HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-24, Page 1$0.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th, 1974 Single Copy 20c 20 Pages
Allow Couple 50 Years Married,
pine From Holland 20 Years Ago
Pikcrest -Manor Move To New Building,
61 Bed Nursing Home Is Almost Full
Last Thursday was moving day
for the residents of Pinecrest Man-
or Nursing Home.
It was out. of the old, into the
new. The old ,:is the nursinghome
on Gough Street in the village
which has 'served the area well'for
the pait twenty. years. The new
modern structure is a 61 bed facil:;,
ity on Bob Street, south of the
Lucknow Central Public SchOol.
George A. Newbold is adminis-
trator of the Pinecrest Manor Nurs-
ing Home and in association with
his wife, Mary R. Newbold; who
is director of nursing, they have
operated Pinecrest for a number of
years. Mrs. • Newbold is the form-
er Mary Fisher, daughter of Rob-
ert Fisher of Lucknow and the _late
Kinsmen Are Hosts
To Children Of
Club Members
A NEW HOME - pinecrest Man-
or Nursing Hanle has- become the
new home of Mrs. Otto (Magda-
lerie) Luedema.nn of .-Ashfield
Township. • Mrs . Luedernann Was
sadly bereaVed by the death of.
her husband a few weeks ago: She
!and. Mrs. Symon de Boer
kow arec today marking
;(ith wedding anniversary.
were married on April 24,
moved to Canada in the
took up resid-
l'earSt. Helens on the form-
1)11 Anderson place. They
and moved to Lucknow in
lug their years at St. Helens
Lucknow they have made
friends in the area.
ford Douglas , 43 -year -old
im broadcaster, was chosen
'candidate for the Federal
of Bruce on the first ballot
nomination meeting held in
tori on Friday.
nomination was called
toss Whichcr, , Liberal .mem -
parliament, announced
would not seek re-election
'end of this parliament.
'Douglas won the. nomina- 4#000,".............41
!ow -
!Sunday, April 28th, will ecommencement of bay-
avirtg time locally. Offic
rkge over time is 2 a,rn.
' morning and you are ad -
Co Move your clocks ahead
rat before retiring 'Saturday
They have a family of 7, 5
sons and 2, daughters: Peter of R.
R. 2 Teeswater , John of R. R. 5
Lucknow, Dick of R. R. 1 Blue-
vale, leme of Holland, Wim of.
R. R. 1 Lucknow Mrs. Derk
(Tinie) Logieril5nig of `R. R. .1
Dungannon, Mrs. Henk (Pietie)
Kragt of Surrey, B.C. .They have
32 grandchildren.
Open house will be held on Sun-
day t April 28th at the home of
their son Wim de, Boer of West
tion in a three-way fight, defeat ,'
ing Donald Hoist, 49, HanoVer
realtor.and Robert Pringle, 49,
retired . Southampton businessman..
Final standing was not announced.
Guelph-born Mr. Douglas has
been a radio-television announcer
for nearly 20 years following a
three-year stint as a teacher.' He
worked at stations in Kitchener
and Owen Sound before going to
Wingham in. 1961. He is married
and liras threcchildren: His wife
is a nurse with Huron County •
Health Unit.
Mr. Douglas lives in Wingham
just outside the riding boundary.
He said he will move Into Bruce •
and also Will resign from the
rad-io.'TV station:
The Progressive Conservatives
have nominated John Loney of
Tiverton.- The NDP bave not yet
held a nomination.
The meeting was the largest
political gathering in this riding
in many years with more than
1,100 attending ; 605 of them
eligible to ,vote on the choice of a
candidate after becoming a mem-
ber of the riding association.
The Liberals are ready if the
New. Democratic Party shows irre-
sponsibility and throws Canada
into an election said Eugene Whel•
an, federal minister; of agriculture,
Fifty-four fathers, children,
single Kinsmen meMbers and
guests attended the regular-meet-
ing of the Lticknow and District
Kinsmen Club held last Wednes,-
day evening in, the. M. & R. May-
fair Restaurant.„.„ The children
were shown firms and.given treats
during the evening. ken Taylor
was in charge of the' special
The present slate of officers
were reappointed for the upcoming
1974-75 Kinsmen year. The noun-
al term of office is one year, but
with the,club being chartered only,
last-November 30. it was decided
that the officers would serve a fur.
