HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 10Mark World Day Of Prayer WHITECHURCH NEWS The World Day of n ayer was held on Friday, March '1st at 2.30 in Chalmers Presbyterian ChurCh Sunday' School room with leaders Mrs. Wallace Conn of the Presby- terian church and Mrs. Milian Moore of U.C. W. Mrs. Conn was leader for the first half of the programme. The first scripture reading was given by. Mrs. Elmer King. Those taking part in the voices were Mrs. Dawson Craig ,/,; Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mrs; Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Russel Chapman, Mrs. Bill Rint- oul. The hymn, ,From ocean un- to ocean, was sung with pianist Mrs.. Donald Ross. The second scripture reading Gets you even with the tax man. He can make you pay, but he can't make you work. Not with SCM's DELUXE 809 electric adding machine around. It may not save you money on your tax return, ,but it sure saves time and effort figuring it out. 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The theme this year was "Make Us Builders of Peace" and the ser- vice for 1974 was prepared by the National Christian Council of Japan and, distributed in Canada by the Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada of Toronto. Mrs. Lorne Sparks of Kinloss was the gueit speaker and Mrs. Torn Pritchard of West Wawanosh organist. Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir of Lucknow, soloist, sang "Lead Me Guide Me". Ladies leading in the various prayers were: Invi- tation, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, South Kinloss Presbyterian; Guid- ance, Mrs. Ronald Forster, Luck- now Presbyterian and. Mrs. Jack Treleaven, Lucknow United; Repentance and Reconcilliation, Mrs. Charles Wilkins, Trinity U.C. W. and Mrs. Betty O'Donnell, Luckriow Catholic; Victory and Praise, Mrs. Harry Burgsma Lucknow Christian Reformed;'Dedication, Mrs. , Harvey Mole, Luckriow Anglican; Offering prayers, Mrs'. Itissell Phillips, Blakes U.C.W.;• Open- ing and Closing, Mrs. John How- ard , Kingsbridge Catholic, Ush- ers were Mrs. Antone Van0Sch and Mrs. Peter Van Osch Of Kings- bridge, The offerings from the World . Day of Prayer' are used by the 'Women's Inter-Church Council to promote the gospel and to' meet needs in Canada and around ,the world. Special emphasis is given to educational projects and Christ ian literature. South Kinloss Fresbyterian ladies plan to sponsor the 1975 World Day of Prayer. was given by Mrs. George Thomp• son., All joined in the hymn Blest be the tie that binds. Mrs. Millan Moore was leader for the .rest of the meeting; Special music, a piano solo, How Great Thou Art, was played by Mrs., Don Ross. The message "Builders of Peace' was given by Mrs. Milian Moore. A. small sum of money was gathered forIndian Farmers in South America. Mrs. Wallace Conn thanked' Mrs: Moore for her ,. Message. Mrs. Moore Was lead- er for the remainder of the meet- ing. 'Prior to the .offering Mrs. Moore told of the many places' Where it was used. 'The offering was'received by Mrs.' Bill. Evans and Mrs. Lorne Durnin. At the close of the meeting all extended the sign'of peace. The Key Woman appointed. Was Mrs. George-Thompson. Athitechurch YPS WHITECHURCH NEWS On Saturday evening: White- church Y.P.S.' met at the home of of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Milligan, The president Jim de Boer presid- ed. The scripture from Luke 15 was read by Cecil de Boer and the offering was received by Rhonda Gibson. Mr. Lloyd Mur- dock led in prayer.