HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-01, Page 10NESDAy mtiy' .,1)iirt1)1)ruts Bruce Presbytery, United Church, Held Their Meeting At Ripley United Church As we think them over day by We wonder why the Board hit to send.you East, Or do we small churches coal least: But Cast or West we know you will be Busy workers for our Lord inch • ministry., So we ask you to accept this Tho' .not much, it will a goal cake lift.' , Whenever you use it think of In 'the hills of old Kinloss, Best wishes in your new chat La ngsid e Y.P.S, Rhonda Gibson then on belt of whitec hurch Y.-P.S, preset a salad bowl and spoons on be Of Whitechurch Society. Lie) and Shirley then expressed we of, appreciation to the Y,P,S. for their thoughtfulness andgi Chalmers Present Rev & Mrs Muni W I IIT ECHURCH NEWS On Sunday , April 28 Rev,. ;Murdock preached his farewe sermon at Chalmers Presbyt Church. He was assisted inch sery ice' by Captain Ruth King the Salvation Army, Toronto, reading the scripture and his Mrs. Murdock reading-scrips and , giv ing prayer. The addr 'was based on Behold 1 standat door and knock, At the close the service a presentation was made to Rev and Mrs. Mut Bill Versteeg. gave the address and John de Boer on behalf of the congregationpt ted them with a beautifulan swag lamp. Lloyd and Shirk sang God be with 3tou awe' again. thanked the congregation for gift and kind 'words of gild tion of their services'. All LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE -1- Whether it's a • MONUMENT • MARKER' • INSCRIPTION You are ramarnbadng a loved. one. PRYDE & SON ' LTD Flo • Help you decide on your memorial requirements - in Goderich sea Don Danornina 77 Hamilton St. 524-8761 Lucknow Presbyterian thurch Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 MAY 6th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev., Robert Nicholls, B.A. • Minister MAY 6th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship elinewilmeIrm.• lat• POINT TO PONDER Child safety is our resp9nsibil: ity. We instill an attitude of safety when we set a good example in living safely. PAGEt -itti THE 6OCKNO18/ SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Rev. Cecil H .. Carnochan, Ripley United Church, invited everyone to participate in the celebration of the Lord's Supper with this approach, "What shall I iilre't9 God for all He has given me? "/ 'Ripley elders, Mrs, James Kirk- patrick, Mrs. Donald Blue, Mur- ray McDonald and. Hendrick Mid- delkamp served Communion Sup- per. Mrs. Baas Van der Hoek rendered a beautiful. sold; ''Take Time to• be Holy," Rev. Cecil ;H.. Carnochart's message was, - When Jesus blood -Justifies, re- deems and cleanses us then we shall truly 'be 'disciples of Christ" Bruce'Presbytery of Hamilton Conference of the United Church • of Canada met in Ripley United Church for their April meeting. • Rev. Glen Strome chaired the meeting. Rev. George W. Wright presented the Slate 'of Officers for 1974-75: Chairman, Rev. Glen R. Strome;' Chairman Designate., Rev: Walter 'King (was elected); Past Chairman, Rev. George W. Wright; Secretary, Rev. A.' Proud; 474, Treasurer ,"Mrs. Harold Simpson; Statistical Secretary, Rev. Earle Stotesbitry; Chairman of Finance and Stewardship, H. Brengeman; Chairman of Congregational Life, Rev. Walter King; Chairman of Oversight of Pastoral Charges, Rev. Robert Nicholls; Chairman of CommuniCations, Rev. Ken Welch; Support CcimMittee for Indian Work, Carman Os- borne; Boundaries, Rev .,le,orge W. Wright; Inductions, Rev. Howard Pace; Functioning of Presbytery and Lay Participation, Rev. Dr, D. Bryd- en; Douglas Point and Resort Ministry, Ian Wallace. Dr. Arthur Organ, Southampton or 49 Thorncliffe Dr. , Toronto will be available for pulpit supply during the summer months'. A,ny Pastoral Charge needing supply. for General Coun- cil Sunday, August 18th, will con- tact Rev. Robert G. * Nicholls, Lucknow '. Delegates Will be available if tianspOrtation and accomodation is paid. Rev. Glen R. Strome has Bruce Presbytery's support and confid- ence in his intent to let his name stand for nomination to President Designate of Hamilton Confer- ence. Two Memorials from Bruce Presbytery 'will• be forwarded to Hamilton Conference for con- currence , to' be memorialized at the twenty-sixth General Council. Mrs. Ronald Slade reported on Tri- conference Stewardship Live-in at Five Oaks. She stated from (Dr. Harold Arnup's presentation) that inflation is world wide and prob- ably the most serious queStion the church will have to face in the next five years. Bruce PreSbytery approved a grant to Tbbermory Pastoral Charge to furnish their manse. Rev. Robert G. Nicholls commend-' ed the members of Paisley Con- gregation on the superb job just finished on Paisley United Church manse. Four commissioners 'to General Council were elected..Rev. Glen R. Strome, Rey. Walter