HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-10, Page 8I) •
Men's 7 p.m.
George Humphrey captured both
high single and triple with scores
of 266 single and 679 triple.,
Games over 225: George Hum-
phrey 266, Bob Cranston 225.
Team points:, Owls 0, Cardinals
7; Vultures 7,. Hawks O. • -
Team standings: George Hum-
phrey's Vultures 19, Bob
Cranston's Cardinals 14, Ron Stan-
ley's Hawks 12, Wayne Cranston's
Owls 11.
Coons & Sqyirrels
Win Play-Offs
CUP '•
See Details In Classified Ad
Ladies 6:30 p.m.
Ferne MacDonald was the high
bow.ler on Monday evening with a
234 single and-610 triple.
Games of 200 and over: Ferne,
MacDonald 202, 234, Marion
MacKinnon 203, Grace Elliott '
205 , Betty Kirkland 225 , Mild,red
Bushell 202.
Team points:. Mildred Bushell's
Collies .7, Belle Mole's Retriever's
0, Grace Elliott's Corgis 7, Mar-
ion MacKinnon's Poodles 0, Mil-
dred Cameron's Terriers 5, Wilma
Clarke's Spaniels 2.
Team standings: Collies 26,
Corgis 16 „ Terriers 14, Retrievers
13, Spaniels 9, Poodles 6.
May We Suggest
Order Now To $e
Sure Of Delivery
For Mother's Day
Owners - VV. Jos. and Dean E. Agnew..
Lucknow Leading Playoff Series With
BeIgrave, W.O.A.A. Grand Championship
This past week saw the play-
offs completed and the final stand
ings of the Lucknow-Dunga-nnon
teams, tallied for the year:.
This week honours for high
single and high triple go to the
Stewarts. Marie's 272 single and
755 triple and Bill's single of 299
and triple of 806 were high.
Ladies 225 and over were Marie
Stewart 272., 261, Beatty Irwin
252; 250, Rosemary Beange 249,
Marina Vark 239, Wilma Chis-
holm 237 , Maxiene Maize 237 ,
237 , Joanne Searle, Karen
Fla nagap and Shirley Bolt. 225.
Men 250 and over were Bill
Stewart 299, 269, Rick Jardine
288, Alf Herbert 283, Roy Finlay'-
son 270, Harold Maize 256.
Team points; Group A - Zebras
7, Cubs 0;' Polecats 4, Tiger's 3;
Wolverines 5 , Coons 2,
Group B - Kangaroos '7, Gophers
0; Foxes 7, Lions 0; Squirrels 5 ,,
Chipmunks 2.
Team standings: Group A:
Coons 23, Polecats 20, Zebras 19,
Wolverines 18, Cubs 13, Tigers 12.
.Group B: Squirrels 27, Kangar-
oos 24, Foxes 22, Lions 15,,
Chipmunks 9, Gophers 8.
Congratulations to the winners
and we hope to see all at the
banquet on Saturday, April 20
at Lucknow iegion.at 7 p.m.
• After winning the W.O.A.A.
Grand Championship playoff
opener 10-5 Lucknow Intermed -
iates lost the second game to Bel-
grave 9-6 on April 3.
Goals were scored by John Em-
berlin 3, Ross Forster , Ken Hous-
ton, Graham Hamilton, one each.
Assists went td Dave MacKin-
non 3, John Emberlin 2, Ross For-
ster 3, Art Stanley 2', •
On Friday night, April 5, in
the Wingham arena , Lucknow
carne from behind in 'the third
period to defeat Belgrave 8-6.
Lucknow was Without John Ember-
lin who is out with a knee injury.
Goals were by Dave MacKin-
non 3, Glen Morningstar 2, Dave
Black 2; Ken Houston 1,.
Juvs Go Under .
To Mt. Forest
Lucknow Juvenile hockey team
came to an abrupt and rather dis-
appointing halt in playoff action
this past week end. -
Playing off with Mount Forest
in W.O.A.A. grand champion-
ship' play , they won the first
game 8-5. .
The second game, in Lucknow
on Friday night ended in a 12 - 2
walkaway for Mount Forest with a
9-1 repeat on Sunday in Mount.
Forest. Mount Forest 'won the
series two games to one.
Mount Forest now .meet Kincar-
dine in W.O.A.A. Juvenile 'grand
championship semi-finals.
Fleas Defeat
Parents By 7-6
Lucknow's Flea hockey team
brought their season to a close on
. Saturday night with a game N
against their mothers and fathers.
The Fleas captured the trophy
as they defeated their parents 7-6.
Presentations to the.,coach Char-
les Murray and manager Jim Peter-
son were made by the players.
