HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-01, Page 6Lowry : Farm Systems . AIVIBERLEY 395.5286 %WootroW400".0"~"."..W Clay. -Silo Unloaders -Feedels -Cleaners -Stabling -Leg Elevators -Liquid Manure EqUipment -Hog Equipment Farmatic -Mills ' —Augers, etc.. Acorn —Cleaners —Heated Waterers Wes teed-Rocco -Granaries Zero -Bulk Tanks -Pipeline and. Parlour Equipment' B & L. —Hog panelling WANT All! GET RESULTS "The Lucknow Agricultural Society has petitioned to hold a special meeting in the L now Town Hall on Thursday, May 16th titg p.m. to empower the 'board of directors to e lisp a set of by-laws and constitution to mei% Lucknow Agricultural Society and discuss status of the board of directors. In the event sufficient resignations, an entire new board of ectors will be elected. ROSS cted.s ERRINGTON, Secre Call a Let him tell you about our factory built Self Help Home The attractive prices. The styles and design How you can help build your home and Save Money TRU-CRAFT HOME Waterloo Onion For further information call: Cliff Emmerton, Sales Representative Point Clark R.R. 1, Kincardine, Ontario Office 395-5020 Home 395-5544 vocal solo by Beverley, Ram Four residents were wekom to tht Home at Monday's act ies , Mrs. Luxton „Mrs. Meif Mrs. Bernard and Dan, Beuer ma nn . • The Clinton Christian Reformed volunteers helped the afternoon program with tyme`music provided by Mari Flynn , Norman Spelt, Jerry a Terry Members of the over 90C met in the ground floor north ing room area and following games' of euchre and croninol tea and cookies' were served, Happy Birthday was sung for Agnes Mitchell who was cele ing her ninety-fifth birthday, Mrs . kha m , of Clinton, only volunteer assisting the of fifty members and we wo happy to hear from anyone w would be able to help each A group Of Young People the Clinton Christian Reform Church provided, a program of gospel music on "Family Ni Clarence Bos sac M. C, ford] evening and director' of a ju grdup of thirteen singers, I, Lise led a sang-a -long and pr ed his own accompani.mentwi guitar and harmonica, A nu tette known as the "Freedom e rt as' ' e Alice s sang a n dR several Biolol.r jdonanqi gieibyeni tan, a sB a F nd elude n a re t in K thehne t phraongarn lrledthose to part on behalf the residents, What's New At Huronview The Salvation Artily Band from Chatham , who had been visiting the GoderiCh area during the week end , provided an hour ,of - Sacred musk in the Auditorium on Sunday afternoon. Captain and Mrs. Copple , formerly of , Wingham , led the band of thir- teen with duet selections by Eric Saunders , Dick Goldsmith and a thereby reducing the possibility of conflict with neighbours, gov- ernment agencies, etc, in the future. (b) The possession of a Certif- icate could strengthen a farmer's defense should he find himself involved in legal proceedings re- sulting from the normal oper- ation of - his livestock facilities. Further information and ap- plication forms .are available from the Ontario Ministry of Ag- riculture and Food, Box 1330, Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0 Tel- ephone 881-3301. H. E. Bellman, Agricultural Engineer AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE Bulletins No. 1518 '— Pesticides - Their Implications for Agricul- ture; Proper , Use of Pesticides Program. 1486 — What You Should Know About Pollution and AgOculture. 529 —.Weed Control In Lawns; Agricultural• Code of Practice for Ontario. PAGE SIX TIM LUCKIIOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WE,DNESIMY, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and ' Some Household Effects and Antiques will be held for JAMES BROOKS Lot 16, Concession 11, Huron Township, 2Y2 miles porth of Ripley on Bruce Courity Road No. 7 On SATURDAY, MAY 11 f at 12:45 p.m. Auctioneer: Grant McDonald, Ripley Phone 395.5353 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Machinery will be held for EWAN McLEAN North Half of Lot 10, Concession 14, Ashfield Township, 7 miles west of k,ucknow and 3 miles east of Amberley on Hwy. 86 On MONDAY, MAY 27 at 1 P.M. Auctioneer: Grant. McDonald, Ripley, Phone 395-5353 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestotk, Modern Farm Machinery and domplete Household Effects will be held for LAWRENCE MacLEOD Lot 25, Concession 2, Kinloss Township on Langside Road, 3 miles east and 1 block north of Lucknow MONDAY, MAY 27 at 10:30 a.m. Household effects will sell 'at 10:30 sharp TERMS CASH FARM SOLD. Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer Whitechurch, Phone 357-2349 CLEARING. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Some Antiques will be held. for MRS. ELIZABETH EMMERTON AND MRS. JENNIE ROBB Lot 69, Concession 1, Huron Township, 11/4 miles north of Amberley on Highway 21, 1/4 mile east on Conceision 1, Huron. Township On SATURDAY, MAY 4 at 12:30 P.M. LISTING FOR MRS. ELIZABETH EMMERTON Furniture consists of •Electric refrigerator; electric Stove; dining room table and 6 Matching chairs; china cabinet and buffet;, washing • machine (wringer type); end tables; chesterfield matching chair; kit- chen chairs; 2 chests of. drawers; leather chesterfield ,and chair; 2 single beds; double beds; elec- tric tea kettle; 2 wall mirrors; dishes; wooden 'rocking chair; Lawn Boy power lawn mower; hand garden tools;: many other articles too numerous•to mention. LISTING FOR MRS. JENNIE ROBB Admiral refrigerator; electric stove, nearly new; upright piano; 2 chesterfields and matching chairs; 5 piece chrome set, nearly new; antique hall horse; chest of drawers; antique wash stand; rollaway cot; electrolux; small electric kitchen appliances; dishes-and number of odd chairs; apartment size washer and spin dryer; 2 sets of drapes. TERMS CASH Owners Or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injuries on property day of sale Auctioneers:- GRANT McDONALD, RIPLEY Phone 395-5353 WALLACE BALLAGH, TE ESWATE R Phone, 392-6170 WANT ADS Bulk Tank & Pipe- line Cleaning Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Bovadi~ e. Dyne Iosan Udder. sar. Foaricheck .Y.leenea.Sy woommtimmammmmmmwmimmonims LOCHALSH Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie were in Toronto "onthe week end where they attended an honourary dinner party for Ray MacKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Art Matthewman spent the week end in Guelph and Acton v4siting daughter Margo and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Waldie. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles spent the week end in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Len Evans and at- tended the wedding of Rod Finlay- son and Jeanie West. Mr. and Mrs. •Gordon Finlayson, Carol, Allan, Ian, Duncan; Ken- ny , and George Finlayson spent the the' week end in. Sarnia and attend- ed the wedding of Rod Finlayson and Jeanie West. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacLennan and Finlay of Waterloo spent the week end in Sarnia, gnests at the Finlayson-West wed ing and later in London and Wate loo for a few • days holidays. Neil MacKenzie spent the,week end in Petrolia with John McChar- les , and both attended the Finlay- son-West wedding. John was Rod's best man and Master of Cer- emonies. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLennan spent a few 'days in Toronto at the Ainsley home, while Barb and Don had a few holidays. BruiCe Farm Report THAT OLD HERBICIDE — IS IT STILL ANY GOOD? Last year you probably had Some herbicide 'left over and you put :it away to use this \spring. Now you are wondering cif it is any good. The following are some sugges- tions that may help you make a decision: 1.- Emulsifiable Concentrate (lig- quids) — fill a small jar with water and add a couple 'of table spoons of the material. Cap the jar, shake it well and let stand for 1 hour. If at the end of the hour the two have separated, then the material is probably no good. • 2: Wettable Powders — If the material has been stored hi a dry place and not caked, then it is probably still goop,If the bottom of the bag is dry but has a water 'mark on it, chances are it is caked and should be disposed of. • Keep in mind that all pesticides lose their strength in storage. Some go downhill faster than Others. • When putting material in stor- age, mark the year of purchase on the container. When you use that material next time, you will know how old it is. Rick Untold, Soils arid Crops Specialist Bruce, Grey Sr Dufferin Counties CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Any farmer planning on build- ing new livestock facilities or im- proving etisting units should ap- ply for a Certificate of Compli- ance before proceeding with the work. This Certificate, issued jointly by the Ministries of Agri- culture and Environment, is bas- ed on the guidelines set out, in the Agricultural Code of Practice: Basically the Certificate of Com- pliance, program is an assessment Of the potential to pollute the air, water and soil, 'A Certificate is- sued . to a farmer for his parti- cular livestock situation indicates that his facilities and manage- ment practices are considered to have a low pollution potential and that he is trying to do . all that practical to be 'a "good neigh- hour". There are several possible ad- vanta'ges in obtaining a Cerfifi- cate: fa By virtue of following the guidelines in the Code of Prac-tice. the farmer redUces to a minimum the chances of his causing a pollution problem, AUCTION SALE WINGHAM Of merit. Featured — secre- tary; ladies desk; rock maple bedroom suite, good mattresses; Malcolm bedroom suite;, stereo console complete with mpx; wat- erbury self-clock; brass fire-place equipment; drop-leaf table; 6 lyre back chairs; Lane buffet ,- china.cabinet; -good appliances; some very desirable smallwares included in the well kept house- hold accessories. Being sold on behalf of the owners through the facilities of - ESTATE. MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre 20 Water St., Wiugham, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 4 12:00 Noon Preview Friday afternoon and evening. Saturday morning till sale time. For information 357-1011 J. A. Currie,, Auction Administrator "Our reputation is our recommendation" NOTICE M and R MAYFAIR RESTAURANT WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAYS From 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 Pit DRESSED THIS SUNDAYRESSEDPO SPECIAL FOR