HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 15r *
LORNE REID =:-.; • SW* REPAIR ..Aworivadwaswassrmalmimm. Arnimmir
" - NIGHT ....
SAT., MAR. 9
Week In. Ripley
as does Mrs. Margaret (Donald. B.)
Blue: A large map of Scotland
was brought back by Mrs. Nellie
•MacLeod of Ripley who, along
with her daughter Mrs. Graham
Cook and daughter, visited with
her 'life long friend and Chum ,
Mrs. Osborn at Kirmacolm not
all that far from Paisley - town
of world fame in jams and jellies
and the great city of Glasgow -
Robbie Btirn's Country. Now this
map is'puhlished by the reliable
firm s• John Bartholomew and
Son Limited of, Edinburgh and i8
entitled Bartholomew's Clan Map'-
the Kingdom of the Scots - "Scat-
land of Old". Yes, all these
names are on its face and it is by
two noted scholars in Scottish
history namely Sir Ian Moncreiffe,
Ph.D. and Don Potting& , M. A. ,
D.A. What doei it show on this
matter of spelling'? "Mack or
Mick?", Well across the Highlands,
right down•through Central Scot-
land,- all the clans are ",Macs".
Two-are emphasized by repetition
MacKinnon of MacKinnon, and
MacLeod of MacLeod. .As I look
at this map see across such
islands.as Lewis, Uist and. Skye -
the names MacLead, MacDonald
MacKinnon, MacAskill and so on
only down in the south near the
border with England are there a
couple of Mc - possibly through
contact with the English or they
.had run away from the Campbells
to the north and want to confuse
the Campbells.
• Across .the Highlands-on the
mainland of Scotland are printed .
such naines as MacKay , Mac-
Lean, MacPherson and so ori. On
a'present day paper table serviette
brought back by Mrs. Mary Cook
backs this up to day MacArthur,
Macintosh, MacLean etc.
Well be that as it may, you
-likely have heard the expression
"Paddy McGinty's goat" - and
we are certain that Paddy was
lxith. Ripley pastmaster Don Mc-
'Lay tells us that once even his
surname started wit,h Mac. How
did the omission of the letter "a"
come about? Possibly lack of
knowledge - even to day! Other
reasons• advanced are the saving ..
of ink and'paper, saving of mus-
°cle energy and the saving in tine.
Also pioneers coming to'Canada
over 100, years often did not speak
nor write English. Perhaps un-
knowingly it goes back to ancient
times when vowels were often
omitted and the reader was`Suppas-
ed to know which one was'
intended thus the ancient Heb-
rew name "Dan" could be "Dr
which led to such spellings as
Den, Din, Don and Dun far Dan.
Thus in English we, call the
country Denmark and the people
Danes while the Danes call their
country Danmark.
This ;indeed , leads to confusion
so how is a poor newspaper writer
to know whether the name is to
be McJones or MacJones - you can
not even depend on the telephone
director no criticism intended,
for "goodness knows", that there
are several variations in this
writer's name.
A note from John D. Ross re-
ceived this past week tells hoW
he and his 'wife enjoy this,paper
the Lucknow Sentinel •- and the
column "This Week in Ripley".
Back in the good old days Mx. •
Ross taught locally in a number Of
rural schools in, this area. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross now live in Cayuga
where John retired, in 1965 after
serving. as teacher for 4Q years'.
Out thanks goes to Mr. and Mrs.
John Ross in' Cayuga for their
letter the firstone we have'ever
received concerning'the weekly
column which we Write each Sun-
day in order to catch the mail to
Lucknow. Incidentally; the letter
has gone on an extended tour trip
to either Guelph, Kitchener or
Stratford'each week before it re-
turns to the Lucknow Post Office.
Lately it must 'be picked out dir-
ectly at Lucknow • but one is never
certain. Once again our sincere
appreciation to John D. Ross of
Yes, Mary is back"at the Royal
Bank in Ripley. She has been
here on the regular staff in past
years. This time our Mary of the
Royal is substituting for Mrs.
Karen Stain, the former Karen
Lackey , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Lackey, Who is on
leave. Of course the lady referred'
to above is Mrs. Mary Dymer of
Kincardine and the..wife of George.
Dymer of the Kincardine and
District Hospital staff. She has
joined the staff here in the mean=
time - with. Mrs. Lorraine Holmes
of Millarton, Mrs. Helen Mc-
Creath of Ripley and MisS Kath-
leen Hunter of the sixth concession
section of Pine River, along with
the new bank manager Mr. Worth-
'‘• •
0 * 4 * * *
Next Friday morning will be •
another early shift for those taking
the bps trip of the Ripley and Dist-
rict. Horticultural Society to the
O'Keefe Centre in downtown Tor-
onto. Mrs. Bette MacLeod and
Mrs. Connie van der Hoek are ini
charge of the 'arrangements. The
bus is-scheduled to leave the Kin-
cardine Town Hall at a quarter to
seven and the Ripley Post Office ..
.at seven this Friday morning -
Mardi 8.
* o 0 * * • 0'
February is past
veek in March is
fact a week from
inday is St.
the seventeenth
day when the
green takes place
,le are Irish for a
Now a long time
gs,were younger, at
ewpoint, the con-
ere dotted with
k school houses
ow school buseS
ights. In those
d the hills along
down to number 5
he late Cliff Hus-
cher of 35 pupils
8 classes. Over
ession the late
e teacher. There
pable and respect
those rural sabots
gone forever" -
we were taught
Mc on a surname
ly wasiiish and .
meant the family
at were you
gard, if anything?
. who attended the,
SchOol confirms-
the early 19201 s
V yr/r/ V
4 4
4 4
Pkg. of 20 — 5 c
4 4 4 4 4 4
Mohawk Street in Cayuga . NOA
1E0° for the complimentary note.
* * 0 0 '0
On this Sunday morning in
Ripley' village all 'is quiet and
peaceful. ,The only sound is the
howling Of the wind through the
trees. The skies have .a leaden
grey dull overcast to them as they
appear to threaten rains. The
temperatures are forty Or better -
even overnight .- the March thaw
is here and winter's pile up
of snow and ice t- although never
great in this area , is melting
away, being replaced by •Mud and
water. In Ripley itself all is quiet
despite the Saturday midnight
influx of men inuniform,
,a 4
.Mrs, Mary Fludder of Ripley
entered the University Hospital
in London on. Monday of this week
and was`to undergo spinal surgery'
on Tuesday.' John of LucknOw is
her son: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flud-
der , Mrs. Donnie Fludder and Mrs
Ab Wylds, all of Ripley and Mrs.
Ralph Gossell of Kincardine were
to London on Monday of last week
'When Mary, after preliminary
examination by the medical spec-
ialist , received her appointment.
Mi. and Mrs. Farquhar Mac-
Donald of Peel village - the new
southeast suburb of the city of
Brampton - have returned froin a
two week vacation in the West
Indies. Farquhar and Mae, form-
er Ripleyites, enjoyed ten days
orrthe island of Barbados •- the
native home of Mr. Reuben Burn-
ett who has been a member of the
high school staff for the past ten
years in Ripley. They report an
enjoyable time there.. During
their absence their two sons,
cox-Timm, ON PAGE 17