The players received treats for
.their improved play. A bountiful
lunch was served to round out a
fun filled evening.
AssiSts'were by Dave MacKin-
non 2, Ken Houston 4, Ross For - ,
ster 3, Art Stanley, Graham Ham-
ilton, Wally Houston, one each.
The club had' another win ag-
ainst Belgrave on Sunday here
witlya score of
Goals were brDave MacKin-
non 5 Glenn 'Morningstar 2,
John MacKenzie 1,-Paul Frayne 1.
Assists went to Wally Houston
2, Graham Hamilton 2, John Mac
Kenzie 2, Ross Forster 4, Bob
'Moffat, Dave Black, Art Stanley,
oneeach. ,
With the series at 3 wins fpr
Lucknow and 1 for Belgrave, the
5th game was scheduled for the
Wingham.arena on Tuesday night.
A Lucknow win would complete
this. series.
Midgets Go Down
To Hensall
The Lucknow Midget HoCkey
team were eliminated from fur-,
ther play in the W.O.A.A. "D"
playoffs this past week. Hensall
defeated the home town team
10-6,on Saturday, March 30th and
10-1 Tuesday, April 2nd. Hen-
sall took the series in 3 straight:
The Midget Team appreciates
the help this season, especially
those taking cars to the games.
Teeswater Bantams
Are •"D" Champs
Lucknow Bantam hockey team
was eliminated "by Teesw,ater in
the W. O. A. A. Bantam "D" finals
in three straight games.
The first two games were lost
10-1 and 6-1 and in the final game
in Lucknow on Friday ,, the Tees-
water team won their third game
6-2., . .•
. By Don'McLay
Well, the final rock has been .
thrown, the brooms stacked away,
and the curtain has come down on
a very successful season. Presid-
ents Sandy Maccharles and Joyce'
Courtney wish to thank all of their
committees and everyone for mak-
ing it so.
Gary Courtney's rink was the
winner 'of the Grand Champion-
ship for the, Men'! club. Gary was
ably assisted ;by Bob Love',
Fink and Gordon Patterson, sub-
bing for Orah Crawford. This
rink was also successful in captur-
ing the honours for the Division
13 Champion's playoff held at the
Grey Granite Club in Owen Sound
on Sunday last. Victories were
registered over Hanover and Wiar-
Fisherman s
on beautiful. Clam LEtke is
now booking for seasonal
395-2757 .
Ladies .9 p.m.
High single , Barb Sanderson
233; high triple , Olive Chisholm
Games over 200: Barb
Sanderson 233; Olive Chisholm
230, Lorna Guay 227 , Mary Jar-
dine 218, Kay. Crawford 203 ,
Dianne Carter 215 , Lynn Wall 200
Debbie Emberlin-231, Anne And-
erson 203.
Omitted last week: Olive Chis-
holm 213.
Team points: Barb Helm's- Car-
rots 4, Lynn Wall's Corn 5 , Dian-
ne Carter's Onions 5 , Janet Barg-
er's Potatoes 3, Anne Wisser's
Radishes 2, Irene Nelson's Peppers
Team standings: Peppers 14,."
Carrots 13 , Onions 11, Corn 10
Potatoes 8, Radishes 7.
lriAstRRillipkleWyiCnsurling (i
Gary Cowin!
ton in the first two gatnesd
they captured the Trophy
besting the host club's
champions in the fihal gam
Well done, fellows!
Bert and Marj Elliott cm
with John Coiling and Dora`
ston Were the winners oftl;
Mixed Draw play-off, with
conditions extremely cliff!'
The runners-.up` were Sandy
Peg MacCharles who curled
Ed and Verna Fink. he w
sorry to4iear that Mae Os
had the misfortune to fella
fracture her wrist in these
final game.
- - - - - •
Sandy Ma 'c Charies'infor
correspondent that the date.
not, as yq,, been firMed for
annual meeting of the mem
of 'the Club. It is anticipet
'that it will be held later
This edition wraps up the
ing "news for this season. It
thanks 'to all who supplied'
tion about our curlers and
I in general. I hope' that itd
job intended to keep mew
members and the public at•
informed of our activities.
Declare Town
Country him
Congratulations to Henry
er's Blues. for winning the s
championship; also to Les
Greens for winning the play
Ladies' high single was
by Ida Taylor with a score
with Anne Dexter winning
double at 280, with Ida Ta
close at 277.
rry Lavis bowled the
single for the men at190,
Mc Naughton taking the hig
double of 389 and Harry la
close at 328' and Les Purvis
Team points , Greens 5,
Blues 5 , Oranges 0; Yellows
Violets. 2.
Final standings, 'Greens
Yellows 17, Blues 15, Reds
Oranges 5 , Violets 4.