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White .church UCW
Whitechurch United Church
Women held, their April meeting
on Tuesday, April 2 at the home
of Mrs.,Lorne Durnin,
The meeting was in Charge of
the convener of Supply and
Social assistance, Mrs. Garnet
Farrier. The theme of the meet-
ing was Easter, All sang In the •
Cross of Christ I glory.
Mrs.' Bob Adams read the sclip-
ture from Matthew 28 and gave
the comments. Mrs. Dan Tiffin
and Mrs. Bob Adams read East-
er Program. Mrs. Dan Tiffin,
Mrs. Lorne Durriin and Mrs.
George Thompson sang Ivory Pal-
aces, accompanied by pianist Mrs
Garnet Farrier. Mrs..Garnet Far-
rier read an Easter Parade.
Mrs. Bob Adam's read a poem
What does Easter mean to you?
Hyrrins sung were Jesus is the Man
Let there be light , Jesus .Christ is
risen today. Mrs.• Farrier closed
this portion of the meeting with
The 'president Mrs. Milian
Moore presided for the business.
The roll call was answered by 15
giving the birth place of their
grandmother. Mrs. Albert Coal-
Ms gave the treasurer's report.
Ivks. Moore read a letter, ari invi-
tation to attend .a meeting April
3 at Seaforth, topic Alcohol.
Mrs. Moore gave a vote of
thanks to hostess and all taking
part in the meeting and closed
with prayer.
Lucknow Unit 3 :.
On April 2nd Unlit 3 of Lucknow
United Church Women met in.the
church parlor. Mrs. Glen Wald-
en opened the meeting with a
poem "What does Easter. Mean to
You". Hymn 86, When I Survey
the Wondrous Cross was sung ,
followed by the Lord's Prayer.
The roll call was answered by
an Easter Thought.
Following all reports and an-
nouncemeets the offertory prayer
was given by Mrs. Glen Walden.
The meeting was turned over to
the committee with Mrs. Jim
Mathers in charge , who opened
with a poem. Three verses of
0 come and mourn with me a
while was sung. The Easter Story
and scripture were given by Mrs.'
Mathers, Mrs. Wm. Bolt and
Mrs. Wm. -Helm'. This was fol-
lowed with prayer by Mrs. Math-
The speaklvIrs. Allan John-'
son gave a prayer and then intro-
duced the third part of Mission
Impossible ! "Changing views of
missions over the years". A
number of the ladies took part.
Hyinn 105 and the benediction
closed the meeting. The
committee served lunch.
Name Officers Of
St. Josephs Catholic
Women's League
J. W. Van Stempv0ort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m. Seri,*
(Dutch, 1st Sunday of
the month)
Presbyterian (hi
Rev. Glens Nobts,
Phone 528-2940
APRIL 14th
10:00 a.m. Sunday
11:00 Morning WI)
11:00 A.M. The Churcli of
St. Peter, Lucknow
9:00 A.M. The Church of the
Ascension, Kinlough
10:30 A.M. The Church of
St. John, Bervie
12:00 Noon The Church, of
St.,Peter, Lucknow
Rev. Robert Nicholls,8
APRIL 14th
10:00 P.m. Sundays
1400 a.m. Morning
Easter is 'Easter, not
Jesus rose long 'ago, but
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knew he lives.
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Monday, April 1, St. Joseph's
parish ,council of the Catholic
Women's League held their annual
meeting with•29 members and one
guest attending.
President, Mrs. John Howard
called the, meeting to order. Fr.
Edward Dentinger,iC.R. led in
prayer and gave a scripture read-
Mrs. John Howard welcomed all
to the annual meeting and also
one new member Mrs.. Clem
Sterner. Minutes were read by
Mrs. Tom Hogan and correspond-
ence by Mrs. Eugene Frayne. The
treasurer's report and a summary
for the year was given by Mrs.
Cyril. Austin. Shown was a beauti-
ful quilt made by Mrs. Dennis
Dalton. A raffle will be held lat-
A motion that the treasurer's
report be accepted was made by
Mrs. Carl Riegling and seconded
by Mrs. Fred Crawford. A letter
from Pro-Life was read by Mrs.
Mark Dalton, who then made a
motion that 'a' donation be sent,
This was seconded by Mrs. Walter
Cbre and Mrs. Reis Miltenburg.
A motion for a donation to the
Fr. Hennesey Fund was made by
Mrs. Joe Courtney and seconded b
Mrs. Peter Van Osch.
• Members were reminded by Mrs.
Fred Crawford of the Crusade .
coming to 6oderich. Cultural
Life Convener, Mrs. Joe Courtney
gave her report regarding the ord-
. ering of Graduation Pins and the
Cancer Campaign coming and the
Resolutions. Fr. Ed Dentinger
reported the. Save The Family Plan
is being conducted by the Semin-
ary , a new movie "Time To !Inn"
with Billy Graham, is being held
Monday, April 8 at 9.30 a.m.
at ,Avon Theatre in Stratford.