King, alternates Rev. Dr. D. Bryde•n and Rev. Robert G. Nich- olls, and lay delegates were Mrs. Harold Simpson, H. )3ruegeman, alternates Donald Ireland and Carman Osborne. Rev. Robert G. Nicholls sum- marized the annual questionnaires that were sent out in January 'to all Pastoral Charges. It was start- ling to note that just 1/4 to 1/2 of the membership on an average attend church services regularly. Local Mission. and Service Treasurers should send in the Mis- sion and Service gifts from the charge every month. The United Church 'of Canada has their budget set up' for the Year and they meet their obligations. If yotemoney is not there it means borrpwing Money with interest. Students and personnel will be serving at the Sadble Beach chargé again this year under the supervision .of Rev. Glen R. Strome. Mr: John R. Wood, Clifford has been recommended by Bruce Pres- bytery for in intended candidate for the ministry.• Harold BruegeMan gave an ex- cellent report on Mission and Service gifts from Brute Presby- tery , 6. 7% increase over 1972 gift. National increase' was 5-.300/0. Hear Speaker On Church. Camping Lucknow United Church Women held their spring Thankoffering meeting on Friday, April 26th, in the fellowship room'. Mrs. Glen Walden, 1st vice president , 'extended words of .welcome to the memberS, men and teenagers and opened the devotional period With a poem "Listen to the. • salutation of the dawn". . Mrs. 'Vernon Hunter read the' . scripture, from Luke, chapter 11. This was followed by a very mean' iugful reading by June Alton en- titled "Please, hear what I'm not saying". 'WHITECHURCH' NEWS A meeting of'Whitechurch and Langside:•Young People's SoCieties was held at the' manse on Satur- day evening. - Rev., Lloyd Murdock Opened the meeting. The roll call was an; . swered.with averse with the word !"Peace"•by 18. .The scripture was read , by Rev. Lloyd Clifton, of Toronto.. Rev. Murdock thenspoke to the group on.the topic Peace'I leave with you, my Peace give unto • you. He said Christ has gone from us and yet He is here with us at this meeting , which is hard for young folks to comprehend. Christ is coming again. All young folks have' decisions to ,make in life and remember you have a God to serve who will sustain you at all times if you ask Him. ° The meeting was then .open for questions. Miss Nancy de Boer led with the question - Are accid- ents on the road God's All sang, hymns What a Friend we have in Jesus and Onward Cliriitian Sold- iers. Action songs were also sung and games played. As this was the farewell meet- ing for Lloyd and Shirley Murdock, Nancy de Boer on behalf of Lang- Side Y.P.S. presented.them with a cake stand and cake with the f011owing poerrtt• COMING SUNDAY, MAY 5th ANNIVERSARY LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER REV. ROBERT G. McMILLAN of -Oakville, (formerly of Goderich) Special Soloist -- Mrs. Bertha Scott, Ripley Also Male Quartette and Choir SERVICES AT 11 A.M. AND 7:30 P.M. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor , Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) The platform was centred with a camp fire which added to the devotional period and mutt' to a sing song conducted by Mrs. Rob- ert Nicholls concluding with a closing camp fire ceremony. A reading and a prayer were given by Mrs. Walden.. The offering was received by Mrs. Gordon Cay. ley and Mrs. Cliff Crawford and dedicated by Mrs. Ernest' Ackett. Ernest Ackert introduced the guest speaker . Ken Christner of Kitchener., who has been associat- ed With Silver Lake camp since its beginning. He brought to the fore the many values of church tamping, stating he has seen Many become more aware Of ,God through the programs preSented. He had great praise for the many unpaid counsellors who giNie lead- ership so willingly and which also keeps financing ,of church camps lower than other ones .. He Showed slides taken of the various' activities at Silver Lake and the. improvements that have been made in-the buildings and grounds making, it erie of the most desir- able camp Sites in Ontario'._, He gave ah outline of improvments in the camp programs expeCted to be made by the program dir- ector this year. Mrs..A Johnson thanked the speaker , A hyriin, Bless this. Camp, and prayer closPd the Meeting. A social time followed with the social functions commit- tee in charge. Y.P.S. Make Presentation This isqUst to let you know That we feel sad to have you go. For tho' you've been here not too long, Your stay has been like a happy • song. You've taught us much in a short while And for each of us you've' had a happy smile, Some provoking thoughts to help us on our 'way, Dedication Celebration , DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP DATE —SUNDAY, MAY 12, AT 2:30 Afil SPEAKERS — RAY ERB, NEWTON GINGRICH EVERYBODY ViELCO SPECIAL MUSIC mew