Air Strike . Creates
Many Problems
For Hollanders:
Travelling from Holland to Can-
ada is normally a comparatively
easy trip of approximately seven
hours, but for Gerard and, Ella
van Dorp, it stretched into a, weary
voyage of many more hours, most
of them spent on a bus. Mr. and .
Mrs. van Dorp, both medical
doctors, reside in The Hague.
Friends of Mr. arid Mrs.
Symon de Boer of Lucknow they
were en route to Lucknow to help
observe the 50th wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. de Boer.
Thanks to a strike involving fire
men at the airport , .the KLM
flight was diverted to Chicago
from Toronto. The van Dorps
were to arrive in Toronto about
9 p.m. Thursday evening and
eventually,' after a bus trip of 12
hours, from Chicago to Toronto,
plus problems at the border due \to
the fact*that they had not expect-
ed to visit the United States , Plus
the trip"from Toronto to Lucknow
in a rented car, they eventually
reached the home Of Mr. and Mrs,
de Boer about ap.m. Friday after.
Nothing like helping yourself
to someone else's property: •
Andy Ritchie, who resides in
Lucknow and has a farm on the
10th of Ashfield at Lanes, has •
been wondering whose farm it act-
ually is after discovering' that '
m9re than he has been making use
of the facilities on the 100 acres.
Andy. while fixing fences thiS
past week, discovered, that his
bush, on the south 'of the farm
property, had been used by maple .
syrup manufacturers this spring,
without his knowledge and certain-
ly without permission from any-
He found spiles which had been
taken out Of trees, evidence of
empty gas containers which had
been used to start the fire, pails.
lying around as well as a sap pan
set up on steel posts with a roof
built‘overhead to hold the heat.
In addition, of Course , wood from
Andy's bush was used in the opera.
At the moment, Andy is inter-
ested in getting the sap and syrup
equipment cleaned up before he
puts cattle on grass. Andy says,.
hope they will'clean it up.
and that will be the end of it,
otherwise I Will have to do it my-.
It is belieVed that entry to. the
Ritchie bush must have been made
On foot, a5. there did not seem to
be anyway that a vehicle 'could '
get to the bush.
Seems like a pretty nervy piece
of work on so.mebody's part. Andy
would agree100%.
is confined to a wheel chair and'
requires special care. • She had
previously been in Wingham Hos-
pital. Mrs. Luedemann is shown
with Mrs. Mary Newbold , director
of nursing' at Pinecrest Manor.
Lightning Gives
Ontario Hydro Crew
Problems Monday
The area surrounding Lucknow
was without hydro service for sev-
eral hours on Monday evening.
The problem area was just north
west of Lucknow on the Button
According to Ken Saxton of
Walkerton Office of Ontario Hydro,
lightning struck the line ,,broke
the insulator and burned the arm
and the top off the pole.
This main 44,000 volt line runs
from the Bruce. Generating Station;
feeds•south at Blackhorse and skirts
the village on the west side to
link up with the sub station south
of Lucknow.
Five hydro trucks and 8 or 9
men worked/on the problem
throughout the evening. The
trucks were unable-to get to the
site and the men were forced to
carry the new arm for the pole to
the trouble spot.
The hydro was off from 6.30
p.m. to 8 p.m.. and again from
10.30 p.m. to 1.45 a.m. when
repairs were completed.
Three New
Lions Members
awford Douglas Named
Iruce Liberal Candidate
Takes A Bit Of
Nerve For This One
- Three new members 'were rec-
ently installed at the regular
meeting of Lucknow and District
Lions Club,
Rick Jardine was sponsored by ,
Barry McDonagh; Bill Searle was
sponsored by Grant, Chisholm and
Lloyd Whytock by Tom A ndrew