• There is a service available.
'named the Church Photo' Directory.
He thanked all members involved
in the making of the new drapes,
tables, St. Patrick's Day program
and for all'activities during the
past year. In his message he stres-
sed that the Depth of, Faith
is important in the family and that
the mother is the whole key to
Mrs. John Howard thanked all
involved in the St. Patrick's pro-
gram, especially Mrs. Walter
Clare, Fr. and those who helped
with the lunch.
There is sufficient funds
available for flowers at Easter. A
breakfast for the First Commun-
ion Class was discussed. Anyone
wishing to attend the annual
convention in May contact Mrs.
Fr.. Dentinger led in prefer
to cline the meeting which was •
then, turned over to Mrs. Reis
Miltenburg Of the elections com-
The new. executive is President ,
Mrs. John' Howard; 1st vice , Mrs.
Antone Van Osch; 2nd Vice , Mrs.
Fred Crawford;' 3rd vice, Mrs. •
Eugene Frayne; Corresponding ,
Secretary , Mrs. Jim Martin; Re-
cording Secretary, Mrs. Tom Hoz-
ate Treasurer Mrs. Cyril Aust th.
General Meeting
-Of St. Andrew's
'The Ripley United Church Hall
was filled oh April 2nd, when the
five Units of St. Andrews United
.Church Women met for their
'Easter meeting. Unit 3 was in
charge of the program which, was
planned by Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick
and Mrs. Ralph Elliott. The main
feature was an Easter drama en-
titled "Lo, I am with,you always".
, .
A stage with beeches , and simple
household effects' portrayed a
courtyard and' home 'in the time
of Jesus' life on earth 'and espec-
ially the days closeto his betray-.
al and death. .Long gowns and,. •
headdresses also; added to the
authenticity. Ivirembers,played
the roles of Martha and Mary of,
Bethany and their.,neighbour, Sara,
Mary Magdalene andAnna , Mary
of Arimathea and Mary of •Nazar-
eth , Salome and. Mary Cleophas,
a servant girl Rhoda .and a poor
woman of the streets: The Easter
story came' to life during their
presentation. The play was intrO-
duced by, Mrs. Wm. Arnold , 'Lead-
er of Unit 3..
Mrs. Jas. Needham and Mrs.
Gordon Patterson conducted the
lusiness portion of the meeting.
Reports of the Presbyterial, held
at Southampton were given by
Mrs. Robt. Osborne , Robt..
Harris ., Mrs. ,FranciS Boyle, Mrs.
Baas Vander' Hoek., Mrs. Reg
Wore', Mrs. WM. Arnold and
Mrs. Oscar, White, Mrs. Jas.
Kitkpatrick and MES.
Francis Gemmell serve on the
Presbyterial Executive; Bruce,
PreShytery will 'meet in Ripley on
April 23rd. The U.C. W. will •
continue to support the church-
history,project and Mrs. Arnold'
reported she needed more ,pictur-
es. Mrs. Kirkpatrick thanked
all those, who had helped to make
'the evening so successful. Lunch
•was served by M.6. Wayne Nixon,
Mrs. Elliott Carruthers, Mrs: Clar-
ence Pollock, Mrs. Morris Reid,
Mrs. Bill Tranter and Mrs. Ron
Farrell and a friendly chat enjoy-
Lucknow Unit 5
,The April meeting of Unit 5
Lucknow United Church Womee,
was held at the home of Mrs. Rob-
ert Campbell., The president ,
Mrs. Charlie Anderson , opened the
meeting with an Easter poem
"The Garden of Gethsemane".
The roll call was answered by an
Easter thought. The treasurer's
report was given by Mrs. Robert
Carnpbell. Mrs. Russell Button
reported on social fUnctions and
Mrs. Alex Andrew on Supply and
A letter of appreciation was
read from a Missionary Doctor in
Angola, Dr. Burgess of Dondi
Hospital. Mrs. Jack McDonagh
read a ••letter from the'Rey.
King of the Cape C.roker
regarding their work and ac
ies there'. Mrs. Andersons
briefly on the meeting whici
attended in Southampton, A•
business period followed,
The meeting was turnedoi
Mrs. Gerald Priestap for a d
tional period. Hymn "Jesus
Risen" was- sung followed by
scripture reading by Its, L
Cook. Mrs. Priestap offered'
prayer . The, hymn "Were 7
them when they crucified m7
Lord" was sung followed by2
responsive reading. by Mrs,
Gibson and Mrs. Gerald Prig
The meeting closed, with es
and the repeating of the bet
don. Lunch was. served by
committee in charge,