contractor to supply and •
spread 2500-lbs of bulk calcium
chloride on the road fronting and
Nest of our property.: This ex -
pensive treatment will benefit us
'only a short time and "Will need to
be repeated because of the heavy
traffic but there is no other
course to us. .•
Council's refusal includes the
renting of Traffic Counters, bin
the variance in the amount of
traffic .on roadst.can be easily de-
termined by the frequency of the
need to regravel. The Belfast/
St. Helens:Road and the toad be-
tween. St. Helens and Highway 86
are high on the priority list for
need of frequent gravelling. Pav-
ing would eliminate costly repeat.
ed 'gravelling', grading and cal.,
cium chloride treatment. This , .
suggestion to COuncil was received
by, our Reeve with "horror" be-
cause of cost. Ontario is progress-
ing , buthaVe the roads 'in this
area improved very much since
pioneers laid the first corduroy
roads? Timbers are still being
heaved out by the frost.
However, the Petition has.not
been in, vain. I have been infOrm
ed by one of the Councillors that,
after I left the meeting ,'Council
decided to increase the order for
calcium chloride and to extend
the length of the spot treatment.
I-feel sure that this was as a result
of the petitioners' support.
It would appear that Council
is determined to give all Town-
ship residents equal calcium
chloride spot treatment. On the
surface, this appears to be a just
decision, but let me give an ex-
ample of how this.1,;,o:ks
Mr. A lives feet fro::: road
A. where traffic is approximately