„ The businesS followed: It was decided 'to have the next meeting Saturday, March 9 at Mr. and . Mrs. John de Boers and a social evening on March 16'. The topic , The Prodigal Son • was given by Cecil de Boer. A lively discussion followed on the prodigal son and the elder brother. The hostess Mrs. Milligan, Mary Lou and Clara Served lunch., Canadian Gideons reached an- other inilestene.widi the present- ation of their ten millionth Bible in Moncton, Nev Brunswick, on Saturday evening, according' to an announcement today by Lloyd Hutton, President of the Kincard- ine Gideon Camp.' Recipients of the special copies bound in red leather were the Honourable Hedard J. Robichaud, Lieutenant Governor of New Bruns- wick and Madame Robichaud, They were given copies of the new -Bilingual TestamentS that cideons have been disiributing.since last Fall ,in hotels and hospitals in Quebec and New Brunswick. The presentation was made by WinstOn A. Steeves of Moncton, Gideon National President. The address was given by the Past PreSident , Orvis A. Kennedy, . Edmonton. Special Testaments commemor- ating the event were made avail- able to the more than 400 guests who attended the ceremony in the Hotel Beausejour. Mr. Hutton' said the Kincardine Camp recently received a copy of the new bilingual Bible bearing an insignia showing it commemorated the presentation of the ten Organ Dedication Service Friday, March 8 at 8 P.M. IN THE . Lucknow Christian Reformed Churc MUSICAL PROGRAMME Guest Organist: Ross McDonald of London Guest Soloist: Soprano Miss Norma Clare of London Special music by the Church Choir "Joyful Voices" Congregational Singing EVERYONE WELCOME POINT TO PONDER We dare not pray for bread without hearing the • hungry cries of thewhole world. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) Hunter, Mic hele Ifurnphrey, Trac ey McDonagh and Annita Darns- ma., After an hour of skating every' one enjoyed a lunch of sandwich• es and chocolate milk, before leaving for home. Ten Millionth Bible By Gideons Lucknow Girl Guide 'News The Lucknow Girl Guides opened their meeting February 28th with a lpeaniit rally led by the canary patrol; Following the roll call, the flag was raised by the Robin Patrol With the singing of 2 Canada., Everyone then repeated the Guide Prayer . The girls were reminded of the Vollyball practice to be held March 6th, 7 to 8 p.m. at the public school. Janet Wilkins was presented with her cook badge and also her Little House Emblem having earned four badges to qualify. Mrs. Gordon Cayley then took a group of girls for'part of the public speaker badge. Tenderfoot tests were passed by Suzanne Kirkland and Sharon Sproule. Captain then reviewed the Can- adian flag, with the second class Guides. Campfire was led by Lorna Boyle. We thank 'Mrs. Montgom- ery for attending. The. Meeting closed• with Vespers and Taps. millionth copy.. Organized in 1911, it took Canad- ian Gideons 41 years . to distribute their first million Bibles. The second million required, five years and the third million three .., The seven millionth copy was presented in 1969 at a ceremony in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, to' The Honourable Roland Michen. er , then Governor General. In the 4 1/2 years since then another three million copies have been given out. On a world basis Gideons in .98 countries are now distributing' a million Bibles every 28 days. LUCKNOW UNITED, CHURCH Rev. Robert 'Nicholls, B.A. Minister MARCH 10th LENT 2. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship THEME; THE LORDS PRAYER 4. Give Us Bread Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 MARCH 10th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00' a.m. 'Morning Worship Brownies And Guides Have Skating Party BROWNIE NEWS The Lucknow f3roWnies and Guides joined together on Tues- day , February 26th for a skating party at the arena. While skating was in progress Captain Helm and Lynda Campbell teSted some of the Browniei for their Skater' Bad- ge. Brownies passing their Skater Badge were Shirley Loree , Judy this, 11001 AS; lad•i Geo Boy] h' fIlOS lead cam 14Y This Geer pel T1 by. I\ •the 1 Mrs. polls the 1 Mora 1apatl Th "In ( West Mrs. loguE • good 'in Cl- and' the 'Ii vice. • MI Aortic tiled Hald€ ing, Th: of Rn Mrs. Christ •,to get life a God a hymn peace dedic Niche and N Lighti and sa shine' Mn Tom offeri was g was n joiner er you"! Mri. 1 woma will b churcl Mrs Mid fo. offerit Mrs. I thank in ma, service We Reg p in the Hospi Mrs Mrs. durN May A r ed chi We to out Plird and Wing' Dot and 1\ andC over I Barr 2 fa rxri]